It’s January 23rd

No. She bothers me as she is nuts and in a position to effect the house or maybe should have said further infest the house with her crackpot way of thinking.
And it bothers me that Adam Schiff is a pathological liar that mislead the entire nation with his deceit.

When you're in change again...put the lying sack of feces on whatever committee you want.

Until then, to paraphrase another Democrat... you're not driving the bus.

You don't want your guys not seated...don't allow your side to set that precedent.

No. She bothers me as she is nuts and in a position to effect the house or maybe should have said further infest the house with her crackpot way of thinking.
That is an opinion and it has no bearing on what she says or does. Why is she nuts, because she knows the government is illegitimate? It is.
And it bothers me that Adam Schiff is a pathological liar that mislead the entire nation with his deceit.

When you're in change again...put the lying sack of feces on whatever committee you want.

Until then, to paraphrase another Democrat... you're not driving the bus.

You don't want your guys not seated...don't allow your side to set that precedent.

I have never been in charge. For that matter, no independents or even 3rd party people have, in my lifetime. If that is not correct, you are the one from Missouri. Show Me.
Kind avoiding everything about MTG after the OP brought her into the conversation, eh? Well, I guess there is really no defense of her, at that.
It's only liberals that have mentioned MTG, why are you folks derailing the thread like that? Your side started this nonsense, stop trying to pawn it off as something else.
It's only liberals that have mentioned MTG, why are you folks derailing the thread like that? Your side started this nonsense, stop trying to pawn it off as something else.
Talk to Zog, the thead OP, dude. It is his thread, and he is the one that brought her up, in Post #10. By the way, I do not and have not ever considered Zog a liberal.
I have never been in charge. For that matter, no independents or even 3rd party people have, in my lifetime. If that is not correct, you are the one from Missouri. Show Me.
You're no independent.

Hell...I tested your independence, in this very thread.

I said "hey, look...Pelosi did this very thing not two years ago."

An Independent would say..."well...they brought it on themselves. They shouldn't have done that and this is what they get for making that decision."

But instead you are a partisan. You've chosen a side that you defend in spite of logic or rational thought.

You like Schiff and you don't like MTG.

That's partisan.

You're either deluding yourself or deceiving us.
You're no independent.

Hell...I tested your independence, in this very thread.

I said "hey, look...Pelosi did this very thing not two years ago."

An Independent would say..."well...they brought it on themselves. They shouldn't have done that and this is what they get for making that decision."

But instead you are a partisan. You've chosen a side that you defend in spite of logic or rational thought.

You like Schiff and you don't like MTG.

That's partisan.

You're either deluding yourself or deceiving us.
I don't particularly like him either. Have you ever seen me say kind words supporting him? If it was a new seat on a new J6, or a new investigation of first impeachment, I would be totally understanding as he would be in the Jordan position, to deflect and obstruct, which he would.
I don't particularly like him either. Have you ever seen me say kind words supporting him? If it was a new seat on a new J6, or a new investigation of first impeachment, I would be totally understanding as he would be in the Jordan position, to deflect and obstruct, which he would.
Can you agree that he used his position on the Intelligence Committee to deceive the Congress, the Justice Department and the American People?

IG Report Confirms Schiff FISA Memo Media Praised Was Riddled With Lies
I wouldn't be surprised. His partisanship is a recorded fact.
Here ... from the IG report ...


This is from the link above...lie after lie after lie...using his position on the Intelligence Committee as a shield to propagate a deceit on the American People that cost MILLIONS and used that position and that shield to vilified a sitting president of the United States.

After being made aware of the circumstances for his not being seated...try in a non-partisan manner to make any case for him TO be seated on the Intelligence Committee.
Talk to Zog, the thead OP, dude. It is his thread, and he is the one that brought her up, in Post #10. By the way, I do not and have not ever considered Zog a liberal.
That was in response to your whining. You are the one trying to derail this to protect your liberal overlords.
You think nut balls who believe in Jewish Israeli space lazers setting fires in California or kiddy prostitution rings run by opposition out of the basement of pizza parlor that doesn't have a basement was a bridge too far? Greene who thinks the Parkland shooting, which killed which killed 17 students and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, was a hoax? Greene, a Sandy Hook hoax supporter, "liked" claims Sandy Hook was staged also says, 9/11 “was done by our own government? She is not exactly the voice of rational thinking, is she?
I forget. Which committee was she chairman of, but suddenly unfit to even have a seat on?
Do you think Swalwell who slept with a Chinese spy, Omar who said “some people did something” and wants the end of Israel, Schiff who lied multiple times about Trump and Russia and Ukraine should be on committees? The bar is set pretty low.
They are still trying to find out Santo's real name for his name plate on the committee assignements.
As the days go by they wonder if there is a name plate long enough to print George Santos aka Kitara Ravache. I heard Mccarthy saw him bend over and show is plumber's crack and he had thongs on.
You tell me. At least show some effort but they aren’t even united on a common cause. Dems impeached Trump with a GOP Senate and Trump in the WH.
So, you're saying that you want them to impeach Biden twice and a bunch of others? They haven't even been in the majority but a couple of weeks.
Mayorkas. That should have been priority one. The hearings alone would expose the border crisis.
As I said, they've only been in office about two weeks. So, what happens when they get rid of Mayorkas? Biden appoints another Mayorkas and the dem senate approves and we're right back where we started from.
You think nut balls who believe in Jewish Israeli space lazers setting fires in California or kiddy prostitution rings run by opposition out of the basement of pizza parlor that doesn't have a basement was a bridge too far? Greene who thinks the Parkland shooting, which killed which killed 17 students and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, was a hoax? Greene, a Sandy Hook hoax supporter, "liked" claims Sandy Hook was staged also says, 9/11 “was done by our own government? She is not exactly the voice of rational thinking, is she?
I forget. Which committee was she chairman of, but suddenly unfit to even have a seat on?
What's crazier.....believing in space lasers and hoaxes or believing a man can be a woman by proclamation?

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