Its July 4th.....Have you thanked a Liberal today???


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
I know most of us are celebrating today with picnics, hot dogs and fireworks. But on this day of celebration of one of the most significant liberal accomplishments, it is time to reflect on just what this day means

Our liberal founding fathers shook the world when they declared that "All men are created equal" When you think of it, this was a time when royalty ruled by the merits of their blood alone. It was a time when different classes of people received different treatment from the government. It was a time when those who toiled in the fields received different treatment than those who owned the fields

In the most liberal concept of the day, our founding fathers stood up and declared .....We have god given rights to be treated the same as anyone else. Imagine declaring that royalty are no better than anyone else? Or that someone working in the fields deserved the same rights and the same vote as someone who owned the land or that some illiterate peasant deserved the same treatment as a royal family member.

Imagine what this country would be like if our founding fathers had listened to the conservatives of the day and remained loyal to the King or implemented a class system based on wealth?

Yes, this is a day of celebration of the greatest country in the history of the world. Take the time to be thankful for what this country gives us and find a liberal and give them a smile and a thumbs up for this special day
I know most of us are celebrating today with picnics, hot dogs and fireworks. But on this day of celebration of one of the most significant liberal accomplishments, it is time to reflect on just what this day means

Our liberal founding fathers shook the world when they declared that "All men are created equal" When you think of it, this was a time when royalty ruled by the merits of their blood alone. It was a time when different classes of people received different treatment from the government. It was a time when those who toiled in the fields received different treatment than those who owned the fields

In the most liberal concept of the day, our founding fathers stood up and declared .....We have god given rights to be treated the same as anyone else. Imagine declaring that royalty are no better than anyone else? Or that someone working in the fields deserved the same rights and the same vote as someone who owned the land or that some illiterate peasant deserved the same treatment as a royal family member.

Imagine what this country would be like if our founding fathers had listened to the conservatives of the day and remained loyal to the King or implemented a class system based on wealth?

Yes, this is a day of celebration of the greatest country in the history of the world. Take the time to be thankful for what this country gives us and find a liberal and give them a smile and a thumbs up for this special day

For what? I guess they do provide a certain comic relief... ok... THANKS!
I know most of us are celebrating today with picnics, hot dogs and fireworks. But on this day of celebration of one of the most significant liberal accomplishments, it is time to reflect on just what this day means

Our liberal founding fathers shook the world when they declared that "All men are created equal" When you think of it, this was a time when royalty ruled by the merits of their blood alone. It was a time when different classes of people received different treatment from the government. It was a time when those who toiled in the fields received different treatment than those who owned the fields

In the most liberal concept of the day, our founding fathers stood up and declared .....We have god given rights to be treated the same as anyone else. Imagine declaring that royalty are no better than anyone else? Or that someone working in the fields deserved the same rights and the same vote as someone who owned the land or that some illiterate peasant deserved the same treatment as a royal family member.

Imagine what this country would be like if our founding fathers had listened to the conservatives of the day and remained loyal to the King or implemented a class system based on wealth?

Yes, this is a day of celebration of the greatest country in the history of the world. Take the time to be thankful for what this country gives us and find a liberal and give them a smile and a thumbs up for this special day

So, in your mind the founders, who were self-reliant and rugged individualists somehow were liberal? Liberalism is the antithesis of self-reliance and rugged individualism.
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Our liberal founding fathers shook the world when they declared that "All men are created equal"

So you think our founding fathers would approve of current Democratic policies?

Of course! That's why they addressed welfare, gay marriage, food stamps, bailouts, universal health care, etc. I mean, our founding documents are replete with such ideas.

Oh, wait...
Liberals have done so much for our society. They gave us our nation, womans rights, workers rights, civil rights, environmental protections, gay rights, healthcare, social security....

They ask for so little in return

Lets use today to thank liberals for this wonderful country that they not only founded for us......but work tirelessly to make better every day
I know most of us are celebrating today with picnics, hot dogs and fireworks. But on this day of celebration of one of the most significant liberal accomplishments, it is time to reflect on just what this day means

Our liberal founding fathers shook the world when they declared that "All men are created equal" When you think of it, this was a time when royalty ruled by the merits of their blood alone. It was a time when different classes of people received different treatment from the government. It was a time when those who toiled in the fields received different treatment than those who owned the fields

In the most liberal concept of the day, our founding fathers stood up and declared .....We have god given rights to be treated the same as anyone else. Imagine declaring that royalty are no better than anyone else? Or that someone working in the fields deserved the same rights and the same vote as someone who owned the land or that some illiterate peasant deserved the same treatment as a royal family member.

Imagine what this country would be like if our founding fathers had listened to the conservatives of the day and remained loyal to the King or implemented a class system based on wealth?

Yes, this is a day of celebration of the greatest country in the history of the world. Take the time to be thankful for what this country gives us and find a liberal and give them a smile and a thumbs up for this special day

So, in your mind the founders, who were self-reliant and rugged individualists somehow where liberal? Liberalism is the antithesis of self-reliance and rugged individualism.

The floundering fathers were self reliant rugged individualists?

If one defines self-reliant and rugged individualists as exploiters of slaves, many of whom were to the manor born, and most of whom were born into the elite class of their colonialists societies, I suppose that one might describe them as such.

Some of them were extraordinary "self made" men.

Ben Franklin comes immediately to mind, for example.
What is it with these modern day liberals who think the rest of us owe 'em something? Did they fight the British? No. All they do is jump on a band wagon and lay claim to every decent idealist who has ever walked the planet..... Is stupid a prerequisite to be a 'liberal'?
Liberals have done so much for our society. They gave us our nation, womans rights, workers rights, civil rights, environmental protections, gay rights, healthcare, social security....

They ask for so little in return

Lets use today to thank liberals for this wonderful country that they not only founded for us......but work tirelessly to make better every day

Modern Liberals would have blown every British solder in exchange for "Free Health Care"

Have a Happy 4th.

If you want to thank someone, Thank A Veteran

'Liberals' are rapidly losing any sense of decency in their desperate need to lay claim to the moral high ground.
Imagine what this country would be like if our founding fathers had listened to the conservatives of the day and remained loyal to the King Interesting premise, albeit flawed.
The war was fought initially upon the idea of "taxation without representation". Little bit of history there, sorry to confuse you.
Second, the liberal ideology, as we know it today, didn't exist. Homosexuals didn't marry, you could pray on public property, and taxes weren't used to give money to those who didn't work for whatever reason.
You, as a liberal, would have thought those days to be a living hell.
Also, unlike you liberals, the founding fathers used the word Creator, with the 'C' being capitalized.
You see, unlike liberals, our founding fathers actually prayed in public and on public grounds.
Now, with just a brief history, you've just been shown you have absolutely nothing in common with the founding fathers.
Imagine what you'd have learned if you would have actually read past the first paragraph in your history book.
You're welcome.
I know most of us are celebrating today with picnics, hot dogs and fireworks. But on this day of celebration of one of the most significant liberal accomplishments, it is time to reflect on just what this day means

Our liberal founding fathers shook the world when they declared that "All men are created equal" When you think of it, this was a time when royalty ruled by the merits of their blood alone. It was a time when different classes of people received different treatment from the government. It was a time when those who toiled in the fields received different treatment than those who owned the fields

In the most liberal concept of the day, our founding fathers stood up and declared .....We have god given rights to be treated the same as anyone else. Imagine declaring that royalty are no better than anyone else? Or that someone working in the fields deserved the same rights and the same vote as someone who owned the land or that some illiterate peasant deserved the same treatment as a royal family member.

Imagine what this country would be like if our founding fathers had listened to the conservatives of the day and remained loyal to the King or implemented a class system based on wealth?

Yes, this is a day of celebration of the greatest country in the history of the world. Take the time to be thankful for what this country gives us and find a liberal and give them a smile and a thumbs up for this special day

So, in your mind the founders, who were self-reliant and rugged individualists somehow where liberal? Liberalism is the antithesis of self-reliance and rugged individualism.

The floundering fathers were self reliant rugged individualists?

If one defines self-reliant and rugged individualists as exploiters of slaves, many of whom were to the manor born, and most of whom were born into the elite class of their colonialists societies, I suppose that one might describe them as such.

Some of them were extraordinary "self made" men.

Ben Franklin comes immediately to mind, for example.

There it is... the Founders were bunch of old, racist white men.:lol:
What is it with these modern day liberals who think the rest of us owe 'em something? Did they fight the British? No. All they do is jump on a band wagon and lay claim to every decent idealist who has ever walked the planet..... Is stupid a prerequisite to be a 'liberal'?

Every one of those ideals was fought furiously against by conservatives of that era......democracy, womens rights, abolition, worker rights and protection, protection of the environment

Imagine if we had actually listened to conservatives?
Modern Liberals would have blown every British solder in exchange for "Free Health Care"

Have a Happy 4th.

If you want to thank someone, Thank A Veteran

Best damn post of the day.

As we approach Independence Day, remember...The American flag does not fly because the wind moves past it. The American flag flies from the last breath of each military member who has died protecting it. American soldiers don't fight because they hate what's in front of them...they fight because they love what's behind them.

posted by someone I don't know on facebook.
Modern Liberals would have blown every British solder in exchange for "Free Health Care"

Have a Happy 4th.

If you want to thank someone, Thank A Veteran

'Liberals' are rapidly losing any sense of decency in their desperate need to lay claim to the moral high ground.

This is just righnutter being a jackass.

He knows that the exact opposite of what he is saying is true and that the modern day liberal is closer to a Communist than to a classic liberal.
Modern Liberals would have blown every British solder in exchange for "Free Health Care"

Have a Happy 4th.

If you want to thank someone, Thank A Veteran

'Liberals' are rapidly losing any sense of decency in their desperate need to lay claim to the moral high ground.

This is just righnutter being a jackass.

He knows that the exact opposite of what he is saying is true and that the modern day liberal is closer to a Communist than to a classic liberal.

I know. He's an embarrassment to all decent Americans - left or right - who hold our country as paramount over any political ideology. No true American, one that understands our history, would ever lay claim to it as one party's creation. That goes against the very ideals on which our nation was founded. They are either jack shit stupid, or hold their politics over their country... either way, they should be ashamed.
So, in your mind the founders, who were self-reliant and rugged individualists somehow were liberal? Liberalism is the antithesis of self-reliance and rugged individualism.

I've only been here two days, but I have to say, you have some tough competition for the most blatantly false assertions I have so far read.

I guess this board just allows people to slander entire groups without a single link to a fact.

Wherever you got those impressions of liberals, may I be the latest to disabuse you of any notion that you have the world sorted out correctly. So sad that such a nice person as you would have allowed someone else to poison your mind with wholesale bigotry and intolerance for differences of opinion among Americans.

Perhaps, if you try hard, before you finish this life, you might be able to open your mind. But there seems to be little hope when I read such utter bollocks as I see posted here by folks like you.

wholesale bigotry and intolerance for differences of opinion among Americans.

What the fuck are you talking about? Wholesale bigotry? Poisoned mind?

Is this just the normal, knee-jerk reaction of liberals to any dissent from their minuscule world view... to call people bigoted?

Yes, your tolerance is on full display.

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