Its July 4th.....Have you thanked a Liberal today???

Ah yes, if it weren't for liberals and progressives we'd all still be living in caves howling at the moon and blaming the stars for all that is wrong with the cave's heat and the rain seeping in. Let's give the conservatives a break today, and not remind them they haven't done anything ever, and let them too enjoy the freedoms liberalism has brought them. Conservatives please enjoy our freedoms today for if you didn't have it you'd be whining about it but doing nothing.

What is it with you people (and by 'you people' I mean the moronic fools on the left who think they have the power to give other US Citizens permission) that you think you're entitled to 'allow' conservatives to 'enjoy' freedom. Conservatives fought and died for that fucking freedom. It is not yours to give.

Fucking arrogant assclowns. You people (see explanation above) are an embarrassment to your political affiliation.
I do not like the type of dicatorship you're impling

Jefferson is a dictator now?

You have it backwards. In saying you are actually not like Jefferson, we are saying that "Jefferson" was not a dictator, and he didn't want to be...

nutwinger is a collectivist, he wants no one to have individual rights, he's for the cookie cutter lifestyle.
In other words no individual rights no individual thoughts more government control less rights.
They were the most extreme liberals for their time and place.

As usual, it was the liberals of the day who had to stand up to the status quo and move the nation in a new direction. Our founding fathers would not recognize todays society and all its complexities. They would not try to force their 18th century solutions on 21st century Americans....we have Conservatives to do that for us

Wait... what?

Let’s break down what you just said...

The FF would not force their solutions on this country....

Then you say the Republicans would try and force their "solutions" on this country, implying their solutions are 18th century "solutions," or basically "upholding the constitution?"

However next you leave me wondering.....

So you claim the FF would be wise and good to not to force their "solutions" on our country today yet you more than most support Liberals today forcing their "solutions" onto this country... Then you put this in a thread about how the FF were liberals that are in line with liberalism of 2011????

So wart’s more important to you RW... Upholding the constitution or forcing your ideology on the masses regardless if these "solutions" pass the test of the constitution, meaning you’re ok with trampling on the people freedoms if you agree with the “solution.”

Our founding fathers recognized that ideologies would change, that there was no one solution to each problem, that the needs of the country would change and that government itself would have to change

To manage that government, they established a President, Congress and courts that would be answerable to the people

They did indeed. And then fucking entitlement junkies like you came along and flipped it. Any you're so deluded that you don't get that.

Jefferson is a dictator now?

You have it backwards. In saying you are actually not like Jefferson, we are saying that "Jefferson" was not a dictator, and he didn't want to be...

nutwinger is a collectivist, he wants no one to have individual rights, he's for the cookie cutter lifestyle.
In other words no individual rights no individual thoughts more government control less rights.

By his own posts on this thread, he demonstrates an apparent willful ignorance of the founding documents.
You have it backwards. In saying you are actually not like Jefferson, we are saying that "Jefferson" was not a dictator, and he didn't want to be...

nutwinger is a collectivist, he wants no one to have individual rights, he's for the cookie cutter lifestyle.
In other words no individual rights no individual thoughts more government control less rights.

By his own posts on this thread, he demonstrates an apparent willful ignorance of the founding documents.

I can't rep you for another 24 hours.
IIts July 4th.....Have you thanked a Liberal today???

You mean for giving freedom back? I actually don't think liberty was a bad idea, but if I ever do decide then you'll be the first I thank. I wouldn't hold my breath on that...
nutwinger is a collectivist, he wants no one to have individual rights, he's for the cookie cutter lifestyle.
In other words no individual rights no individual thoughts more government control less rights.

By his own posts on this thread, he demonstrates an apparent willful ignorance of the founding documents.

I can't rep you for another 24 hours.

Shouldn't you be repping a liberal? :lol::lol:
What I find particularly funny about this thread.... I've had quite a few people rep me for my intelligent and concise posts..... and some of them were liberals. What does that say about the OP? If his own political brethren are agreeing with me? Funny shit.
Nixon re-election achievement - er, Conservative achivements -

Nixon won reelection by a landslide in 1972. During his first term, Nixon succeeded in redirecting power away from the federal government. Some argue that his efforts benefited women and minorities, resulted in a cleaner environment and provided money and power for local initiatives.

Nixon the RINO?

Nixon was a Republican from back in the day when they actually could support the environment, worker rights, civil rights

Long before the Conservative death lock on the party

Yeah - and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are about as DEM as JFK.

Come on hack...

Do better.
George Washington taxed the whiskkey makers and The Whiskey Rebellion occurred, he killed people to implement taxation. Washington also gave 40k to the French to help with the rebellion in Haiti. We were broke as an infant nation and george borrowed monies to give away. The very things you claim would not happen by the FF were established by the FF.
George Washington was not the first president of the US either.

Please, do tell, who was the first prez?
Actually? There is a grain of truth to the assertion. The Continental Congress elected Presidents of the Congress...Washington was the 15th under these circumstances... He began the seventh term of US Presidents....the First under the newly adopted Constitution.
What I find particularly funny about this thread.... I've had quite a few people rep me for my intelligent and concise posts..... and some of them were liberals. What does that say about the OP? If his own political brethren are agreeing with me? Funny shit.
Some of them are less modern day liberal and more libertarian
George Washington taxed the whiskkey makers and The Whiskey Rebellion occurred, he killed people to implement taxation. Washington also gave 40k to the French to help with the rebellion in Haiti. We were broke as an infant nation and george borrowed monies to give away. The very things you claim would not happen by the FF were established by the FF.
George Washington was not the first president of the US either.

Please, do tell, who was the first prez?
Actually? There is a grain of truth to the assertion. The Continental Congress elected Presidents of the Congress...Washington was the 15th under these circumstances... He began the seventh term of US Presidents....the First under the newly adopted Constitution.

I heard Washington was the 7th president and first under the U.S. Constitution
Our founding fatherrs were the most extreme liberals of their day...

Imagine actually believing that "All men are created equal" in a day when royalty ruled by basis of their bloodlines and order of birth?

Imagine creating a country where a poor, illiterate laborer receives the same vote as the most wealthy citizen?

Liberal thought has improved this country since its founding

Imagine actually believing that "All men are created equal"

That strikes me as a conservative value.

One where ALL people have the opportunity to pursue his or her dream or not to.
To be allowed to work hard and build something from nothing and make as much or as little as one desires.

In a liberal mind like Obama making money is evil...Did we all forget his response that day when he said how much is enough when talking about making money.Or to Joe the plumber when he said we need to spread the wealth around.And how about Health care?
Forcing it's citizens to buy coverage or slap them with a fine in the form of taxes if they don't....

The liberals want to create a class war where people are not equal.Those that worked hard and went to school and saved what they could to buy a house are to be demonized by those that want government to do everything for them.And these people will always feel anger towards those that have things and will always feel that the government just hasn't done enough for them so government must take more from those that have produced. :(
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