Its July 4th.....Have you thanked a Liberal today???

Please, do tell, who was the first prez?
Actually? There is a grain of truth to the assertion. The Continental Congress elected Presidents of the Congress...Washington was the 15th under these circumstances... He began the seventh term of US Presidents....the First under the newly adopted Constitution.

I heard Washington was the 7th president and first under the U.S. Constitution
Correct. Not too many people know this...
Our founding fatherrs were the most extreme liberals of their day...

Imagine actually believing that "All men are created equal" in a day when royalty ruled by basis of their bloodlines and order of birth?

Imagine creating a country where a poor, illiterate laborer receives the same vote as the most wealthy citizen?

Liberal thought has improved this country since its founding

Imagine actually believing that "All men are created equal"

That strikes me as a conservative value.

One where ALL people have the opportunity to pursue his or her dream or not to.
To be allowed to work hard and build something from nothing and make as much or as little as one desires.

In a liberal mind like Obama making money is evil...Did we all forget his response that day when he said how much is enough when talking about making money.Or to Joe the plumber when he said we need to spread the wealth around.And how about Health care?
Forcing it's citizens to buy coverage or slap them with a fine in the form of taxes if they don't....

The liberals want to create a class war where people are not equal.Those that worked hard and went to school and saved what they could to buy a house are to be demonized by those that want government to do everything for them.And these people will always feel anger towards those that have things and will always feel that the government just hasn't done enough for them so government must take more from those that have produced. :(
In fact? Obama has called the private sector the enemy. Quite the opposite of the Founders.
Actually? There is a grain of truth to the assertion. The Continental Congress elected Presidents of the Congress...Washington was the 15th under these circumstances... He began the seventh term of US Presidents....the First under the newly adopted Constitution.

I heard Washington was the 7th president and first under the U.S. Constitution
Correct. Not too many people know this...

Sad that we don't give President John Hanson the respect he deserves.
I heard Washington was the 7th president and first under the U.S. Constitution
Correct. Not too many people know this...

Sad that we don't give President John Hanson the respect he deserves.
There are a few that deserve respect from 1774 onward from the Continental Congress, Through the Confederation Congress until Washington was inaugurated. They stood as much chance to be taken in for treason as those in the field fighting the war.

Hanson was the first.
Wait... what?

Let’s break down what you just said...

The FF would not force their solutions on this country....

Then you say the Republicans would try and force their "solutions" on this country, implying their solutions are 18th century "solutions," or basically "upholding the constitution?"

However next you leave me wondering.....

So you claim the FF would be wise and good to not to force their "solutions" on our country today yet you more than most support Liberals today forcing their "solutions" onto this country... Then you put this in a thread about how the FF were liberals that are in line with liberalism of 2011????

So wart’s more important to you RW... Upholding the constitution or forcing your ideology on the masses regardless if these "solutions" pass the test of the constitution, meaning you’re ok with trampling on the people freedoms if you agree with the “solution.”

Our founding fathers recognized that ideologies would change, that there was no one solution to each problem, that the needs of the country would change and that government itself would have to change

To manage that government, they established a President, Congress and courts that would be answerable to the people

They did indeed. And then fucking entitlement junkies like you came along and flipped it. Any you're so deluded that you don't get that.


Entitlement junkies?

As the US evolved into a modern society it became clear that social programs were needed to handle the needs of our diverse and expanding population. The elected representatives decided we need popular programs like Social Security, Medicare, VA as well as welfare.

Most modern societies have implemented similar programs
I know most of us are celebrating today with picnics, hot dogs and fireworks. But on this day of celebration of one of the most significant liberal accomplishments, it is time to reflect on just what this day means

Our liberal founding fathers shook the world when they declared that "All men are created equal" When you think of it, this was a time when royalty ruled by the merits of their blood alone. It was a time when different classes of people received different treatment from the government. It was a time when those who toiled in the fields received different treatment than those who owned the fields

In the most liberal concept of the day, our founding fathers stood up and declared .....We have god given rights to be treated the same as anyone else. Imagine declaring that royalty are no better than anyone else? Or that someone working in the fields deserved the same rights and the same vote as someone who owned the land or that some illiterate peasant deserved the same treatment as a royal family member.

Imagine what this country would be like if our founding fathers had listened to the conservatives of the day and remained loyal to the King or implemented a class system based on wealth?

Yes, this is a day of celebration of the greatest country in the history of the world. Take the time to be thankful for what this country gives us and find a liberal and give them a smile and a thumbs up for this special day

:lol: That's some mighty fine trollin'! :thup:

Our founding fathers recognized that ideologies would change, that there was no one solution to each problem, that the needs of the country would change and that government itself would have to change

To manage that government, they established a President, Congress and courts that would be answerable to the people

They did indeed. And then fucking entitlement junkies like you came along and flipped it. Any you're so deluded that you don't get that.


Entitlement junkies?

As the US evolved into a modern society it became clear that social programs were needed to handle the needs of our diverse and expanding population. The elected representatives decided we need popular programs like Social Security, Medicare, VA as well as welfare.

Most modern societies have implemented similar programs
Karl Marx baby! Is that you?

What a progressive moron you are. Jsut love living off of others don't you...moocher?
Entitlement junkies?

As the US evolved into a modern society it became clear that social programs were needed to handle the needs of our diverse and expanding population. The elected representatives decided we need popular programs like Social Security, Medicare, VA as well as welfare.

Most modern societies have implemented similar programs

Taking other people's money through force rather then work is a "need."

Our founding fathers recognized that ideologies would change, that there was no one solution to each problem, that the needs of the country would change and that government itself would have to change

To manage that government, they established a President, Congress and courts that would be answerable to the people

They did indeed. And then fucking entitlement junkies like you came along and flipped it. Any you're so deluded that you don't get that.


Entitlement junkies?

As the US evolved into a modern society it became clear that social programs were needed to handle the needs of our diverse and expanding population. The elected representatives decided we need popular programs like Social Security, Medicare, VA as well as welfare.

Most modern societies have implemented similar programs

And how's Cuba, Spain, Venezuela, N. Korea, CA , Greece, etc. doing these days?
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They did indeed. And then fucking entitlement junkies like you came along and flipped it. Any you're so deluded that you don't get that.


Entitlement junkies?

As the US evolved into a modern society it became clear that social programs were needed to handle the needs of our diverse and expanding population. The elected representatives decided we need popular programs like Social Security, Medicare, VA as well as welfare.

Most modern societies have implemented similar programs

And how's Cuba, Spain, Venezuela, N. Korea, CA , Greece, etc. doing these days?
Falling on their asses...lest we forget about Minnesota in day three or four of impasse...
with the Louisina purchase.

He also signed into law a bill that officially segregated the US postal system by not allowing blacks to carry mail.

Thats not enlarging the government thats enlarging the countries borders.
More land, more people to administer to it and explore it.

Expanding the government would be more bureaucracy more departments, taking more power from the states and taking care of what the states should be doing. That is expanding the government.
Thats not enlarging the government thats enlarging the countries borders.
More land, more people to administer to it and explore it.

Expanding the government would be more bureaucracy more departments, taking more power from the states and taking care of what the states should be doing. That is expanding the government.
Notice how the 9th and Tenth are summarily dismissed as if they didn't exist?
Our founding fathers recognized that ideologies would change, that there was no one solution to each problem, that the needs of the country would change and that government itself would have to change

To manage that government, they established a President, Congress and courts that would be answerable to the people

They did indeed. And then fucking entitlement junkies like you came along and flipped it. Any you're so deluded that you don't get that.


Entitlement junkies?

As the US evolved into a modern society it became clear that social programs were needed to handle the needs of our diverse and expanding population. The elected representatives decided we need popular programs like Social Security, Medicare, VA as well as welfare.

Most modern societies have implemented similar programs

So, now you're claiming that we follow other countries. Make you're fucking mind up. That's not what you were claiming earlier in the thread.

Fucking entitlement junkies.... can't even keep your own points on track. What an asshole.
They did indeed. And then fucking entitlement junkies like you came along and flipped it. Any you're so deluded that you don't get that.


Entitlement junkies?

As the US evolved into a modern society it became clear that social programs were needed to handle the needs of our diverse and expanding population. The elected representatives decided we need popular programs like Social Security, Medicare, VA as well as welfare.

Most modern societies have implemented similar programs

So, now you're claiming that we follow other countries. Make you're fucking mind up. That's not what you were claiming earlier in the thread.

Fucking entitlement junkies.... can't even keep your own points on track. What an asshole.
Bait and switch. Typical tactic to see whom they can suck in.
Entitlement junkies?

As the US evolved into a modern society it became clear that social programs were needed to handle the needs of our diverse and expanding population. The elected representatives decided we need popular programs like Social Security, Medicare, VA as well as welfare.

Most modern societies have implemented similar programs

Taking other people's money through force rather then work is a "need."


What I find particularly entertaining is that all those other countries.... these 'modern societies' that rightwhiner holds in such high regard..... every single one of them is desperately backing away from their entitlement programs.... because decade upon decade of research says that welfare is bad for individuals, bad for communities, and bad for society. But, as a typical 'liberal' (not liberal really.... it's more appropriate to call them left wing fools).... ignore the research that doesn't fit their ideology.... determined to destroy the nation that the Founders they pretend to value worked so hard to create.
More land, more people to administer to it and explore it.

Expanding the government would be more bureaucracy more departments, taking more power from the states and taking care of what the states should be doing. That is expanding the government.
Notice how the 9th and Tenth are summarily dismissed as if they didn't exist?

In my opinion the way I view liberals thinking is they count the first amendment as a right and only a portion of that.
Strike the second
The third fourth fifth sixth seventh and eight are ok only when a democrat is running the white house.

and yes they somehow forget about the ninth and tenth. unless it has something to do with a state choosing abortion or gay marriage or allowing the religion's of Islam vs. Christainity in schools.
Liberals have done so much for our society. They gave us our nation, womans rights, workers rights, civil rights, environmental protections, gay rights, healthcare, social security....

They ask for so little in return

Lets use today to thank liberals for this wonderful country that they not only founded for us......but work tirelessly to make better every day

:lol:......if you say so RW......

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