Its July 4th.....Have you thanked a Liberal today???

Our founding fatherrs were the most extreme liberals of their day...

Imagine actually believing that "All men are created equal" in a day when royalty ruled by basis of their bloodlines and order of birth?

Imagine creating a country where a poor, illiterate laborer receives the same vote as the most wealthy citizen?

Liberal thought has improved this country since its founding

Imagine actually believing that "All men are created equal" in a day when royalty ruled by basis of their bloodlines and order of birth?

and yet they had slaves......

Imagine creating a country where a poor, illiterate laborer receives the same vote as the most wealthy citizen?

yea as long as they were white and owned land.......

The founders weren't perfect but they created a perect document that was the foundation of a great American way of LIFE.
Entitlement junkies?

As the US evolved into a modern society it became clear that social programs were needed to handle the needs of our diverse and expanding population. The elected representatives decided we need popular programs like Social Security, Medicare, VA as well as welfare.

Most modern societies have implemented similar programs
Karl Marx baby! Is that you?

What a progressive moron you are. Jsut love living off of others don't you...moocher?

Hmmm...Karl Marx huh?

And yet all modern societies have social programs as generous or more generous than the US

It is only the Rightwing conservatives who want a Dickensonian America

No, we just don't believe in rewarding sloth.... helping the truly needy yes, no problem. Yet you and your ilk create need, you feed off need, you require it. Need, want and envy are the banes of your existence.
Modern Liberals would have blown every British solder in exchange for "Free Health Care"

Have a Happy 4th.

If you want to thank someone, Thank A Veteran

No... you have it wrong. Conservatives would have Blown every British soldier... because... the British were the "job creators".

Really? Then why'd they all leave and come here?

Stop being such a cement head.

No modern day political view resembles anything close to what the founders were.
I know most of us are celebrating today with picnics, hot dogs and fireworks. But on this day of celebration of one of the most significant liberal accomplishments, it is time to reflect on just what this day means

Our liberal founding fathers shook the world when they declared that "All men are created equal" When you think of it, this was a time when royalty ruled by the merits of their blood alone. It was a time when different classes of people received different treatment from the government. It was a time when those who toiled in the fields received different treatment than those who owned the fields

In the most liberal concept of the day, our founding fathers stood up and declared .....We have god given rights to be treated the same as anyone else. Imagine declaring that royalty are no better than anyone else? Or that someone working in the fields deserved the same rights and the same vote as someone who owned the land or that some illiterate peasant deserved the same treatment as a royal family member.

Imagine what this country would be like if our founding fathers had listened to the conservatives of the day and remained loyal to the King or implemented a class system based on wealth?

Yes, this is a day of celebration of the greatest country in the history of the world. Take the time to be thankful for what this country gives us and find a liberal and give them a smile and a thumbs up for this special day

Haven't laughed this hard in a long time Just think if Kennedy was in office today you idiot's would be calling for his execution.....Thanks for the laugh now I'll go to pay homage to the real Americans.
No... you have it wrong. Conservatives would have Blown every British soldier... because... the British were the "job creators".

Really? Then why'd they all leave and come here?

Stop being such a cement head.

No modern day political view resembles anything close to what the founders were.
Correct other than the TEA party...and the left holds them in such it has to be very close.
Liberals have done so much for our society. They gave us our nation, womans rights, workers rights, civil rights, environmental protections, gay rights, healthcare, social security....

They ask for so little in return

Lets use today to thank liberals for this wonderful country that they not only founded for us......but work tirelessly to make better every day
They gave us a shitload of revised history, too.
Our founding fatherrs were the most extreme liberals of their day...

Imagine actually believing that "All men are created equal" in a day when royalty ruled by basis of their bloodlines and order of birth?

Imagine creating a country where a poor, illiterate laborer receives the same vote as the most wealthy citizen?

Liberal thought has improved this country since its founding

Imagine actually believing that "All men are created equal" in a day when royalty ruled by basis of their bloodlines and order of birth?

and yet they had slaves......

Imagine creating a country where a poor, illiterate laborer receives the same vote as the most wealthy citizen?

yea as long as they were white and owned land.......

The freedoms generated by our founding fathers were the best available for that time and place. It set the ball rolling for the ultimate freedoms of women, blacks, Indians and gays
Modern Liberals would have blown every British solder in exchange for "Free Health Care"

Have a Happy 4th.

If you want to thank someone, Thank A Veteran

No... you have it wrong. Conservatives would have Blown every British soldier... because... the British were the "job creators".

Really? Then why'd they all leave and come here?

Stop being such a cement head.

Why am I a cement head, but Soggy in NOLA isn't?

Oh that's right... because you are a Brit Blower too... you just don't like to hear it.
Our founding fatherrs were the most extreme liberals of their day...

Imagine actually believing that "All men are created equal" in a day when royalty ruled by basis of their bloodlines and order of birth?

Imagine creating a country where a poor, illiterate laborer receives the same vote as the most wealthy citizen?

Liberal thought has improved this country since its founding

Imagine actually believing that "All men are created equal" in a day when royalty ruled by basis of their bloodlines and order of birth?

and yet they had slaves......

Imagine creating a country where a poor, illiterate laborer receives the same vote as the most wealthy citizen?

yea as long as they were white and owned land.......

The freedoms generated by our founding fathers were the best available for that time and place. It set the ball rolling for the ultimate freedoms of women, blacks, Indians and gays

Exactly winger. But now Conservatives are hell bent on regressing.

Imagine actually believing that "All men are created equal" in a day when royalty ruled by basis of their bloodlines and order of birth?

and yet they had slaves......

Imagine creating a country where a poor, illiterate laborer receives the same vote as the most wealthy citizen?

yea as long as they were white and owned land.......

The freedoms generated by our founding fathers were the best available for that time and place. It set the ball rolling for the ultimate freedoms of women, blacks, Indians and gays

Exactly winger. But now Conservatives are hell bent on regressing.

Yes Regressing by demanding we follow the same Constitution created by our founding fathers that the op say's were liberals.....ya really brilliant idiot
You are welcome to identify any significant initiative or achievement given to us by Conservatives of any era

You are not welcome to claim the very founding of this nation as a 'liberal' achievement. You may not rewrite history. You may not steal the achievement of all our forefathers for your immoral bullshit.

And, you do not have permission to give your permission to any other American to decide what conservatives have given this nation. That permission is not yours to give.... but it is pretty typical of a fucking "liberal" to think that they do.

Fucking dumbass. You are an embarrassment to Americans - liberal, conservative, moderate or whatever else.

Sorry sweetheart...but as much as I love you, I will not let you rewrite the history of our great nation

Conservatives of the day were known as Torries and supported the crown. They fought hard against the so called traitorous rebels who wanted a nation based on one man- one vote. Conservatives are not allowed to change sides and claim that they supported the rebellion. History has shown that they didn't
Are you kidding? You would have informed on the revolutionaries to [email protected]. :lol:
The freedoms generated by our founding fathers were the best available for that time and place. It set the ball rolling for the ultimate freedoms of women, blacks, Indians and gays

Exactly winger. But now Conservatives are hell bent on regressing.

Yes Regressing by demanding we follow the same Constitution created by our founding fathers that the op say's were liberals.....ya really brilliant idiot

No... regressing to the point of instead of sucking off the brits... you're sucking off the Corporate Machine.... and defending them in everything they do, even to the detriment of our citizenry.

Finally... you demonize the very government our Founding Fathers set up. That, is regression. You want to do away with a Democratic Republic and make it a Corporate Plutocracy(which is very much like a monarchy... the only difference is that it's money, not bloodline) You don't think that's what you are doing... but in fact, you are.
I know most of us are celebrating today with picnics, hot dogs and fireworks. But on this day of celebration of one of the most significant liberal accomplishments, it is time to reflect on just what this day means

Our liberal founding fathers shook the world when they declared that "All men are created equal" When you think of it, this was a time when royalty ruled by the merits of their blood alone. It was a time when different classes of people received different treatment from the government. It was a time when those who toiled in the fields received different treatment than those who owned the fields

In the most liberal concept of the day, our founding fathers stood up and declared .....We have god given rights to be treated the same as anyone else. Imagine declaring that royalty are no better than anyone else? Or that someone working in the fields deserved the same rights and the same vote as someone who owned the land or that some illiterate peasant deserved the same treatment as a royal family member.

Imagine what this country would be like if our founding fathers had listened to the conservatives of the day and remained loyal to the King or implemented a class system based on wealth?

Yes, this is a day of celebration of the greatest country in the history of the world. Take the time to be thankful for what this country gives us and find a liberal and give them a smile and a thumbs up for this special day

I partied down and ate like a pig with some. I even cooked for them.
Liberals have done so much for our society. They gave us our nation, womans rights, workers rights, civil rights, environmental protections, gay rights, healthcare, social security....

They ask for so little in return

Lets use today to thank liberals for this wonderful country that they not only founded for us......but work tirelessly to make better every day
They gave us a shitload of revised history, too.

That.... "They ask for so little in return".... gotta be the best comment in the thread. They ask for so little.... they deserve nothing.... and they don't 'ask', they demand..... and.... better yet.... they'll stoop so low as to lay claim to the Founding Fathers in order to take yet more from others.

How embarrassing these leftists are to liberals.
Exactly winger. But now Conservatives are hell bent on regressing.

Yes Regressing by demanding we follow the same Constitution created by our founding fathers that the op say's were liberals.....ya really brilliant idiot

No... regressing to the point of instead of sucking off the brits... you're sucking off the Corporate Machine.... and defending them in everything they do, even to the detriment of our citizenry.

Finally... you demonize the very government our Founding Fathers set up. That, is regression. You want to do away with a Democratic Republic and make it a Corporate Plutocracy(which is very much like a monarchy... the only difference is that it's money, not bloodline) You don't think that's what you are doing... but in fact, you are.

No dipshit I demonize the simpering fuckers that have subvert the very Constitution created to protect all of us including asswipe our Corporations something an idiot like you can't seem to separate. But hey don't let that stop you from attempting to attack our nation's people. What do you call what we have today simp? It sure as hell isn't anything like what its supposed to be but that's ok for isn't it. I have news for you administrations change one way or the other and when this one changes don't be all asshurt because the same shit keeps going because of the other party.
Ah yes, if it weren't for liberals and progressives we'd all still be living in caves howling at the moon and blaming the stars for all that is wrong with the cave's heat and the rain seeping in. Let's give the conservatives a break today, and not remind them they haven't done anything ever, and let them too enjoy the freedoms liberalism has brought them. Conservatives please enjoy our freedoms today for if you didn't have it you'd be whining about it but doing nothing.

what? quotes?......:eek:
Ah yes, if it weren't for liberals and progressives we'd all still be living in caves howling at the moon and blaming the stars for all that is wrong with the cave's heat and the rain seeping in. Let's give the conservatives a break today, and not remind them they haven't done anything ever, and let them too enjoy the freedoms liberalism has brought them. Conservatives please enjoy our freedoms today for if you didn't have it you'd be whining about it but doing nothing.

what? quotes?......:eek:

I suspect there are no quotes from anyone of actual consequence laying claim to the Founders as liberals. I would suggest that is because no actual intelligent being would say something so fucking ludicrous..... at least, assuming they want to maintain their reputation as an intelligent being.

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