Its July 4th.....Have you thanked a Liberal today???

modern liberals would have been hanged by the neck until dead in the 18th century.

By the British, indeed.

Otherwise, do conservatives ever support their positions with case law or other documented fact or it is always merely subjective, immaterial opinion?

You mean like the OP, where the documented fact is that classical liberals and modern liberals are alike because "they both contain the letter L"?

No one -- no one -- can rationally claim modern liberals have anything in common with classical liberals other than the name.
Ah yes, if it weren't for liberals and progressives we'd all still be living in caves howling at the moon and blaming the stars for all that is wrong with the cave's heat and the rain seeping in. Let's give the conservatives a break today, and not remind them they haven't done anything ever, and let them too enjoy the freedoms liberalism has brought them. Conservatives please enjoy our freedoms today for if you didn't have it you'd be whining about it but doing nothing.
...and if you lieftists have your way with energy policy, we'll be back in the caves.
What I find particularly funny about this thread.... I've had quite a few people rep me for my intelligent and concise posts..... and some of them were liberals. What does that say about the OP? If his own political brethren are agreeing with me? Funny shit.

Look at the 'tards who thanked him for the OP:

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to rightwinger For This Useful Post:
bodecea (Today), DaGoose (Today), midcan5 (Today), Susan45 (Today)​
So, just so I am straight on this - our Founding Father's - Liberals, according to the OP - who owned slaves, believed in God, MINIMAL government, slaughtered Indians - and would probably castrate and boil in oil a "queer" in the public square, are the model to which today's Liberal admires.

Got it.

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Our founding fathers recognized that ideologies would change, that there was no one solution to each problem, that the needs of the country would change and that government itself would have to change

To manage that government, they established a President, Congress and courts that would be answerable to the people

They did indeed. And then fucking entitlement junkies like you came along and flipped it. Any you're so deluded that you don't get that.


Entitlement junkies?

As the US evolved into a modern society it became clear that social programs were needed to handle the needs of our diverse and expanding population. The elected representatives decided we need popular programs like Social Security, Medicare, VA as well as welfare.

Most modern societies have implemented similar programs

And as the US evolved more, it has proven that it needs to end the entitlements if it wants to continue as a serious and stable country. Thanks to the "evolution of entitlement programs the US is at a point in 2012 where it needs to decide if it should borrow past a point of ever being able to pay it back and eventually collapse due to debt, or cut these wasteful programs and live within our means.

Great point RW.
So, just so I am straight on this - our Founding Father's - Liberals, according to the OP - who owned slaves, believed in God, MINIMAL government, slaughtered Indians - and would probably castrate and boil in oil a "queer" in the public square, are the model to which today's Liberal admires.

Got it.


Lol, nice.
Our founding fatherrs were the most extreme liberals of their day...

Imagine actually believing that "All men are created equal" in a day when royalty ruled by basis of their bloodlines and order of birth?

Imagine creating a country where a poor, illiterate laborer receives the same vote as the most wealthy citizen?

Liberal thought has improved this country since its founding

Imagine actually believing that "All men are created equal" in a day when royalty ruled by basis of their bloodlines and order of birth?

and yet they had slaves......

Imagine creating a country where a poor, illiterate laborer receives the same vote as the most wealthy citizen?

yea as long as they were white and owned land.......

The founders weren't perfect but they created a perect document that was the foundation of a great American way of LIFE.

i agree Reb....but RW should have worded what he said somewhat different......he knew that what he said did not happen till a little later.......after the "Liberals" of the day tweaked it some.....
Modern Liberals would have blown every British solder in exchange for "Free Health Care"

Have a Happy 4th.

If you want to thank someone, Thank A Veteran

No... you have it wrong. Conservatives would have Blown every British soldier... because... the British were the "job creators".
Wow. You're tremendously stupid.
Have a Happy 4th.

If you want to thank someone, Thank A Veteran

We'll forgo the filth to address the meat of this. if you don't mind Frank

first off, we're celebrating our independence today

so those 'veterans' reponsible lived in the late 1700's

now i do believe we should be thankful that they stood their ground, and against what was a formidable , if not hardened Bitt army

yet in step with this thread, they were seen as the terrorists of the day.

somebody hadda say it.....


Really? So the cold war Vet who kept the Russians at bay should not be thanked? The Vets who are fighting muslims who want to change our way of life and our political system should also not be thanked? Is that what you mean?

No, they weren't born yet, nor did those conflicts yet exist

please keep the 4th's terms as applied to the OP in the context of the timeframe


So, just so I am straight on this - our Founding Father's - Liberals, according to the OP - who owned slaves, believed in God, MINIMAL government, slaughtered Indians - and would probably castrate and boil in oil a "queer" in the public square, are the model to which today's Liberal admires.

Got it.


would radicals be more apt?
Modern Liberals would have blown every British solder in exchange for "Free Health Care"

Have a Happy 4th.

If you want to thank someone, Thank A Veteran

Thank a veteran for what? When was the last time we actually entered a war that threatened our Bill of Rights?
Our founding fatherrs were the most extreme liberals of their day...

Imagine actually believing that "All men are created equal" in a day when royalty ruled by basis of their bloodlines and order of birth?

Imagine creating a country where a poor, illiterate laborer receives the same vote as the most wealthy citizen?

Liberal thought has improved this country since its founding

Imagine actually believing that "All men are created equal" in a day when royalty ruled by basis of their bloodlines and order of birth?

and yet they had slaves......

Imagine creating a country where a poor, illiterate laborer receives the same vote as the most wealthy citizen?

yea as long as they were white and owned land.......

The freedoms generated by our founding fathers were the best available for that time and place. It set the ball rolling for the ultimate freedoms of women, blacks, Indians and gays
if you would have included that in with your original statement RW....i would not have said what i said......because in the beginning.....unless you were a white male weren't shit....
No... regressing to the point of instead of sucking off the brits... you're sucking off the Corporate Machine.... and defending them in everything they do, even to the detriment of our citizenry.

and the Dems dont do a lot of sucking off the various machines our detriment?......
Liberals have done so much for our society. They gave us our nation, womans rights, workers rights, civil rights, environmental protections, gay rights, healthcare, social security....

They ask for so little in return

Lets use today to thank liberals for this wonderful country that they not only founded for us......but work tirelessly to make better every day
They gave us a shitload of revised history, too.

That.... "They ask for so little in return".... gotta be the best comment in the thread. They ask for so little.... they deserve nothing.... and they don't 'ask', they demand..... and.... better yet.... they'll stoop so low as to lay claim to the Founding Fathers in order to take yet more from others.

How embarrassing these leftists are to liberals.
It's the sheer dishonesty that's so galling. Modern liberals have little interest in individual freedoms -- they prefer the collective, insisting on treating people as monolithic blocs, and hating them when they don't stay in their assigned pigeonhole.

The FF as modern liberals? Utterly ludicrous.
So, just so I am straight on this - our Founding Father's - Liberals, according to the OP - who owned slaves, believed in God, MINIMAL government, slaughtered Indians - and would probably castrate and boil in oil a "queer" in the public square, are the model to which today's Liberal admires.

Got it.


So, just so I am straight on this - our Founding Father's - Liberals, according to the OP - who owned slaves, believed in God, MINIMAL government, slaughtered Indians - and would probably castrate and boil in oil a "queer" in the public square, are the model to which today's Liberal admires.

Got it.


Ain't it grand? The sheer irony... claim the Founders were just a bunch of old, white, racist homophobes and also were... wait for it... LIBERAL.

That's just fucking priceless.
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So, just so I am straight on this - our Founding Father's - Liberals, according to the OP - who owned slaves, believed in God, MINIMAL government, slaughtered Indians - and would probably castrate and boil in oil a "queer" in the public square, are the model to which today's Liberal admires.

Got it.


Ain't it grand? The sheer irony... claim the Founders were just a bunch of old, white, racist homophobes were.. and wait for it... LIBERAL.

That's just fucking priceless.

Where does Thomas Paine fit into your sophomoric analysis?

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