Its July 4th.....Have you thanked a Liberal today???

Really? Is that why Hamilton and Washington waged the Whiskey Rebellion?

They were classical liberals?

Well, the Founders were divided. There were the Federalists who believe in a strong central government. Alexander Hamilton was one of those.

The anti-federalists, ie James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry who did not trust the Federalists.

The new government had the authority to levy excise taxes.

But even Hamilton never sugested that the federal government could finance and managed a welfare state.


lol...Hamilton loved welfare, hence is proclivity to establish a centralized bank.


What did the First Bank of the United States had to do with welfare?!?!?!?

Yea, cuz all conservatives do wear powdered wigs, own slaves and deny rights to women.

:lol::lol::lol: Idiot.

Carry on denying the utter and total failure of entitlements to actually solve anything... that's the left's way. Cling to your outdated and failed ideas and pretend that it's all someone else's fault.

Lol, good call. Maybe RW can get some screen shots of where all Reps wear wigs and beat their wives.

Are you sure you do not wear a powdered wig?

Typical rightwing conservative reactionism. Nobody is claiming liberals in the 18th century are identical to liberals today. What has not changed is the concept of liberalism and the inadequacies of conservative thought
Liberals in each generation have fought a new fight be it Woman's rights, civil rights, environmentalism...

What has remained constant is conservative resistance

You know you would have been far more Persuasive had you argued liberals today are more like Benedict Arnold of yesterday we could have all gotten on board with that.
Well, the Founders were divided. There were the Federalists who believe in a strong central government. Alexander Hamilton was one of those.

The anti-federalists, ie James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry who did not trust the Federalists.

The new government had the authority to levy excise taxes.

But even Hamilton never sugested that the federal government could finance and managed a welfare state.


lol...Hamilton loved welfare, hence is proclivity to establish a centralized bank.


What did the First Bank of the United States had to do with welfare?!?!?!?


It was a handout to the state, just like the Second Bank of the United States.
Its July 4th.....Have you thanked a Liberal today???
....Just remember to pass-on-by.....



aka Limousine Libs

(They never were committed to much of anything.....except whatever was trendy, at any-given-time.)

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Yea, cuz all conservatives do wear powdered wigs, own slaves and deny rights to women.

:lol::lol::lol: Idiot.

Carry on denying the utter and total failure of entitlements to actually solve anything... that's the left's way. Cling to your outdated and failed ideas and pretend that it's all someone else's fault.

Lol, good call. Maybe RW can get some screen shots of where all Reps wear wigs and beat their wives.

Are you sure you do not wear a powdered wig?

Typical rightwing conservative reactionism. Nobody is claiming liberals in the 18th century are identical to liberals today. What has not changed is the concept of liberalism and the inadequacies of conservative thought
Liberals in each generation have fought a new fight be it Woman's rights, civil rights, environmentalism...

What has remained constant is conservative resistance

L O Fucking L!

Should we have a battle were we both link voting records on these issues over the years? I'm wonder if every vote through history was passed by liberals and near 100% opposed by conservatives as you seem to believe.

Anyways, lets get something clear, Republicans in office are rarely "conservative." They are usually big Government progressive liberals, they just play their part in the show. Lets see if the Democrat party is the peace part or the war party... How many voted against Bush polices and later tried to repeal them... Yeah, so different lol. Dems Push big social issues and war, so do Reps. You pretending Dems stand for people’s rights is a fucking joke.
What is it with these modern day liberals who think the rest of us owe 'em something? Did they fight the British? No. All they do is jump on a band wagon and lay claim to every decent idealist who has ever walked the planet..... Is stupid a prerequisite to be a 'liberal'?

That HAS to be a rhetorical question.
Yea, cuz all conservatives do wear powdered wigs, own slaves and deny rights to women.

:lol::lol::lol: Idiot.

Carry on denying the utter and total failure of entitlements to actually solve anything... that's the left's way. Cling to your outdated and failed ideas and pretend that it's all someone else's fault.

Have they "solved anything"?

They have solved poor destitute people dying in the streets, begging door to door, spreading disease, having no safety net, being afraid to age

The US uses the same social programs as every other industrialized country. It is only arch conservatives who advocate a Dickensonian society

Welcome to the 21st century California Girl

Again RW, evolution will prove (as it is and has) that the entitlement programs you're so proud of will be the downfall of many nations, if something like war does not destroy them first... How well is the US doing with it's programs... =D?

How well?

Social Security has provided a safety net for over 75 years, Medicare for over 45 years......all are vital for the well being of retired Americans

Conservatives opposed and still want to scrap both programs
Have they "solved anything"?

They have solved poor destitute people dying in the streets, begging door to door, spreading disease, having no safety net, being afraid to age

The US uses the same social programs as every other industrialized country. It is only arch conservatives who advocate a Dickensonian society

Welcome to the 21st century California Girl

Again RW, evolution will prove (as it is and has) that the entitlement programs you're so proud of will be the downfall of many nations, if something like war does not destroy them first... How well is the US doing with it's programs... =D?

How well?

Social Security has provided a safety net for over 75 years, Medicare for over 45 years......all are vital for the well being of retired Americans

Conservatives opposed and still want to scrap both programs

Who specifically wants to "scrap" these programs?
Do you have a name and a bill # associated with those assertions?
Have they "solved anything"?

They have solved poor destitute people dying in the streets, begging door to door, spreading disease, having no safety net, being afraid to age

The US uses the same social programs as every other industrialized country. It is only arch conservatives who advocate a Dickensonian society

Welcome to the 21st century California Girl

Again RW, evolution will prove (as it is and has) that the entitlement programs you're so proud of will be the downfall of many nations, if something like war does not destroy them first... How well is the US doing with it's programs... =D?

How well?

Social Security has provided a safety net for over 75 years, Medicare for over 45 years......all are vital for the well being of retired Americans

Conservatives opposed and still want to scrap both programs

There both failing... Horribly. Liberals want to massively expand them to keep up, with borrowed money of course.
That.... "They ask for so little in return".... gotta be the best comment in the thread. They ask for so little.... they deserve nothing.... and they don't 'ask', they demand..... and.... better yet.... they'll stoop so low as to lay claim to the Founding Fathers in order to take yet more from others.

How embarrassing these leftists are to liberals.
It's the sheer dishonesty that's so galling. Modern liberals have little interest in individual freedoms -- they prefer the collective, insisting on treating people as monolithic blocs, and hating them when they don't stay in their assigned pigeonhole.

The FF as modern liberals? Utterly ludicrous.

On this I have to agree with you...

Modern liberals do not wear powdered wigs, own slaves or deny rights to women

Liberal thought evolves to meet the needs of an evolving is only libertarians and Tea Baggers who are stuck in the 18th century
If liberal thought has evolved, why do you want the US to adopt the conditions of the Soviet Union circa 1958?
Again RW, evolution will prove (as it is and has) that the entitlement programs you're so proud of will be the downfall of many nations, if something like war does not destroy them first... How well is the US doing with it's programs... =D?

How well?

Social Security has provided a safety net for over 75 years, Medicare for over 45 years......all are vital for the well being of retired Americans

Conservatives opposed and still want to scrap both programs

Who specifically wants to "scrap" these programs?
Do you have a name and a bill # associated with those assertions?

Have you seen the Ryan budget? Listened to right wing talk radio?

These are entitlement programs and are socialist
Have they "solved anything"?

They have solved poor destitute people dying in the streets, begging door to door, spreading disease, having no safety net, being afraid to age

The US uses the same social programs as every other industrialized country. It is only arch conservatives who advocate a Dickensonian society

Welcome to the 21st century California Girl

Again RW, evolution will prove (as it is and has) that the entitlement programs you're so proud of will be the downfall of many nations, if something like war does not destroy them first... How well is the US doing with it's programs... =D?

How well?

Social Security has provided a safety net for over 75 years, Medicare for over 45 years......all are vital for the well being of retired Americans

Conservatives opposed and still want to scrap both programs

No, they don't. They spent a trillion on Medicare Part D, which was a hand out to big Pharma, back in 2003.

Yet, they do not want to rescind this act.
It's the sheer dishonesty that's so galling. Modern liberals have little interest in individual freedoms -- they prefer the collective, insisting on treating people as monolithic blocs, and hating them when they don't stay in their assigned pigeonhole.

The FF as modern liberals? Utterly ludicrous.

On this I have to agree with you...

Modern liberals do not wear powdered wigs, own slaves or deny rights to women

Liberal thought evolves to meet the needs of an evolving is only libertarians and Tea Baggers who are stuck in the 18th century
If liberal thought has evolved, why do you want the US to adopt the conditions of the Soviet Union circa 1958?

I know most of us are celebrating today with picnics, hot dogs and fireworks. But on this day of celebration of one of the most significant liberal accomplishments, it is time to reflect on just what this day means

Our liberal founding fathers shook the world when they declared that "All men are created equal" When you think of it, this was a time when royalty ruled by the merits of their blood alone. It was a time when different classes of people received different treatment from the government. It was a time when those who toiled in the fields received different treatment than those who owned the fields

In the most liberal concept of the day, our founding fathers stood up and declared .....We have god given rights to be treated the same as anyone else. Imagine declaring that royalty are no better than anyone else? Or that someone working in the fields deserved the same rights and the same vote as someone who owned the land or that some illiterate peasant deserved the same treatment as a royal family member.

Imagine what this country would be like if our founding fathers had listened to the conservatives of the day and remained loyal to the King or implemented a class system based on wealth?

Yes, this is a day of celebration of the greatest country in the history of the world. Take the time to be thankful for what this country gives us and find a liberal and give them a smile and a thumbs up for this special day

Trying to play Politics with the 4th? Really?

Shame on you.
I know most of us are celebrating today with picnics, hot dogs and fireworks. But on this day of celebration of one of the most significant liberal accomplishments, it is time to reflect on just what this day means

Our liberal founding fathers shook the world when they declared that "All men are created equal" When you think of it, this was a time when royalty ruled by the merits of their blood alone. It was a time when different classes of people received different treatment from the government. It was a time when those who toiled in the fields received different treatment than those who owned the fields

In the most liberal concept of the day, our founding fathers stood up and declared .....We have god given rights to be treated the same as anyone else. Imagine declaring that royalty are no better than anyone else? Or that someone working in the fields deserved the same rights and the same vote as someone who owned the land or that some illiterate peasant deserved the same treatment as a royal family member.

Imagine what this country would be like if our founding fathers had listened to the conservatives of the day and remained loyal to the King or implemented a class system based on wealth?

Yes, this is a day of celebration of the greatest country in the history of the world. Take the time to be thankful for what this country gives us and find a liberal and give them a smile and a thumbs up for this special day

Trying to play Politics with the 4th? Really?

Shame on you.

The Redcoats said the same thing.
I know most of us are celebrating today with picnics, hot dogs and fireworks. But on this day of celebration of one of the most significant liberal accomplishments, it is time to reflect on just what this day means

Our liberal founding fathers shook the world when they declared that "All men are created equal" When you think of it, this was a time when royalty ruled by the merits of their blood alone. It was a time when different classes of people received different treatment from the government. It was a time when those who toiled in the fields received different treatment than those who owned the fields

In the most liberal concept of the day, our founding fathers stood up and declared .....We have god given rights to be treated the same as anyone else. Imagine declaring that royalty are no better than anyone else? Or that someone working in the fields deserved the same rights and the same vote as someone who owned the land or that some illiterate peasant deserved the same treatment as a royal family member.

Imagine what this country would be like if our founding fathers had listened to the conservatives of the day and remained loyal to the King or implemented a class system based on wealth?

Yes, this is a day of celebration of the greatest country in the history of the world. Take the time to be thankful for what this country gives us and find a liberal and give them a smile and a thumbs up for this special day

It was also rather progressive of them too, as opposed to the conservative loyalists.
On this I have to agree with you...

Modern liberals do not wear powdered wigs, own slaves or deny rights to women

Liberal thought evolves to meet the needs of an evolving is only libertarians and Tea Baggers who are stuck in the 18th century
If liberal thought has evolved, why do you want the US to adopt the conditions of the Soviet Union circa 1958?

You really don't know what "Progressives" want? :lol:
What is it with these modern day liberals who think the rest of us owe 'em something? Did they fight the British? No. All they do is jump on a band wagon and lay claim to every decent idealist who has ever walked the planet..... Is stupid a prerequisite to be a 'liberal'?

Modern day libeals like Woodrow Wilson. Great idol of the modern day liberal.

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