Its July 4th.....Have you thanked a Liberal today???

Why on earth would I thank people who are actively trying to destroy what our Founders accomplished?

See, I actually like the Constitution. I'd like to see it restored to before the Progressives started screwing it up. Restore the power of the States. You know, limit the Federal Government. Stop ignoring the corruption and kick the people who want power out of Washington.

Screwing it up how?

Ending Slavery?
Womens vote?

Most of what you object to is within the powers of Congress. If you read the Constitution, there is not much detail on what to do, only a framework for the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

The founders wanted future generations to craft their own government to meet their own times within the Constitutional framework of Government

You are so full of it. Your limited capacity starts and ends with that Democrats are all good and all good is Democrat. And then you say Republicans are black and white...
There it is... the Founders were bunch of old, racist white men.:lol:

Most were old, they were all white men, and some were definitely racist. Nicely put...

So, which Constitutional proviso should be amended because it was merely reflects that the framers were old, white racist men, ?!?!?!?!?!?!


Unfortunately, your "knowledge" of history is nothing more than brainwashing by the liberal propaganda and not actual facts about history. Most of our founders were not racist. In fact, some of our founders were BLACK!

Peter Salem (1750–1816) was an African American who served as a soldier in the American Revolutionary War. He was born in Framingham, Massachusetts, a slave of Jeremiah Belknap. Salem was later sold to Lawson Buckminster, who gave him his freedom.

Prince Estabrook was a black slave and Minutemen Private who fought and was wounded at the Battle of Lexington, the first battle of the American Revolutionary War. An undated broadside from the time identified him as "a Negro Man", spelled his name Easterbrooks, and listed him among the wounded from Lexington.[

Prince Whipple accompanied General Whipple and George Washington in the famous crossing of the Delaware River. Some believe that Whipple is the black man portrayed fending off ice with an oar at Washington's knee in the painting Washington Crossing the Delaware, including the artist who painted the painting, German American artist Emanuel Leutze.

James Armistead Lafayette (December 10, 1760?–August 9, 1830) was the first African American double spy. Because he was an intelligence agent and not technically a soldier, James could not qualify for emancipation under the Act of 1783, so with the support of William Armistead, he pensioned the Virginia State Legislature for his freedom. He received a letter of commendation dated November 21, 1784 from the Marquis de Lafayette. The facsimile of the letter of commendation can be viewed on the Lafayette College website. On January 9, 1786, the Virginia State legislature granted the slave known only as "James" his freedom for services rendered and bravery as a spy during the siege of Yorktown. It was at that time that he chose the name 'Armistead' for his middle name and 'Lafayette' for his surname, to honor the general.

If you truly want to be enlightened about our REAL history, might I suggest you put down the progressive Communist propaganda and head to historian David Barton’s web site –
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Modern Liberals would have had the best 5th of July Colonial Banquet evah.

You forgot the part where the modern liberals would send the check to the rest of the country. They party, we pay. Fuck 'em.

GREAT post CG! I'm tired of the greedy, gimme-gimme-gimme liberal asking government to provide everything and anything to them, at the expense of hard working Conservatives. They demonize those who actually succeed in life and support those who stay home shooting up heroin.

It is appallling beyond words that the very people who trample all over the Constitution and claim it is "irrelevant" are calling Florida's new law for drug testing welfare recipients "unconstitutional". Liberals want to ban religion, freedom of speech, and guns, but then they make the absurd claim that drug testing for welfare recipients is "unconstitutional". It just shows that not one of them has ever actually read the US Constitution. Tragic.
Why on earth would I thank people who are actively trying to destroy what our Founders accomplished?

See, I actually like the Constitution. I'd like to see it restored to before the Progressives started screwing it up. Restore the power of the States. You know, limit the Federal Government. Stop ignoring the corruption and kick the people who want power out of Washington.

Screwing it up how?

Ending Slavery?
Womens vote?

Most of what you object to is within the powers of Congress. If you read the Constitution, there is not much detail on what to do, only a framework for the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

The founders wanted future generations to craft their own government to meet their own times within the Constitutional framework of Government

"Ending slavery"?!?!?! Um, liberals did NOT end slavery. In fact, liberals fought to keep slavery to their very death (see US Civil War). It was Abraham Lincoln, the FIRST Republican (ie the GOP) that ended slavery. It always amazes me how liberals try to rewrite history. But then again, Propaganda is the #1 tool of Communists and Nazi's.

Critical thought is not a skill that rightwhiner chooses to practice. He prefers the less difficult route of taking his opinions from the HuffPuff and the like. He's a fool.
Modern Liberals would have had the best 5th of July Colonial Banquet evah.

You forgot the part where the modern liberals would send the check to the rest of the country. They party, we pay. Fuck 'em.

GREAT post CG! I'm tired of the greedy, gimme-gimme-gimme liberal asking government to provide everything and anything to them, at the expense of hard working Conservatives. They demonize those who actually succeed in life and support those who stay home shooting up heroin.

It is appallling beyond words that the very people who trample all over the Constitution and claim it is "irrelevant" are calling Florida's new law for drug testing welfare recipients "unconstitutional". Liberals want to ban religion, freedom of speech, and guns, but then they make the absurd claim that drug testing for welfare recipients is "unconstitutional". It just shows that not one of them has ever actually read the US Constitution. Tragic.

So, I guess you didn't thank them yesterday either? We bad! :lol::lol:
I know most of us are celebrating today with picnics, hot dogs and fireworks. But on this day of celebration of one of the most significant liberal accomplishments, it is time to reflect on just what this day means

Our liberal founding fathers shook the world when they declared that "All men are created equal" When you think of it, this was a time when royalty ruled by the merits of their blood alone. It was a time when different classes of people received different treatment from the government. It was a time when those who toiled in the fields received different treatment than those who owned the fields

In the most liberal concept of the day, our founding fathers stood up and declared .....We have god given rights to be treated the same as anyone else. Imagine declaring that royalty are no better than anyone else? Or that someone working in the fields deserved the same rights and the same vote as someone who owned the land or that some illiterate peasant deserved the same treatment as a royal family member.

Imagine what this country would be like if our founding fathers had listened to the conservatives of the day and remained loyal to the King or implemented a class system based on wealth?

Yes, this is a day of celebration of the greatest country in the history of the world. Take the time to be thankful for what this country gives us and find a liberal and give them a smile and a thumbs up for this special day

Most of the ideals you speak of aren't liberal traits but universal traits.

And your arguement was blown to shit when you mentioned God.

Most hard-core libs reject the existence of a God.
Why on earth would I thank people who are actively trying to destroy what our Founders accomplished?

See, I actually like the Constitution. I'd like to see it restored to before the Progressives started screwing it up. Restore the power of the States. You know, limit the Federal Government. Stop ignoring the corruption and kick the people who want power out of Washington.

Screwing it up how?

Ending Slavery?
Womens vote?

Most of what you object to is within the powers of Congress. If you read the Constitution, there is not much detail on what to do, only a framework for the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

The founders wanted future generations to craft their own government to meet their own times within the Constitutional framework of Government

Progressives didn't get organzied until the turn of the 20th century. They had nothing to do with ending slavery, which was done by Republicans decades earlier who continued the foundational work the Founders laid for ending it.

Women were able to vote after the revolution. It was the subsequent generation who thought that the women were voting for the wrong party who then took away the vote from them in around the turn of the 19th century. The amendment was the end of an effort of 100 years (again before the progressives got involved or were even formed). And Women were voting in many states long before the amendment was passed.

But tell me something. If we ignore the Constitution. What is going to stop people from taking away the vote from women again? What's going to stop the government from reinstituting Slavery? You invalidate the Constitution, if you ignore it, then it can no longer proide the safety and security we need to guantee our rights.
Why on earth would I thank people who are actively trying to destroy what our Founders accomplished?

See, I actually like the Constitution. I'd like to see it restored to before the Progressives started screwing it up. Restore the power of the States. You know, limit the Federal Government. Stop ignoring the corruption and kick the people who want power out of Washington.

Screwing it up how?

Ending Slavery?
Womens vote?

Most of what you object to is within the powers of Congress. If you read the Constitution, there is not much detail on what to do, only a framework for the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

The founders wanted future generations to craft their own government to meet their own times within the Constitutional framework of Government

"Ending slavery"?!?!?! Um, liberals did NOT end slavery. In fact, liberals fought to keep slavery to their very death (see US Civil War). It was Abraham Lincoln, the FIRST Republican (ie the GOP) that ended slavery. It always amazes me how liberals try to rewrite history. But then again, Propaganda is the #1 tool of Communists and Nazi's.

I know you are new here but please do a better job at reading. The post pertained to changes in the Constitution since its founding.

You also need to work harder on your understanding of liberal/conservative and Democrat/Republican. While there is pretty strict party loyalty now, it was not always that way. For most of our history you had liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats.

And yes....Abolitionists were liberals. Conservatives supported a states right to enforce slavery
Why on earth would I thank people who are actively trying to destroy what our Founders accomplished?

See, I actually like the Constitution. I'd like to see it restored to before the Progressives started screwing it up. Restore the power of the States. You know, limit the Federal Government. Stop ignoring the corruption and kick the people who want power out of Washington.

Screwing it up how?

Ending Slavery?
Womens vote?

Most of what you object to is within the powers of Congress. If you read the Constitution, there is not much detail on what to do, only a framework for the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

The founders wanted future generations to craft their own government to meet their own times within the Constitutional framework of Government

"Ending slavery"?!?!?! Um, liberals did NOT end slavery. In fact, liberals fought to keep slavery to their very death (see US Civil War). It was Abraham Lincoln, the FIRST Republican (ie the GOP) that ended slavery. It always amazes me how liberals try to rewrite history. But then again, Propaganda is the #1 tool of Communists and Nazi's.

Umm actually Lincols emancipation proclamation only ended slavery in confederate held areas. It was not banned in union controlled areas.
Why on earth would I thank people who are actively trying to destroy what our Founders accomplished?

See, I actually like the Constitution. I'd like to see it restored to before the Progressives started screwing it up. Restore the power of the States. You know, limit the Federal Government. Stop ignoring the corruption and kick the people who want power out of Washington.

Screwing it up how?

Ending Slavery?
Womens vote?

Most of what you object to is within the powers of Congress. If you read the Constitution, there is not much detail on what to do, only a framework for the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

The founders wanted future generations to craft their own government to meet their own times within the Constitutional framework of Government

Progressives didn't get organzied until the turn of the 20th century. They had nothing to do with ending slavery, which was done by Republicans decades earlier who continued the foundational work the Founders laid for ending it.

Women were able to vote after the revolution. It was the subsequent generation who thought that the women were voting for the wrong party who then took away the vote from them in around the turn of the 19th century. The amendment was the end of an effort of 100 years (again before the progressives got involved or were even formed). And Women were voting in many states long before the amendment was passed.

But tell me something. If we ignore the Constitution. What is going to stop people from taking away the vote from women again? What's going to stop the government from reinstituting Slavery? You invalidate the Constitution, if you ignore it, then it can no longer proide the safety and security we need to guantee our rights.

Ignore the Constitution? Who is ignoring the Constitution?

In case you missed it, we have a very active court system which enforces adherence to the Constitution. You may not agree with all of their decisions, but they are the ones with the mandate to enforce the Constitution, not extreme rightwing message board posters

If it makes you feel any better, we have the most Conservative Supreme Court in a generation and they have been adept at pushing the right wing agenda
Screwing it up how?

Ending Slavery?
Womens vote?

Most of what you object to is within the powers of Congress. If you read the Constitution, there is not much detail on what to do, only a framework for the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

The founders wanted future generations to craft their own government to meet their own times within the Constitutional framework of Government

Progressives didn't get organzied until the turn of the 20th century. They had nothing to do with ending slavery, which was done by Republicans decades earlier who continued the foundational work the Founders laid for ending it.

Women were able to vote after the revolution. It was the subsequent generation who thought that the women were voting for the wrong party who then took away the vote from them in around the turn of the 19th century. The amendment was the end of an effort of 100 years (again before the progressives got involved or were even formed). And Women were voting in many states long before the amendment was passed.

But tell me something. If we ignore the Constitution. What is going to stop people from taking away the vote from women again? What's going to stop the government from reinstituting Slavery? You invalidate the Constitution, if you ignore it, then it can no longer proide the safety and security we need to guantee our rights.

Ignore the Constitution? Who is ignoring the Constitution?

In case you missed it, we have a very active court system which enforces adherence to the Constitution. You may not agree with all of their decisions, but they are the ones with the mandate to enforce the Constitution, not extreme rightwing message board posters

If it makes you feel any better, we have the most Conservative Supreme Court in a generation and they have been adept at pushing the right wing agenda

So you wouldn't know if a court decision is Unconstitutional simply because it infringes upon your right to life, liberty, property and to pursue happiness?

Progressives didn't get organzied until the turn of the 20th century. They had nothing to do with ending slavery, which was done by Republicans decades earlier who continued the foundational work the Founders laid for ending it.

Women were able to vote after the revolution. It was the subsequent generation who thought that the women were voting for the wrong party who then took away the vote from them in around the turn of the 19th century. The amendment was the end of an effort of 100 years (again before the progressives got involved or were even formed). And Women were voting in many states long before the amendment was passed.

But tell me something. If we ignore the Constitution. What is going to stop people from taking away the vote from women again? What's going to stop the government from reinstituting Slavery? You invalidate the Constitution, if you ignore it, then it can no longer proide the safety and security we need to guantee our rights.

Ignore the Constitution? Who is ignoring the Constitution?

In case you missed it, we have a very active court system which enforces adherence to the Constitution. You may not agree with all of their decisions, but they are the ones with the mandate to enforce the Constitution, not extreme rightwing message board posters

If it makes you feel any better, we have the most Conservative Supreme Court in a generation and they have been adept at pushing the right wing agenda

So you wouldn't know if a court decision is Unconstitutional simply because it infringes upon your right to life, liberty, property and to pursue happiness?


Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are in the Declaration of Independence not the Constitution

Like most extreme rightwing rigid Constitutionalists, you know very little about the document that you worship
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Screwing it up how?

Ending Slavery?
Womens vote?

Most of what you object to is within the powers of Congress. If you read the Constitution, there is not much detail on what to do, only a framework for the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

The founders wanted future generations to craft their own government to meet their own times within the Constitutional framework of Government

"Ending slavery"?!?!?! Um, liberals did NOT end slavery. In fact, liberals fought to keep slavery to their very death (see US Civil War). It was Abraham Lincoln, the FIRST Republican (ie the GOP) that ended slavery. It always amazes me how liberals try to rewrite history. But then again, Propaganda is the #1 tool of Communists and Nazi's.

I know you are new here but please do a better job at reading. The post pertained to changes in the Constitution since its founding.

You also need to work harder on your understanding of liberal/conservative and Democrat/Republican. While there is pretty strict party loyalty now, it was not always that way. For most of our history you had liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats.

And yes....Abolitionists were liberals. Conservatives supported a states right to enforce slavery

LOL So now when "conservatives" or Republicans ended slavery they were really "Liberals" or Democrats... and that's why the Democrats were pro slavery, because they were really Conservatives...

Nice RW, really nice LOL.
Screwing it up how?

Ending Slavery?
Womens vote?

Most of what you object to is within the powers of Congress. If you read the Constitution, there is not much detail on what to do, only a framework for the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

The founders wanted future generations to craft their own government to meet their own times within the Constitutional framework of Government

"Ending slavery"?!?!?! Um, liberals did NOT end slavery. In fact, liberals fought to keep slavery to their very death (see US Civil War). It was Abraham Lincoln, the FIRST Republican (ie the GOP) that ended slavery. It always amazes me how liberals try to rewrite history. But then again, Propaganda is the #1 tool of Communists and Nazi's.

Umm actually Lincols emancipation proclamation only ended slavery in confederate held areas. It was not banned in union controlled areas.

I don't think you answered my question from before btw. Is RW a liberal by definition of the word or one of the people you describe as "Bending the meaning of the word to suit their agenda of today."
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"Ending slavery"?!?!?! Um, liberals did NOT end slavery. In fact, liberals fought to keep slavery to their very death (see US Civil War). It was Abraham Lincoln, the FIRST Republican (ie the GOP) that ended slavery. It always amazes me how liberals try to rewrite history. But then again, Propaganda is the #1 tool of Communists and Nazi's.

I know you are new here but please do a better job at reading. The post pertained to changes in the Constitution since its founding.

You also need to work harder on your understanding of liberal/conservative and Democrat/Republican. While there is pretty strict party loyalty now, it was not always that way. For most of our history you had liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats.

And yes....Abolitionists were liberals. Conservatives supported a states right to enforce slavery

LOL So now when "conservatives" or Republicans ended slavery they were really "Liberals" or Democrats... and that's why the Democrats were pro slavery, because they were really Conservatives...

Nice RW, really nice LOL.

Are you questioning whether abolitionists were liberals? Do you really have such a limited grasp of history? Why do you have such a hard time grasping the concept that Republicans can be Liberals?

The Conservatives of the Civil War era took the easy way out and advocated allowing each state to make the decision to be slave or free. Conservatives advocated the repatriotation of escaped slaves. Guess what? Many of these conservatives were Democrats
Liberals have done so much for our society. They gave us our nation, womans rights, workers rights, civil rights, environmental protections, gay rights, healthcare, social security....

They ask for so little in return

Lets use today to thank liberals for this wonderful country that they not only founded for us......but work tirelessly to make better every day

I know you are new here but please do a better job at reading. The post pertained to changes in the Constitution since its founding.

You also need to work harder on your understanding of liberal/conservative and Democrat/Republican. While there is pretty strict party loyalty now, it was not always that way. For most of our history you had liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats.

And yes....Abolitionists were liberals. Conservatives supported a states right to enforce slavery

LOL So now when "conservatives" or Republicans ended slavery they were really "Liberals" or Democrats... and that's why the Democrats were pro slavery, because they were really Conservatives...

Nice RW, really nice LOL.

Are you questioning whether abolitionists were liberals? Do you really have such a limited grasp of history? Why do you have such a hard time grasping the concept that Republicans can be Liberals?

The Conservatives of the Civil War era took the easy way out and advocated allowing each state to make the decision to be slave or free. Conservatives advocated the repatriotation of escaped slaves. Guess what? Many of these conservatives were Democrats

So have you thanked a Conservative today?
LOL So now when "conservatives" or Republicans ended slavery they were really "Liberals" or Democrats... and that's why the Democrats were pro slavery, because they were really Conservatives...

Nice RW, really nice LOL.

Are you questioning whether abolitionists were liberals? Do you really have such a limited grasp of history? Why do you have such a hard time grasping the concept that Republicans can be Liberals?

The Conservatives of the Civil War era took the easy way out and advocated allowing each state to make the decision to be slave or free. Conservatives advocated the repatriotation of escaped slaves. Guess what? Many of these conservatives were Democrats

So have you thanked a Conservative today?

For advocating "Leave well enough alone" during the slave era?
I know you are new here but please do a better job at reading. The post pertained to changes in the Constitution since its founding.

You also need to work harder on your understanding of liberal/conservative and Democrat/Republican. While there is pretty strict party loyalty now, it was not always that way. For most of our history you had liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats.

And yes....Abolitionists were liberals. Conservatives supported a states right to enforce slavery

LOL So now when "conservatives" or Republicans ended slavery they were really "Liberals" or Democrats... and that's why the Democrats were pro slavery, because they were really Conservatives...

Nice RW, really nice LOL.

Are you questioning whether abolitionists were liberals? Do you really have such a limited grasp of history? Why do you have such a hard time grasping the concept that Republicans can be Liberals?

The Conservatives of the Civil War era took the easy way out and advocated allowing each state to make the decision to be slave or free. Conservatives advocated the repatriotation of escaped slaves. Guess what? Many of these conservatives were Democrats

Guess what? NO they were NOT. This is typical left-wing propganda b.s. Liberals have ALWAYS been Democrats. The GOP was not liberal and suddenly "morphed" into conservatives. The cold, hard, truth that you work so hard to deny with your propaganda is that the left was ALWAYS racist and pro-slavery. In the 1960's, who fought the hardest against civil rights? The Democrats! It was the GOP leading the way on civil rights. But let me guess, waaaaay back in the 60's, the GOP was all liberal and the Democratic party was all conservatives, right? It was Democrat Robert Byrd of West Virginia who spent 50 years as a Senator AND as a member of the Klu Klux Klan. Sorry my friend, you can try to twist history all you want. The truth always comes out in the end.
LOL So now when "conservatives" or Republicans ended slavery they were really "Liberals" or Democrats... and that's why the Democrats were pro slavery, because they were really Conservatives...

Nice RW, really nice LOL.

Are you questioning whether abolitionists were liberals? Do you really have such a limited grasp of history? Why do you have such a hard time grasping the concept that Republicans can be Liberals?

The Conservatives of the Civil War era took the easy way out and advocated allowing each state to make the decision to be slave or free. Conservatives advocated the repatriotation of escaped slaves. Guess what? Many of these conservatives were Democrats

Guess what? NO they were NOT. This is typical left-wing propganda b.s. Liberals have ALWAYS been Democrats. The GOP was not liberal and suddenly "morphed" into conservatives. The cold, hard, truth that you work so hard to deny with your propaganda is that the left was ALWAYS racist and pro-slavery. In the 1960's, who fought the hardest against civil rights? The Democrats! It was the GOP leading the way on civil rights. But let me guess, waaaaay back in the 60's, the GOP was all liberal and the Democratic party was all conservatives, right? It was Democrat Robert Byrd of West Virginia who spent 50 years as a Senator AND as a member of the Klu Klux Klan. Sorry my friend, you can try to twist history all you want. The truth always comes out in the end.
Indeed. And you can see from the parties' platforms that the GOP has always supported civil rights. The Democrats? Not hardly.

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