Its July 4th.....Have you thanked a Liberal today???

Seriously, how INSANE does one have to be to try and make a case that slavery was ended by liberal Democrats when the world knows that Abraham Lincoln was the first official president of the GOP? It's just amazing. The left tries to demonize conservatives as racist, and when it is pointed out that the GOP freed the slaves while the Democrats worked tirelessly against emancipation AND civil rights, their answer is that the GOP was actually made up of liberals and conservatives were all Democrats during "those era's". Good grief, there is no shame and no end to the propaganda nonsense that the left will peddle.
Ignore the Constitution? Who is ignoring the Constitution?

In case you missed it, we have a very active court system which enforces adherence to the Constitution. You may not agree with all of their decisions, but they are the ones with the mandate to enforce the Constitution, not extreme rightwing message board posters

If it makes you feel any better, we have the most Conservative Supreme Court in a generation and they have been adept at pushing the right wing agenda

So you wouldn't know if a court decision is Unconstitutional simply because it infringes upon your right to life, liberty, property and to pursue happiness?


Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are in the Declaration of Independence not the Constitution

Like most extreme rightwing rigid Constitutionalists, you know very little about the document that you worship

So you have never read the Ninth Amendment

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Seriously, how INSANE does one have to be to try and make a case that slavery was ended by liberal Democrats when the world knows that Abraham Lincoln was the first official president of the GOP? It's just amazing. The left tries to demonize conservatives as racist, and when it is pointed out that the GOP freed the slaves while the Democrats worked tirelessly against emancipation AND civil rights, their answer is that the GOP was actually made up of liberals and conservatives were all Democrats during "those era's". Good grief, there is no shame and no end to the propaganda nonsense that the left will peddle.
The fact that the left has to resort to such dishonesty shows they realize that their history isn't worth bragging about.
I know most of us are celebrating today with picnics, hot dogs and fireworks. But on this day of celebration of one of the most significant liberal accomplishments, it is time to reflect on just what this day means

Our liberal founding fathers shook the world when they declared that "All men are created equal" When you think of it, this was a time when royalty ruled by the merits of their blood alone. It was a time when different classes of people received different treatment from the government. It was a time when those who toiled in the fields received different treatment than those who owned the fields

In the most liberal concept of the day, our founding fathers stood up and declared .....We have god given rights to be treated the same as anyone else. Imagine declaring that royalty are no better than anyone else? Or that someone working in the fields deserved the same rights and the same vote as someone who owned the land or that some illiterate peasant deserved the same treatment as a royal family member.

Imagine what this country would be like if our founding fathers had listened to the conservatives of the day and remained loyal to the King or implemented a class system based on wealth?

Yes, this is a day of celebration of the greatest country in the history of the world. Take the time to be thankful for what this country gives us and find a liberal and give them a smile and a thumbs up for this special day

Tell you what, you find me a liberal that's the mirror image of the Founders, I will gladly thank him.

Good luck with that, since they all died out decades ago.
LOL So now when "conservatives" or Republicans ended slavery they were really "Liberals" or Democrats... and that's why the Democrats were pro slavery, because they were really Conservatives...

Nice RW, really nice LOL.

Are you questioning whether abolitionists were liberals? Do you really have such a limited grasp of history? Why do you have such a hard time grasping the concept that Republicans can be Liberals?

The Conservatives of the Civil War era took the easy way out and advocated allowing each state to make the decision to be slave or free. Conservatives advocated the repatriotation of escaped slaves. Guess what? Many of these conservatives were Democrats

Guess what? NO they were NOT. This is typical left-wing propganda b.s. Liberals have ALWAYS been Democrats. The GOP was not liberal and suddenly "morphed" into conservatives. The cold, hard, truth that you work so hard to deny with your propaganda is that the left was ALWAYS racist and pro-slavery. In the 1960's, who fought the hardest against civil rights? The Democrats! It was the GOP leading the way on civil rights. But let me guess, waaaaay back in the 60's, the GOP was all liberal and the Democratic party was all conservatives, right? It was Democrat Robert Byrd of West Virginia who spent 50 years as a Senator AND as a member of the Klu Klux Klan. Sorry my friend, you can try to twist history all you want. The truth always comes out in the end.

You are obviously born in the post Reagan era and have always lived in a time when Democrats were liberals and Republicans were conservatives. Prior to Reagan and specifically Newt Gingrich there were many Republicans who held liberal views, especially on social issues. Look at Republicans like Nelson Rockefeller or even some of Richard Nixons and Gerald Ford. Conversely, look at Dems like George Wallace.

In terms of Civil Rights, there were no southern politicians of either party who supported Civil rights. You could not be elected dog catcher in the south if you favored integration.

I'm afraid politics is not as cut and dried as you were brainwashed to believe
Are you questioning whether abolitionists were liberals? Do you really have such a limited grasp of history? Why do you have such a hard time grasping the concept that Republicans can be Liberals?

The Conservatives of the Civil War era took the easy way out and advocated allowing each state to make the decision to be slave or free. Conservatives advocated the repatriotation of escaped slaves. Guess what? Many of these conservatives were Democrats

Guess what? NO they were NOT. This is typical left-wing propganda b.s. Liberals have ALWAYS been Democrats. The GOP was not liberal and suddenly "morphed" into conservatives. The cold, hard, truth that you work so hard to deny with your propaganda is that the left was ALWAYS racist and pro-slavery. In the 1960's, who fought the hardest against civil rights? The Democrats! It was the GOP leading the way on civil rights. But let me guess, waaaaay back in the 60's, the GOP was all liberal and the Democratic party was all conservatives, right? It was Democrat Robert Byrd of West Virginia who spent 50 years as a Senator AND as a member of the Klu Klux Klan. Sorry my friend, you can try to twist history all you want. The truth always comes out in the end.

You are obviously born in the post Reagan era and have always lived in a time when Democrats were liberals and Republicans were conservatives. Prior to Reagan and specifically Newt Gingrich there were many Republicans who held liberal views, especially on social issues. Look at Republicans like Nelson Rockefeller or even some of Richard Nixons and Gerald Ford. Conversely, look at Dems like George Wallace.

In terms of Civil Rights, there were no southern politicians of either party who supported Civil rights. You could not be elected dog catcher in the south if you favored integration.

I'm afraid politics is not as cut and dried as you were brainwashed to believe

Kennedy held a "Liberal View" that was pro-gay? Take "God" out of the discussion? No nativity scenes? More government? Higher taxes? Same sex marriages? Gays in the military? Pro-Muslim? Quanza week? (or whatever the fuck it's called), etc. etc.? Kennedy held these "Liberal Views"?
I used to think you were OK RW - but your OP was posted - obviously - to flame-up some people. I am not playing your game anymore. In this thread, you're coming across as a complete partisan hack.

Thank a Liberal for our independence.

Gimme a fucking break.
Conservative accomplishment - Nixon on the environment -

The president sent dozens of environmental proposals to Congress, including the Clean Air Act of 1970, perhaps one of the most significant pieces of environmental legislation ever passed. He also created two new agencies, the Department of Natural Resources and the Environmental Protection Agency, to oversee environmental matters.

And while we're at it, unless leftists want to claim that Christian Republicans are, or ever have been, "liberals", slavery and civil rights fall on exactly the opposite side of the ledger from where they'd like them to.
Happy Fourth!! But if you hope our President fails, then you are putting politics above country. I'm blaming mega rich elitist pubs, not their propagandized, fear mongered, myth believing followers...

Way to put country above politics, you hypocritical, partisan asswad. :cuckoo:

If our President is trying to do things that are bad for the country, then you're goddamned right that I hope he fails at it, and miserably so. If I didn't, then THAT would be putting politics above my country, the way you just did.
Are you questioning whether abolitionists were liberals? Do you really have such a limited grasp of history? Why do you have such a hard time grasping the concept that Republicans can be Liberals?

The Conservatives of the Civil War era took the easy way out and advocated allowing each state to make the decision to be slave or free. Conservatives advocated the repatriotation of escaped slaves. Guess what? Many of these conservatives were Democrats

Guess what? NO they were NOT. This is typical left-wing propganda b.s. Liberals have ALWAYS been Democrats. The GOP was not liberal and suddenly "morphed" into conservatives. The cold, hard, truth that you work so hard to deny with your propaganda is that the left was ALWAYS racist and pro-slavery. In the 1960's, who fought the hardest against civil rights? The Democrats! It was the GOP leading the way on civil rights. But let me guess, waaaaay back in the 60's, the GOP was all liberal and the Democratic party was all conservatives, right? It was Democrat Robert Byrd of West Virginia who spent 50 years as a Senator AND as a member of the Klu Klux Klan. Sorry my friend, you can try to twist history all you want. The truth always comes out in the end.

You are obviously born in the post Reagan era and have always lived in a time when Democrats were liberals and Republicans were conservatives. Prior to Reagan and specifically Newt Gingrich there were many Republicans who held liberal views, especially on social issues. Look at Republicans like Nelson Rockefeller or even some of Richard Nixons and Gerald Ford. Conversely, look at Dems like George Wallace.

In terms of Civil Rights, there were no southern politicians of either party who supported Civil rights. You could not be elected dog catcher in the south if you favored integration.

I'm afraid politics is not as cut and dried as you were brainwashed to believe

And yet, you are the one who claimed the founding of the nation as a liberal achievement. To quote your own words back at you "I'm afraid politics is not as cut and dried as you were brainwashed to believe".

Fucking idiot.
Seriously, how INSANE does one have to be to try and make a case that slavery was ended by liberal Democrats when the world knows that Abraham Lincoln was the first official president of the GOP? It's just amazing. The left tries to demonize conservatives as racist, and when it is pointed out that the GOP freed the slaves while the Democrats worked tirelessly against emancipation AND civil rights, their answer is that the GOP was actually made up of liberals and conservatives were all Democrats during "those era's". Good grief, there is no shame and no end to the propaganda nonsense that the left will peddle.
The fact that the left has to resort to such dishonesty shows they realize that their history isn't worth bragging about.
So they seize upon and revise what they never owned because they know they're guilty of being total shitheads.
Guess what? NO they were NOT. This is typical left-wing propganda b.s. Liberals have ALWAYS been Democrats. The GOP was not liberal and suddenly "morphed" into conservatives. The cold, hard, truth that you work so hard to deny with your propaganda is that the left was ALWAYS racist and pro-slavery. In the 1960's, who fought the hardest against civil rights? The Democrats! It was the GOP leading the way on civil rights. But let me guess, waaaaay back in the 60's, the GOP was all liberal and the Democratic party was all conservatives, right? It was Democrat Robert Byrd of West Virginia who spent 50 years as a Senator AND as a member of the Klu Klux Klan. Sorry my friend, you can try to twist history all you want. The truth always comes out in the end.

You are obviously born in the post Reagan era and have always lived in a time when Democrats were liberals and Republicans were conservatives. Prior to Reagan and specifically Newt Gingrich there were many Republicans who held liberal views, especially on social issues. Look at Republicans like Nelson Rockefeller or even some of Richard Nixons and Gerald Ford. Conversely, look at Dems like George Wallace.

In terms of Civil Rights, there were no southern politicians of either party who supported Civil rights. You could not be elected dog catcher in the south if you favored integration.

I'm afraid politics is not as cut and dried as you were brainwashed to believe

And yet, you are the one who claimed the founding of the nation as a liberal achievement. To quote your own words back at you "I'm afraid politics is not as cut and dried as you were brainwashed to believe".

Fucking idiot.
For a Gubmint worker? Rightwingshitflinger sure spends alot of time on line during the day...
Happy Fourth!! But if you hope our President fails, then you are putting politics above country. I'm blaming mega rich elitist pubs, not their propagandized, fear mongered, myth believing followers...

Way to put country above politics, you hypocritical, partisan asswad. :cuckoo:

If our President is trying to do things that are bad for the country, then you're goddamned right that I hope he fails at it, and miserably so. If I didn't, then THAT would be putting politics above my country, the way you just did.

I beginning to wonder if the theft of our nation's achievements is some like of liberal ideal. I certainly hope not. I would despise that tactic from either side. Our nation was not founded by liberals, or conservatives. It was founded by patriots who wanted a free country.... and, having just watched a program about the founding of the United States, I conclude that our Founders would not be overly happy with modern liberals, or modern conservatives.
You are obviously born in the post Reagan era and have always lived in a time when Democrats were liberals and Republicans were conservatives. Prior to Reagan and specifically Newt Gingrich there were many Republicans who held liberal views, especially on social issues. Look at Republicans like Nelson Rockefeller or even some of Richard Nixons and Gerald Ford. Conversely, look at Dems like George Wallace.

In terms of Civil Rights, there were no southern politicians of either party who supported Civil rights. You could not be elected dog catcher in the south if you favored integration.

I'm afraid politics is not as cut and dried as you were brainwashed to believe

And yet, you are the one who claimed the founding of the nation as a liberal achievement. To quote your own words back at you "I'm afraid politics is not as cut and dried as you were brainwashed to believe".

Fucking idiot.
For a Gubmint worker? Rightwingshitflinger sure spends alot of time on line during the day...

So do I. I'm not a gubmint worker though.... I work my own hours.
Happy Fourth!! But if you hope our President fails, then you are putting politics above country. I'm blaming mega rich elitist pubs, not their propagandized, fear mongered, myth believing followers...

Way to put country above politics, you hypocritical, partisan asswad. :cuckoo:

If our President is trying to do things that are bad for the country, then you're goddamned right that I hope he fails at it, and miserably so. If I didn't, then THAT would be putting politics above my country, the way you just did.

I beginning to wonder if the theft of our nation's achievements is some like of liberal ideal. I certainly hope not. I would despise that tactic from either side. Our nation was not founded by liberals, or conservatives. It was founded by patriots who wanted a free country.... and, having just watched a program about the founding of the United States, I conclude that our Founders would not be overly happy with modern liberals, or modern conservatives.
Classic Liberal formed from the term Liberty...and which the Libertarians would be classic Liberals...(as if you wouldn't know that already). ;)
Way to put country above politics, you hypocritical, partisan asswad. :cuckoo:

If our President is trying to do things that are bad for the country, then you're goddamned right that I hope he fails at it, and miserably so. If I didn't, then THAT would be putting politics above my country, the way you just did.

I beginning to wonder if the theft of our nation's achievements is some like of liberal ideal. I certainly hope not. I would despise that tactic from either side. Our nation was not founded by liberals, or conservatives. It was founded by patriots who wanted a free country.... and, having just watched a program about the founding of the United States, I conclude that our Founders would not be overly happy with modern liberals, or modern conservatives.
Classic Liberal formed from the term Liberty...and which the Libertarians would be classic Liberals...(as if you wouldn't know that already). ;)

I think there are differences between modern day Libertarians and Classical Liberals. I agree with a lot of Libertarian views.... until they start getting really fucking naive about education, defense and a few other quite vital areas.
I beginning to wonder if the theft of our nation's achievements is some like of liberal ideal. I certainly hope not. I would despise that tactic from either side. Our nation was not founded by liberals, or conservatives. It was founded by patriots who wanted a free country.... and, having just watched a program about the founding of the United States, I conclude that our Founders would not be overly happy with modern liberals, or modern conservatives.
Classic Liberal formed from the term Liberty...and which the Libertarians would be classic Liberals...(as if you wouldn't know that already). ;)

I think there are differences between modern day Libertarians and Classical Liberals. I agree with a lot of Libertarian views.... until they start getting really fucking naive about education, defense and a few other quite vital areas.
Agreed. Security of the Republic, to ensure free exercise of rights by the individual is job one. It's 180 degrees out of phase to date.
Classic Liberal formed from the term Liberty...and which the Libertarians would be classic Liberals...(as if you wouldn't know that already). ;)

I think there are differences between modern day Libertarians and Classical Liberals. I agree with a lot of Libertarian views.... until they start getting really fucking naive about education, defense and a few other quite vital areas.
Agreed. Security of the Republic, to ensure free exercise of rights by the individual is job one. It's 180 degrees out of phase to date.

We need to live in the world we're in, not in the nirvana that libertarians think we should have. It's not practical. We have a standing Army to provide for our defense. Defense in a modern world cannot stop at our borders. We may not like it, but that's the world we live in. And it won't change just because we say 'hey, we're taking our toys and going home'.
Screwing it up how?

Ending Slavery?
Womens vote?

Most of what you object to is within the powers of Congress. If you read the Constitution, there is not much detail on what to do, only a framework for the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

The founders wanted future generations to craft their own government to meet their own times within the Constitutional framework of Government

"Ending slavery"?!?!?! Um, liberals did NOT end slavery. In fact, liberals fought to keep slavery to their very death (see US Civil War). It was Abraham Lincoln, the FIRST Republican (ie the GOP) that ended slavery. It always amazes me how liberals try to rewrite history. But then again, Propaganda is the #1 tool of Communists and Nazi's.

I know you are new here but please do a better job at reading. The post pertained to changes in the Constitution since its founding.

You also need to work harder on your understanding of liberal/conservative and Democrat/Republican. While there is pretty strict party loyalty now, it was not always that way. For most of our history you had liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats.

And yes....Abolitionists were liberals. Conservatives supported a states right to enforce slavery
It seems you have a hard time reading. The modern day liberal would have been hanged by the neck until dead, or at least tared and feathered.

And yet, you are the one who claimed the founding of the nation as a liberal achievement. To quote your own words back at you "I'm afraid politics is not as cut and dried as you were brainwashed to believe".

Fucking idiot.
For a Gubmint worker? Rightwingshitflinger sure spends alot of time on line during the day...

So do I. I'm not a gubmint worker though.... I work my own hours.


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