It’s Just A Matter Of Time

10. Roger Scruton writes in "The West and the Rest"
"Perhaps not unexpected, as the West offers freedoms unheard of in Islamic countries, 70% of the world's refugees are Muslims fleeing from places where their religion is the official doctrine. They flee to the West, for opportunity, and personal safety, as well as said freedom.

But...the oddity is that, while settling in the West, many of these refugees begin to develop a hatred for their new home...and plan to take revenge on it with only its final destruction as the fitting punishment.
Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation."

11. "On Tuesday, President Barack Obama stated that “Over [the] last eight years, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland.”
Talk about something actually deserving of being labeled as “fake news.”

When President George W. Bush left office, the U.S. had faced 28 Islamist plots after 9/11, only one of which was successful. Under Obama there have been 93 Islamist plots since 9/11, and 14 successful attacks.

.... the vast majority of the terror plots and all of the successful attacks since 9/11 have involved homegrown terrorists—that is, terrorists who radicalized and plotted here in the U.S.
The threat has morphed and the U.S. must now do more to counter homegrown and lone wolf Islamist terrorists.

Obama’s comment obscures the truth that in his eight years in office, as shown by the sharp increase in the number of Islamist plots and successful attacks, the homeland has been less safe.
Claiming victory while the U.S. is in the most active period of terrorist activity since 9/11 is not only pushing a false narrative, but it risks diverting our attention from what needs to be done to defend the U.S. homeland."
Obama’s Terrorism Claim Hides an Inconvenient Truth

Now…..what about Obama and his real designs????

....and why.
What is it you don't understand about 76 straight months of 6 digit employment gains and a DOW almost tripling? Surely you must give the sitting president applause especially since he entered the WH on the heels of 750000 a month OUT OF WORK record by the last repub president you extolled

You're not really trying to compare Trump's success with the Obama failure of the economy.....are you????

How about we stick to the point?

Is Obama a Muslim?

Did he fool you into denying same, or would you have voted for him if he admitted it?

Can you explain why Iran should have nuclear weapons?
What trump success did he achieve not on the heels of Obamas successes? Give 2 trillion tax breaks to the 1% goes a long way Trump is an ass and I'm being kind What great success would trump have had if he followed GWB not Obama ? Try and be honest give it your best shot
1.I hate to rub it in, but, really….we on the Right are never wrong.
Actually.....I love rubbing it in.

We were aghast that Democrat voters either lacked the moral fortitude, or the cerebral capacity, to refuse to vote for a rapist, Bill Clinton. Yup….we told you he was exactly that, a sexual predator, but it took decades until your side finally admitted it.

Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times


The Atlantic




"So the recent wave of liberals “reckoning” with Bill Clinton’s sexual offenses should be put into proper context. It is not the beginning of the end for the Clintons atop the Democratic Party. It’s just the end.
….the mea culpas from Bill’s defenders proliferating through lefty media, from the New York Times to Politico to Vox, are anything but brave. They’re convenient."

2. Which brings up the question of how long it’s gonna take for your Liberals/Democrats to get around to admitting that your last President totally fooled you as to his religious affiliation.

Just as Clinton became expendable, it’s just a matter of time until you throw in this towel, as well. Of course, there is no other explanation for Hussein’s machinations other than his playing for the other side and against Western Civilization.
Or, perhaps the usual Liberal defense: "Is not, isssssss noooootttttttttt!!!"

3. Remember the tons of rapid, rage-spitting posts from Democrats/Liberals whenever anyone pointed out atrocities by Muslims, or criticized the “Holy Q’ran”???? Those melt-downs are as snow snakes these days.

Know why?

4. Here is a video of children in Philadelphia Muslim Society being taught to chant “We will chop off their heads, and we will liberate the sorrowful and exalted Al-Aqsa Mosque. We will lead the army of Allah fulfilling His promise, and we will subject them to eternal torture.”

Bet lots of you Leftists are ready to admit the problem.....

Unlike Obama, " earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization."
Anti-Americanization - Society and Culture - AEI

Soooo……what do you know now about Hussein?

Sorry, but all Family Values conservatives surrendered the moral high ground when they continued to support Trump after it was revealed he fucked porn stars while his wife was pregnant with their son Barron. You have revealed yourselves to be complete phonies, all the pious holier than thou crap is bullshit. You believe in nothing. Stand for nothing.

He violated the law to cover it up— to fool you. You don’t even care.

At least Bill didn’t pay for it!!!

How about we stick to the point?

Is Obama a Muslim?

Did he fool you into denying same, or would you have voted for him if he admitted it?

Can you explain why Iran should have nuclear weapons?

But Mueller said just the opposite.

He was asked if the OLC opinion prevented his conclusion not to find obstruction.....he said no.

"( - Attorney General William Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that he learned at a March 5 meeting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was not going reach a decision on whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice.

"And we were, frankly, surprised that they were not going to reach a decision on obstruction. And we asked them a lot about the reasoning behind this and the basis for this," Barr said in his opening statement, which continued as follows:

....Mueller stated three times to us in that meeting, in response to our questioning, that he emphatically was not saying that but for the OLC (Office of Legal Counsel) opinion, he would have found obstruction. [The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel has generally ruled that a sitting president cannot be indicted.]

He said that in the future, the facts of a case against a president might be such that a special counsel would recommend abandoning the OLC opinion, but this is not such a case."
Barr: 'We Were, Frankly, Surprised' That Mueller Would Not Decide the Obstruction Issue

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down.

How many prosecutors ? 370 ?? I should believe you not them ? and nowhere did Mueller say trump was innocent as the new fallen snow

'nowhere did Mueller say trump was guilty'

And of course you should believe me.....I'm never wrong.
10. Roger Scruton writes in "The West and the Rest"
"Perhaps not unexpected, as the West offers freedoms unheard of in Islamic countries, 70% of the world's refugees are Muslims fleeing from places where their religion is the official doctrine. They flee to the West, for opportunity, and personal safety, as well as said freedom.

But...the oddity is that, while settling in the West, many of these refugees begin to develop a hatred for their new home...and plan to take revenge on it with only its final destruction as the fitting punishment.
Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation."

11. "On Tuesday, President Barack Obama stated that “Over [the] last eight years, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland.”
Talk about something actually deserving of being labeled as “fake news.”

When President George W. Bush left office, the U.S. had faced 28 Islamist plots after 9/11, only one of which was successful. Under Obama there have been 93 Islamist plots since 9/11, and 14 successful attacks.

.... the vast majority of the terror plots and all of the successful attacks since 9/11 have involved homegrown terrorists—that is, terrorists who radicalized and plotted here in the U.S.
The threat has morphed and the U.S. must now do more to counter homegrown and lone wolf Islamist terrorists.

Obama’s comment obscures the truth that in his eight years in office, as shown by the sharp increase in the number of Islamist plots and successful attacks, the homeland has been less safe.
Claiming victory while the U.S. is in the most active period of terrorist activity since 9/11 is not only pushing a false narrative, but it risks diverting our attention from what needs to be done to defend the U.S. homeland."
Obama’s Terrorism Claim Hides an Inconvenient Truth

Now…..what about Obama and his real designs????

....and why.
What is it you don't understand about 76 straight months of 6 digit employment gains and a DOW almost tripling? Surely you must give the sitting president applause especially since he entered the WH on the heels of 750000 a month OUT OF WORK record by the last repub president you extolled

You're not really trying to compare Trump's success with the Obama failure of the economy.....are you????

How about we stick to the point?

Is Obama a Muslim?

Did he fool you into denying same, or would you have voted for him if he admitted it?

Can you explain why Iran should have nuclear weapons?
First off I don't care if Obama was a Martian and 2nd Iran has a better chance of having nukes with trump in our WH
10. Roger Scruton writes in "The West and the Rest"
"Perhaps not unexpected, as the West offers freedoms unheard of in Islamic countries, 70% of the world's refugees are Muslims fleeing from places where their religion is the official doctrine. They flee to the West, for opportunity, and personal safety, as well as said freedom.

But...the oddity is that, while settling in the West, many of these refugees begin to develop a hatred for their new home...and plan to take revenge on it with only its final destruction as the fitting punishment.
Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation."

11. "On Tuesday, President Barack Obama stated that “Over [the] last eight years, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland.”
Talk about something actually deserving of being labeled as “fake news.”

When President George W. Bush left office, the U.S. had faced 28 Islamist plots after 9/11, only one of which was successful. Under Obama there have been 93 Islamist plots since 9/11, and 14 successful attacks.

.... the vast majority of the terror plots and all of the successful attacks since 9/11 have involved homegrown terrorists—that is, terrorists who radicalized and plotted here in the U.S.
The threat has morphed and the U.S. must now do more to counter homegrown and lone wolf Islamist terrorists.

Obama’s comment obscures the truth that in his eight years in office, as shown by the sharp increase in the number of Islamist plots and successful attacks, the homeland has been less safe.
Claiming victory while the U.S. is in the most active period of terrorist activity since 9/11 is not only pushing a false narrative, but it risks diverting our attention from what needs to be done to defend the U.S. homeland."
Obama’s Terrorism Claim Hides an Inconvenient Truth

Now…..what about Obama and his real designs????

....and why.
What is it you don't understand about 76 straight months of 6 digit employment gains and a DOW almost tripling? Surely you must give the sitting president applause especially since he entered the WH on the heels of 750000 a month OUT OF WORK record by the last repub president you extolled

You're not really trying to compare Trump's success with the Obama failure of the economy.....are you????

How about we stick to the point?

Is Obama a Muslim?

Did he fool you into denying same, or would you have voted for him if he admitted it?

Can you explain why Iran should have nuclear weapons?
What trump success did he achieve not on the heels of Obamas successes? Give 2 trillion tax breaks to the 1% goes a long way Trump is an ass and I'm being kind What great success would trump have had if he followed GWB not Obama ? Try and be honest give it your best shot

So you've given up trying to deny the thesis of the thread?


Now for your current chimera:

“We had a tax plan [in 2018] that was all about giving the wealthiest people more of a break,” Booker, also a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, said on CNN.

Gingrich, R-Ga., said on “America’s Newsroom” that Booker “keeps repeating rhetoric that’s false,” adding that “anybody who’s serious knows that none of [the recovery] had anything to do with Barack Obama.”

He said Trump has bested Obama-era GDP growth numbers every quarter since taking office, and that American manufacturing and wage growth has increased “dramatically.”

He said that many top Democrats instead want to push forward on the “high taxes, big regulations [and] anti-business attitudes” that led to a “very weak economy” in the past."
Booker, other Dems are wrong to claim Trump's economic boom started by former president Obama: Gingrich

But Mueller said just the opposite.

He was asked if the OLC opinion prevented his conclusion not to find obstruction.....he said no.

"( - Attorney General William Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that he learned at a March 5 meeting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was not going reach a decision on whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice.

"And we were, frankly, surprised that they were not going to reach a decision on obstruction. And we asked them a lot about the reasoning behind this and the basis for this," Barr said in his opening statement, which continued as follows:

....Mueller stated three times to us in that meeting, in response to our questioning, that he emphatically was not saying that but for the OLC (Office of Legal Counsel) opinion, he would have found obstruction. [The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel has generally ruled that a sitting president cannot be indicted.]

He said that in the future, the facts of a case against a president might be such that a special counsel would recommend abandoning the OLC opinion, but this is not such a case."
Barr: 'We Were, Frankly, Surprised' That Mueller Would Not Decide the Obstruction Issue

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down.

How many prosecutors ? 370 ?? I should believe you not them ? and nowhere did Mueller say trump was innocent as the new fallen snow

'nowhere did Mueller say trump was guilty'

And of course you should believe me.....I'm never wrong.
You also NEVER answer questions
10. Roger Scruton writes in "The West and the Rest"
"Perhaps not unexpected, as the West offers freedoms unheard of in Islamic countries, 70% of the world's refugees are Muslims fleeing from places where their religion is the official doctrine. They flee to the West, for opportunity, and personal safety, as well as said freedom.

But...the oddity is that, while settling in the West, many of these refugees begin to develop a hatred for their new home...and plan to take revenge on it with only its final destruction as the fitting punishment.
Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation."

11. "On Tuesday, President Barack Obama stated that “Over [the] last eight years, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland.”
Talk about something actually deserving of being labeled as “fake news.”

When President George W. Bush left office, the U.S. had faced 28 Islamist plots after 9/11, only one of which was successful. Under Obama there have been 93 Islamist plots since 9/11, and 14 successful attacks.

.... the vast majority of the terror plots and all of the successful attacks since 9/11 have involved homegrown terrorists—that is, terrorists who radicalized and plotted here in the U.S.
The threat has morphed and the U.S. must now do more to counter homegrown and lone wolf Islamist terrorists.

Obama’s comment obscures the truth that in his eight years in office, as shown by the sharp increase in the number of Islamist plots and successful attacks, the homeland has been less safe.
Claiming victory while the U.S. is in the most active period of terrorist activity since 9/11 is not only pushing a false narrative, but it risks diverting our attention from what needs to be done to defend the U.S. homeland."
Obama’s Terrorism Claim Hides an Inconvenient Truth

Now…..what about Obama and his real designs????

....and why.
What is it you don't understand about 76 straight months of 6 digit employment gains and a DOW almost tripling? Surely you must give the sitting president applause especially since he entered the WH on the heels of 750000 a month OUT OF WORK record by the last repub president you extolled

You're not really trying to compare Trump's success with the Obama failure of the economy.....are you????

How about we stick to the point?

Is Obama a Muslim?

Did he fool you into denying same, or would you have voted for him if he admitted it?

Can you explain why Iran should have nuclear weapons?
First off I don't care if Obama was a Martian and 2nd Iran has a better chance of having nukes with trump in our WH

"...2nd Iran has a better chance of having nukes with trump in our WH"

Even morons are rolling their eyes at that.
10. Roger Scruton writes in "The West and the Rest"
"Perhaps not unexpected, as the West offers freedoms unheard of in Islamic countries, 70% of the world's refugees are Muslims fleeing from places where their religion is the official doctrine. They flee to the West, for opportunity, and personal safety, as well as said freedom.

But...the oddity is that, while settling in the West, many of these refugees begin to develop a hatred for their new home...and plan to take revenge on it with only its final destruction as the fitting punishment.
Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation."

11. "On Tuesday, President Barack Obama stated that “Over [the] last eight years, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland.”
Talk about something actually deserving of being labeled as “fake news.”

When President George W. Bush left office, the U.S. had faced 28 Islamist plots after 9/11, only one of which was successful. Under Obama there have been 93 Islamist plots since 9/11, and 14 successful attacks.

.... the vast majority of the terror plots and all of the successful attacks since 9/11 have involved homegrown terrorists—that is, terrorists who radicalized and plotted here in the U.S.
The threat has morphed and the U.S. must now do more to counter homegrown and lone wolf Islamist terrorists.

Obama’s comment obscures the truth that in his eight years in office, as shown by the sharp increase in the number of Islamist plots and successful attacks, the homeland has been less safe.
Claiming victory while the U.S. is in the most active period of terrorist activity since 9/11 is not only pushing a false narrative, but it risks diverting our attention from what needs to be done to defend the U.S. homeland."
Obama’s Terrorism Claim Hides an Inconvenient Truth

Now…..what about Obama and his real designs????

....and why.
What is it you don't understand about 76 straight months of 6 digit employment gains and a DOW almost tripling? Surely you must give the sitting president applause especially since he entered the WH on the heels of 750000 a month OUT OF WORK record by the last repub president you extolled

You're not really trying to compare Trump's success with the Obama failure of the economy.....are you????

How about we stick to the point?

Is Obama a Muslim?

Did he fool you into denying same, or would you have voted for him if he admitted it?

Can you explain why Iran should have nuclear weapons?
First off I don't care if Obama was a Martian and 2nd Iran has a better chance of having nukes with trump in our WH

"...2nd Iran has a better chance of having nukes with trump in our WH"

Even morons are rolling their eyes at that.
Did they have them under Obama??? Did trump rip up that treaty??

But Mueller said just the opposite.

He was asked if the OLC opinion prevented his conclusion not to find obstruction.....he said no.

"( - Attorney General William Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that he learned at a March 5 meeting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was not going reach a decision on whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice.

"And we were, frankly, surprised that they were not going to reach a decision on obstruction. And we asked them a lot about the reasoning behind this and the basis for this," Barr said in his opening statement, which continued as follows:

....Mueller stated three times to us in that meeting, in response to our questioning, that he emphatically was not saying that but for the OLC (Office of Legal Counsel) opinion, he would have found obstruction. [The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel has generally ruled that a sitting president cannot be indicted.]

He said that in the future, the facts of a case against a president might be such that a special counsel would recommend abandoning the OLC opinion, but this is not such a case."
Barr: 'We Were, Frankly, Surprised' That Mueller Would Not Decide the Obstruction Issue

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down.

How many prosecutors ? 370 ?? I should believe you not them ? and nowhere did Mueller say trump was innocent as the new fallen snow

'nowhere did Mueller say trump was guilty'

And of course you should believe me.....I'm never wrong.
You also NEVER answer questions

Time for you to leave.

And, remember......when leaving royalty, one backs away while bowing


But Mueller said just the opposite.

He was asked if the OLC opinion prevented his conclusion not to find obstruction.....he said no.

"( - Attorney General William Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that he learned at a March 5 meeting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was not going reach a decision on whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice.

"And we were, frankly, surprised that they were not going to reach a decision on obstruction. And we asked them a lot about the reasoning behind this and the basis for this," Barr said in his opening statement, which continued as follows:

....Mueller stated three times to us in that meeting, in response to our questioning, that he emphatically was not saying that but for the OLC (Office of Legal Counsel) opinion, he would have found obstruction. [The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel has generally ruled that a sitting president cannot be indicted.]

He said that in the future, the facts of a case against a president might be such that a special counsel would recommend abandoning the OLC opinion, but this is not such a case."
Barr: 'We Were, Frankly, Surprised' That Mueller Would Not Decide the Obstruction Issue

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down.

How many prosecutors ? 370 ?? I should believe you not them ? and nowhere did Mueller say trump was innocent as the new fallen snow

'nowhere did Mueller say trump was guilty'

And of course you should believe me.....I'm never wrong.
You also NEVER answer questions

Time for you to leave.

And, remember......when leaving royalty, one backs away while bowing

PC you are one piece of work lol you wouldn't last a week on the corner in Brooklyn I hung out on in Bed Sty

But Mueller said just the opposite.

He was asked if the OLC opinion prevented his conclusion not to find obstruction.....he said no.

"( - Attorney General William Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that he learned at a March 5 meeting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was not going reach a decision on whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice.

"And we were, frankly, surprised that they were not going to reach a decision on obstruction. And we asked them a lot about the reasoning behind this and the basis for this," Barr said in his opening statement, which continued as follows:

....Mueller stated three times to us in that meeting, in response to our questioning, that he emphatically was not saying that but for the OLC (Office of Legal Counsel) opinion, he would have found obstruction. [The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel has generally ruled that a sitting president cannot be indicted.]

He said that in the future, the facts of a case against a president might be such that a special counsel would recommend abandoning the OLC opinion, but this is not such a case."
Barr: 'We Were, Frankly, Surprised' That Mueller Would Not Decide the Obstruction Issue

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down.

How many prosecutors ? 370 ?? I should believe you not them ? and nowhere did Mueller say trump was innocent as the new fallen snow

'nowhere did Mueller say trump was guilty'

And of course you should believe me.....I'm never wrong.
You also NEVER answer questions

As stated in the OP, the Right has never been wrong.

1. We warned you what a low-life cur Ted Kennedy was...but you called him 'the Liberal Lion of the Senate.'

2. We told you Bill Clinton was a rapist...but you denied, denied, denied....until the Times and the rest admitted it.

3. We clued you into the facts about Hussein Obama, that he wasn't up to the job, but you refused to look further than the color of his skin.

4. And, most recently.....our attempts to save an innocent man from the corrupt Deep State 'justice' agencies...

5. Now....time for you to admit that Hussein Obama is a devotee of Islam, and his presidency was designed by and for Islam.

Look in the mirror, Democrats/Liberals, and see that flashing fluorescent light saying "FOOL."

Pay attention to your betters in the future.
But Mueller said just the opposite.

He was asked if the OLC opinion prevented his conclusion not to find obstruction.....he said no.

"( - Attorney General William Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that he learned at a March 5 meeting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was not going reach a decision on whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice.

"And we were, frankly, surprised that they were not going to reach a decision on obstruction. And we asked them a lot about the reasoning behind this and the basis for this," Barr said in his opening statement, which continued as follows:

....Mueller stated three times to us in that meeting, in response to our questioning, that he emphatically was not saying that but for the OLC (Office of Legal Counsel) opinion, he would have found obstruction. [The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel has generally ruled that a sitting president cannot be indicted.]

He said that in the future, the facts of a case against a president might be such that a special counsel would recommend abandoning the OLC opinion, but this is not such a case."
Barr: 'We Were, Frankly, Surprised' That Mueller Would Not Decide the Obstruction Issue

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down.

How many prosecutors ? 370 ?? I should believe you not them ? and nowhere did Mueller say trump was innocent as the new fallen snow

'nowhere did Mueller say trump was guilty'

And of course you should believe me.....I'm never wrong.
You also NEVER answer questions

Time for you to leave.

And, remember......when leaving royalty, one backs away while bowing

PC you are one piece of work lol you wouldn't last a week on the corner in Brooklyn I hung out on in Bed Sty

Remember when I had SuperGirl as my avi???

Beware......I'd beat you like a rented mule!

But Mueller said just the opposite.

He was asked if the OLC opinion prevented his conclusion not to find obstruction.....he said no.

"( - Attorney General William Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that he learned at a March 5 meeting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was not going reach a decision on whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice.

"And we were, frankly, surprised that they were not going to reach a decision on obstruction. And we asked them a lot about the reasoning behind this and the basis for this," Barr said in his opening statement, which continued as follows:

....Mueller stated three times to us in that meeting, in response to our questioning, that he emphatically was not saying that but for the OLC (Office of Legal Counsel) opinion, he would have found obstruction. [The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel has generally ruled that a sitting president cannot be indicted.]

He said that in the future, the facts of a case against a president might be such that a special counsel would recommend abandoning the OLC opinion, but this is not such a case."
Barr: 'We Were, Frankly, Surprised' That Mueller Would Not Decide the Obstruction Issue

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down.

How many prosecutors ? 370 ?? I should believe you not them ? and nowhere did Mueller say trump was innocent as the new fallen snow

'nowhere did Mueller say trump was guilty'

And of course you should believe me.....I'm never wrong.
You also NEVER answer questions


Let's pretend you are capable of actual thought.

Is Obama a Muslim?

Did he fool you into denying same, or would you have voted for him if he admitted it?

Can you explain why Iran should have nuclear weapons?

Warning: if this is the first time you have ever tried to may be susceptible to an aneurysm.
But Mueller said just the opposite.

He was asked if the OLC opinion prevented his conclusion not to find obstruction.....he said no.

"( - Attorney General William Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that he learned at a March 5 meeting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was not going reach a decision on whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice.

"And we were, frankly, surprised that they were not going to reach a decision on obstruction. And we asked them a lot about the reasoning behind this and the basis for this," Barr said in his opening statement, which continued as follows:

....Mueller stated three times to us in that meeting, in response to our questioning, that he emphatically was not saying that but for the OLC (Office of Legal Counsel) opinion, he would have found obstruction. [The Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel has generally ruled that a sitting president cannot be indicted.]

He said that in the future, the facts of a case against a president might be such that a special counsel would recommend abandoning the OLC opinion, but this is not such a case."
Barr: 'We Were, Frankly, Surprised' That Mueller Would Not Decide the Obstruction Issue

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down.

How many prosecutors ? 370 ?? I should believe you not them ? and nowhere did Mueller say trump was innocent as the new fallen snow

'nowhere did Mueller say trump was guilty'

And of course you should believe me.....I'm never wrong.
You also NEVER answer questions


Let's pretend you are capable of actual thought.

Is Obama a Muslim?

Did he fool you into denying same, or would you have voted for him if he admitted it?

Can you explain why Iran should have nuclear weapons?

Warning: if this is the first time you have ever tried to may be susceptible to an aneurysm.

Is Obama a Muslim?

lets pretend youre not an idiot ....

then pretend you're not DISMISSED.
How many prosecutors ? 370 ?? I should believe you not them ? and nowhere did Mueller say trump was innocent as the new fallen snow

'nowhere did Mueller say trump was guilty'

And of course you should believe me.....I'm never wrong.
You also NEVER answer questions


Let's pretend you are capable of actual thought.

Is Obama a Muslim?

Did he fool you into denying same, or would you have voted for him if he admitted it?

Can you explain why Iran should have nuclear weapons?

Warning: if this is the first time you have ever tried to may be susceptible to an aneurysm.

Is Obama a Muslim?

lets pretend youre not an idiot ....

then pretend you're not DISMISSED.

Soooo......we can conclude that conceptualization is not a possibility for you?

14. Without liberty and individual freedoms....America would cease to be America.
To remain so, the Constitution must be the law of the land.

In America, the spirit of religion nourished the spirit of liberty. “Liberty…regards religion as the safeguard of morality, and morality as the best security of law and the surest pledge of the duration of freedom…”
Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol. I. p. 44.

15. Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America.

Sharia does.

Tocqueville compared this aspect of Judeo-Christianity to Islam:

“Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science. The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.” Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.

a.New York Mufti says, Muslims cannot integrate: ‘Muslims should hate non-Muslims’ “The general principle… is to love and to hate for the sake of Allah,” New York Mufti says, Muslims cannot integrate: 'Muslims should hate non-Muslims' · Caldron Pool

b. [A]t such times above all, religions should be most careful to confine themselves to their proper sphere, for if they wish to extend their power beyond spiritual matters they run the risk of not being believed at all," Toqueville wrote in his classic, "Democracy in America"

On the other hand, an adherent of a foreign faith might say about Americans, "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion….”

An adherent of which religion?

You know, don't you.
'nowhere did Mueller say trump was guilty'

And of course you should believe me.....I'm never wrong.
You also NEVER answer questions


Let's pretend you are capable of actual thought.

Is Obama a Muslim?

Did he fool you into denying same, or would you have voted for him if he admitted it?

Can you explain why Iran should have nuclear weapons?

Warning: if this is the first time you have ever tried to may be susceptible to an aneurysm.

Is Obama a Muslim?

lets pretend youre not an idiot ....

then pretend you're not DISMISSED.

Soooo......we can conclude that conceptualization is not a possibility for you?

PC did you know that a president just asking some one to lie for him is against the law? 370 prosecutors on both sides say if trump wasn't president he'd be indicted

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