It’s Kamala Harris for VP

Just announced

She is a tough cookie. Should give Trump fits

Very bad choice, she is naughty, a real bitch and that's good for us.

Great Candidate for VP

Will be Trumps worst nightmare.......or as Trump says....nasty

Sure she is if you like bat shit crazy. Do a little research. Woman comes from Cali and that says it all right there.

She won't be Trumps worst nightmare. She will be Biden's. LOL
I could count on one hand (with fingers left over) as to how many intelligent liberal commie pundits I have come across over the years. They are handicapped right out of the gate because they lack common sense, they are nearly always seething with rage because they are ruled by their emotions.They suffer from arrested development which leads to their desire for "cradle to grave" protection by what they believe is a benevolent and all powerful "gubermint".

Total utter shit.
Question - Why does Fox news allow desenting voices from the left, but you don't see this anywhere going on at CNN, MSNBC or etc ??????????????????

Fox ought to be ashamed of itself for letting these leftist spew their bullcrap on Fox, when infact they have their own networks to do that bullcrap on. Also they need to get rid of those who don't share the same values and ideologies that a conservative holds on the so called conservative network.

Why allow the supposed enemy into the camp ???

The left sure isn't this stupid, and that's saying something.
Because they are the fall guys. Fox don't have them on to hear their opinions. They have them on so the Fox wingnuts can then shout them down to try and make the hosts look semi-literate. Doesn't work though does it.
Fake news outlets do exactly what you describe, moron. Fox at least allows them on the air and even gives them their own shows.

Fox is THE fake news outlet. Only a right-wing neocon loon thinks otherwise.
Question - Why does Fox news allow desenting voices from the left, but you don't see this anywhere going on at CNN, MSNBC or etc ??????????????????

Fox ought to be ashamed of itself for letting these leftist spew their bullcrap on Fox, when infact they have their own networks to do that bullcrap on. Also they need to get rid of those who don't share the same values and ideologies that a conservative holds on the so called conservative network.

Why allow the supposed enemy into the camp ???

The left sure isn't this stupid, and that's saying something.
Because they are the fall guys. Fox don't have them on to hear their opinions. They have them on so the Fox wingnuts can then shout them down to try and make the hosts look semi-literate. Doesn't work though does it.
Fake news outlets do exactly what you describe, moron. Fox at least allows them on the air and even gives them their own shows.

Fox is THE fake news outlet. Only a right-wing neocon loon thinks otherwise.
Only TDS morons believe what you just said.
Question - Why can't Biden be sued for violating the 1964 Civil Rights Law's, when he chose a candidate based on one's race, and on one's sex or gender ????????

Civil Rights Act of 1871, prohibiting race-based violence against African Americans (see also Enforcement Acts, three Acts in 1870–71) ... Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin by federal and state governments as well as some public places.

When Biden committed to the question posed to him, "will you pick a woman, and an African American or woman of color for you VP" ?? He said yes...... So did he violate the law because he excluded candidates that qualified, but were then passed up due to his pandering to specific groups demanding of him that he pick a woman, and preferably one of color (skin color) ???? The fact that she was a woman, and a woman of color over and above her qualifications first, in which could have been challenged by a male or female candidate that may have been white just the same or simply just an American candidate regardless of color...It was a dumb blunder by him. Did he violate the law ???

In summary, you never pick any one based on race or gender without excluding others in the same pretext, so qualifications come second where being American comes first then the rest just follows.
Harris is another affirmative action. Divirsity over qualification.
Former State Attorney General and US Senator
What do you think the qualifications for VP are?

Mayor of some tiny town in Alaska?'
Why? Because he TWEETS? He picks on the MEDIA? BOO fuckin' HOO. I go by what a president does. I don't give a shit about his character. Jimmy Carter and G W Bush were nice guys. Look what happened.
Question - Why does Fox news allow desenting voices from the left, but you don't see this anywhere going on at CNN, MSNBC or etc ??????????????????

Fox ought to be ashamed of itself for letting these leftist spew their bullcrap on Fox, when infact they have their own networks to do that bullcrap on. Also they need to get rid of those who don't share the same values and ideologies that a conservative holds on the so called conservative network.

Why allow the supposed enemy into the camp ???

The left sure isn't this stupid, and that's saying something.
Because they are the fall guys. Fox don't have them on to hear their opinions. They have them on so the Fox wingnuts can then shout them down to try and make the hosts look semi-literate. Doesn't work though does it.
Fake news outlets do exactly what you describe, moron. Fox at least allows them on the air and even gives them their own shows.

Fox is THE fake news outlet. Only a right-wing neocon loon thinks otherwise.
Only REAL NEWS is Rush Limbaugh.
Question - Why can't Biden be sued for violating the 1964 Civil Rights Law's, when he chose a candidate based on one's race, and on one's sex or gender ????????

Civil Rights Act of 1871, prohibiting race-based violence against African Americans (see also Enforcement Acts, three Acts in 1870–71) ... Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin by federal and state governments as well as some public places.

When Biden committed to the question posed to him, "will you pick a woman, and an African American or woman of color for you VP" ?? He said yes...... So did he violate the law because he excluded candidates that qualified, but were then passed up due to his pandering to specific groups demanding of him that he pick a woman, and preferably one of color (skin color) ???? The fact that she was a woman, and a woman of color over and above her qualifications first, in which could have been challenged by a male or female candidate that may have been white just the same or simply just an American candidate regardless of color...It was a dumb blunder by him. Did he violate the law ???

In summary, you never pick any one based on race or gender without excluding others in the same pretext, so qualifications come second where being American comes first then the rest just follows.
Harris is another affirmative action. Divirsity over qualification.
Former State Attorney General and US Senator
What do you think the qualifications for VP are?
Well they sure ain't the ones that Biden was forced in an interview to agree too that's for sure. After that interview, and then his actions in his pick, we can only understand that he was therefore pandering, and had chosen his pick based upon her being a woman, and a women of color.

The interviewie didn't ask him "after considerations on the person's qualifications first", would you be open to a woman, and a woman of color to hold the position of VP under your leadership if qualified ??? That would have been appropriate, but the interview was focused on race and gender.

P.S. It doesn't matter if you have qualifications, and then it is found that you don't administer them properly, because your actions should be the disqualifier regardless of your papers possessed.

It is the very problem with America to date, where as we have all these people running around saying their qualified, and showing their papers, but couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.
Just proves Pig Harris is affirmative Action. Divirsity over qualifications. But if elected ,Pig Harris will go after older WHITE Men. Somewhat like Hitler did to Jews.
Question - Why can't Biden be sued for violating the 1964 Civil Rights Law's, when he chose a candidate based on one's race, and on one's sex or gender ????????

Civil Rights Act of 1871, prohibiting race-based violence against African Americans (see also Enforcement Acts, three Acts in 1870–71) ... Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin by federal and state governments as well as some public places.

When Biden committed to the question posed to him, "will you pick a woman, and an African American or woman of color for you VP" ?? He said yes...... So did he violate the law because he excluded candidates that qualified, but were then passed up due to his pandering to specific groups demanding of him that he pick a woman, and preferably one of color (skin color) ???? The fact that she was a woman, and a woman of color over and above her qualifications first, in which could have been challenged by a male or female candidate that may have been white just the same or simply just an American candidate regardless of color...It was a dumb blunder by him. Did he violate the law ???

In summary, you never pick any one based on race or gender without excluding others in the same pretext, so qualifications come second where being American comes first then the rest just follows.
Harris is another affirmative action. Divirsity over qualification.
Former State Attorney General and US Senator
What do you think the qualifications for VP are?

Mayor of some tiny town in Alaska?'
Why? Because he TWEETS? He picks on the MEDIA? BOO fuckin' HOO. I go by what a president does. I don't give a shit about his character. Jimmy Carter and G W Bush were nice guys. Look what happened.

I agree. He tweets to get around the LSM who have had it in for him since he got elected.

Good way to get his message out there without having it shanghaied by the Press. The Press that is to busy trying to make the news to report it.

Like you I go by what a President does. Hell before all this Covic crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all over this country. We also had a great economy. I'll take that every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Question - Why can't Biden be sued for violating the 1964 Civil Rights Law's, when he chose a candidate based on one's race, and on one's sex or gender ????????

Civil Rights Act of 1871, prohibiting race-based violence against African Americans (see also Enforcement Acts, three Acts in 1870–71) ... Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin by federal and state governments as well as some public places.

When Biden committed to the question posed to him, "will you pick a woman, and an African American or woman of color for you VP" ?? He said yes...... So did he violate the law because he excluded candidates that qualified, but were then passed up due to his pandering to specific groups demanding of him that he pick a woman, and preferably one of color (skin color) ???? The fact that she was a woman, and a woman of color over and above her qualifications first, in which could have been challenged by a male or female candidate that may have been white just the same or simply just an American candidate regardless of color...It was a dumb blunder by him. Did he violate the law ???

In summary, you never pick any one based on race or gender without excluding others in the same pretext, so qualifications come second where being American comes first then the rest just follows.
Harris is another affirmative action. Divirsity over qualification.
Former State Attorney General and US Senator
What do you think the qualifications for VP are?
Well they sure ain't the ones that Biden was forced in an interview to agree too that's for sure. After that interview, and then his actions in his pick, we can only understand that he was therefore pandering, and had chosen his pick based upon her being a woman, and a women of color.

The interviewie didn't ask him "after considerations on the person's qualifications first", would you be open to a woman, and a woman of color to hold the position of VP under your leadership if qualified ??? That would have been appropriate, but the interview was focused on race and gender.

P.S. It doesn't matter if you have qualifications, and then it is found that you don't administer them properly, because your actions should be the disqualifier regardless of your papers possessed.

It is the very problem with America to date, where as we have all these people running around saying their qualified, and showing their papers, but couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.
Just proves Pig Harris is affirmative Action. Divirsity over qualifications. But if elected ,Pig Harris will go after older WHITE Men. Somewhat like Hitler did to Jews.
Question - Why can't Biden be sued for violating the 1964 Civil Rights Law's, when he chose a candidate based on one's race, and on one's sex or gender ????????

Civil Rights Act of 1871, prohibiting race-based violence against African Americans (see also Enforcement Acts, three Acts in 1870–71) ... Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin by federal and state governments as well as some public places.

When Biden committed to the question posed to him, "will you pick a woman, and an African American or woman of color for you VP" ?? He said yes...... So did he violate the law because he excluded candidates that qualified, but were then passed up due to his pandering to specific groups demanding of him that he pick a woman, and preferably one of color (skin color) ???? The fact that she was a woman, and a woman of color over and above her qualifications first, in which could have been challenged by a male or female candidate that may have been white just the same or simply just an American candidate regardless of color...It was a dumb blunder by him. Did he violate the law ???

In summary, you never pick any one based on race or gender without excluding others in the same pretext, so qualifications come second where being American comes first then the rest just follows.
Harris is another affirmative action. Divirsity over qualification.
Former State Attorney General and US Senator
What do you think the qualifications for VP are?

Mayor of some tiny town in Alaska?'
Why? Because he TWEETS? He picks on the MEDIA? BOO fuckin' HOO. I go by what a president does. I don't give a shit about his character. Jimmy Carter and G W Bush were nice guys. Look what happened.

I agree. He tweets to get around the LSM who have had it in for him since he got elected.

Good way to get his message out there without having it shanghaied by the Press. The Press that is to busy trying to make the news to report it.

Like you I go by what a President does. Hell before all this Covic crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all over this country. We also had a great economy. I'll take that every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Well that's not true, but lets pretend your assessment of our economy was true (it was not). I doubt anyone who watched how Trump has reacted to that 3 AM phone call, can provide any evidence to put the blame on anyone but donald trump.
Question - Why can't Biden be sued for violating the 1964 Civil Rights Law's, when he chose a candidate based on one's race, and on one's sex or gender ????????

Civil Rights Act of 1871, prohibiting race-based violence against African Americans (see also Enforcement Acts, three Acts in 1870–71) ... Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin by federal and state governments as well as some public places.

When Biden committed to the question posed to him, "will you pick a woman, and an African American or woman of color for you VP" ?? He said yes...... So did he violate the law because he excluded candidates that qualified, but were then passed up due to his pandering to specific groups demanding of him that he pick a woman, and preferably one of color (skin color) ???? The fact that she was a woman, and a woman of color over and above her qualifications first, in which could have been challenged by a male or female candidate that may have been white just the same or simply just an American candidate regardless of color...It was a dumb blunder by him. Did he violate the law ???

In summary, you never pick any one based on race or gender without excluding others in the same pretext, so qualifications come second where being American comes first then the rest just follows.
Harris is another affirmative action. Divirsity over qualification.
Former State Attorney General and US Senator
What do you think the qualifications for VP are?

Mayor of some tiny town in Alaska?'
Why? Because he TWEETS? He picks on the MEDIA? BOO fuckin' HOO. I go by what a president does. I don't give a shit about his character. Jimmy Carter and G W Bush were nice guys. Look what happened.

I agree. He tweets to get around the LSM who have had it in for him since he got elected.

Good way to get his message out there without having it shanghaied by the Press. The Press that is to busy trying to make the news to report it.

Like you I go by what a President does. Hell before all this Covic crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all over this country. We also had a great economy. I'll take that every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Well that's not true, but lets pretend your assessment of our economy was true (it was not). I doubt anyone who watched how Trump has reacted to that 3 AM phone call, can provide any evidence to put the blame on anyone but donald trump.

Oh so you missed the great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all over this country before Covid??

Must be some rock you live under.

Oh and what blame are you putting on him?? You really should get new material. What you have is getting old and sucks.
Question - Why can't Biden be sued for violating the 1964 Civil Rights Law's, when he chose a candidate based on one's race, and on one's sex or gender ????????

Civil Rights Act of 1871, prohibiting race-based violence against African Americans (see also Enforcement Acts, three Acts in 1870–71) ... Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin by federal and state governments as well as some public places.

When Biden committed to the question posed to him, "will you pick a woman, and an African American or woman of color for you VP" ?? He said yes...... So did he violate the law because he excluded candidates that qualified, but were then passed up due to his pandering to specific groups demanding of him that he pick a woman, and preferably one of color (skin color) ???? The fact that she was a woman, and a woman of color over and above her qualifications first, in which could have been challenged by a male or female candidate that may have been white just the same or simply just an American candidate regardless of color...It was a dumb blunder by him. Did he violate the law ???

In summary, you never pick any one based on race or gender without excluding others in the same pretext, so qualifications come second where being American comes first then the rest just follows.
Harris is another affirmative action. Divirsity over qualification.
Former State Attorney General and US Senator
What do you think the qualifications for VP are?

Mayor of some tiny town in Alaska?'
Why? Because he TWEETS? He picks on the MEDIA? BOO fuckin' HOO. I go by what a president does. I don't give a shit about his character. Jimmy Carter and G W Bush were nice guys. Look what happened.

I agree. He tweets to get around the LSM who have had it in for him since he got elected.

Good way to get his message out there without having it shanghaied by the Press. The Press that is to busy trying to make the news to report it.

Like you I go by what a President does. Hell before all this Covic crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all over this country. We also had a great economy. I'll take that every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Well that's not true, but lets pretend your assessment of our economy was true (it was not). I doubt anyone who watched how Trump has reacted to that 3 AM phone call, can provide any evidence to put the blame on anyone but donald trump.

Oh so you missed the great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all over this country before Covid??

Must be some rock you live under.

Oh and what blame are you putting on him?? You really should get new material. What you have is getting old and sucks.

I haven't missed the economy from the the Great Recession and how we climbed out of the abyss under the Obama Administration. In fact under your dear donald who inherited a sound economy I was aware when he went forward to spend and cut taxes, create a larger national debt, and enriching the already rich, leaving behind the middle class and the working poor. Taking funds from must needed military funds to build his ego walls, and his signature on the Faux Income Tax bill. No, I'm very aware.
Question - Why can't Biden be sued for violating the 1964 Civil Rights Law's, when he chose a candidate based on one's race, and on one's sex or gender ????????

Civil Rights Act of 1871, prohibiting race-based violence against African Americans (see also Enforcement Acts, three Acts in 1870–71) ... Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin by federal and state governments as well as some public places.

When Biden committed to the question posed to him, "will you pick a woman, and an African American or woman of color for you VP" ?? He said yes...... So did he violate the law because he excluded candidates that qualified, but were then passed up due to his pandering to specific groups demanding of him that he pick a woman, and preferably one of color (skin color) ???? The fact that she was a woman, and a woman of color over and above her qualifications first, in which could have been challenged by a male or female candidate that may have been white just the same or simply just an American candidate regardless of color...It was a dumb blunder by him. Did he violate the law ???

In summary, you never pick any one based on race or gender without excluding others in the same pretext, so qualifications come second where being American comes first then the rest just follows.
Harris is another affirmative action. Divirsity over qualification.
Former State Attorney General and US Senator
What do you think the qualifications for VP are?

Mayor of some tiny town in Alaska?'
Why? Because he TWEETS? He picks on the MEDIA? BOO fuckin' HOO. I go by what a president does. I don't give a shit about his character. Jimmy Carter and G W Bush were nice guys. Look what happened.

I agree. He tweets to get around the LSM who have had it in for him since he got elected.

Good way to get his message out there without having it shanghaied by the Press. The Press that is to busy trying to make the news to report it.

Like you I go by what a President does. Hell before all this Covic crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all over this country. We also had a great economy. I'll take that every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Well that's not true, but lets pretend your assessment of our economy was true (it was not). I doubt anyone who watched how Trump has reacted to that 3 AM phone call, can provide any evidence to put the blame on anyone but donald trump.

Oh so you missed the great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all over this country before Covid??

Must be some rock you live under.

Oh and what blame are you putting on him?? You really should get new material. What you have is getting old and sucks.

I haven't missed the economy from the the Great Recession and how we climbed out of the abyss under the Obama Administration. In fact under your dear donald who inherited a sound economy I was aware when he went forward to spend and cut taxes, create a larger national debt, and enriching the already rich, leaving behind the middle class and the working poor. Taking funds from must needed military funds to build his ego walls, and his signature on the Faux Income Tax bill. No, I'm very aware.
Since it never happened,why bother. Obama used 10 TRILLION of borrowed money to bail out banks who followed Democrat plans to house the indigent and high risk loans. And finance the FAILURE known as "ObamaCare".
Question - Why can't Biden be sued for violating the 1964 Civil Rights Law's, when he chose a candidate based on one's race, and on one's sex or gender ????????

Civil Rights Act of 1871, prohibiting race-based violence against African Americans (see also Enforcement Acts, three Acts in 1870–71) ... Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin by federal and state governments as well as some public places.

When Biden committed to the question posed to him, "will you pick a woman, and an African American or woman of color for you VP" ?? He said yes...... So did he violate the law because he excluded candidates that qualified, but were then passed up due to his pandering to specific groups demanding of him that he pick a woman, and preferably one of color (skin color) ???? The fact that she was a woman, and a woman of color over and above her qualifications first, in which could have been challenged by a male or female candidate that may have been white just the same or simply just an American candidate regardless of color...It was a dumb blunder by him. Did he violate the law ???

In summary, you never pick any one based on race or gender without excluding others in the same pretext, so qualifications come second where being American comes first then the rest just follows.
Harris is another affirmative action. Divirsity over qualification.
Former State Attorney General and US Senator
What do you think the qualifications for VP are?

Mayor of some tiny town in Alaska?'
Why? Because he TWEETS? He picks on the MEDIA? BOO fuckin' HOO. I go by what a president does. I don't give a shit about his character. Jimmy Carter and G W Bush were nice guys. Look what happened.

I agree. He tweets to get around the LSM who have had it in for him since he got elected.

Good way to get his message out there without having it shanghaied by the Press. The Press that is to busy trying to make the news to report it.

Like you I go by what a President does. Hell before all this Covic crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all over this country. We also had a great economy. I'll take that every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Well that's not true, but lets pretend your assessment of our economy was true (it was not). I doubt anyone who watched how Trump has reacted to that 3 AM phone call, can provide any evidence to put the blame on anyone but donald trump.

Oh so you missed the great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all over this country before Covid??

Must be some rock you live under.

Oh and what blame are you putting on him?? You really should get new material. What you have is getting old and sucks.

I haven't missed the economy from the the Great Recession and how we climbed out of the abyss under the Obama Administration. In fact under your dear donald who inherited a sound economy I was aware when he went forward to spend and cut taxes, create a larger national debt, and enriching the already rich, leaving behind the middle class and the working poor. Taking funds from must needed military funds to build his ego walls, and his signature on the Faux Income Tax bill. No, I'm very aware.
Since it never happened,why bother. Obama used 10 TRILLION of borrowed money to bail out banks who followed Democrat plans to house the indigent and high risk loans. And finance the FAILURE known as "ObamaCare".
$10 trillion?? :cuckoo:
Question - Why can't Biden be sued for violating the 1964 Civil Rights Law's, when he chose a candidate based on one's race, and on one's sex or gender ????????

Civil Rights Act of 1871, prohibiting race-based violence against African Americans (see also Enforcement Acts, three Acts in 1870–71) ... Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin by federal and state governments as well as some public places.

When Biden committed to the question posed to him, "will you pick a woman, and an African American or woman of color for you VP" ?? He said yes...... So did he violate the law because he excluded candidates that qualified, but were then passed up due to his pandering to specific groups demanding of him that he pick a woman, and preferably one of color (skin color) ???? The fact that she was a woman, and a woman of color over and above her qualifications first, in which could have been challenged by a male or female candidate that may have been white just the same or simply just an American candidate regardless of color...It was a dumb blunder by him. Did he violate the law ???

In summary, you never pick any one based on race or gender without excluding others in the same pretext, so qualifications come second where being American comes first then the rest just follows.
Harris is another affirmative action. Divirsity over qualification.
Former State Attorney General and US Senator
What do you think the qualifications for VP are?

Mayor of some tiny town in Alaska?'
Why? Because he TWEETS? He picks on the MEDIA? BOO fuckin' HOO. I go by what a president does. I don't give a shit about his character. Jimmy Carter and G W Bush were nice guys. Look what happened.

I agree. He tweets to get around the LSM who have had it in for him since he got elected.

Good way to get his message out there without having it shanghaied by the Press. The Press that is to busy trying to make the news to report it.

Like you I go by what a President does. Hell before all this Covic crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all over this country. We also had a great economy. I'll take that every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Well that's not true, but lets pretend your assessment of our economy was true (it was not). I doubt anyone who watched how Trump has reacted to that 3 AM phone call, can provide any evidence to put the blame on anyone but donald trump.

Oh so you missed the great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all over this country before Covid??

Must be some rock you live under.

Oh and what blame are you putting on him?? You really should get new material. What you have is getting old and sucks.

I haven't missed the economy from the the Great Recession and how we climbed out of the abyss under the Obama Administration. In fact under your dear donald who inherited a sound economy I was aware when he went forward to spend and cut taxes, create a larger national debt, and enriching the already rich, leaving behind the middle class and the working poor. Taking funds from must needed military funds to build his ego walls, and his signature on the Faux Income Tax bill. No, I'm very aware.

LMAO Oh he left Trump a fair hand but it was far from as sound as it was before Covid and Trump was at the helm for that great success. Unlike you I give credit to both men.

He cut taxes for one and all dumbass. Just like Kennedy and Reagan did. Cutting taxes puts more money into the Fed coffers than raising them. I suppose your stupid ass would like taxes raised. Oh and your just the "rich" got richer is just pure bullshit. Those "rich" already pay 60% of all Fed taxes in this country and we have millions who pay NO Fed taxes at all.

If that wall keeps illegals out of our country than its worth every dime it takes to build. Sounds like you LOVE spending Billions on illegals who infest this country.

And no you certainly aren't very aware. Dumbass.
Last edited:
Question - Why can't Biden be sued for violating the 1964 Civil Rights Law's, when he chose a candidate based on one's race, and on one's sex or gender ????????

Civil Rights Act of 1871, prohibiting race-based violence against African Americans (see also Enforcement Acts, three Acts in 1870–71) ... Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin by federal and state governments as well as some public places.

When Biden committed to the question posed to him, "will you pick a woman, and an African American or woman of color for you VP" ?? He said yes...... So did he violate the law because he excluded candidates that qualified, but were then passed up due to his pandering to specific groups demanding of him that he pick a woman, and preferably one of color (skin color) ???? The fact that she was a woman, and a woman of color over and above her qualifications first, in which could have been challenged by a male or female candidate that may have been white just the same or simply just an American candidate regardless of color...It was a dumb blunder by him. Did he violate the law ???

In summary, you never pick any one based on race or gender without excluding others in the same pretext, so qualifications come second where being American comes first then the rest just follows.
Harris is another affirmative action. Divirsity over qualification.
Former State Attorney General and US Senator
What do you think the qualifications for VP are?

Mayor of some tiny town in Alaska?'
Why? Because he TWEETS? He picks on the MEDIA? BOO fuckin' HOO. I go by what a president does. I don't give a shit about his character. Jimmy Carter and G W Bush were nice guys. Look what happened.

I agree. He tweets to get around the LSM who have had it in for him since he got elected.

Good way to get his message out there without having it shanghaied by the Press. The Press that is to busy trying to make the news to report it.

Like you I go by what a President does. Hell before all this Covic crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all over this country. We also had a great economy. I'll take that every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Well that's not true, but lets pretend your assessment of our economy was true (it was not). I doubt anyone who watched how Trump has reacted to that 3 AM phone call, can provide any evidence to put the blame on anyone but donald trump.

Oh so you missed the great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all over this country before Covid??

Must be some rock you live under.

Oh and what blame are you putting on him?? You really should get new material. What you have is getting old and sucks.

I haven't missed the economy from the the Great Recession and how we climbed out of the abyss under the Obama Administration. In fact under your dear donald who inherited a sound economy I was aware when he went forward to spend and cut taxes, create a larger national debt, and enriching the already rich, leaving behind the middle class and the working poor. Taking funds from must needed military funds to build his ego walls, and his signature on the Faux Income Tax bill. No, I'm very aware.

LMAO Oh he left Trump a fair hand but it was far from as sound as it was before Covid and Trump was at the helm for that great success. Unlike you I give credit to both men.

He cut taxes for one and all dumbass. Just like Kennedy and Reagan did. Cutting taxes puts more money into the Fed coffers than raising them. I suppose your stupid ass would like taxes raised. Oh and your just the "rich" got richer is just pure bullshit. Those "rich" already pay 60% of all Fed taxes in this country and we have millions who pay NO Fed taxes at all.

If that wall keeps illegals out of our country than its worth every dime it takes to build. Sounds like you LOVE spending Billions on illegals who infest this country.

And no you certainly aren't very aware. Dumbass.

Your personal attack + your echoes of right wing memes are noted.

I don't support illegal immigration, I oppose the Trump Administration's failure to follow the immigration laws. I abhor Trump's and your lack of empathy when young children have been taken from their parent. As someone who ran my agencies Domestic Violence Unit I cannot fathom why any woman would defend Donald Trump and the GOP's covert and overt policy of misogyny.
Question - Why can't Biden be sued for violating the 1964 Civil Rights Law's, when he chose a candidate based on one's race, and on one's sex or gender ????????

Civil Rights Act of 1871, prohibiting race-based violence against African Americans (see also Enforcement Acts, three Acts in 1870–71) ... Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin by federal and state governments as well as some public places.

When Biden committed to the question posed to him, "will you pick a woman, and an African American or woman of color for you VP" ?? He said yes...... So did he violate the law because he excluded candidates that qualified, but were then passed up due to his pandering to specific groups demanding of him that he pick a woman, and preferably one of color (skin color) ???? The fact that she was a woman, and a woman of color over and above her qualifications first, in which could have been challenged by a male or female candidate that may have been white just the same or simply just an American candidate regardless of color...It was a dumb blunder by him. Did he violate the law ???

In summary, you never pick any one based on race or gender without excluding others in the same pretext, so qualifications come second where being American comes first then the rest just follows.
Harris is another affirmative action. Divirsity over qualification.
Former State Attorney General and US Senator
What do you think the qualifications for VP are?

Mayor of some tiny town in Alaska?'
Why? Because he TWEETS? He picks on the MEDIA? BOO fuckin' HOO. I go by what a president does. I don't give a shit about his character. Jimmy Carter and G W Bush were nice guys. Look what happened.

I agree. He tweets to get around the LSM who have had it in for him since he got elected.

Good way to get his message out there without having it shanghaied by the Press. The Press that is to busy trying to make the news to report it.

Like you I go by what a President does. Hell before all this Covic crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all over this country. We also had a great economy. I'll take that every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Well that's not true, but lets pretend your assessment of our economy was true (it was not). I doubt anyone who watched how Trump has reacted to that 3 AM phone call, can provide any evidence to put the blame on anyone but donald trump.

Oh so you missed the great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all over this country before Covid??

Must be some rock you live under.

Oh and what blame are you putting on him?? You really should get new material. What you have is getting old and sucks.

I haven't missed the economy from the the Great Recession and how we climbed out of the abyss under the Obama Administration. In fact under your dear donald who inherited a sound economy I was aware when he went forward to spend and cut taxes, create a larger national debt, and enriching the already rich, leaving behind the middle class and the working poor. Taking funds from must needed military funds to build his ego walls, and his signature on the Faux Income Tax bill. No, I'm very aware.

LMAO Oh he left Trump a fair hand but it was far from as sound as it was before Covid and Trump was at the helm for that great success. Unlike you I give credit to both men.

He cut taxes for one and all dumbass. Just like Kennedy and Reagan did. Cutting taxes puts more money into the Fed coffers than raising them. I suppose your stupid ass would like taxes raised. Oh and your just the "rich" got richer is just pure bullshit. Those "rich" already pay 60% of all Fed taxes in this country and we have millions who pay NO Fed taxes at all.

If that wall keeps illegals out of our country than its worth every dime it takes to build. Sounds like you LOVE spending Billions on illegals who infest this country.

And no you certainly aren't very aware. Dumbass.

Your personal attack + your echoes of right wing memes are noted.

I don't support illegal immigration, I oppose the Trump Administration's failure to follow the immigration laws. I abhor Trump's and your lack of empathy when young children have been taken from their parent. As someone who ran my agencies Domestic Violence Unit I cannot fathom why any woman would defend Donald Trump and the GOP's covert and overt policy of misogyny.

Gee did you oppose that when Barry was POTUS?? You do now those pictures you were all raving about were from 2014.

Oh and I have no empathy for those trying to get into this country by any means necessary. From posing as those seeking asylum to those sneaking in.

These people cost we tax payers billions every year and you don't seem to give a rats ass about that. Your more worried about shedding those crocodile tears for people who shouldn't be here at all.

Oh and lets talk about domestic violence. I've worked in police stations both in Florida and NH. I've been involved since 1980 and I can't tell you how many times a woman has come in looking for an injunction for domestic abuse. Once in hand I'll be damned if the SOB isn't back in her house within two weeks. No wonder LEO's take them with a grain of salt.

You sure aren't as aware as you think you are cowboy.
Question - Why can't Biden be sued for violating the 1964 Civil Rights Law's, when he chose a candidate based on one's race, and on one's sex or gender ????????

Civil Rights Act of 1871, prohibiting race-based violence against African Americans (see also Enforcement Acts, three Acts in 1870–71) ... Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin by federal and state governments as well as some public places.

When Biden committed to the question posed to him, "will you pick a woman, and an African American or woman of color for you VP" ?? He said yes...... So did he violate the law because he excluded candidates that qualified, but were then passed up due to his pandering to specific groups demanding of him that he pick a woman, and preferably one of color (skin color) ???? The fact that she was a woman, and a woman of color over and above her qualifications first, in which could have been challenged by a male or female candidate that may have been white just the same or simply just an American candidate regardless of color...It was a dumb blunder by him. Did he violate the law ???

In summary, you never pick any one based on race or gender without excluding others in the same pretext, so qualifications come second where being American comes first then the rest just follows.
Harris is another affirmative action. Divirsity over qualification.
Former State Attorney General and US Senator
What do you think the qualifications for VP are?

Mayor of some tiny town in Alaska?'
Why? Because he TWEETS? He picks on the MEDIA? BOO fuckin' HOO. I go by what a president does. I don't give a shit about his character. Jimmy Carter and G W Bush were nice guys. Look what happened.

I agree. He tweets to get around the LSM who have had it in for him since he got elected.

Good way to get his message out there without having it shanghaied by the Press. The Press that is to busy trying to make the news to report it.

Like you I go by what a President does. Hell before all this Covic crap UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all over this country. We also had a great economy. I'll take that every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Well that's not true, but lets pretend your assessment of our economy was true (it was not). I doubt anyone who watched how Trump has reacted to that 3 AM phone call, can provide any evidence to put the blame on anyone but donald trump.

Oh so you missed the great economy, UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all over this country before Covid??

Must be some rock you live under.

Oh and what blame are you putting on him?? You really should get new material. What you have is getting old and sucks.

I haven't missed the economy from the the Great Recession and how we climbed out of the abyss under the Obama Administration. In fact under your dear donald who inherited a sound economy I was aware when he went forward to spend and cut taxes, create a larger national debt, and enriching the already rich, leaving behind the middle class and the working poor. Taking funds from must needed military funds to build his ego walls, and his signature on the Faux Income Tax bill. No, I'm very aware.

LMAO Oh he left Trump a fair hand but it was far from as sound as it was before Covid and Trump was at the helm for that great success. Unlike you I give credit to both men.

He cut taxes for one and all dumbass. Just like Kennedy and Reagan did. Cutting taxes puts more money into the Fed coffers than raising them. I suppose your stupid ass would like taxes raised. Oh and your just the "rich" got richer is just pure bullshit. Those "rich" already pay 60% of all Fed taxes in this country and we have millions who pay NO Fed taxes at all.

If that wall keeps illegals out of our country than its worth every dime it takes to build. Sounds like you LOVE spending Billions on illegals who infest this country.

And no you certainly aren't very aware. Dumbass.

Your personal attack + your echoes of right wing memes are noted.

I don't support illegal immigration, I oppose the Trump Administration's failure to follow the immigration laws. I abhor Trump's and your lack of empathy when young children have been taken from their parent. As someone who ran my agencies Domestic Violence Unit I cannot fathom why any woman would defend Donald Trump and the GOP's covert and overt policy of misogyny.

Gee did you oppose that when Barry was POTUS?? You do now those pictures you were all raving about were from 2014.

Oh and I have no empathy for those trying to get into this country by any means necessary. From posing as those seeking asylum to those sneaking in.

These people cost we tax payers billions every year and you don't seem to give a rats ass about that. Your more worried about shedding those crocodile tears for people who shouldn't be here at all.

Oh and lets talk about domestic violence. I've worked in police stations both in Florida and NH. I've been involved since 1980 and I can't tell you how many times a woman has come in looking for an injunction for domestic abuse. Once in hand I'll be damned if the SOB isn't back in her house within two weeks. No wonder LEO's take them with a grain of salt.

You sure aren't as aware as you think you are cowboy.

There is truth that some victims of DV return to their abuser. However your comment about LEO's has change by the DOJ Grant funded by VAWA. The Grants to require an arrest, one of which I wrote and managed included funding for paralegals to counsel victims on the day/evening of the offense and prepare for them a stay away order, photo of injuries sustained on the day/evening and again a week later.

The grant also funded 3 Deputy Probation Officers, two Sheriff Deputies, two DA's and the battered women's shelter for counseling, and when needed shelter. Those abusers in CA rarely were released on bail, and when convicted were place on three years supervised probation, with conditions to not own or possess a firearm and an order to search their person, auto and residence without a warrant.

The cages were there in 2014, but so were immigration lawyers and Administrative Law Judges to hear the matter within 48 judicial hours.

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