
The time has come for Trump.
To be victorious, yes!

No. You used thegatewaypundit as a source. So we know this is fake news.

The clock has struck zero for Trump. Time is up.

The GatewayPundit is FAR more accurate than the Antisemitic NY Times, as you already know; they simply don't subscribe to the group think of the party press.

But, you are stupid, which is why you're racist and a Communist.

{“First of all, there doesn't need to be a quid pro quo,” he responded, “but it is clear already I think from the text messages that this meeting that the Ukraine president sought was being conditioned on their willingness to interfere in the U.S. election to help the President. That is a terrible abuse of the President's power. Now whether that abuse goes further that is the withholding of military aid also as leverage.”}

Schiff: We Don't Need a Quid Pro Quo to Impeach Trump

So Schitt was walking this back on "Disgrace the Nation."
The IG and the DNI found the whistle blower complaint as credible and urgent.

If you see something, say something

If you hear something, say something

the whistle blower has not ever been needed, once the IG found evidence to support what the whistle blower was being told by first hand witnesses.

The EVIDENCE itself, not the hearsay anymore, is what is needed.
- there is no actual whistleblower.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday it may not be necessary to have the whistleblower who first filed a complaint about President Donald Trump’s call with Ukraine testify before Congress, saying there were still major concerns about the person’s safety.

Adam Schiff Says Whistleblower May Not Testify, Safety ‘Primary Interest’ | HuffPost
- there is no actual whistleblower.

I see that logic was never your forte.

There is no need for the whistleblower to give testimony because everything he/she highlighted has already been proven from other sources.

You know this.
If there is no nefarious behavior to blow the whistle on, then the "whistleblower" isn't really a whistleblower at all. He's merely a leaker who possibly obstructed justice by alerting Hunter and Joe Biden that they were being investigated.

When Trump released the transcript of the call, it was proven that there was no crime to blow the whistle on in the first place. Therefore he's just a leaker.
he was always just a leaker. a whistleblower has to have first hand knowledge, not second hand.
There there little ones. All you need is your imagination and you can fly anywhere.
I’m not surprised they think they don’t need evidence. They don’t even think they need a crime.

Democrats are trash.

As pointed out, the treason party NEVER expected Trump to release the Transcripts. He cut the legs out from under them by releasing the facts.

So WHY did Host Margaret Brennan not ask "Congressman, we now know that the whistleblower is a CIA agent who was embedded in the president's staff and reported directly to you, isn't that treason as defined by the Constitution? Aren't you in fact a traitor to the United States and engaged in acts of war against us?"
Whistleblower was proven to be correct

Given that his testimony is based on what he heard, his testimony is not very valuable.
However, the testimony and documentation of those that were there is highly valuable

The Whistleblower shined a spotlight on the stink of Trump. Up to the investigators after that
Liar! You haven't seen the whistleblower's testimony nor has he been cross-examined. Again, you're liar!

Gee. I thought this whistleblower was going to blow the pants of Trump and reveal the crimes he's committed??

Guess he wasn't as important as Shitforbrains led us all to believe. Now he doesn't need to testify at all??

Color me shocked.
What does the whistleblower know that was not secondhand info?

Everything he reported has been proven true by other sources

Because this whistleblower was another nothing burger like all the others.
Schiff has showed his biased opinion and needs to be taken off that committee.

EXCEPT, this really was treason. IF Bill Barr has an ounce of integrity, Adam Schiff will be indicted for treason. Using the CIA to spy on a sitting president is treason - simply no two ways about it.
again, this is all schitt's. all of it.

Schumer and Clinton are involved as well. It is the lawyer of Chuck Schumer who wrote the script for the Mole. If Barr is serious about clearing out corruption, he has a golden opportunity to get them all - Clinton, KGB John Brennan, Schumer, and Schiff - on treason charges.
You keep trying to shift the argument to the job trump is doing

Has nothing to do with performance. Has to do with abuse of power

It has to do with treason - Adam Schiff is guilty of treason - fact. You Stalinist never expected Trump to release the Transcripts of the call, you thought the lies Schitt told on the floor of the house would float. Now you vile scum are in serious trouble.

Look, I don't trust Bill Barr at all, He is deep state and already let Comey off for known crimes. I don't think he will do his job and indict Adam Schiff. Even so, you Stalinists are fucked. You are exposed as the dirty and desperate rodents we all know you to be. You're going to get slaughtered across the board in 2020 - every last one of us knows it.
Whistleblower was proven to be correct

Given that his testimony is based on what he heard, his testimony is not very valuable.
However, the testimony and documentation of those that were there is highly valuable

The Whistleblower shined a spotlight on the stink of Trump. Up to the investigators after that
Liar! You haven't seen the whistleblower's testimony nor has he been cross-examined. Again, you're liar!

Gee. I thought this whistleblower was going to blow the pants of Trump and reveal the crimes he's committed??

Guess he wasn't as important as Shitforbrains led us all to believe. Now he doesn't need to testify at all??

Color me shocked.
What does the whistleblower know that was not secondhand info?

Everything he reported has been proven true by other sources
/----/ "Everything he reported has been proven true by other sources"
Other sources who were not on the actual phone call - you mean.

  • 1.information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor: "according to rightwinger, Trump said dig up some dirt"
So he's admitting his evidence is shit....and so he intends on creating crimes from disgruntled former state department officials....essentially Obama holdovers and Deep State spooks.
BTW, if his evidence is shit, then the entire inquiry is for shit because it was initiated based on the whistle blower theme
The IG and the DNI found the whistle blower complaint as credible and urgent.

If you see something, say something

If you hear something, say something

the whistle blower has not ever been needed, once the IG found evidence to support what the whistle blower was being told by first hand witnesses.

The EVIDENCE itself, not the hearsay anymore, is what is needed.
What evidence?
Whistleblower was proven to be correct

Given that his testimony is based on what he heard, his testimony is not very valuable.
However, the testimony and documentation of those that were there is highly valuable

The Whistleblower shined a spotlight on the stink of Trump. Up to the investigators after that
No, they're just trying to obfuscate the wonderful job Trump is doing. He wants to clean up the Atlantic, but the lefties MUST HAVE THEIR NAME, not the president to clean ocean shit up. They are such PRIMA DONNAS!!!!! It's all bullshit.
You keep trying to shift the argument to the job trump is doing

Has nothing to do with performance. Has to do with abuse of power

You stupid shit for brains, if you want to see abuse of power, look to the house, asshole. How in hell did you ever get so clueless and stupid?

Shitflinger is a mod for the radical left hate site "Democratic Underground." He came over as one of the thousands of plants who pretend to be conservative but are full on Communists. ( see g5000 and Golfing Gator as other examples of that fraud.) Shitflinger is a troll, nothing but a troll. What he posts is meant to create a ruckus. He has no interest in discussion or debate, he is here to disrupt the board, it is his only purpose.
The IG and the DNI found the whistle blower complaint as credible and urgent.

If you see something, say something

If you hear something, say something

the whistle blower has not ever been needed, once the IG found evidence to support what the whistle blower was being told by first hand witnesses.

The EVIDENCE itself, not the hearsay anymore, is what is needed.

Oh look, flat out fucking lying :thup: How refreshing from you Stalinists.

Oh and Comrade, doesn't the script from the mole contradict the actual transcripts of the call? Isn't the script in fact a complete fabrication written by Chuck Schumer's lawyer? (foot notes and all!)
Whistleblower was proven to be correct

Given that his testimony is based on what he heard, his testimony is not very valuable.
However, the testimony and documentation of those that were there is highly valuable

The Whistleblower shined a spotlight on the stink of Trump. Up to the investigators after that
No, they're just trying to obfuscate the wonderful job Trump is doing. He wants to clean up the Atlantic, but the lefties MUST HAVE THEIR NAME, not the president to clean ocean shit up. They are such PRIMA DONNAS!!!!! It's all bullshit.
You keep trying to shift the argument to the job trump is doing

Has nothing to do with performance. Has to do with abuse of power
That is on the premise of belief. Since near half the people do not believe it or do not care at least, its moot point. You keep believing Clinton and Obama were little goody two shoes guys. People do not want anymore of their money stolen from them with your lies and schemes. And you will have to take it directly because your Obama care socialism loving millennials did not buy the insurance. It seems they want the benefits but do not want to pay. All of that 15% paid into the general fund by the baby boomers huge generation and wasted for decades is now coming home to roost as they retire.
The IG and the DNI found the whistle blower complaint as credible and urgent.

If you see something, say something

If you hear something, say something

the whistle blower has not ever been needed, once the IG found evidence to support what the whistle blower was being told by first hand witnesses.

The EVIDENCE itself, not the hearsay anymore, is what is needed.
What evidence?

There is none, she is lying - as Stalinists tend to do.
The IG and the DNI found the whistle blower complaint as credible and urgent.

If you see something, say something

If you hear something, say something

the whistle blower has not ever been needed, once the IG found evidence to support what the whistle blower was being told by first hand witnesses.

The EVIDENCE itself, not the hearsay anymore, is what is needed.
What evidence?

There is none, she is lying - as Stalinists tend to do.
I know, position point only. Crickets is her evidence

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