Democrats are falling apart lol hHabhaB
Yes they are, but it's raining here, and my server goes on and off while nature's crying. When I find stuff and can't post it, I have to turn off the computer and wait for a letup like right now it's letting up, but in 5 minutes, it will be dumping more water on us as soon as the next cloud rolls in. Sorry for going off topic, but Democrats exploit every single avenue of information they can, and here, memory is discounted as unimportant when it gets in the way of the next Demmie scam. I'm going offline to check my property for water damage. Y'all have a fine day.
Only six pinnochios for them drowning the Constitution beneath the oceans of plastic that destroy the whales due to the lack of sun penetrating to the ocean depths? The political landscape in America is burying any good American prosperity could be cleaning up the environment with.

The Demmies are so polluted with their own power they're ineffective as humanitarians, which by the way, they denied the border crossers held in detention until their cases come up due to mass invitation by Democrat Congresswomen to solicit more traffic in already congested border crossing areas as El Paso by Madam Kingpin V. Escobar. :cheeky-smiley-018:

Edit: link to Escobar/Corey solicitations:

Escobar’s staff is conducting interviews with 6,000 people who were returned to Mexico to encourage them to represent themselves to the border ports of entry and to lie about their inability to speak Spanish with the hope that they will be pushed to the front of the immigration line.
90% of the plastic in The Oceans come from just 6 rivers in Africa and Asia. Maybe you should go there and lobby those assholes to clean up their messes first.

Oh, you missed the NYT story 25 years ago saying that garbage in the New York City area was being hauled out six freighters per diem into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean because the landfills were too full?

Why ain't I surprised you weren't paying attention to the country that inspired all this evil mischief on the part of third world countries that look to America for solutions to their own problems? Why aren't you taking responsibility for what WE invented due to our landfills being overrun with garbage from masses of people?

Who'd a thunk all that garbage would cause whales worldwide to die off because their ocean environments were shaded from the sun who kept the temperatures right for growing their primary food source--the microscopic shrimp creatures called krill? Well, doh, krill numbers are way down to numbers that wouldn't keep a small number of whales alive, much less all of them. :FIREdevil: And, trust me, all ocean liner captains probably remember the day they saw those garbage barges on satellite tv and decided to get red of smelly stuff by wrapping it in plastic containers (now at the bottom of the sea, killing bottom feeders) and dumping it overboard when their vacationing city dwellers were touring the Atlantic side of the Caribbean? Whose river were they in???

Well, hell's bells wouldn't you know if you took a staple away from a species they might start going hungry and there ain't no line for whales in the welfare offices if we don't pay the hell attention to what we inspired the whole planet to do so they could use their landfill areas for other stuff?

And wasn't it lefties who sang out "save the trees!!!" at the same time we were hauling ass out into the Atlantic to dump plastics and garbage to get rid of the only problem we could see at the time how sweet it was? Barf! Now the best lefties can do anymore is to create false scenarios of where the error of their ways didn't happen!!!

Laws of mercy, man.
post the story! why didn't you?
Oh, how convenient. The lefties buried another story pointing the finger at their mistaken ways. Doh, me!!!

My memory, I know is a lousy reminder of what Demonrats promote, rubberstamp, then deep six it in file 13 when shown to be a threat to the world. But they saved the trees not already chopped down, so STFU protesters!!!!
Ah, shaddup. :lmao:

David Duke is a pile of shit who belongs with the Stalinist democrats, along with Al Sharpton, Hank Johnson, and AOC.

What we know:
  1. The whistleblower is not a whistleblower at all. He is not an employee of government exposing corruption. Instead this is an intelligence agent of the CIA who was EMBEDDED in executive branch for the PURPOSE of gathering intelligence to use against the president. This is not a whistleblower, but a MOLE deliberately placed to spy on the President of the United States, an act of espionage. Espionage against the head of a legitimate state is defined by the Geneva Convention as an act of war. Both the Mole and those who placed the Mole have made war against the United States.
  2. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
  3. This means Adam Schiff and the Mole are both guilty of treason
  4. Despite lies by the Fascist democrat press, this impeachment farce is NOT popular with the people and has badly hurt the Stalinist Democrats.
  5. The release of the transcripts makes it clear that the script the Mole released to the press, written by Chuck Schumer's lawyer, is a lie.
Adam Schitt would be smart to flee to a country without an extradition treaty; he has a gurney and a needle in his near future.

Because this whistleblower was another nothing burger like all the others.
Schiff has showed his biased opinion and needs to be taken off that committee.

EXCEPT, this really was treason. IF Bill Barr has an ounce of integrity, Adam Schiff will be indicted for treason. Using the CIA to spy on a sitting president is treason - simply no two ways about it.
We are hearing now that there wasn't actually a whistle blower, and that this was a manufactured report authored by a big time Democrat Law Firm who solicits so called whistle blowing activities against The President, which when looking closely are appeals to people working in government to commit felonies to leak classified and privileged information.
Adam Schiff who has never told the truth in his life also was allegedly involved in crafting this new narrative a month before it was released to The Press.

Funny thing happened on the way to the Witch Burning, President Trump Unexpectedly released The Ukraine Call Transcript, just like he Unexpectedly released The Mueller Report.
Anything after that by comparison is now seen as Partisan Lies because the transparency of those two acts has exposed light on some dark dealings of Adam Schiff and company.

I am going to make a prediction that Exactly like with what happened with Russian Collusion (A Lie paid for by The Democrat Party, Clinton, and Obama) for which they tried to make a case out of despite knowing it was false, it ends up being yet another NOTHING BURGER, but just another in a long series of perjury traps that The Left has authored in the hopes they can weaken The President's support and give them a chance at stealing The White House in 2020 since they could not buy it in 2016.

That begs the question, WHY DOESN'T THE DOJ PROSECUTE ALL THESE LEAKERS? Maybe it's because there are too many Clinton and Obama holdovers in there who refuse to do their jobs...

The purpose of the Fake Whistle Blower Report isn't to be credible, it is to give The Democrat Party an excuse to pry in to every aspect of The President's life, AGAIN!

Whatever you believe, one thing is for certain, more and more Americans believe there is a dirty Deep state that works quietly behind the scenes against our Democratic Republic to advance their personal interests for their own personal gain at all costs.

Wait, what? So Adam was being a whistleblower? I honestly think that all of this is going to hurt them!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Whistleblower was proven to be correct

Given that his testimony is based on what he heard, his testimony is not very valuable.
However, the testimony and documentation of those that were there is highly valuable

The Whistleblower shined a spotlight on the stink of Trump. Up to the investigators after that
Liar! You haven't seen the whistleblower's testimony nor has he been cross-examined. Again, you're liar!

Gee. I thought this whistleblower was going to blow the pants of Trump and reveal the crimes he's committed??

Guess he wasn't as important as Shitforbrains led us all to believe. Now he doesn't need to testify at all??

Color me shocked.

David Duke is a pile of shit who belongs with the Stalinist democrats, along with Al Sharpton, Hank Johnson, and AOC.

What we know:
  1. The whistleblower is not a whistleblower at all. He is not an employee of government exposing corruption. Instead this is an intelligence agent of the CIA who was EMBEDDED in executive branch for the PURPOSE of gathering intelligence to use against the president. This is not a whistleblower, but a MOLE deliberately placed to spy on the President of the United States, an act of espionage. Espionage against the head of a legitimate state is defined by the Geneva Convention as an act of war. Both the Mole and those who placed the Mole have made war against the United States.
  2. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
  3. This means Adam Schiff and the Mole are both guilty of treason
  4. Despite lies by the Fascist democrat press, this impeachment farce is NOT popular with the people and has badly hurt the Stalinist Democrats.
  5. The release of the transcripts makes it clear that the script the Mole released to the press, written by Chuck Schumer's lawyer, is a lie.
Adam Schitt would be smart to flee to a country without an extradition treaty; he has a gurney and a needle in his near future.
It is an Act of War.
- there is no actual whistleblower.

I see that logic was never your forte.

There is no need for the whistleblower to give testimony because everything he/she highlighted has already been proven from other sources.

You know this.
And how do YOU know this for a fact, not hope?

You dont

It's what Schiff is claiming, specifically that the veracity of the allegation is confirmed in the transcript released by the White House. That being said nothing has been "proven" nor does it need to be since a simple majority in the House of Representatives alone determines what is and is not worthy of impeachment.

Personally I don't see it in that transcript but I guess that's just because my political spin, only spin and nothing but spin reading glasses are in the shop.

... anywho the Circus Continues. :popcorn:
so we go to impeachment on heresay 2nd hand evidence.
we don't validate it, we say it's valid and don't need the accuser to appear anywhere at all.

and people wonder why this country is so jacked up right now.

Because this whistleblower was another nothing burger like all the others.
Schiff has showed his biased opinion and needs to be taken off that committee.

EXCEPT, this really was treason. IF Bill Barr has an ounce of integrity, Adam Schiff will be indicted for treason. Using the CIA to spy on a sitting president is treason - simply no two ways about it.
again, this is all schitt's. all of it.
Whistleblower was proven to be correct

Given that his testimony is based on what he heard, his testimony is not very valuable.
However, the testimony and documentation of those that were there is highly valuable

The Whistleblower shined a spotlight on the stink of Trump. Up to the investigators after that
No, they're just trying to obfuscate the wonderful job Trump is doing. He wants to clean up the Atlantic, but the lefties MUST HAVE THEIR NAME, not the president to clean ocean shit up. They are such PRIMA DONNAS!!!!! It's all bullshit.
You keep trying to shift the argument to the job trump is doing

Has nothing to do with performance. Has to do with abuse of power
We are hearing now that there wasn't actually a whistle blower, and that this was a manufactured report authored by a big time Democrat Law Firm who solicits so called whistle blowing activities against The President, which when looking closely are appeals to people working in government to commit felonies to leak classified and privileged information.
Adam Schiff who has never told the truth in his life also was allegedly involved in crafting this new narrative a month before it was released to The Press.

Funny thing happened on the way to the Witch Burning, President Trump Unexpectedly released The Ukraine Call Transcript, just like he Unexpectedly released The Mueller Report.
Anything after that by comparison is now seen as Partisan Lies because the transparency of those two acts has exposed light on some dark dealings of Adam Schiff and company.

I am going to make a prediction that Exactly like with what happened with Russian Collusion (A Lie paid for by The Democrat Party, Clinton, and Obama) for which they tried to make a case out of despite knowing it was false, it ends up being yet another NOTHING BURGER, but just another in a long series of perjury traps that The Left has authored in the hopes they can weaken The President's support and give them a chance at stealing The White House in 2020 since they could not buy it in 2016.

That begs the question, WHY DOESN'T THE DOJ PROSECUTE ALL THESE LEAKERS? Maybe it's because there are too many Clinton and Obama holdovers in there who refuse to do their jobs...

The purpose of the Fake Whistle Blower Report isn't to be credible, it is to give The Democrat Party an excuse to pry in to every aspect of The President's life, AGAIN!

Whatever you believe, one thing is for certain, more and more Americans believe there is a dirty Deep state that works quietly behind the scenes against our Democratic Republic to advance their personal interests for their own personal gain at all costs.

Wait, what? So Adam was being a whistleblower? I honestly think that all of this is going to hurt them!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
It's been my call since day one. Schitt's is the leaker. yep.
Well Shitforbrains has stated that the "whistleblower" doesn't need to testify.

Its on another thread on this board.

I thought this "whistleblower" was going to take Trump down??

Now he doesn't need to testify??

Color me shocked.
- there is no actual whistleblower.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday it may not be necessary to have the whistleblower who first filed a complaint about President Donald Trump’s call with Ukraine testify before Congress, saying there were still major concerns about the person’s safety.

Adam Schiff Says Whistleblower May Not Testify, Safety ‘Primary Interest’ | HuffPost
- there is no actual whistleblower.

I see that logic was never your forte.

There is no need for the whistleblower to give testimony because everything he/she highlighted has already been proven from other sources.

You know this.
If there is no nefarious behavior to blow the whistle on, then the "whistleblower" isn't really a whistleblower at all. He's merely a leaker who possibly obstructed justice by alerting Hunter and Joe Biden that they were being investigated.

When Trump released the transcript of the call, it was proven that there was no crime to blow the whistle on in the first place. Therefore he's just a leaker.
Whistleblower was proven to be correct

Given that his testimony is based on what he heard, his testimony is not very valuable.
However, the testimony and documentation of those that were there is highly valuable

The Whistleblower shined a spotlight on the stink of Trump. Up to the investigators after that
No, they're just trying to obfuscate the wonderful job Trump is doing. He wants to clean up the Atlantic, but the lefties MUST HAVE THEIR NAME, not the president to clean ocean shit up. They are such PRIMA DONNAS!!!!! It's all bullshit.
You keep trying to shift the argument to the job trump is doing

Has nothing to do with performance. Has to do with abuse of power

You stupid shit for brains, if you want to see abuse of power, look to the house, asshole. How in hell did you ever get so clueless and stupid?
Well Shitforbrains has stated that the "whistleblower" doesn't need to testify.

Its on another thread on this board.

I thought this "whistleblower" was going to take Trump down??

Now he doesn't need to testify??

Color me shocked.
There is ZERO need to hear from The Whistle Blower. If the Fake Whistle Blower even testifies, they will change his voice and hide his identity, but everyone will know it's Adam Schiff behind The Curtain.

We have The Transcript. We don't need anything else.

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