It's Most Unlikely I Will Change My Diet

If I had the discipline I would be on a strictly plant based diet
Fuck that nonsense

Haha I hear ya man, but meat, as good as it tastes, especially processed meats, aren’t good for you. The number one cause of diabetes

I would agree processed meat is bad stuff, even those tasty hams they sell, I think the curing process makes it hard on the system, but I thought more of a cause for diabetes was to many dead carbs like white rice and pastries.
If I had the discipline I would be on a strictly plant based diet
Fuck that nonsense

Haha I hear ya man, but meat, as good as it tastes, especially processed meats, aren’t good for you. The number one cause of diabetes

I would agree processed meat is bad stuff, even those tasty hams they sell, I think the curing process makes it hard on the system, but I thought more of a cause for diabetes was to many dead carbs like white rice and pastries.
Depends on the process. Sugar or salt? Makes a difference
If I had the discipline I would be on a strictly plant based diet
Fuck that nonsense

Haha I hear ya man, but meat, as good as it tastes, especially processed meats, aren’t good for you. The number one cause of diabetes

I would agree processed meat is bad stuff, even those tasty hams they sell, I think the curing process makes it hard on the system, but I thought more of a cause for diabetes was to many dead carbs like white rice and pastries.
Depends on the process. Sugar or salt? Makes a difference

for the hams? yeah, thats probably true.
If I had the discipline I would be on a strictly plant based diet
Fuck that nonsense
My wife is on weight watchers and seafood is either zero points or close to it plus it costs less than steak. Tougher bits of meat are also cheaper and they get fork tender in a slow cooker. As long as you don't overload on saturated fat beef and seafood will do you proud.
I have a good friend who has been a vegan for decades. It gave him gout. He believes in his cause enough to put up with gout. As painful as it is.
gout is strongly correlated with depression. While I like veggies and diabetes runs in my family I have no desire to become vegan.
Everyone bitches about the current state of affairs and life, groans about their miseries and the world, and then frets about how to live the longest they possibly can in it.

Hell must be a really intriguing place.

Shouldn't it be about quality rather than quantity? What about the enjoyment in those years, rather than the number of them?

Remember, those years that you gain at the end, they really aren't worth much anyhow. You'll just spend them endlessly reminiscing and bitching about how much worse things have gotten anyhow. . . .
I have a good friend who has been a vegan for decades. It gave him gout. He believes in his cause enough to put up with gout. As painful as it is.
gout is strongly correlated with depression. While I like veggies and diabetes runs in my family I have no desire to become vegan.

vegan might be good for some people... but what those people who push that dont understand is not everyone's body is the same. I know there have been studies about blood type and what foods we should have based on that. Its said type O was the original or close to the original blood type for humans until blood types evolved to incorporate different diets.... so type Os need to eat meat... they cant be vegans unless they want bowel and inflamation problems.
Rooting around on the ground for tubers and beans sounds dreadfully pig-like.

Huge reduction in meat-eating ‘essential’ to avoid climate breakdown

Its amazing , animals now causing climate change. Animals have been around since the beginning of time , and anyway these people are completely nuts .... they want us to eat 5x as many beans? if they are concerned about animal emissions.... what the F do they think 5 times as many beans is going to do??
I don't buy into the "climate change" fearmongering. However, it is a fact that animal agriculture is horrible for the environment and is extremely wasteful and unsustainable. And I don't mean to sound like a hippie or tree hugging environmentalist, because I'm not… but the truth is the truth whether we like to hear it or not.
Rooting around on the ground for tubers and beans sounds dreadfully pig-like.

Huge reduction in meat-eating ‘essential’ to avoid climate breakdown

Its amazing , animals now causing climate change. Animals have been around since the beginning of time , and anyway these people are completely nuts .... they want us to eat 5x as many beans? if they are concerned about animal emissions.... what the F do they think 5 times as many beans is going to do??
I don't buy into the "climate change" fearmongering. However, it is a fact that animal agriculture is horrible for the environment and is extremely wasteful and unsustainable. And I don't mean to sound like a hippie or tree hugging environmentalist, because I'm not… but the truth is the truth whether we like to hear it or not.

It could probably be done differently than it currently is but how is it unsustainable? there always can be room for having animals around. Lamb is also a good alternative to animals like pigs and cows, they are much easier to feed.. anyway, last time I flew across the US I noticed all this empty space down there in between civilization... i'm sure we can figure something out to make it more sustainable
It costs next to nothing to raise cattle or goats as meat in the Kudzu zone and you can get paid to graze your herds on somebody else's land and tree surgeons will pay you to let the dump wood chips on your land. It's not for me but I know relatives who got seriously rich on such schemes and then went into real estate to spend less time trying to prevent their live stock from killing themselves.
Rooting around on the ground for tubers and beans sounds dreadfully pig-like.

Huge reduction in meat-eating ‘essential’ to avoid climate breakdown

Its amazing , animals now causing climate change. Animals have been around since the beginning of time , and anyway these people are completely nuts .... they want us to eat 5x as many beans? if they are concerned about animal emissions.... what the F do they think 5 times as many beans is going to do??
I don't buy into the "climate change" fearmongering. However, it is a fact that animal agriculture is horrible for the environment and is extremely wasteful and unsustainable. And I don't mean to sound like a hippie or tree hugging environmentalist, because I'm not… but the truth is the truth whether we like to hear it or not.

It could probably be done differently than it currently is but how is it unsustainable? there always can be room for having animals around. Lamb is also a good alternative to animals like pigs and cows, they are much easier to feed.. anyway, last time I flew across the US I noticed all this empty space down there in between civilization... i'm sure we can figure something out to make it more sustainable

Deforestation, for one. For example, in South American rainforests, a huge percentage of deforestation is for livestock, or food to feed the livestock. The earth loses 18.7 million acres of forests per year, which is 27 soccer fields every minute, according to the World Wildlife Fund.

And then there's the astronomical amount of animal waste (yes, shit) from animal agriculture that ends up in rivers, lakes, causing water and air pollution, groundwater contamination, making people sick who live nearby, in addition to other problems.

Then there's water, it takes an insane amount of water not only for the livestock, but for the food the livestock eats. It takes far more water to produce beef or other meat, in comparison to fruits, veggies, and other plant-based foods. Here's an example…


You can see more here:
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Rooting around on the ground for tubers and beans sounds dreadfully pig-like.

Huge reduction in meat-eating ‘essential’ to avoid climate breakdown

Its amazing , animals now causing climate change. Animals have been around since the beginning of time , and anyway these people are completely nuts .... they want us to eat 5x as many beans? if they are concerned about animal emissions.... what the F do they think 5 times as many beans is going to do??
I don't buy into the "climate change" fearmongering. However, it is a fact that animal agriculture is horrible for the environment and is extremely wasteful and unsustainable. And I don't mean to sound like a hippie or tree hugging environmentalist, because I'm not… but the truth is the truth whether we like to hear it or not.

It could probably be done differently than it currently is but how is it unsustainable? there always can be room for having animals around. Lamb is also a good alternative to animals like pigs and cows, they are much easier to feed.. anyway, last time I flew across the US I noticed all this empty space down there in between civilization... i'm sure we can figure something out to make it more sustainable

Deforestation, for one. For example, in South American rainforests, a huge percentage of deforestation is for livestock, or food to feed the livestock. The earth loses 18.7 million acres of forests per year, which is 27 soccer fields every minute, according to the World Wildlife Fund.

And then there's the astronomical amount of animal waste (yes, shit) from animal agriculture that ends up in rivers, lakes, causing water and air pollution, groundwater contamination, making people sick who live nearby, in addition to other problems.

Then there's water, it takes an insane amount of water not only for the livestock, but for the food the livestock eats. It takes far more water to produce beef or other meat, in comparison to fruits, veggies, and other plant-based foods. Here's an example…


You can see more here:

well, things can be done differently as well as for how animals are raised. AND Not everyone can be a vegetarian. I dont believe its healthy for everyone. Plus a lot of the commercial vegetable crop is very unhealthy as well, the way that its grown. Sometimes meat is the healthier choice... if you can get good meat that is
There is a reason we have canine teeth. I do my part here in Fl. I shoot and eat feral hogs.
I eat that what eats the tubers.
To high on the food chain for that. Rabbit food is for game animals.

Born with canine teeth so we could go to the supermarket to hunt for meat covered in plastic.
America is like a heroin addict; it is clear that what it is doing will destroy it and it continues unchangingly.
Everyone bitches about the current state of affairs and life, groans about their miseries and the world, and then frets about how to live the longest they possibly can in it.

Hell must be a really intriguing place.

Shouldn't it be about quality rather than quantity? What about the enjoyment in those years, rather than the number of them?

Remember, those years that you gain at the end, they really aren't worth much anyhow. You'll just spend them endlessly reminiscing and bitching about how much worse things have gotten anyhow. . . .
-------------------------- exactly how i see things MBeale .
Rooting around on the ground for tubers and beans sounds dreadfully pig-like.

Huge reduction in meat-eating ‘essential’ to avoid climate breakdown

Did you read that whole article. They were talking about tax subsidies for plant based food.

“Sin taxes” on meat, interestingly. From the other piece linked in your article, ''meat taxes have already been discussed in parliaments in Germany, Denmark and Sweden, the analysis points out, and China’s government has cut its recommended maximum meat consumption by 45%''
There is a reason we have canine teeth. I do my part here in Fl. I shoot and eat feral hogs.
I eat that what eats the tubers.
To high on the food chain for that. Rabbit food is for game animals.

Born with canine teeth so we could go to the supermarket to hunt for meat covered in plastic.
I prefer wild hog. Plenty of em around and not raised on antibiotics.

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