It's Mueller Time!

Dipshit, all you do is give smileys and talk to yourself. It has everything to do with it. As a prosecutor there was NOTHING on Conspiracy and iffy at best on Obstruction and he wrote 400+ pages stating as such. Meanwhile he admitted that he spoke to everyone he asked to speak with sans the President himself. You hear what you want to hear. Thanks for the rep. Keep em coming.
That is simply not true. You don't have even a basic working understanding of this case.

There is nothing"iffy" about obstruction. Nowhere is it characterized in that way.

I don’t? LMAO. You’re making a fool out of yourself. If you believe we are all insane and you’re sane then guess’re the insane one. Ben Shapiro agrees with me. Are you smarter than him too?
Who is Ben Shapiro?
I understand because I read the report way back when it came out.

You don’t know who he is? Wow. You are a dumbass. Google is your friend.
Listen to episode 825 of the Ben Shapiro show. He is not a Trump guy and provides a fair analysis IMO.
I can't even listen to that guy since he got destroyed by that BBC journalist. Now he just seems like a pubescent teenager who thinks he's way smarter than he actually is.

Show us. Point to the statement in my link that Mueller "backtracked" on.

They were unable to conclude one way or the other. It was iffy as I stated. Iffy is not enough to indict. That is exactly what your link said.

No. It doesn't. There was nothing "iffy" even suggested.

They cannot indict a sitting president per the OLC rules. The DOJ rules also state that if you can't or won't indict, then you cannot accuse either. So even if Mueller knows he had Trump dead to rights, he cannot say so.

What you should infer, if anything, is that Trump was not exonerated on the obstruction question as he was on conspiracy. That indicates that there is indeed actionable evidence on obstruction whether Mueller says so or not.

So, we are in a position where Mueller is unable to either clear Trump or implicate him criminally. This is why they detailed all of the evidence regarding obstruction. The DOJ cannot act while Trump is president. So, either the congress will have to act or a prosecutor can take it up in 2021 if Trump is out.

Wow you’re stupid. He explicitly said in his statement that’s not why it happened. Wtf!?

You are daft and only proving my point about your understsnding of this case.

Dumbass. He said we did not reach the determination that the President committed a crime. Is English your second language?

I never asserted that they did say he committed a crime, dope.
That has nothing to do with your allegation,dope.

Dipshit, all you do is give smileys and talk to yourself. It has everything to do with it. As a prosecutor there was NOTHING on Conspiracy and iffy at best on Obstruction and he wrote 400+ pages stating as such. Meanwhile he admitted that he spoke to everyone he asked to speak with sans the President himself. You hear what you want to hear. Thanks for the rep. Keep em coming.
That is simply not true. You don't have even a basic working understanding of this case.

There is nothing"iffy" about obstruction. Nowhere is it characterized in that way.

I don’t? LMAO. You’re making a fool out of yourself. If you believe we are all insane and you’re sane then guess’re the insane one. Ben Shapiro agrees with me. Are you smarter than him too?
Who is Ben Shapiro?
I understand because I read the report way back when it came out.

You don’t know who he is? Wow. You are a dumbass. Google is your friend.

Why should I care?
They were unable to conclude one way or the other. It was iffy as I stated. Iffy is not enough to indict. That is exactly what your link said.

No. It doesn't. There was nothing "iffy" even suggested.

They cannot indict a sitting president per the OLC rules. The DOJ rules also state that if you can't or won't indict, then you cannot accuse either. So even if Mueller knows he had Trump dead to rights, he cannot say so.

What you should infer, if anything, is that Trump was not exonerated on the obstruction question as he was on conspiracy. That indicates that there is indeed actionable evidence on obstruction whether Mueller says so or not.

So, we are in a position where Mueller is unable to either clear Trump or implicate him criminally. This is why they detailed all of the evidence regarding obstruction. The DOJ cannot act while Trump is president. So, either the congress will have to act or a prosecutor can take it up in 2021 if Trump is out.

Wow you’re stupid. He explicitly said in his statement that’s not why it happened. Wtf!?

You are daft and only proving my point about your understsnding of this case.

Dumbass. He said we did not reach the determination that the President committed a crime. Is English your second language?

I never asserted that they did say he committed a crime, dope.

That is precisely what you asserted
Show us. Point to the statement in my link that Mueller "backtracked" on.

They were unable to conclude one way or the other. It was iffy as I stated. Iffy is not enough to indict. That is exactly what your link said.

No. It doesn't. There was nothing "iffy" even suggested.

They cannot indict a sitting president per the OLC rules. The DOJ rules also state that if you can't or won't indict, then you cannot accuse either. So even if Mueller knows he had Trump dead to rights, he cannot say so.

What you should infer, if anything, is that Trump was not exonerated on the obstruction question as he was on conspiracy. That indicates that there is indeed actionable evidence on obstruction whether Mueller says so or not.

So, we are in a position where Mueller is unable to either clear Trump or implicate him criminally. This is why they detailed all of the evidence regarding obstruction. The DOJ cannot act while Trump is president. So, either the congress will have to act or a prosecutor can take it up in 2021 if Trump is out.

Wow you’re stupid. He explicitly said in his statement that’s not why it happened. Wtf!?

You are daft and only proving my point about your understsnding of this case.

Dumbass. He said we did not reach the determination that the President committed a crime. Is English your second language?

They were unable to clear him either.
This was established in literally the first two minutes of testimony.
Dipshit, all you do is give smileys and talk to yourself. It has everything to do with it. As a prosecutor there was NOTHING on Conspiracy and iffy at best on Obstruction and he wrote 400+ pages stating as such. Meanwhile he admitted that he spoke to everyone he asked to speak with sans the President himself. You hear what you want to hear. Thanks for the rep. Keep em coming.
That is simply not true. You don't have even a basic working understanding of this case.

There is nothing"iffy" about obstruction. Nowhere is it characterized in that way.

I don’t? LMAO. You’re making a fool out of yourself. If you believe we are all insane and you’re sane then guess’re the insane one. Ben Shapiro agrees with me. Are you smarter than him too?
Who is Ben Shapiro?
I understand because I read the report way back when it came out.

You don’t know who he is? Wow. You are a dumbass. Google is your friend.

Why should I care?

Because you claim to be learned. Obviously you’re a hack.
No. It doesn't. There was nothing "iffy" even suggested.

They cannot indict a sitting president per the OLC rules. The DOJ rules also state that if you can't or won't indict, then you cannot accuse either. So even if Mueller knows he had Trump dead to rights, he cannot say so.

What you should infer, if anything, is that Trump was not exonerated on the obstruction question as he was on conspiracy. That indicates that there is indeed actionable evidence on obstruction whether Mueller says so or not.

So, we are in a position where Mueller is unable to either clear Trump or implicate him criminally. This is why they detailed all of the evidence regarding obstruction. The DOJ cannot act while Trump is president. So, either the congress will have to act or a prosecutor can take it up in 2021 if Trump is out.

Wow you’re stupid. He explicitly said in his statement that’s not why it happened. Wtf!?

You are daft and only proving my point about your understsnding of this case.

Dumbass. He said we did not reach the determination that the President committed a crime. Is English your second language?

I never asserted that they did say he committed a crime, dope.

That is precisely what you asserted
Quote me, dope.
They were unable to conclude one way or the other. It was iffy as I stated. Iffy is not enough to indict. That is exactly what your link said.

No. It doesn't. There was nothing "iffy" even suggested.

They cannot indict a sitting president per the OLC rules. The DOJ rules also state that if you can't or won't indict, then you cannot accuse either. So even if Mueller knows he had Trump dead to rights, he cannot say so.

What you should infer, if anything, is that Trump was not exonerated on the obstruction question as he was on conspiracy. That indicates that there is indeed actionable evidence on obstruction whether Mueller says so or not.

So, we are in a position where Mueller is unable to either clear Trump or implicate him criminally. This is why they detailed all of the evidence regarding obstruction. The DOJ cannot act while Trump is president. So, either the congress will have to act or a prosecutor can take it up in 2021 if Trump is out.

Wow you’re stupid. He explicitly said in his statement that’s not why it happened. Wtf!?

You are daft and only proving my point about your understsnding of this case.

Dumbass. He said we did not reach the determination that the President committed a crime. Is English your second language?

They were unable to clear him either.
This was established in literally the first two minutes of testimony.

Prosecutors never clear. They either indict or they dont
The Muel Team's mission was to uncover criminality but: "... this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

We do not prosecute nor should congress persecute anyone that a 2 yr, $35 million SC witch hunt finds to have not committed a crime - even the POTUS - no matter how much you hate him.

Case closed.

No, the case is not closed. Even you know this as demonstrated by your usd of an ellipsis in place of the actual words which followed -- "it also does not exonerate him"

Meaning Mueller did not conclude the president didn't commit a crime because no crime was committed; but because his report made no determination whether or not a crime was committed. And he's repeatedly said the reason he offered no such opinion is because of the OLC's opinion that a sitting president can't be indicted, not because trump didn't break the law
Legally meaningless. We don't charge or even smear anyone who has not been found to have committed a crime and in his correction yesterday Mueller admitted the OLC reg did not impede his ability to conclude that a crime had been committed. He just didn't find any.

Prosecutorial witch-hunts neither seek nor proclaim anyone's exoneration.
In terms of obstruction, Mueller did not report trump has not been found to have committed a crime. That's where your argument goes off the rails when you have to make up shit that isn't there.
Mueller could not make a case for obstruction.


Just how brain-dead are you? Mueller could not make a case because a sitting president can't be indicted, not because he didn't commit a crime.

In fact, Mueller's implication is that trump did commit obstruction of justice. It's now in Congress' hands to take action on it, if they so choose. And as I said earlier, I hope they don't. I hope they leave it up to the American electorate to decide trump's fate next year.

Too bad for the brain dead like you that Mueller himself stated under oath that he was NOT obstructed or interfered with. Oops. There was NO obstruction since Trump has the power to fire Mueller at any time and did not. All documents and evidence requested were given to Mueller. No executive privilege was used. Hence, you have no case.
Wow you’re stupid. He explicitly said in his statement that’s not why it happened. Wtf!?

You are daft and only proving my point about your understsnding of this case.

Dumbass. He said we did not reach the determination that the President committed a crime. Is English your second language?

I never asserted that they did say he committed a crime, dope.

That is precisely what you asserted
Quote me, dope.

You’re a dope
Listen to episode 825 of the Ben Shapiro show. He is not a Trump guy and provides a fair analysis IMO.
I can't even listen to that guy since he got destroyed by that BBC journalist. Now he just seems like a pubescent teenager who thinks he's way smarter than he actually is.

Keep deflecting

You make it so easy.....

You lost the debate to me again. At least you’re consistent.
Not from the statements in my link.

No he did. That is exactly what he did. You just hear what your Leftist ears want you to hear. There was NEVER conspiracy proof. NEVER. Obstruction is iffy at best as there was no underlying crime. And even on that there was not enough evidence.
Show us. Point to the statement in my link that Mueller "backtracked" on.

They were unable to conclude one way or the other. It was iffy as I stated. Iffy is not enough to indict. That is exactly what your link said.

No. It doesn't. There was nothing "iffy" even suggested.

They cannot indict a sitting president per the OLC rules. The DOJ rules also state that if you can't or won't indict, then you cannot accuse either. So even if Mueller knows he had Trump dead to rights, he cannot say so.

What you should infer, if anything, is that Trump was not exonerated on the obstruction question as he was on conspiracy. That indicates that there is indeed actionable evidence on obstruction whether Mueller says so or not.

So, we are in a position where Mueller is unable to either clear Trump or implicate him criminally. This is why they detailed all of the evidence regarding obstruction. The DOJ cannot act while Trump is president. So, either the congress will have to act or a prosecutor can take it up in 2021 if Trump is out.

Why did Mueller clear Trump of conspiracy?

Insufficient evidence. Now ask yourself why they did not do the same with obstruction.
Listen to episode 825 of the Ben Shapiro show. He is not a Trump guy and provides a fair analysis IMO.
I can't even listen to that guy since he got destroyed by that BBC journalist. Now he just seems like a pubescent teenager who thinks he's way smarter than he actually is.

Keep deflecting

You make it so easy.....

You lost the debate to me again. At least you’re consistent.

About Shapiro being a whiny bitch? No I didn't. I provided video proof.

I don't need to listen to his puerile analysis. I read the report.
I tend to agree but I do feel that history will be very unkind to Trump and his administration. Way worse than Obama and even worse than Clinton. And I don't think he can rise above any of the recent GOP presidents. Not even Bush Jr.

As for Hillary - I think she'll be forgotten soon. She's too old. She was never president. She's not that important, imo.
I couldn't disagree more.

I think Trump will go into history (if he hasn't already)as clearly, one of the greatest presidents we've ever had. That's because of the various thing he's done to improve America, that previous presidents did not do, and ignored completely.
1. Stopping the unrestricted access to our large/valuable market (especially China)
2. The Muslim ban (which needs to be expanded)
3. Turning around the economic decline of Obama, and invigorating the economy with cuts to business regulation, expansion of energy production, and reduction of the corporate tax.
4. His efforts (despite Democrat resistance) to stop illegal immigration.

Hillary will likely be taken to task for her MANY crimes, including serial murder. Her name will live in infamy.
That is simply not true. You don't have even a basic working understanding of this case.

There is nothing"iffy" about obstruction. Nowhere is it characterized in that way.

I don’t? LMAO. You’re making a fool out of yourself. If you believe we are all insane and you’re sane then guess’re the insane one. Ben Shapiro agrees with me. Are you smarter than him too?
Who is Ben Shapiro?
I understand because I read the report way back when it came out.

You don’t know who he is? Wow. You are a dumbass. Google is your friend.

Why should I care?

Because you claim to be learned. Obviously you’re a hack.
Learned doesn't mean knowing every radio host in America by name, dope.
I tend to agree but I do feel that history will be very unkind to Trump and his administration. Way worse than Obama and even worse than Clinton. And I don't think he can rise above any of the recent GOP presidents. Not even Bush Jr.

As for Hillary - I think she'll be forgotten soon. She's too old. She was never president. She's not that important, imo.
I couldn't disagree more.

I think Trump will go into history (if he hasn't already)as clearly, one of the greatest presidents we've ever had. That's because of the various thing he's done to improve America, that previous presidents did not do, and ignored completely.
1. Stopping the unrestricted access to our large/valuable market (especially China)
2. The Muslim ban (which needs to be expanded)
3. Turning around the economic decline of Obama, and invigorating the economy with cuts to business regulation, expansion of energy production, and reduction of the corporate tax.
4. His efforts (despite Democrat resistance) to stop illegal immigration.

Hillary will likely be taken to task for her MANY crimes, including serial murder. Her name will live in infamy.
Right now Trump ranks way at the bottom. Almost last. How do you figure he'll change that?

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia
No. It doesn't. There was nothing "iffy" even suggested.

They cannot indict a sitting president per the OLC rules. The DOJ rules also state that if you can't or won't indict, then you cannot accuse either. So even if Mueller knows he had Trump dead to rights, he cannot say so.

What you should infer, if anything, is that Trump was not exonerated on the obstruction question as he was on conspiracy. That indicates that there is indeed actionable evidence on obstruction whether Mueller says so or not.

So, we are in a position where Mueller is unable to either clear Trump or implicate him criminally. This is why they detailed all of the evidence regarding obstruction. The DOJ cannot act while Trump is president. So, either the congress will have to act or a prosecutor can take it up in 2021 if Trump is out.

Wow you’re stupid. He explicitly said in his statement that’s not why it happened. Wtf!?

You are daft and only proving my point about your understsnding of this case.

Dumbass. He said we did not reach the determination that the President committed a crime. Is English your second language?

They were unable to clear him either.
This was established in literally the first two minutes of testimony.

Prosecutors never clear. They either indict or they dont

They cleared Trump of conspiracy, dope.

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