"It's my body, my choice" doesn't count if another life is invovled.

The Declaration is a legal document in force today.
No, it's not. It never was. That was why we had the Constitutional Congress. To draft the legal document that would rule this nation.
Wrong. The Constitution is the limits of government. The Declaration established the United States as a sovereign nation.
Correct. It was a letter of intent. It was never used as a governing document. You continuing to insist that it was doesn't make it so. The Constitution is the only governing document of the United States.
I said it is a LEGAL document still in force.

A letter of intent is not a legal document.
It's a legal document. Period. Move on.
The Declaration is a legal document in force today.
No, it's not. It never was. That was why we had the Constitutional Congress. To draft the legal document that would rule this nation.
Wrong. The Constitution is the limits of government. The Declaration established the United States as a sovereign nation.
Correct. It was a letter of intent. It was never used as a governing document. You continuing to insist that it was doesn't make it so. The Constitution is the only governing document of the United States.
I said it is a LEGAL document still in force.
Which is not the same as a governing document. Quoting the declaration of Independence as if it has any governing authority, is meaningless. There is nothing an our governing document that says anything about "being created", so your quote about "being created" is meaningless in regrads to how we govern our nation.

Carry on...
I never said it was a governing document. It is a legal document and I never said anything about the Creator. You've confused me with someone else.
Such disregard for human life is abhorrent to witness.

Pretty much how I feel when I see a room full of children being taught that they were born sinful and every rational thought or objection to the irrational crap being rammed down their throats was pure evil.

You cry about abortion because you care so much about life but murder your own children by damning them to a life of confusion after they are born as a sign of your religious devotion and love for Jesus.

You are a fraud, a fake crusader, a lily white cur.
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Such disregard for human life is abhorrent to witness.

Pretty much how I feel when I see a room full of children being taught that they were born sinful and every rational thought or objection to the irrational crap being rammed down their throats was pure evil.

You cry about abortion because you care so much about life but murder your own children by damning them to a life of confusion after they are born as a sign of your religious devotion and love for Jesus.

You are a fraud, a fake crusader, a lily white cur.
Oh, boo hoo, you self-righteous lying weasel. There's no confusion in my house or family. Your hatred of God is evident and has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with me and my family. I pity you. Move along now and go spread your sick venom somewhere else.
Such disregard for human life is abhorrent to witness.

Pretty much how I feel when I see a room full of children being taught that they were born sinful and every rational thought or objection to the irrational crap being rammed down their throats was pure evil.

You cry about abortion because you care so much about life but murder your own children by damning them to a life of confusion after they are born as a sign of your religious devotion and love for Jesus.

You are a fraud, a fake crusader, a lily white cur.
Oh, boo hoo, you self-righteous lying weasel. There's no confusion in my house or family. Your hatred of God is evident and has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with me and my family. I pity you. Move along now and go spread your sick venom somewhere else.

No confusion? Right..

You pray to a three in one mangod that diddled a virgin to father himself so he could become fully human without a human father only to teach people that the way to eternal life is doing exactly what God had already taught people leads to death for thousands of years through the law and the prophets based on the most ignorant literal irrational superstitious interpretation of the gospels possible.

I hate the break the news to you but at some point in your life, probably decades ago, a real talking serpent convinced you to exchange your birthright as a human being, the ability to be rational, for a specious bowl of fairy tale porridge, and you died in the very day that you ate of it.

Now you consider it a religious duty to perjure yourself in the name of God while judging and condemning other people who refuse to swallow the garbage that screwed up your mind.

Pity yourself.
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"My body, my choice" doesn't mean squat. If some shithead murders a pregnant woman and the baby also dies, said shithead can be charged with two murders.

as they should be... is this simple concept too complicated for you?
No. Just too complex for you.

yeeeah, right...

sorry you can't see the difference between a woman choosing to end an unwanted pregnancy vs a woman amidst a wanted pregnancy being murdered along with the fetal life inside her... that's okay, the law sees it very clearly despite your confusion. :itsok:

face it, nearsighted emos like you have no forethought of just how complex that very same concept would become, once your government has jurisdiction over every fuck in America... that's what rethuglican fascist faux Christians are currently pushing for, and you emo suckers are too stupid to comprehend that slippery slope.
"My body, my choice" doesn't mean squat. If some shithead murders a pregnant woman and the baby also dies, said shithead can be charged with two murders.

Abortion is legal in this country. You are saying American Law doesn't mean squat when considered next to your personal opinion. Further, claiming your fake Christian beliefs trump everyone else's rights and beliefs is religious discrimination. Religious freedom actually means YOU cannot force your religious beliefs on those who do not hold your beliefs NOT your religious beliefs SHOULD be forced upon everyone else.

Try to be an actual American. You can start by following our laws and principles...not those of your preacher or favorite talking head.
sorry emo nincompoops, even your conservative SCOTUS hero can't save your stupid obsession.

Judge Neil Gorsuch said the controversial Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion is “precedent” and acknowledged the ruling had been reaffirmed “many times.”

Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

It’s not enough for those justices to merely oppose abortion personally. They’d have to oppose it enough that they’d be willing to flout four decades of court precedent...

The fate of Roe v. Wade depends on more than Neil Gorsuch
"My body, my choice" doesn't mean squat. If some shithead murders a pregnant woman and the baby also dies, said shithead can be charged with two murders.

Abortion is legal in this country. You are saying American Law doesn't mean squat when considered next to your personal opinion. Further, claiming your fake Christian beliefs trump everyone else's rights and beliefs is religious discrimination. Religious freedom actually means YOU cannot force your religious beliefs on those who do not hold your beliefs NOT your religious beliefs SHOULD be forced upon everyone else.

Try to be an actual American. You can start by following our laws and principles...not those of your preacher or favorite talking head.

You're an idiot. I don't believe that abortion is murder because of any religious belief. It's just murder. I don't subscribe to any religious leader nor do I seek out "talking heads" for my guidance.

And unlike yourself who is a leftist communist sympathizer, I am an actual American.
sorry emo nincompoops, even your conservative SCOTUS hero can't save your stupid obsession.

Judge Neil Gorsuch said the controversial Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion is “precedent” and acknowledged the ruling had been reaffirmed “many times.”

Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

It’s not enough for those justices to merely oppose abortion personally. They’d have to oppose it enough that they’d be willing to flout four decades of court precedent...

The fate of Roe v. Wade depends on more than Neil Gorsuch

No problem. The issue will be dealt with once we get one or two more conservatives in the SC.
Doesn't it? Really? You see, we have a legal precedent in this country known as "bodily autonomy". Because of this precedent, you cannot force me to donate blood, even if it is necessary to save a life. Similarly, you cannot harvest the organs of a corpse without the prior consent of the person, before they died. Even a corpse is allowed bodily autonomy.

To insist that a person give up their bodily autonomy for nine months during an expensive, invasive, often life threatening procedure is immoral, unethical, and illegal. You are attempting to demand that women surrender the bodily autonomy that we afford to corpses. Really??????
You analogy is flawed. Your blood... your organs....

A new genetically distinct human being is not your body.

It is a human being with inalienable rights. One of which is the right to life.

Haven't you ever heard of being held accountable for your actions?
Doesn't it? Really? You see, we have a legal precedent in this country known as "bodily autonomy". Because of this precedent, you cannot force me to donate blood, even if it is necessary to save a life. Similarly, you cannot harvest the organs of a corpse without the prior consent of the person, before they died. Even a corpse is allowed bodily autonomy.

To insist that a person give up their bodily autonomy for nine months during an expensive, invasive, often life threatening procedure is immoral, unethical, and illegal. You are attempting to demand that women surrender the bodily autonomy that we afford to corpses. Really??????
Excellent argument! Thanks
Doesn't it? Really? You see, we have a legal precedent in this country known as "bodily autonomy". Because of this precedent, you cannot force me to donate blood, even if it is necessary to save a life. Similarly, you cannot harvest the organs of a corpse without the prior consent of the person, before they died. Even a corpse is allowed bodily autonomy.

To insist that a person give up their bodily autonomy for nine months during an expensive, invasive, often life threatening procedure is immoral, unethical, and illegal. You are attempting to demand that women surrender the bodily autonomy that we afford to corpses. Really??????
You analogy is flawed. Your blood... your organs....

A new genetically distinct human being is not your body.

It is a human being with inalienable rights. One of which is the right to life.

Haven't you ever heard of being held accountable for your actions?
Why dont they give death certificates for that human before 20 weeks of gestation, then?
Because it isnt a human, perhaps? It is a perspective human.
"My body, my choice" doesn't mean squat. If some shithead murders a pregnant woman and the baby also dies, said shithead can be charged with two murders.

That was an idiotic legal precedent deliberately pursued to undermine individual rights.
"My body, my choice" doesn't mean squat. If some shithead murders a pregnant woman and the baby also dies, said shithead can be charged with two murders.

That was an idiotic legal precedent deliberately pursued to undermine individual rights.

Whose "individual rights"? The right of the murdered woman, the murdered baby, or the murderer?
"My body, my choice" doesn't mean squat. If some shithead murders a pregnant woman and the baby also dies, said shithead can be charged with two murders.

That was an idiotic legal precedent deliberately pursued to undermine individual rights.

Whose "individual rights"? The right of the murdered woman, the murdered baby, or the murderer?

Fetuses don't have rights. Rights required agency and volition; they have neither.

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