It's not like no one saw this coming...

This whole affair is so classless and disrespectful. The man is the Vice President or soon to be of the United States. He deserves the same respect as the left demands for obama. This was not a political venue, the Vice President was not there to engage in political discussion, he was not there to gloat. If the cast of Hamilton had any class they would have asked the audience to be respectful and not boo. They would have acted cordially and graciously appreciated the presence of the Vice President. the actor could have said he hoped the trump administration would continue to encourage the national diversity that has made a play like Hamilton possible, but that we are grateful that you honored us with your presence. Pence has been nothing but a class act and hoodlum behavior by some in the audience and outside is disrespectful and unpatriotic. Keep it up and the manhattanites will become even a more isolated and endangered species than they already are.
So, Pence goes to see the play, "Hamilton."

At the end of the show, the cast takes the opportunity to say something to VP-Elect Pence prior to Pence and his family leaving the theater.

One can argue about whether or not it was appropriate, but it wasn't done in an offensive way, although the audience did, in fact, boo. The AUDIENCE!

Here's the message:

“You know, we have a guest in the audience this evening — Vice President-elect Pence, I see you walking out but I hope you hear just a few more moments,” Mr. Dixon said. As some in the audience booed, Mr. Dixon hushed them, then added, “Sir, we hope that you will hear us out.”

As Mr. Pence stood by the exit doors, Mr. Dixon said, “We, sir, are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us — our planet, our children, our parents — or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir. But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us. All of us.”

The next day, Trump tweeted a demand for an apology.

On Sunday, Pence said he was not offended. Time to let it go, right?

Guess again, folks!

Trump AGAIN tweeted something about it and even found it necessary to denigrate the show by saying he heard it was highly over-rated.

There's something not quite right with that man.
It's a great opportunity to start the nation discussion on democrats racism and intolerance...
So, Pence goes to see the play, "Hamilton."

At the end of the show, the cast takes the opportunity to say something to VP-Elect Pence prior to Pence and his family leaving the theater.

One can argue about whether or not it was appropriate, but it wasn't done in an offensive way, although the audience did, in fact, boo. The AUDIENCE!

Here's the message:

“You know, we have a guest in the audience this evening — Vice President-elect Pence, I see you walking out but I hope you hear just a few more moments,” Mr. Dixon said. As some in the audience booed, Mr. Dixon hushed them, then added, “Sir, we hope that you will hear us out.”

As Mr. Pence stood by the exit doors, Mr. Dixon said, “We, sir, are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us — our planet, our children, our parents — or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir. But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us. All of us.”

The next day, Trump tweeted a demand for an apology.

On Sunday, Pence said he was not offended. Time to let it go, right?

Guess again, folks!

Trump AGAIN tweeted something about it and even found it necessary to denigrate the show by saying he heard it was highly over-rated.

There's something not quite right with that man.

Trump wanted an apology, after going around insulting EVERYONE but white males who didn't get captured in war, he then wants an apology, the guy is ridiculous.
Even Trump doesn't expect you racist intolerant democrats to apologize..,.
You never saw Obama having meltdowns like this. Not once. Class defined the guy.

Trump and his suckups, they love punching down. Classic bully behavior.

Putting policy aside for the moment, Obama was, and is, a cool cucumber. Regardless of what seems to be going on, he always maintains a calm demeanor. As anyone with half a brain can tell another person with less than half a brain, it's reassuring as all get out when a person in a position of authority (regardless of whether it's a police officer, or a teacher, or a boss) keeps his head instead of getting worked up. However, even the tiniest almost inconsequential thing seems to get under Trump's skin. How the hell are we supposed to have confidence in him during some kind of crisis?
Because Trump's eyes don't look like he dropped a few dozen purple microdots, smoked Chong's doggie baggie and huffed a lifetime supply of model airplane glue.


And then the buck-toothed moronic fuckwad has the unmitigated audacity to brag about a national healthcare insurance plan when he cannot even afford to have that gigantic HPV wart removed from his fugly snout.
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This whole affair is so classless and disrespectful. The man is the Vice President or soon to be of the United States. He deserves the same respect as the left demands for obama.

And Obama never got it.

And he never wept like a little bitch over it.

Hence the difference. One president with class, one without.
Obama got plenty of respect when he first went into office, in fact if obama had ever been treated like Pence was in his president elect,phase the racismwould,have risen to world war proportions. I have nothing but respect for the office of the president, but obama by his constant actions defaming America did not deserve the respect normally accorded a president. We do not live in an aristocracy, these men and women have to earn my respect, not expect it because of their title. pence has don nothing at this,point to deserve any disrespect and he has certainly not disrespected America like,our current president. Remember, obama,is a serial liar and a con artist, just fact people. Unfortunately, I judge people on their actions, not their pr.
Something not quite right about the creep who took advantage of his access to a microphone to make a political statement and show disrespect for the new VP who won the election fair and square. Fuck that guy, he should be fired.

I'll forgive anyone for being “disrespectful” to a politician with whom one has strong disagreements. That is, after all, a large part of what freedom of speech is all about.

However, in the setting of a business transaction, for the provider of a service to be disrespectful toward a paying customer, is another thing entirely. What happened here is inexcusable.

Pence paid for his ticket
Something not quite right about the creep who took advantage of his access to a microphone to make a political statement and show disrespect for the new VP who won the election fair and square. Fuck that guy, he should be fired.

I'll forgive anyone for being “disrespectful” to a politician with whom one has strong disagreements. That is, after all, a large part of what freedom of speech is all about.

However, in the setting of a business transaction, for the provider of a service to be disrespectful toward a paying customer, is another thing entirely. What happened here is inexcusable.

Pence paid for his ticket? Regardless, the play was over. He'd gotten a performance just like everyone else. At that point, the cast as well as the VP-elect were both free to speak their minds.
This whole affair is so classless and disrespectful. The man is the Vice President or soon to be of the United States. He deserves the same respect as the left demands for obama.

And Obama never got it.

And he never wept like a little bitch over it.

Hence the difference. One president with class, one without.
Yeah, he's just full of class, especially when he's insulting our allies and bowing to our enemies.

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