It's Not The Equality Act, It's The Homosexual Supremacy Act


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
Great read and truthful. The Demonrat Party and its supporters is nothing but a cabal of degenerate Satanists, and evil bills like this are proof positive. Indeed, it is true that gays/leftists are not content with simple acceptance or tolerance. They want to force their perverted lifestyle on us to where it is held to be equal to biblically-approved behavior. They intend to take away our religious freedoms.

It’s Not The Equality Act, It’s The Homosexual Supremacy Act
Every major religion in the world abhors homosexual sodomy. The Left is working feverishly to reach the point where expressing this universally-held view of abhorrent behavior is sanctionable - even criminal under the right circumstances. In the Media TODAY, anyone expressing this view is excoriated, ridiculed and shunned. The minute the Democrats take over the Senate, holding this conventional view of homosexual sodomy (let alone opposing abortion) will be disqualifying for any Federal judgeship or the USSC.

But notice how Muslim public figures are NEVER asked their opinion on these two subjects. Curious, isn't it?
Every major religion in the world abhors homosexual sodomy. The Left is working feverishly to reach the point where expressing this universally-held view of abhorrent behavior is sanctionable - even criminal under the right circumstances. In the Media TODAY, anyone expressing this view is excoriated, ridiculed and shunned. The minute the Democrats take over the Senate, holding this conventional view of homosexual sodomy (let alone opposing abortion) will be disqualifying for any Federal judgeship or the USSC.

But notice how Muslim public figures are NEVER asked their opinion on these two subjects. Curious, isn't it?
Your post is spot on. Thank you!
Great read and truthful. The Demonrat Party and its supporters is nothing but a cabal of degenerate Satanists, and evil bills like this are proof positive. Indeed, it is true that gays/leftists are not content with simple acceptance or tolerance. They want to force their perverted lifestyle on us to where it is held to be equal to biblically-approved behavior. They intend to take away our religious freedoms.

It’s Not The Equality Act, It’s The Homosexual Supremacy Act
Every major religion in the world abhors homosexual sodomy. The Left is working feverishly to reach the point where expressing this universally-held view of abhorrent behavior is sanctionable - even criminal under the right circumstances. In the Media TODAY, anyone expressing this view is excoriated, ridiculed and shunned. The minute the Democrats take over the Senate, holding this conventional view of homosexual sodomy (let alone opposing abortion) will be disqualifying for any Federal judgeship or the USSC.

But notice how Muslim public figures are NEVER asked their opinion on these two subjects. Curious, isn't it?
Your post is spot on. Thank you!

You people will soon go the way of the dinosaur . You can't survive the evolving standards of human decency that civilized people are embracing.
Advocating for LGBTQ Equality | Human Rights Campaign

Lambda Legal

The New Civil Rights Movement -
Great read and truthful. The Demonrat Party and its supporters is nothing but a cabal of degenerate Satanists, and evil bills like this are proof positive. Indeed, it is true that gays/leftists are not content with simple acceptance or tolerance. They want to force their perverted lifestyle on us to where it is held to be equal to biblically-approved behavior. They intend to take away our religious freedoms.

It’s Not The Equality Act, It’s The Homosexual Supremacy Act
Here is some more shit that you might just be stupid enough to believe

Wellington Boone: Gays Are Really Eunuchs Who Have Been Tricked By The Devil | Right Wing Watch
Every major religion in the world abhors homosexual sodomy. The Left is working feverishly to reach the point where expressing this universally-held view of abhorrent behavior is sanctionable - even criminal under the right circumstances. In the Media TODAY, anyone expressing this view is excoriated, ridiculed and shunned. The minute the Democrats take over the Senate, holding this conventional view of homosexual sodomy (let alone opposing abortion) will be disqualifying for any Federal judgeship or the USSC.

But notice how Muslim public figures are NEVER asked their opinion on these two subjects. Curious, isn't it?
Your post is spot on. Thank you!

You people will soon go the way of the dinosaur . You can't survive the evolving standards of human decency that civilized people are embracing.
Advocating for LGBTQ Equality | Human Rights Campaign

Lambda Legal

The New Civil Rights Movement -
Homosexuality IS NOT decency!
Every major religion in the world abhors homosexual sodomy. The Left is working feverishly to reach the point where expressing this universally-held view of abhorrent behavior is sanctionable - even criminal under the right circumstances. In the Media TODAY, anyone expressing this view is excoriated, ridiculed and shunned. The minute the Democrats take over the Senate, holding this conventional view of homosexual sodomy (let alone opposing abortion) will be disqualifying for any Federal judgeship or the USSC.

But notice how Muslim public figures are NEVER asked their opinion on these two subjects. Curious, isn't it?
Your post is spot on. Thank you!

You people will soon go the way of the dinosaur . You can't survive the evolving standards of human decency that civilized people are embracing.
Advocating for LGBTQ Equality | Human Rights Campaign

Lambda Legal

The New Civil Rights Movement -

You forgot to say your Jewish. Honestly, it’s disgusting that gay people would coopt MLK’s legacy to further their cause. Gay people will want reparations next. The dumb fucks like you will support it until it effects you.
Great read and truthful. The Demonrat Party and its supporters is nothing but a cabal of degenerate Satanists, and evil bills like this are proof positive. Indeed, it is true that gays/leftists are not content with simple acceptance or tolerance. They want to force their perverted lifestyle on us to where it is held to be equal to biblically-approved behavior. They intend to take away our religious freedoms.

It’s Not The Equality Act, It’s The Homosexual Supremacy Act
:boo_hoo14: :boo_hoo14: :boo_hoo14: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Every major religion in the world abhors homosexual sodomy. The Left is working feverishly to reach the point where expressing this universally-held view of abhorrent behavior is sanctionable - even criminal under the right circumstances. In the Media TODAY, anyone expressing this view is excoriated, ridiculed and shunned. The minute the Democrats take over the Senate, holding this conventional view of homosexual sodomy (let alone opposing abortion) will be disqualifying for any Federal judgeship or the USSC.

But notice how Muslim public figures are NEVER asked their opinion on these two subjects. Curious, isn't it?
Your post is spot on. Thank you!

You people will soon go the way of the dinosaur . You can't survive the evolving standards of human decency that civilized people are embracing.
Advocating for LGBTQ Equality | Human Rights Campaign

Lambda Legal

The New Civil Rights Movement -
Homosexuality IS NOT decency!
YOU are NOT decency!
Great read and truthful. The Demonrat Party and its supporters is nothing but a cabal of degenerate Satanists, and evil bills like this are proof positive. Indeed, it is true that gays/leftists are not content with simple acceptance or tolerance. They want to force their perverted lifestyle on us to where it is held to be equal to biblically-approved behavior. They intend to take away our religious freedoms.

It’s Not The Equality Act, It’s The Homosexual Supremacy Act
Here is more stupid shit that you morons a promoting
Cindy Jacobs: If Equality Act Passes, Christians May Start a Civil War | Right Wing Watch

Cindy Jacobs of Generals International appeared on “The Jim Bakker Show” today, where she warned that passage of the Equality Act could cause conservative Christians to start a civil war in America.

Jacobs, a “respected prophet” who is apparently so important that her staff is tasked with screening her from any criticism or mockery, warned that if the Equality Act, which would expand federal civil rights laws to include protections against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, becomes law, “Christians will rise up.”
Great read and truthful. The Demonrat Party and its supporters is nothing but a cabal of degenerate Satanists, and evil bills like this are proof positive. Indeed, it is true that gays/leftists are not content with simple acceptance or tolerance. They want to force their perverted lifestyle on us to where it is held to be equal to biblically-approved behavior. They intend to take away our religious freedoms.

It’s Not The Equality Act, It’s The Homosexual Supremacy Act
This must be the kind of bullshit that has rotten what ever is left of you puny brain:

George and Terri Pearsons Beg God for an 'Emergency Intervention' to Prevent Passage of Satan's Equality Act | Right Wing Watch

Last week, right-wing pastors George and Terri Pearsons led their congregation at Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, Texas, in prayer, calling on God to unleash an “emergency intervention” to stop passage of the Equality Act (H.R. 5) in Congress.

Terri Pearsons, who is the daughter of megachurch pastor Kenneth Copeland, declared that those in Congress who support the Equality Act are “haters of God” and “haters of all that’s good” and are under the control of Satan.
Great read and truthful. The Demonrat Party and its supporters is nothing but a cabal of degenerate Satanists, and evil bills like this are proof positive. Indeed, it is true that gays/leftists are not content with simple acceptance or tolerance. They want to force their perverted lifestyle on us to where it is held to be equal to biblically-approved behavior. They intend to take away our religious freedoms.

It’s Not The Equality Act, It’s The Homosexual Supremacy Act
Right Wing Round-Up: Lying About the Equality Act | Right Wing Watch
Every major religion in the world abhors homosexual sodomy. The Left is working feverishly to reach the point where expressing this universally-held view of abhorrent behavior is sanctionable - even criminal under the right circumstances. In the Media TODAY, anyone expressing this view is excoriated, ridiculed and shunned. The minute the Democrats take over the Senate, holding this conventional view of homosexual sodomy (let alone opposing abortion) will be disqualifying for any Federal judgeship or the USSC.

But notice how Muslim public figures are NEVER asked their opinion on these two subjects. Curious, isn't it?
Your post is spot on. Thank you!

You people will soon go the way of the dinosaur . You can't survive the evolving standards of human decency that civilized people are embracing.
Advocating for LGBTQ Equality | Human Rights Campaign

Lambda Legal

The New Civil Rights Movement -

Nah, you're just tarded is all. Misery loves company, but you won't even get half.
Every major religion in the world abhors homosexual sodomy. The Left is working feverishly to reach the point where expressing this universally-held view of abhorrent behavior is sanctionable - even criminal under the right circumstances. In the Media TODAY, anyone expressing this view is excoriated, ridiculed and shunned. The minute the Democrats take over the Senate, holding this conventional view of homosexual sodomy (let alone opposing abortion) will be disqualifying for any Federal judgeship or the USSC.

But notice how Muslim public figures are NEVER asked their opinion on these two subjects. Curious, isn't it?
Your post is spot on. Thank you!

You people will soon go the way of the dinosaur . You can't survive the evolving standards of human decency that civilized people are embracing.
Advocating for LGBTQ Equality | Human Rights Campaign

Lambda Legal

The New Civil Rights Movement -

Nah, you're just tarded is all. Misery loves company, but you won't even get half.
What the fuck are you talking about
Every major religion in the world abhors homosexual sodomy. The Left is working feverishly to reach the point where expressing this universally-held view of abhorrent behavior is sanctionable - even criminal under the right circumstances. In the Media TODAY, anyone expressing this view is excoriated, ridiculed and shunned. The minute the Democrats take over the Senate, holding this conventional view of homosexual sodomy (let alone opposing abortion) will be disqualifying for any Federal judgeship or the USSC.

But notice how Muslim public figures are NEVER asked their opinion on these two subjects. Curious, isn't it?
Your post is spot on. Thank you!

You people will soon go the way of the dinosaur . You can't survive the evolving standards of human decency that civilized people are embracing.
Advocating for LGBTQ Equality | Human Rights Campaign

Lambda Legal

The New Civil Rights Movement -

Nah, you're just tarded is all. Misery loves company, but you won't even get half.
What the fuck are you talking about

I said you're a miserable PROG and misery loves company, never heard the term before? You should familiarize yourself, because it's who you are. I know PROGS have issues following along, but it was in response to your post where you say "You people will soon go the way of the dinosaur".

Sorry asshole, not everyone is bent over for Demonicrats.

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