"It's not theirs, Its mine"

[You like Trump when he was a President. Did you pay attention to all the bills he signed? Maybe not, who does? But this is what happened in 2018.]

Oddly enough, one of the multiple laws covering the mishandling of government information is one that Trump himself amended during his tenure in the Oval Office, as pointed out by Tennessee state Sen. Jeff Yarbro (D) on Twitter.

Tucked into a bill Trump signed into law in January 2018 was a provision increasing the punishment for knowingly removing classified materials with the intent to retain them at an “unauthorized location.”

Previously, someone found guilty of this crime could face up to one year in prison. When former CIA Director David Petraeus was charged in 2015 with mishandling classified data, he pleaded guilty under this statute to avoid a felony charge, as Politico pointed out. A similar situation unfolded a decade earlier, when former national security adviser Samuel Berger pleaded guilty to removing terrorism-related materials from the National Archives in 2005.

Now, a person convicted of violating this law can face up to five years in prison ― making it a felony-level offense to mishandle classified documents under 18 U.S.C. 1924.

Here is the actual Code:

This all left wing rage. Nothing else. Nada. Zero. That dog ain't huntin. They lied about fake dossiers, impeachments. Naw dude.
It wasn't classified, moron.
By Trump having to return all 27 boxes, he makes it clear that they were not declassified. Why would any citizen be allowed to have Top Secret documents in his house after leaving office? In which country would that happen?
Why bother arguing with this Marinated subverted troll. It cannot process information, logic, or reason. It's eggs have been scrambled, it is too late for this one.
So should / did Hillary. According to Comey, Hillary broke laws and committed espionage.

'Luckily' for Trump the DOJ & FBI 'set precedence' by refusing to prosecute her for her crimes, which were more heinous/ illegal than his.
Comey never said she committed espionage. Changing the subject? Why?
She was careless with her emails, but not on purpose, more out of ignorance.
She was acquitted of malice, but I have to ask why so many insist in not knowing that.

On the other hand, Trump had those documents taken from the WH, which do belong to the US and no one else. Personal items he could take, no problem, all the Presidents before him took what was personal.
It's not necessary when you ARE the classifying agent...ie the President...more over, there was standing order from some time well before Jan 20th
There is NO such thing as a standing order. All who have ever worked in the White House, or know the laws and procedures do not know if to laugh or cry about this attempt to change the protocols, procedures of what Presidents have to do once they leave office if they want to declassify any documents and especially take them with them.
Trump never cooperated.

'Donald Trump's legal team was in discussions with the Justice Department as recently as early June about records stored at the former president's Mar-a-Largo home'

'Trump never cooperated'

Spin your way out of THAT LIE, snowflake.
Like the Clintons who used the WH as a personal fund-raiser and place to stick cigars up interns?

Like Hillary & Obama who used the WH & administration agencies to run a failed coup attempt and the biggest criminal political scandal in US history?

Like Biden, whose family has used the WH as their own self-enrichment racket?

Yeah, tell us about it, snowflake.
I would love links 5o all or their failed coups, etc, etc.

Can we stop making allegations without showing proof of it? I show it, lets have all post links to their allegations.
She was careless with her emails, but not on purpose, more out of ignorance.

Yeah, I am sure she lied to Congress about only using 1 classified device and illegally smashed multiple classified servers / devices with hammers because she was 'careless' and had no idea what she was doing.

I am sure she told her aides to strip classified markings off of classified documents and to send them via UNCLASS means when her classified fax wasn't working because she was 'careless' & had no idea what she was doing.

Tell.me more about how everything she did was without intent and because she was ignorant.
Paper records in a box nobody who votes gives two shits about? That's your big attack plan on Trump? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
You do not know what is in those 27 boxes.

Classified and Top Secret documents are of no concern to you, it is for Homeland Security and keeping the country and the population safe.
Progs are the people who gaslight. The difference is that they coordinate and all tell the same lies. Your theory is false in the case of progs.
It is not a "theory."
I know you guys (MAGAT Trumptards) operate by calling things like facts "theory" and/or "opinion."
This allows you gaslighters (like Trump) to constantly just sling bullshit against the wall to see what sticks, no matter how absurd or ludicrous.
It doesn't have to be even remotely factual, or true, or accurate because hey....in this new 'alternate fact' reality you have all built all "opinions" are the same.

That's not reality though.
In reality some "opinions" are worth MUCH more than others because some are basrd upon good solid fact....and some are just pure, made-up tripe.
I would love links 5o all or their failed coups, etc, etc.

Can we stop making allegations without showing proof of it? I show it, lets have all post links to their allegations.
Hey Rip Van Winkle, you just wake up?

The Russian Collusion scam was exposed - Hillary's own campaign manager testified in the Sussmann trial she initiated it.

The fact that the FBI defrauded the FISA Court, the fact that FBI Agent page testified the FBI ran its own internal investigation and found there was nothing to it BEFORE Mueller was appointed special counsel - it's all been documented and reported ....and links to a of this has been posted on this board dozens of times.

Either you need to stop playing 'stupid' or you need a 'cranal-anal-ectomy'.

It is not a "theory."
Wrong. It's your theory, and nothing more.

I know you guys (MAGAT Trumptards) operate by calling things like facts "theory" and/or "opinion."
And we know that prog turds like you just lie.

This allows you gaslighters (like Trump) to constantly just sling bullshit against the wall to see what sticks, no matter how absurd or ludicrous.
Progs accusing anyone of "gaslighting" is the ultimate irony.

It doesn't have to be even remotely factual, or true, or accurate because hey....in this new 'alternate fact' reality you have all built all "opinions" are the same.
More irony. How many of your phony scandals have been totally debunked?

That's not reality though.
In reality some "opinions" are worth MUCH more than others because some are basrd upon good solid fact....and some are just pure, made-up tripe.
Your opinion is worth nothing.
Thank you for self-identifying ... AGAIN ... as a LIAR.

I have posted tge transcripts and videos numerous times, again and again....Comey's public statement, Coney testifying under oath before Congress answering Gowdy's questions, testifying how Hillary LIED to Congress, how she sent / received classified, how she illegally destroyed classified devices, how she ordered her staff to send classified info as unclass after stripping the markings off the documents, etc ...

Begone, lying troll. You can only lie so many times In the face of evidense before you have no more credibility & people know who you are. Your time on this subject is up.
Let me post it again. Because what may have been true to him at the time, was not true to him later on when he had the time to think about it:
James Comey said “one of the mistakes I made” in connection to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server was his choice of words.

“I should've worked harder to find a way to convey that it's more than just the ordinary mistake, but it's not criminal behavior, and find different words to describe that,” Comey said.

The former FBI director rehashed the syntax situation during his exclusive interview with ABC News’ chief anchor George Stephanopoulos ahead of the April 17 release of his book, “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership.”

Comey said people may occasionally “mishandle” a classified document, but he described the former secretary of state’s use of emails as “really sloppy.”

In the statement he delivered on July 5, 2016, he described her email practices as “extremely careless.” He initially considered using “gross negligence,” but told Stephanopoulos that was a “lawyer term.”

“My staff convinced me that that's just gonna confuse all kinds of people, if you start talking about statutes and what the words mean,” he said. “What's a colloquial way to explain it? And elsewhere in my statement I had said ‘extremely careless.’ And so they said, ‘Just use that.’ And so that's what I went with.”

He said that he would not use the words “extreme carelessness” if he were to do it again.

“I don't know what it would be, sitting here. [I'd] find some other way to convey, 'cause I wanted to be honest and transparent. This wasn't your ordinary bureaucrat who just mishandles one document. This was something more than that. But not something that anybody would prosecute,” Comey said.

(video online)

By Trump having to return all 27 boxes, he makes it clear that they were not declassified. Why would any citizen be allowed to have Top Secret documents in his house after leaving office? In which country would that happen?
No, that doesn't make anything clear, moron. You lack the capacity to commit logic.
Let me post it again. Because what may have been true to him at the time, was not true to him later on when he had the time to think about it:
James Comey said “one of the mistakes I made” in connection to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server was his choice of words.

“I should've worked harder to find a way to convey that it's more than just the ordinary mistake, but it's not criminal behavior, and find different words to describe that,” Comey said.

The former FBI director rehashed the syntax situation during his exclusive interview with ABC News’ chief anchor George Stephanopoulos ahead of the April 17 release of his book, “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership.”

Comey said people may occasionally “mishandle” a classified document, but he described the former secretary of state’s use of emails as “really sloppy.”

In the statement he delivered on July 5, 2016, he described her email practices as “extremely careless.” He initially considered using “gross negligence,” but told Stephanopoulos that was a “lawyer term.”

“My staff convinced me that that's just gonna confuse all kinds of people, if you start talking about statutes and what the words mean,” he said. “What's a colloquial way to explain it? And elsewhere in my statement I had said ‘extremely careless.’ And so they said, ‘Just use that.’ And so that's what I went with.”

He said that he would not use the words “extreme carelessness” if he were to do it again.

“I don't know what it would be, sitting here. [I'd] find some other way to convey, 'cause I wanted to be honest and transparent. This wasn't your ordinary bureaucrat who just mishandles one document. This was something more than that. But not something that anybody would prosecute,” Comey said.

(video online)

No one cares what the hoodlum Comey has to say.
Hey Rip Van Winkle, you just wake up?

The Russian Collusion scam was exposed - Hillary's own campaign manager testified in the Sussmann trial she initiated it.

The fact that the FBI defrauded the FISA Court, the fact that FBI Agent page testified the FBI ran its own internal investigation and found there was nothing to it BEFORE Mueller was appointed special counsel - it's all been documented and reported ....and links to a of this has been posted on this board dozens of times.

Either you need to stop playing 'stupid' or you need a 'cranal-anal-ectomy'.

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As I posted before, there was no direct collusion between the Trump Campaign with Russia, but it was found out that Russia did interfere with the 2016 election by a bipartisan committee .

I am not quite sure where to put Trump asking Russia to release Hilary's emails, and the next day Russia hacking her emails. Do you? In Trump's pocket, maybe?

What candidate before or after would even think of asking Russia to help release someone else's emails, or documents ? I do not know of one.

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