"It's not theirs, Its mine"

Silly Trump. He shod know by now that only applies to Democrats and liberal extremists.
Trump has always been above the law. Rich people with expensive lawyers get away with almost anything.

Problem is those expensive lawyers donā€™t want to work for Trump anymore so who knows whatā€™ll happen now.
Donald Trump was warned that the records he was holding on to were illegally retained, but the former president refused to give them back because he disagreed with that assertion, a new report claims.

The New York Times reported on Tuesday that Mr Trump flat-out refused to return boxes of documents, including some that apparently were marked classified, when approached by his former deputy White House counsel, Patrick Philbin.

And he wasnā€™t alone ā€“ multiple other aides to the president reportedly told him the same thing. But Mr Trump resisted, telling them ā€œitā€™s not theirs, itā€™s mineā€ on several occaisions, referring to the stash of documents.

The new reporting could help the Justice Department prove its case if charges are brought against him for the retention of classified materials, as it demonstrates that Mr Trump could or should have known that what he was doing was criminal in nature.

To be continued.......
This is a person who, true to his childlike mentality, has never understood, appreciated or respected the Office of the Presidency.

He has but one focus: What he thinks is good for him.
Dems donā€™t do the things that Republicans routinely do.
Yes, Democrats break the law, violate the Constitution, violate the Patriot Act, spy in Americans and Presidents, engage in failed coup attempts, ...
Yes, Democrats breathe law, violate the Constitution, violate the Patriot Act, spy in Americans and Presidents, engage in failed coup attempts, ...
Fake crimes canā€™t be prosecuted. Found the problem.

A DoJ lawyer was prosecuted for lying on a warrant. That was a real crime.

The rest are fake.
Trump should have turned it over when they ordered him to do so.

By not doing so, he may have impeded an investigation. That would be illegal.
he did 15 boxes. there was a dispute as to the rest, he even allowed them to come review everythingā€¦and obviously now we know the Stalinist Xiden DOJ has to return a massive amount of stuff
This is a person who, true to his childlike mentality, has never understood, appreciated or respected the Office of the Presidency.

Like the Clintons who used the WH as a personal fund-raiser and place to stick cigars up interns?

Like Hillary & Obama who used the WH & administration agencies to run a failed coup attempt and the biggest criminal political scandal in US history?

Like Biden, whose family has used the WH as their own self-enrichment racket?

Yeah, tell us about it, snowflake.
I'm not interested in your attempts at gaslighting. :eusa_hand:
Whatā€™s the matter, scared?

Smashing devices. Okay. You realize the info on those devices was on the server you talk about all the time, right?

Itā€™s a non-issue bandied about by the uninformed right.
How is it not part of the criminal code. You quoted that criminal statute
hahaha no i didnā€™tā€¦go take a look at the federal code before you continue to embarassss yourself
You still sticking with denying reality and playing stupid, I see. It fits you.
ā€œrealityā€ doesnā€™t really come from the person pretending there was some mysterious coup. No rational person still talks that way.
Whatā€™s the matter, scared?

Smashing devices. Okay. You realize the info on those devices was on the server you talk about all the time, right?

Itā€™s a non-issue bandied about by the uninformed right.
"These are not the droids you're looking for " *waves hand *
Whatā€™s the matter, scared?

Smashing devices. Okay. You realize the info on those devices was on the server you talk about all the time, right?

Itā€™s a non-issue bandied about by the uninformed right.

Excellent demonstration, snowflake.



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Dems donā€™t do the things that Republicans routinely do.

Dems are indeed prosecuted and locked up for committing crimes. Itā€™s pretty clueless that youā€™d ignore that.
They do far worse and get away with it. There is nothing Trump did that Hillary didn't do 100 times worse. I don't recall any of you progs bloviating about "the rule of law" when Hillary was being investgiated.

You're all full of shit.
ā€œrealityā€ doesnā€™t really come from the person pretending there was some mysterious coup. No rational person still talks that way.
Gas-lighters and stupid people deny reality. Which one are you, or is it both?

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