'Its Not YOUR Decision If I 'NEED' An AR-15'. Washibgton Gov Signs Constitution-Violating Bill Into Law

Why do we not have a Constitutional right to own knives or swords or spears or poisons? Why is the 2nd Amendment the only civil right that involves a device and not human behavior?
It's a right we shouldn't have been given. I am advocating for the elimination of the 2nd Amendment.
when you get that done let us know,, until then fuck off,,

I do hope you wont continue lying like you just did to get your way,, that could turn out bad for you,,
Why do we not have a Constitutional right to own knives or swords or spears or poisons? Why is the 2nd Amendment the only civil right that involves a device and not human behavior?
the 2nd A covers those you stupid fuck,, it says arms not guns,,

the behavior aspect of it is written in our laws that say you cant murder or assault someone,,

have you always been a stupid fuck or is this something that came with your old age??
the 2nd A covers those you stupid fuck,, it says arms not guns,
You're right of course. How about swords? Can I walk down the street with a real sword? Or a big long spear? I could tell the police they were yard tools.
the behavior aspect of it is written in our laws that say you cant murder or assault someone,,
I was talking about the other nine amendments granting our civil rights. None of the other nine involve an external device. They all allow certain behaviors. Why is the 2nd different.
have you always been a stupid fuck or is this something that came with your old age??
I don't know.
You're right of course. How about swords? Can I walk down the street with a real sword? Or a big long spear? I could tell the police they were yard tools.

I was talking about the other nine amendments granting our civil rights. None of the other nine involve an external device. They all allow certain behaviors. Why is the 2nd different.

I don't know.
according to the 2nd A yes we should be allowed to walk down the street with those things,, its not the first time politicians broke their oaths and passed laws that violate the constitution,,
whats the difference in my machete for cutting weeds and a sword??

I dint care what the other 9 amendments say,, try staying on topic,,
according to the 2nd A yes we should be allowed to walk down the street with those things,, its not the first time politicians broke their oaths and passed laws that violate the constitution,,
whats the difference in my machete for cutting weeds and a sword??

I dint care what the other 9 amendments say,, try staying on topic,,
I'll do my best.
If the government has any controls whatsoever concerning privately-owned firearms I think they should exercise it to the maximum extent. I would first support banning all handguns and we could move on from there.
I'll do my best.
If the government has any controls whatsoever concerning privately-owned firearms I think they should exercise it to the maximum extent. I would first support banning all handguns and we could move on from there.
as per the 2nd, 9th and 10th A's they have none,,

have a nice day,,
Why do you avoid answering my question? What is the purpose of the first 13 words?
I already told you,,

the first part says what we need,, the second says why we need it and the last part is how we get it,,,

do try and keep up,,
If you are a US citizen, it IS your business.
No, not really.

If you want an AR-15, you get the permit to own it, and you buy it I don't have a right to know why you want it. I will never ask you 'Why do you NEED an AR-15?'
Is it your business what car he drives?

What movies he watches?

What clothes he wears?
Don't be stupid. It is his business if he so chooses, to involve himself in the government which represents his wants, needs and desires within the framework of the Constitutional republic. He ought to vote for the representatives he prefers and if a Constitutional amendment were to come before him, he should vote on that as well.
It's a right we shouldn't have been given. I am advocating for the elimination of the 2nd Amendment.
Nothing in the Bill of Rights GIVES us rights. It recognizes rights free people have always had that governments have taken away. The whole Bill of Rights was demanded by the free states as a condition of their accepting the Constitution in place of the Articles of Conferderation that proved to be to weak, as written, many of the states thought the government of the Constitution was too powerful so they limited it with the Bill of Rights.

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