'Its Not YOUR Decision If I 'NEED' An AR-15'. Washibgton Gov Signs Constitution-Violating Bill Into Law

You're not helping your fellow moonbats out who say they're constitutionalists.
The 2nd Amendment as well as our other 9 rights, were a modification to the Constitution. If you support it, you can't reject further modifications.
It says the right shall not be infringed BECAUSE the militia is a necessity. No militia, no right.
If that were true, the tight would have been given to the militia, not the people.
Only in your dreams. The SCOTUS has been very clear on this point. You know less about this subject than you know about climate change and that is woefully lacking.
Stare decisis on gun rights does not show a consistent interpretation.
You and the turd in your pocket? LMAO, please hold your breath until that happens.
No, but it will happen. Let me ask you personally, what has the 2nd Amendment done for this nation?
I expected a flood of answers.

Here's something it accomplished. In 2021, 48,830 people were killed by firearms. This is not counting people who survived which you know is much higher and many of those will suffer lifelong affects.

So, let's assume a linear progression from the signing of the Constitution in 1787. That would make the average number of deaths half the 2021 total, or 24,415. 2021 - 1787 = 234 years x 24,415 = 5,713,110 Americans killed by guns.

An impressive accomplishment, eh? Anyone have anything else?
I expected a flood of answers.

Here's something it accomplished. In 2021, 48,830 people were killed by firearms. This is not counting people who survived which you know is much higher and many of those will suffer lifelong affects.

So, let's assume a linear progression from the signing of the Constitution in 1787. That would make the average number of deaths half the 2021 total, or 24,415. 2021 - 1787 = 234 years x 24,415 = 5,713,110 Americans killed by guns.

An impressive accomplishment, eh? Anyone have anything else?
youre leaving out all the lives they have saved and violent crimes they have stopped,

keep in mind if you take out the 5 dem cities where blacks killing blacks is basically legal your numbers would be a small fraction of that,,
I expected a flood of answers.

Here's something it accomplished. In 2021, 48,830 people were killed by firearms. This is not counting people who survived which you know is much higher and many of those will suffer lifelong affects.

So, let's assume a linear progression from the signing of the Constitution in 1787. That would make the average number of deaths half the 2021 total, or 24,415. 2021 - 1787 = 234 years x 24,415 = 5,713,110 Americans killed by guns.

An impressive accomplishment, eh? Anyone have anything else?
What does that have to do with the 2nd?

If a Democrat / snowflake EVER asks you, 'Why do you NEED an AR-15' respond to them by saying, 'IT'S NONE OF YOUR F*ING BUSINESS!'

The Constitution protects the rights of Americans to own guns - that right may NOT be unfringed upon...even if liberals, Democrats, and snowflakes want to get up in your business and demand to know why you 'NEED' a gun!

Its not their business, and THEIR OPINION of what you need or do not need has nothing to do with your Constitutional right to own weapons.

Please, USSC, stomp this shit out of this ASAP.

I would like to say one day Democrats will stop trying to violate the Constitution and strip us of our rights ... but its never going to happen.
The supreme court has already ruled on this, and regulating gun purchases on certain types of weapons, age of when you can purchase one, background checks, gun free zones etc. ARE CONSTITUTIONAL.
The supreme court has already ruled on this, and regulating gun purchases on certain types of weapons, age of when you can purchase one, background checks, etc ARE CONSTITUTIONAL.
theyre wrong on that just like they were wrong on roe v wade,,

in time they will be corrected,,
I dont,, thats a lib thing and why you like abortion and pedos so much,,

lets not forget all the lives saved with guns and violent crimes stopped,,
Far more people are shot in suicides and crimes of passion between people who know each other, than are crimes stopped with guns.
What do you believe was the founder's intent with the first 13 words of the 2nd Amendment? And do you have any thought on what the 2nd Amendment has done for us?
well the first part is what we need ,, the second is why we need it and the third is how we will get it,,,

if you bothered to read all of the constitution the 2nd A says right of the people and the first 3 words of the constitution says we/I are the people,, and then the 10th A says if its not specifically a fed or state issue it falls to the people,,
also the 9th A says the feds or states cant claim a power thats not theirs,,,

is there anything else you would like to know??

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