'Its Not YOUR Decision If I 'NEED' An AR-15'. Washibgton Gov Signs Constitution-Violating Bill Into Law

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

According to that, I qualify.

where does Heller say different?
Another ignorant retort. Your own example illustrates the 2@ refers to a well regulated militia. The 2@ starts off with REGULATIONS of your right to bear arms. Hilarious.
Naw, if you can’t read, it’s too much of a waste of time. Read the majority Heller opinion. Heller had to qualify…..
another deflection?

I'm an American citizen, and have no legal or physical problems that would prevent me from owning a firearm.

What makes you believe I need to qualify beyond that?
So the NRA takes it to court and we see what happens...
The NRA is as useful as tits on a boar hog.

Did you know they totally sold out and jumped onboard the Clinton "Assault Weapons Ban" train?

Well they did. Maybe not so many people know that, but I do. Back in the days when SKSs were selling

like hotcakes for $85-$115.
Another ignorant retort. Your own example illustrates the 2@ refers to a well regulated militia. The 2@ starts off with REGULATIONS of your right to bear arms. Hilarious.
NOthing in that amendment says I have to belong to a militia.

How many times did you fail elementary English
NOthing in that amendment says I have to belong to a militia.

How many times did you fail elementary English
You live in a dream world. Many of us were drafted so I remember while you were sitting at home picking your toes. We served, so I know what a “militia is and is not. Maybe you don’t. Maybe you don’t give a shit or maybe you’re too senile to remember that EVERYONE who is able body is subject to military service as a well regulated militia is “NECESSARY for a free state” and our common defense in general. What ignorant poltergeist has been inhabiting your grey matter. The gov in time of need has been doing and you were asleep ?
I'm an American citizen, and have no legal or physical problems that would prevent me from owning a firearm.
That’s cause you are senile. Oh, “legal“ is not a requirement for Qualification dufus ? Oh, age is not a requirement ? Oh, you can carry a firearm into a federal or posted area ? Oh, somehow you can fking carry an unregistered full auto ? Oh, you’re now claiming that in DC you don’t have to register your firearm/ handgun even after the Heller amendment. Tell us uninformed, what rock are you still sitting under where you still claim your rights aren’t qualified. Look up the word…naw, too much to ask.
You live in a dream world. Many of us were drafted so I remember while you were sitting at home picking your toes. We served, so I know what a “militia is and is not. Maybe you don’t. Maybe you don’t give a shit or maybe you’re too senile to remember that EVERYONE who is able body is subject to military service as a well regulated militia is “NECESSARY for a free state” and our common defense in general. What ignorant poltergeist has been inhabiting your grey matter. The gov in time of need has been doing and you were asleep ?
Many of us were drafted so I remember while you were sitting at home picking your toes.
I enlisted, in 68,

Retired in 91

still haven't pointed out where the Amendment states you need to belong to a militiia, nor how per Heller you need to 'qualify'.
That’s cause you are senile. Oh, “legal“ is not a requirement for Qualification dufus ? Oh, age is not a requirement ? Oh, you can carry a firearm into a federal or posted area ? Oh, somehow you can fking carry an unregistered full auto ? Oh, you’re now claiming that in DC you don’t have to register your firearm/ handgun even after the Heller amendment. Tell us uninformed, what rock are you still sitting under where you still claim your rights aren’t qualified. Look up the word…naw, too much to ask.

do you go out of your way prove you're a moron?
I enlisted, in 68,

Retired in 91

still haven't pointed out where the Amendment states you need to belong to a militiia, nor how per Heller you need to 'qualify'.
First, you obviously have not read the Heller majority opinion.
Second, it obviously states a well regulated militia was “necessary” for a free state. We instituted the draft on several occasions based upon those ideals. Everything we do legally is based upon the constitution, something repugnants know nothing about. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 12.
No cogent response, no argument, just a slur. Capitulation accepted.

"Oh, “legal“ is not a requirement for Qualification dufus ?"

IN what way?

"Oh, age is not a requirement ?"

A 3 year old can own a firearm. Can't buy one, but they can own one

" Oh, you can carry a firearm into a federal or posted area ?"

How does that affect me from owning a firearm?

"Oh, somehow you can fking carry an unregistered full auto?"
If you have the appropriate license, yes.

"Oh, you’re now claiming that in DC you don’t have to register your firearm/ handgun even after the Heller amendment."

How long will that last considering the more recent decisions?

you're totally off the wall dude.

You don't have a clue about the Second.
First, you obviously have not read the Heller majority opinion.
Second, it obviously states a well regulated militia was “necessary” for a free state. We instituted the draft on several occasions based upon those ideals. Everything we do legally is based upon the constitution, something repugnants know nothing about. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 12.
Second, it obviously states a well regulated militia was “necessary” for a free state.
where does it state you have to belong to a militia?

The Right to keep and bear arms was given to the People, not the militia.

I know you don't like it, but there are 14 words in the Second AFTER the word militia.
I enlisted, in 68,

Retired in 91

still haven't pointed out where the Amendment states you need to belong to a militiia, nor how per Heller you need to 'qualify'.
He can't. In fact, historical framing and context of the 2A says otherwise. He'll say something ignorant, call you or anyone else some illogical name and eventually move on.
where does it state you have to belong to a militia?

The Right to keep and bear arms was given to the People, not the militia.

I know you don't like it, but there are 14 words in the Second AFTER the word militia.
1 The draft is seen in the Constitution at Article 1, Section 8, Clause 12. The Constitution does not directly mention the word "draft" or even the older "conscription," but its authorization for the Congress to "raise and support Armies" is a clear indication of the same concept - to use the resources of the nation to create or man an army.

2 “People” does not indicate a personal right. Ther wise, it would have said PERSON. This distinction appears everywhere else in the constitution.

3 Yup, but the first clause is subjective.
Look up the meaning of “subjective” or ask someone who is literate in the English language.
1 The draft is seen in the Constitution at Article 1, Section 8, Clause 12. The Constitution does not directly mention the word "draft" or even the older "conscription," but its authorization for the Congress to "raise and support Armies" is a clear indication of the same concept - to use the resources of the nation to create or man an army.

2 “People” does not indicate a personal right. Ther wise, it would have said PERSON. This distinction appears everywhere else in the constitution.

3 Yup, but the first clause is subjective.
Look up the meaning of “subjective” or ask someone who is literate in the English language.
ever been called for jury duty?

Did they just notify you and 11 other people?

Or did they call you and 20-30 other people to show up?

They created a pool of possibles to serve.

same with the second

The Right was given to the People, so as to create a pool of people to serve in the Militia.

stop ignoring hte llast 14 words of the Amendment.

They matter.
Then just ask yourself

Not exactly. It says: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

This right is conditional on your participation in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state. You are not doing so, therefore you have no such right.

"Unfringed upon". That's pretty good. I've never heard that one before.

Perhaps they were wondering of what well regulated Militia were you a member.

True, but if you're not in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state, you have no such right.

"Stomp this shit ouf of this ASAP". Hmm... I'm afraid it is within our free speech rights to ask you why you need an AR-15. No one is forcing you to answer, but we all have to right to ask you.

One day we will eliminate the Second Amendment as should have been done when mass produced guns, ammo and the repeater mechanism were developed

No, it isnt...it never was...
ever been called for jury duty?

Did they just notify you and 11 other people?

Or did they call you and 20-30 other people to show up?

They created a pool of possibles to serve.

same with the second

The Right was given to the People, so as to create a pool of people to serve in the Militia.

stop ignoring hte llast 14 words of the Amendment.

They matter.
Typical nonsensical nonsensical babble. Is this how the deranged mind of the gun a holic fringe thinks .? BYA.
First, you obviously have not read the Heller majority opinion.
Second, it obviously states a well regulated militia was “necessary” for a free state. We instituted the draft on several occasions based upon those ideals. Everything we do legally is based upon the constitution, something repugnants know nothing about. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 12.
Professional troops aren't the militia.

Hugo's right...You're going out of your way to look fucking stoopit.

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