'Its Not YOUR Decision If I 'NEED' An AR-15'. Washibgton Gov Signs Constitution-Violating Bill Into Law

Then just ask yourself

Not exactly. It says: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

This right is conditional on your participation in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state. You are not doing so, therefore you have no such right.

"Unfringed upon". That's pretty good. I've never heard that one before.

Perhaps they were wondering of what well regulated Militia were you a member.

True, but if you're not in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state, you have no such right.

"Stomp this shit ouf of this ASAP". Hmm... I'm afraid it is within our free speech rights to ask you why you need an AR-15. No one is forcing you to answer, but we all have to right to ask you.

One day we will eliminate the Second Amendment as should have been done when mass produced guns, ammo and the repeater mechanism were developed
A few things:

1. The right of individuals to own firearms not connected with a militia has been upheld by the Supreme Court, so unless your understanding of the Constitution is greater than theirs, well...
2. If you need to rewrite the amendments to curtail freedoms as technology changes, we should revisit the 1st now that a person can make disgusting statements that can be immediately seen and heard by millions all around the world. IOW, to adhere to the original understanding of the 1st, you would have to express yourself via quill pen, paper and ink.
A few things:

1. The right of individuals to own firearms not connected with a militia has been upheld by the Supreme Court, so unless your understanding of the Constitution is greater than theirs, well...
2. If you need to rewrite the amendments to curtail freedoms as technology changes, we should revisit the 1st now that a person can make disgusting statements that can be immediately seen and heard by millions all around the world. IOW, to adhere to the original understanding of the 1st, you would have to express yourself via quill pen, paper and ink.
He's either horribly ignorant, or trolling.
Not yet sure which.
The GUNNUTTERS will start with the internet rage. It is all show, NO GO.
Funny as as well.... :happy-1:

This is what the voters wanted. This is Democracy.
The Constitution was designed to prevent the voters from imposing their will on others through the power of an overreaching government. IOW, even if everyone in California demanded that no guns be owned by anyone in Alabama, they don't get to impose their will.
The Constitution was designed to prevent the voters from imposing their will on others through the power of an overreaching government. IOW, even if everyone in California demanded that no guns be owned by anyone in Alabama, they don't get to impose their will.
Democracy: a way of governing which depends on the will of the people.

The people in Washington State wanted this, they got it. Democracy in action.
Democracy: a way of governing which depends on the will of the people.

The people in Washington State wanted this, they got it. Democracy in action.
And other states don't, so they don't do it. Also democracy in action. The beauty is that Washington State can't impose its vision on other states, and all states are bound to the same constitution. This could still be found unconstitutional if it gets challenged to the SC and get tossed, no matter what the people wanted.

This is what the voters wanted. This is Democracy.
And another ignorant comment. The US has never been a Democracy, it has always been a Constitutional Republic. The morons in the state of Washington can not force their unconstitutional bullshit on me in the great state of Alabama. I expect the Supreme Court to slap that crap down anyway.

Ummm, here is how the English language works: 'A well regulated militia' ---is the predicate. Everything else follows in support of that.
Actually one could say there are two predicates there ----"Well regulated" and "militia'.

That verbiage was not put in there by accident, by carelessness, nor that they didn't mean it, or know what it means.
Give the Founders more credit than that.

Moot point. The Supreme Court put that issue to rest. The right to keep and bear arms is an individual right. That is settled Constitutional laws affirmed by three Court decisions.

Just because stupid uneducated pussy anti gun nut assholes like you don't like it don't mean it ain't so.
Ummm, here is how the English language works: 'A well regulated militia' ---is the predicate. Everything else follows in support of that.
Actually one could say there are two predicates there ----"Well regulated" and "militia'.
The USSC discarded your argument 2 decades ago.
Try to keep up.

There was no vote by the registered population, you dishonest hack.
During the election process, the Candidates made it very clear what their stance was on GUNS.
The people elected these officials for a reason.
The State of Washington is a GREAT example of progress
And another ignorant comment. The US has never been a Democracy, it has always been a Constitutional Republic. The morons in the state of Washington can not force their unconstitutional bullshit on me in the great state of Alabama. I expect the Supreme Court to slap that crap down anyway.
You from Alabama? I assume you read the article? This is for the State of Washington.
During the election process, the Candidates made it very clear what their stance was on GUNS.
The people elected these officials for a reason.
The State of Washington is a GREAT example of progress
So, no. The gun ban was not subject to a vote by the residents.
Democracy: a way of governing which depends on the will of the people.

The people in Washington State wanted this, they got it. Democracy in action.
A minority of the Left in Washington succeed in voting in a couple of fascists whom wanted this as part of their power grab to take Rights and Freedoms from the people of Washington.
This is mob rule, and an abuse of "democracy". BTW, our Nation and State are representative Republics, not "democracies".

The American Form of Government

The American Form Of Government​

The U.S. Constitution, Freedom, and the American Form of ...​

Carry that in the duck blind and you go to jail. Your gun is confiscated.
So much for your 'must not be infringed'-thingy.
Protect our children as much as we protect our ducks. 3 rounds max capacity.


Ummm, here is how the English language works: 'A well regulated militia' ---is the predicate. Everything else follows in support of that.
Actually one could say there are two predicates there ----"Well regulated" and "militia'.

That verbiage was not put in there by accident, by carelessness, nor that they didn't mean it, or know what it means.
Give the Founders more credit than that.

Protect our children as much as we protect our ducks.


OK, then. 3 round capacity ----max. I'm quite OK with that.
Just like we protect our ducks. 3 rounds.
Our children and our grandchildren.....are not worth less than a duck.


Well, even in Washington they have your 'Un-Constitutional' infringement on gun rights......to protect wild ducks.

Protect our children as much as we protect our ducks. 3- round maximum capacity.

OK, we all can do hypothetical keyboard tuff-guy posturing.
So let's do this, David Koresh wannabes: Let's imagine that it is the local Sheriff's deputies in their squad that comes to your doors and asks for you to turn over, or register, or prove they are, indeed, yours........well, they gonna "see what happens" in your tuffguyism mode?
What are you gonna do, poster JGalt?
After all, you should know by now that there usually is an up-armored Swat Team ready to respond to "Officer Down' calls.
So stand your ground and shoot back?
Keep the forum informed on how that goes, poster JGalt.
You just displayed your stupidity and/or ignorance.

The three rounds "max" refers to how many one can have loaded into their SHOTGUN at one time (most pump action shotguns hold from 6-8 in their magazine). There is no limit on how many extra shells one can have available.
Ducks are Game and as such are subject to regulation by Fish and Wildlife Departments as to when they are in Season to be hunted and under which conditions, including a license for such, for others like deer, elk, salmon, trout, etc.

Sheriffs usually are an elected office an/d in my county here in Washington State our Sheriff has stated he has no intention of violating 2nd Amendment Rights or confiscating firearms from law-abiding citizens.

Also, for you semantics challenged;

"Right to keep and bare Arms" includes more than just handheld firearms, though in that matter it originally applied to cannons, and other versions of firearms such as machine-guns and other automatic style firearms. It also included knives, swords, spears, halberds, bows and crossbows, etc.

"militias" in the 1770s were voluntary among the members of a community, did not have documentation or ID cards, etc.

"well regulated" meant they are trained in standard battlefield drill methods of that era which organized the men(members) in ranks and files and provided a system to rotate such when facing an enemy so the first rank fired, then moved to the rear while the next rank moved forward to fire their weapons.
Then just ask yourself

Not exactly. It says: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

This right is conditional on your participation in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state. You are not doing so, therefore you have no such right.

"Unfringed upon". That's pretty good. I've never heard that one before.

Perhaps they were wondering of what well regulated Militia were you a member.

True, but if you're not in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state, you have no such right.

"Stomp this shit ouf of this ASAP". Hmm... I'm afraid it is within our free speech rights to ask you why you need an AR-15. No one is forcing you to answer, but we all have to right to ask you.

One day we will eliminate the Second Amendment as should have been done when mass produced guns, ammo and the repeater mechanism were developed

There is a comma you forget. The STATES have the right to a militia, the PEOPLE keep the right to arms.

and the entire population is the militia. the NG doesn't count because it is partially federally controlled.

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