'Its Not YOUR Decision If I 'NEED' An AR-15'. Washibgton Gov Signs Constitution-Violating Bill Into Law

Then just ask yourself

Not exactly. It says: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

This right is conditional on your participation in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state. You are not doing so, therefore you have no such right.

"Unfringed upon". That's pretty good. I've never heard that one before.

Perhaps they were wondering of what well regulated Militia were you a member.

True, but if you're not in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state, you have no such right.

"Stomp this shit ouf of this ASAP". Hmm... I'm afraid it is within our free speech rights to ask you why you need an AR-15. No one is forcing you to answer, but we all have to right to ask you.

One day we will eliminate the Second Amendment as should have been done when mass produced guns, ammo and the repeater mechanism were developed
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Then just ask yourself

Not exactly. It says: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

This right is conditional on your participation in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state. You are not doing so, therefore you have no such right.

"Unfringed upon". That's pretty good. I've never heard that one before.

Perhaps they were wondering of what well regulated Militia were you a member.

True, but if you're not in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state, you have no such right.

"Stomp this shit ouf of this ASAP". Hmm... I'm afraid it is within our free speech rights to ask you why you need an AR-15. No one is forcing you to answer, but we all have to right to ask you.

One day we will eliminate the Second Amendment as should have been done when mass produced guns, ammo and the repeater mechanism were developed
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
That part says youi don't have to belong to a militia
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That would of course be stupid as there’s a mountain range in the middle of the state and at least three states of nothing for them to advance through before they hit an interstate of consequence. :rolleyes:

Of course. But the only resistance the CHICOMs would find in Washington's cities would be a bunch of faggots waving their purple rubber dildos at them, and yelling "Wolverinthssss."

They little yellow bastards would probably die laughing.
There is a narrow band on the west side of the state that will lie down in their tents under the overpasses, but the door will be closed at the crest of the Cascades in both WA and OR.
Sorry to disagree, but once out of the main urban areas of Seattle/Bellevue/Tacoma you'll find many on the West side of the Cascades whom don't agree with the Dumbocrats and gun-banning idiots.

If a Democrat / snowflake EVER asks you, 'Why do you NEED an AR-15' respond to them by saying, 'IT'S NONE OF YOUR F*ING BUSINESS!'

The Constitution protects the rights of Americans to own guns - that right may NOT be unfringed upon...even if liberals, Democrats, and snowflakes want to get up in your business and demand to know why you 'NEED' a gun!

Its not their business, and THEIR OPINION of what you need or do not need has nothing to do with your Constitutional right to own weapons.

Please, USSC, stomp this shit out of this ASAP.

I would like to say one day Democrats will stop trying to violate the Constitution and strip us of our rights ... but its never going to happen.
Here's the actual text of the bill. Shows weapons types listed and the traits that are also banned.

Note that our Democrat dominated legislature along with Democrat Governor and Attorney General are also seeking to pass and sign bills to class and punish any whom aren't left-wing thinkers and to deny access to to ballots post election. Two more "soviet" type laws to further their fascist tyranny.

Also for reference;
Of course. But the only resistance the CHICOMs would find in Washington's cities would be a bunch of faggots waving their purple rubber dildos at them, and yelling "Wolverinthssss."

They little yellow bastards would probably die laughing.
Well except for the air assets that fall from nowhere to end them. :rolleyes:
I find nothing incorrect with your post. Good job. I will be watching you.
Welcome to my team.

The people of the State of Washington have spoken and the elected officials are doing what the people want.
I'm one of those "people of the State of Washington" and I'm not alone in not voting for the commie governor and AG, nor the swine in our Legislature. The dimcrats won by slim majority, if our elections were honest. Hint ~hint ;)
This is the state where the D's first tried elections rigging a few decades ago.
I have stated this many times. I am on the volunteer list to confiscate these Assault Rifle 15 child killing weapons of war when the orders are given. :banana:

BTW, while there are other things that kill more children than firearms, in the firearm category pistols/handguns do the majority of that killing and usually in the hands of gang-bangers.
I'm one of those "people of the State of Washington" and I'm not alone in not voting for the commie governor and AG, nor the swine in our Legislature. The dimcrats won by slim majority, if our elections were honest. Hint ~hint ;)
This is the state where the D's first tried elections rigging a few decades ago.
You are talking to deaf ears with the "hint hint". Elections are secure and accurate. No one believes that your election was rigged. In 3 years, spin your country music records backwards. Your guns will return, as well as your dead dogs, and the truck you wrecked will magically appear undamaged.

Washington State made a bold move. Hats off to Washington State.
Washington State made a bold an Un-Constitutional move.
The courts will figure it out in 10 years. Washington State did what the voters asked for. Democracy at its finest.

In 3 years, spin your country music records backwards. Your guns will return, as well as your dead pets.
Then just ask yourself

Not exactly. It says: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

This right is conditional on your participation in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state. You are not doing so, therefore you have no such right.

"Unfringed upon". That's pretty good. I've never heard that one before.

Perhaps they were wondering of what well regulated Militia were you a member.

True, but if you're not in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state, you have no such right.

"Stomp this shit ouf of this ASAP". Hmm... I'm afraid it is within our free speech rights to ask you why you need an AR-15. No one is forcing you to answer, but we all have to right to ask you.

One day we will eliminate the Second Amendment as should have been done when mass produced guns, ammo and the repeater mechanism were developed
/——/ “This right is conditional on your participation in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state.”
The USSC says otherwise, Gun Grabber.
Then just ask yourself

Not exactly. It says: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

This right is conditional on your participation in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state. You are not doing so, therefore you have no such right.

"Unfringed upon". That's pretty good. I've never heard that one before.

Perhaps they were wondering of what well regulated Militia were you a member.

True, but if you're not in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state, you have no such right.

"Stomp this shit ouf of this ASAP". Hmm... I'm afraid it is within our free speech rights to ask you why you need an AR-15. No one is forcing you to answer, but we all have to right to ask you.

One day we will eliminate the Second Amendment as should have been done when mass produced guns, ammo and the repeater mechanism were developed
/——/ “This right is conditional on your participation in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state.”
The USSC says otherwise, Gun Ggrabber.
I find nothing incorrect with your post. Good job. I will be watching you.
Welcome to my team.

The people of the State of Washington have spoken and the elected officials are doing what the people want.
/——/ So, if the people of Washington decide to reinstate slavery, and the state government obliges them, you’re OK with it? US Constitution be damned.
Fuck the state of Washington.

I don't give a flying fuck who you are. But you set foot on my property with an attitude like you want to "take" something that belongs to me, and I'll gut you from your balls all the way up to your tonsils. Then bury you in the back yard.
You will do no such thing. :badgrin:
This is what the voters want. This is Democracy.

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