'Its Not YOUR Decision If I 'NEED' An AR-15'. Washibgton Gov Signs Constitution-Violating Bill Into Law

Did you know that dickhead Democrats with Bloomberg's millions already passed a comprehensive gun control bill in WA? With all the hoops and waiting periods you have to go through now, and every transaction required to go through a licensed dealer the ban wasn't even needed.

Democrats are the lowest form of human trash.
Only in your dreams. The SCOTUS has been very clear on this point. You know less about this subject than you know about climate change and that is woefully lacking.

You and the turd in your pocket? LMAO, please hold your breath until that happens.
The Supreme Court got it wrong.
The people of the State of Washington have spoken and the elected officials are doing what the people want.
Not exactly. It says: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Peanut Gallery: We have a WInner! Crick understands the Constitution. The Supreme Court got it wrong. It has happened before....

The people of the State of Washington have spoken and the elected officials are doing what the people want.
Ok, maybe your guns are not coming back?

Democracy prevails in Washington State :clap2:

So does homelessness, drug abuse, violent crime, and leftist piss goblins like antifa prevail in Washington.

Even more reasons to own an AR-15 with a 100-round drum magazine and bayonet on it.
So does homelessness, drug abuse, violent crime, and leftist piss goblins like antifa prevail in Washington.

Even more reasons to own an AR-15 with a 100-round drum magazine and bayonet on it.
You will shoot your eye out, kid. :clap2:

Washington State did the right thing. Yes
Democracy prevails in Washington State
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You will shoot your eye out kid. :clap2:

Washington State did the right thing. Yes

Personally, I think Hayabusa motorcycles should be banned. Someone with guns should go door to door and confiscate all of them, and have them crushed for scrap metal.

Why do you need something so powerful when a bicycle will get you where you're going? They should be confiscated not only for your safety, but for the safety of others.
Personally, I think Hayabusa motorcycles should be banned. Someone with guns should go door to door and confiscate all of them, and have them crushed for scrap metal.

Why do you need something so powerful when a bicycle will get you where you're going? They should be confiscated not only for your safety, but for the safety of others.

100 round drum :abgg2q.jpg: son, the gun be so heavy your old frail bones couldn't support it.

come and take it :abgg2q.jpg:

Washington State did the right thing. Yes
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I said it before and I'll say it again.

Gun laws will not solve anything, they are an answer to a question that does not exist.

Want to fix gun violence? Then fix society. 30 years ago we didn't have all these shootings and had LESS gun laws. Look at what's changed in the past 30 years with America and fix that and you solve your gun violence issues.

Gun laws don't fix anything, they are still allowing criminals and nutballs to run around. They are the problem, not guns. If you get rid of every gun right now all the nutballs and criminals will still be right here, they won't go away.
Well except those laws that may ban the manufacture and sale of certain classes of firearms of course.

If a Democrat / snowflake EVER asks you, 'Why do you NEED an AR-15' respond to them by saying, 'IT'S NONE OF YOUR F*ING BUSINESS!'

The Constitution protects the rights of Americans to own guns - that right may NOT be unfringed upon...even if liberals, Democrats, and snowflakes want to get up in your business and demand to know why you 'NEED' a gun!

Its not their business, and THEIR OPINION of what you need or do not need has nothing to do with your Constitutional right to own weapons.

Please, USSC, stomp this shit out of this ASAP.

I would like to say one day Democrats will stop trying to violate the Constitution and strip us of our rights ... but its never going to happen.
No law abiding citizen should have to explain a need to exercise a Constitutional right.

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