'Its Not YOUR Decision If I 'NEED' An AR-15'. Washibgton Gov Signs Constitution-Violating Bill Into Law

So you get the AR banned and the next mass shooter uses another type semi automatic rifle do you ban that rifle next? Suppose they use a semi automatic pistol or shotgun?
No one needs an Assault Rifle -15. no one
Apparently they do since this bill specifically exempts law enforcement. Now, if law enforcement requires an AR15 to defend themselves from criminals, logically citizens require the same rifles to defend themselves from the same criminals.

And that's ^^^ how you bitch slap the gun control assholes!
Imposing is in the Democrat job description; didn't you know that?

"You don't need arms."

"You don't need gas-burning automobiles."

"You don't need meat."

"You don't need gas stoves."

They get paid . . . er . . . elected for their impositions. It's their job.

Come on, Man. Get with the times.
I find nothing incorrect with your post. Good job. I will be watching you.
Welcome to my team.

The people of the State of Washington have spoken and the elected officials are doing what the people want.
Apparently they do since this bill specifically exempts law enforcement. Now, if law enforcement requires an AR15 to defend themselves from criminals, logically citizens require the same rifles to defend themselves from the same criminals.

And that's ^^^ how you bitch slap the gun control assholes!
No civilian needs an Assault Rifle -15.
Then just ask yourself

Not exactly. It says: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

This right is conditional on your participation in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state. You are not doing so, therefore you have no such right.

"Unfringed upon". That's pretty good. I've never heard that one before.

Perhaps they were wondering of what well regulated Militia were you a member.

True, but if you're not in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state, you have no such right.

"Stomp this shit ouf of this ASAP". Hmm... I'm afraid it is within our free speech rights to ask you why you need an AR-15. No one is forcing you to answer, but we all have to right to ask you.

One day we will eliminate the Second Amendment as should have been done when mass produced guns, ammo and the repeater mechanism were developed
I have stated this many times. I am on the volunteer list to confiscate these Assault Rifle 15 child killing weapons of war when the orders are given. :banana:

Good for you. Would you like to "confiscate" it butt-end first or muzzle-end first?

May I suggest muzzle-end first? Because I have a bayonet on that end, and it would be hilarious watching you slowly bleed out on the floor.
Good for you. Would you like to "confiscate" it butt-end first or muzzle-end first?

May I suggest muzzle-end first? Because I have a bayonet on that end, and it would add to the hilarity of seeing you slowly bleed out on the floor.
^^No hat, No cattle, No horns

The State of Washington is a great example of progress.
^^No hat, No cattle, No horns

The State of Washington is a great example of progress.

Fuck the state of Washington.

I don't give a flying fuck who you are. But you set foot on my property with an attitude like you want to "take" something that belongs to me, and I'll gut you from your balls all the way up to your tonsils. Then bury you in the back yard.
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We are one of the most heavily armed states in the country dumb ass. Get this clown ^^^ talking out his ass. Outside the Dem's homo cities WA is 4x4 truck country. Hunting, fishing and telling Dems to cram it up their ass.
LMAO come here junior :itsok:
This is what the voters want. This is Democracy.
Washington State, Good Job on this one, Good Job

10 years from now, play your country music backwards. The guns will come back to you.

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