'Its Not YOUR Decision If I 'NEED' An AR-15'. Washibgton Gov Signs Constitution-Violating Bill Into Law

So the NRA takes it to court and we see what happens...
Actually the NRA isn't taking it to court. Three individuals and two non NRA gun advocacy organizations are.


Blatant disregard for Heller, McDonald and Bruen by filthy tyranical Democrats that don't give a shit about the Bill of Rights. If the lower courts have their heads up their ass about the right to keep and bear arms and rule wrong I'm sure that Justice Thomas will set those turkey's right.
Then just ask yourself

Not exactly. It says: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

This right is conditional on your participation in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state. You are not doing so, therefore you have no such right.

"Unfringed upon". That's pretty good. I've never heard that one before.

Perhaps they were wondering of what well regulated Militia were you a member.

True, but if you're not in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state, you have no such right.

"Stomp this shit ouf of this ASAP". Hmm... I'm afraid it is within our free speech rights to ask you why you need an AR-15. No one is forcing you to answer, but we all have to right to ask you.

One day we will eliminate the Second Amendment as should have been done when mass produced guns, ammo and the repeater mechanism were developed
When you write "we will eliminate the Second Amendment ", who is "we"?

You and who else?
No one needs an Assault Rifle -15. no one
The Second Amendment to the Constitution says that you are confused and don't know what you are talking about.

It says that arms are needed for the security of a free state. I shit you not, Go look it up if you are confused.

The Second does not establish any qualifications or proof of need. It just says that arms are necessary for the security of a free state and the government shall not infringe on the right to own them.

I "need" them for recreational purpose, possible self defense, hunting and for the security of a free state.

If you are a pussy that doesn't want one then fine. Nobody gives a shit. Stop being a dickhead that advocates taking my Constitutional rights away because you are a pussy. That ain't cool.
100 rounds of 5.56mm doesn't really weigh that much.
Carry that in the duck blind and you go to jail. Your gun is confiscated.
So much for your 'must not be infringed'-thingy.
Protect our children as much as we protect our ducks. 3 rounds max capacity.

That part says youi don't have to belong to a militia
Ummm, here is how the English language works: 'A well regulated militia' ---is the predicate. Everything else follows in support of that.
Actually one could say there are two predicates there ----"Well regulated" and "militia'.

That verbiage was not put in there by accident, by carelessness, nor that they didn't mean it, or know what it means.
Give the Founders more credit than that.

Protect our children as much as we protect our ducks.


pistols/handguns do the majority of that killing
OK, then. 3 round capacity ----max. I'm quite OK with that.
Just like we protect our ducks. 3 rounds.
Our children and our grandchildren.....are not worth less than a duck.

Washington State made a bold an Un-Constitutional move.
Well, even in Washington they have your 'Un-Constitutional' infringement on gun rights......to protect wild ducks.

Protect our children as much as we protect our ducks. 3- round maximum capacity.

Fuck around and find out, hillbilly. Come to my door and request that I turn over my weapons to you, and see what happens.

OK, we all can do hypothetical keyboard tuff-guy posturing.
So let's do this, David Koresh wannabes: Let's imagine that it is the local Sheriff's deputies in their squad that comes to your doors and asks for you to turn over, or register, or prove they are, indeed, yours........well, they gonna "see what happens" in your tuffguyism mode?
What are you gonna do, poster JGalt?
After all, you should know by now that there usually is an up-armored Swat Team ready to respond to "Officer Down' calls.
So stand your ground and shoot back?
Keep the forum informed on how that goes, poster JGalt.
I am not the subject of the Second Amendment, nor is my name mentioned.

Washington State is proof that Democracy works.
Washington State proves nothing about democracy. There is only proof that the Leninist / Stalinist model of authoritarianism works in selected leftist hell holes.

When did the voting population authorize a ban on hundreds of firearms?
The courts will figure it out in 10 years. Washington State did what the voters asked for. Democracy at its finest.

The USSC will shut it down a ot sooner than that.

If 'the people' of Wahington don't want AR-15s then DON'T F*ING BUY AR-15s.

DON'T attempt to impose your will on me by passing an UnConstitutional law that violates my rights just because YOU don't think I need an AR-15.
I am not the subject of the Second Amendment, nor is my name mentioned.

Washington State is proof that Democracy works.

I don't think you understand how democracy works. Marijuana is still illegal, according to the federal government. It is still a Schedule I controlled substance. And yet, 20 states have decided to ignore that fact, and decriminalize marijuana on their own.

Is that "democracy"? Not hardly, because only 20 states are not really a majority. Just as when those southern states seceded from the Union was not democracy. And just as states like Washington passing their own gun laws that violate the Second Amendment are not democracy.

Please try to educate yourself before throwing around four syllable words like "democracy." You're making yourself look like a stupid inbred hillbilly with gapped teeth playing a banjo.
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This right is conditional on your participation in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state. You are not doing so, therefore you have no such right.
The USSC discarded your argument 2 decades ago.
Try to keep up.
One day we will eliminate the Second Amendment as should have been done when mass produced guns, ammo and the repeater mechanism were developed
Until then it's there, it - necessarily and intentionally - takes certain policy choices off the table, and you don't get to ignore it.
/——/ “This right is conditional on your participation in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state.”
The USSC says otherwise, Gun Grabber.
/----/ "This right is conditional on your participation in a well regulated militia"
And you went to which law school? I ask because nowhere in the 2nd Amendment or the Federalist papers does it say that. That is what you want it to mean, just like you wanted abortion to be permitted in the Constitution.
No law abiding citizen should have to hear that their child has been killed by an Assault Rifle-15
Washington State is proof of Democracy in action.
There is an easy solution to school shootings without shititng on Constitutional rights. In the 70's after an incident Israel installed armed guards and have had two school shootings since. Hire fully vetted armed combat veterans and it will stop, but that's not really what you loons want, the smart ones anyway. The stupid people on the left actually think taking firearms away from law abiding citizens will stop people with criminal intent.

The majority of mass shootings are commited using handguns and are perpetrated by gang members. Also AR does not stand for assault rifle it stands for Armalite Rifle. Comments like this is why most people ignore you loons, because the majority of you loons do not know what the fuck you are talking about.

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