'Its Not YOUR Decision If I 'NEED' An AR-15'. Washibgton Gov Signs Constitution-Violating Bill Into Law

so what? It is done. Live with it. It is for the best.
If you don't like it, leave.
The State of Washington is a role model for all states.
No law of humans is cast in stone.
Any law can be changed and or repealed.
We (non-Leftists, non-Fascists) in Washington State expect to see that change/repeal after the next election cycle.
We are also looking into the prospect of criminal charges against our current Governor and Attorney General.
If a Democrat / snowflake EVER asks you, 'Why do you NEED an AR-15' respond to them by saying, 'IT'S NONE OF YOUR F*ING BUSINESS!'
"The exercise of a constitutional right does not require an individual to demonstrate some special need."
/ discussion

You've obviously never been to Washington. Other than the cities, the woods and wildlife are everywhere. Coastal Washington and Oregon are rainforest.
Again, I suggest you stay out of the woods if you are concerned about being bitten by a bear.
Your Assault Rifle 15 are toys, you do not need them. The state of Washington made a smart decision.

If a Democrat / snowflake EVER asks you, 'Why do you NEED an AR-15' respond to them by saying, 'IT'S NONE OF YOUR F*ING BUSINESS!'

The Constitution protects the rights of Americans to own guns - that right may NOT be unfringed upon...even if liberals, Democrats, and snowflakes want to get up in your business and demand to know why you 'NEED' a gun!

Its not their business, and THEIR OPINION of what you need or do not need has nothing to do with your Constitutional right to own weapons.

Please, USSC, stomp this shit out of this ASAP.

I would like to say one day Democrats will stop trying to violate the Constitution and strip us of our rights ... but its never going to happen.
When they ask me that question ... I respond with: "why do you need your wiener cut off sir?" They respond with a shrill -- "It's MA'AM!"
Again, I suggest you stay out of the woods if you are concerned about being bitten by a bear.
Your Assault Rifle 15 are toys, you do not need them. The state of Washington made a smart decision.
In the suburbs of most Washington cities, you step out your door and you are in the woods. Take as look at a satellite photo of coastal Washington sometime. I spent two years at Fort Lewis so I know what I'm talking about.
Again, I suggest you stay out of the woods if you are concerned about being bitten by a bear.
Your Assault Rifle 15 are toys, you do not need them. The state of Washington made a smart decision.
Your racing motorcycle is much more of a toy, it only has one function, to go fast. To get that you have spent tens of thousands of dollars, more if you are serious, AND you pollute the environment with your exhaust and rubber particulates. What social benefit comes from having a bike that will accelerate zero to a hundred mph in a few seconds? None. All it does is stroke your already huge ego.
The GUNNUTTERS will start with the internet rage. It is all show, NO GO.
Funny as as well.... :happy-1:

This is what the voters wanted. This is Democracy.

There's no go because there's nothing to go from. You idiots are all talk no action. No one has tried to take my guns yet so there is no go. That's probably too much for your pea brain to handle, but just know that I dare anyone to try to take it.
Your racing motorcycle is much more of a toy, it only has one function, to go fast. To get that you have spent tens of thousands of dollars, more if you are serious, AND you pollute the environment with your exhaust and rubber particulates. What social benefit comes from having a bike that will accelerate zero to a hundred mph in a few seconds? None. All it does is stroke your already huge ego.
stop trolling

the subject is 'Its Not YOUR Decision If I 'NEED' An AR-15'. Washibgton Gov Signs Constitution-Violating Bill Into Law

The State of Washington has decided.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

According to that, I qualify.

where does Heller say different?
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
According to that, I qualify.
where does Heller say different?
If you stop feeding the trolls, they go away.

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