'Its Not YOUR Decision If I 'NEED' An AR-15'. Washibgton Gov Signs Constitution-Violating Bill Into Law

In the suburbs of most Washington cities, you step out your door and you are in the woods. Take as look at a satellite photo of coastal Washington sometime. I spent two years at Fort Lewis so I know what I'm talking about.
I live in an area that is more rural than suburb, though suburbs are just a few miles away. In my area, where there aren't berry farms or dairy farms, there are patches of wood, often one to five acres in size and scattered about every few miles. The Cascade foothills are less than a dozen miles away. We often hear coyotes at night. Occasional have to doge a deer leaping across the road when driving. And there are the occasional sightings of bear and cougar in backyards or nearby lots. I suspect it was raccoons that got and killed my few chickens and roosters last Summer.

Only one fifth of the land area of my county is the coastal flat-lands I've described above, the other is forest covered mountains. We live on the edge of wild lands and such often find it's way upon us.

The fool you were responding to is the urban city-slicker sort whom likely wouldn't survive two days if dropped into the middle of nature just miles from here. It's obvious that "he" is clueless on many subjects, and ignorant idiot , and has no grasp of much which he spouts about.
stop trolling

the subject is 'Its Not YOUR Decision If I 'NEED' An AR-15'. Washibgton Gov Signs Constitution-Violating Bill Into Law

The State of Washington has decided.
You stop trolling!
And NO, the "State of Washington" didn't decide. The slight majority of Democrats that dominate our Legislature passed a Bill and the Democrat governor signed it.
Not every voter and citizen in this state supports that and will likely turn the tables after the next elections.
This is the same idiot Left-wing lunatic governor whom shutdown our economy for two years, destroying much of it with his abuse of "Emergency Powers" and biased decision of who was essential (Guv'mint workers and BIG industry) and whom was non-essential, small businesses and most of those employed in wealth creating private sector. Classic fascist actions from a parasitic, wealth stealing Leftist whom has only personal greed and ambition as his operating 'principles'.
You stop trolling!
And NO, the "State of Washington" didn't decide. The slight majority of Democrats that dominate our Legislature passed a Bill and the Democrat governor signed it.
Not every voter and citizen in this state supports that and will likely turn the tables after the next elections.
This is the same idiot Left-wing lunatic governor whom shutdown our economy for two years, destroying much of it with his abuse of "Emergency Powers" and biased decision of who was essential (Guv'mint workers and BIG industry) and whom was non-essential, small businesses and most of those employed in wealth creating private sector. Classic fascist actions from a parasitic, wealth stealing Leftist whom has only personal greed and ambition as his operating 'principles'.
This latest gaffe by Inslee will likely be overturned as the nearly identical law in IL has been suspended. Also, let us not forget that the moron in charge of WA sent covid infected patients 250 miles away to Spokane, where there previously had been no covid, in order "to test an infectious diseases unit" at a hospital there. I hope you are right and these democrat assholes are shown the door in subsequent elections---but that hope is slight. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell are two more morons who need to be put out to pasture with the rest of the cows.
Another ignorant retort. Your own example illustrates the 2@ refers to a well regulated militia. The 2@ starts off with REGULATIONS of your right to bear arms. Hilarious.
You are the ignorant one.

In language usage of 250 years ago when the Constitution and Bill of Right s were written, that "well regulated" refers to the drill and movement of a formation of musket armed men that was used by trained military, and militias, to provide accurate fire in sequence by the ranks. It was via training in march and drill, and regulated sequencing of fire (and reloading), that the "militia" of the colonists matched the trained military of the King and his hired mercenaries. BTW, the firearms of the colonists revolutionaries were same and contemporary military firearms as used by the oppressors operating for the King of England, and that parity of weapons/"arms"is what the Second Amendment was written to assure.
This latest gaffe by Inslee will likely be overturned as the nearly identical law in IL has been suspended. Also, let us not forget that the moron in charge of WA sent covid infected patients 250 miles away to Spokane, where there previously had been no covid, in order "to test an infectious diseases unit" at a hospital there. I hope you are right and these democrat assholes are shown the door in subsequent elections---but that hope is slight. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell are two more morons who need to be put out to pasture with the rest of the cows.
Thanks and agreed.
Major reason I'm active with the local opposition party, the Republicans. Had those whom voted our cause in past election bothered to vote in the recent ones, we wouldn't be in this disasterous situation. We are working to rectify that.
You stop trolling!
And NO, the "State of Washington" didn't decide. The slight majority of Democrats that dominate our Legislature passed a Bill and the Democrat governor signed it.
Not every voter and citizen in this state supports that and will likely turn the tables after the next elections.
This is the same idiot Left-wing lunatic governor whom shutdown our economy for two years, destroying much of it with his abuse of "Emergency Powers" and biased decision of who was essential (Guv'mint workers and BIG industry) and whom was non-essential, small businesses and most of those employed in wealth creating private sector. Classic fascist actions from a parasitic, wealth stealing Leftist whom has only personal greed and ambition as his operating 'principles'.
Triggered :p
The elected officials have decided :p
This right is conditional on your participation in a well regulated militia maintaining the security of the state. You are not doing so, therefore you have no such right.
The USSC discarded your argument 2 decades ago.
One day we will eliminate the Second Amendment as should have been done when mass produced guns, ammo and the repeater mechanism were developed
Until them its there, it means something you don't like, and you do not get to ignore it.
The 2nd Amendment has allowed millions of guns in the hands of private owners.
This can only be true if you can demonstrate these guns are in the hands of private individuals because laws which would have prevented these guns from being in the hands of those private citizens was overturned on 2nd Amendment grounds.
Something you cannot do.
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Far more people are shot in suicides and crimes of passion between people who know each other, than are crimes stopped with guns.
Demonstrate this to be true.
And then, given the fact the right to keep and bear arms is not subject to a means-end test, demonstrate its relevance.
Why do we not have a Constitutional right to own knives or swords or spears or poisons? Why is the 2nd Amendment the only civil right that involves a device and not human behavior?
The people who ratified the 2nd understood that, sometimes, people, individually or collectively, need to kill other people.
This is most easily done with weapons, especailly weapons such as firearms.
I'll do my best.
If the government has any controls whatsoever concerning privately-owned firearms I think they should exercise it to the maximum extent. I would first support banning all handguns and we could move on from there.
The people who wrote and ratified the 2nd Amendment had people such as you in mind while doing so.
Thus: The 2nd Amendment is working as intended.

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