'Its Not YOUR Decision If I 'NEED' An AR-15'. Washibgton Gov Signs Constitution-Violating Bill Into Law

How would you know ? You’re illiterate. From the constitution to this day, ALL arms have been regulated. The 2@ was written to satisfy our NEED for a well regulated militia. Read the first phrase. It tells you everything you need to know what the 2@ applies to. ONLY an illiterate idiot would take one phrase out of context in any statement and pretend that is the full meaning of any amendment, let alone the 2@.
Read the first phrase. It tells you everything you need to know what the 2@ applies to.

NO, it doesn't.
ONLY an illiterate idiot would take one phrase out of context in any statement and pretend that is the full meaning of any amendment, let alone the 2@.

are you calling yourself an illiterate idiot?

Because that's what you just did in the first quote.
NO, it doesn't.

are you calling yourself an illiterate idiot?

Because that's what you just did in the first quote.
So you don’t even know what the first phrase says, do you ? You can’t read. Amazing.
So you don’t even know what the first phrase says, do you ? You can’t read. Amazing

I'm not about to take advice from a self proclaimed 'illiterate idiot'

Which you proved yourself to be when you ignore all but the first phrase in the Second.
I'm not about to take advice from a self proclaimed 'illiterate idiot'

Which you proved yourself to be when you ignore all but the first phrase in the Second.
My advice is, learn to read. There are several phrases illiterate, the first is the subjective “clause”. Look that up. English 101.
I’ll help you illiterate.
“The subjective case (also called the "nominative case") is the first case that language learners tackle. It is the version of the word that appears in the dictionary. It is the version of the word for the subject of your sentence. In other words, it's the main case.”
So, dufus, we have a winner, the “well regulated militia.“
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My advice is, learn to read. There are several phrases illiterate, the first is the subjective “clause”. Look that up. English 101.
I’ll help you illiterate.
“The subjective case (also called the "nominative case") is the first case that language learners tackle. It is the version of the word that appears in the dictionary. It is the version of the word for the subject of your sentence. In other words, it's the main case.”
So, dufus, we have a winner, the “well regulated militia.“
I suggest you practice what you preach., illiterate buffoon.
the RIGHT was NOT given to the Militia.

It was given to the PEOPLE.

That is clearly stated.

and there is NOTHING in the Amendment stating one needs to belong to a militia in order to keep and bear arms.

were you born stupid, or did you work at it?
I suggest you practice what you preach., illiterate buffoon.
the RIGHT was NOT given to the Militia.

It was given to the PEOPLE.

That is clearly stated.

and there is NOTHING in the Amendment stating one needs to belong to a militia in order to keep and bear arms.

were you born stupid, or did you work at it?
The right was given to the people not persons to be part of well regulated militia. Tell us illiterate, what the subjective clause is ? We the people, not person, is collective in the preamble.
How would you know ? You’re illiterate. From the constitution to this day, ALL arms have been regulated. The 2@ was written to satisfy our NEED for a well regulated militia. Read the first phrase. It tells you everything you need to know what the 2@ applies to. ONLY an illiterate idiot would take one phrase out of context in any statement and pretend that is the full meaning of any amendment, let alone the 2@.
The Supreme Court disagrees with you .. much better versed, professional and educated in legislation / law than you, who clearly stated it's an individual right without the need for a militia.
The right was given to the people not persons to be part of well regulated militia. Tell us illiterate, what the subjective clause is ? We the people, not person, is collective in the preamble.
The text of the Second Amendment doesn't contain a subjective clause. Subjective clauses typically begin with question words or whether or that. The subject of the Second Amendment is: the right of the people to keep and bear arms, and provides additional context that it shall not be infringed.
The right was given to the people not persons to be part of well regulated militia. Tell us illiterate, what the subjective clause is ? We the people, not person, is collective in the preamble.
Why would "The People" have a different meaning in the 2nd Amendment than any other amendment?
The text of the Second Amendment doesn't contain a subjective clause. Subjective clauses typically begin with question words or whether or that. The subject of the Second Amendment is: the right of the people to keep and bear arms, and provides additional context that it shall not be infringed.
Foolish, all the other amendments are interpreted using correct English. You're now saying that the 2@ has nothing to do with a well regulated militia even though it begins with the subjective clause “A well regulated militia being necessary ....” ? That’s ignorant.
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Imposing is in the Democrat job description; didn't you know that?

"You don't need arms."

"You don't need gas-burning automobiles."

"You don't need meat."

"You don't need gas stoves."

They get paid . . . er . . . elected for their impositions. It's their job.

Come on, Man. Get with the times.
And 'You don't need an abortion '........oh...

Can I suggest 'thinking cap'
The Supreme Court disagrees with you .. much better versed, professional and educated in legislation / law than you, who clearly stated it's an individual right without the need for a militia.
And they went in to say, that right IS NOT UNLIMITED. They are not absolute and are exercised ONLY by those who qualify. Name of one square inch of territory in the United States that does not regulate FIREARMS dufus.
The right was given to the people not persons to be part of well regulated militia. Tell us illiterate, what the subjective clause is ? We the people, not person, is collective in the preamble.
We the people, not person, is collective in the preamble.
It may be collective in the preamble, but its an individual right in the 2nd.
or did you ignore the link from Cornell Law I posted the other day? Second Amendment

and if you don't like them, try these.

You can parse the Amendment all you want, it doesn't change the fact that the FF gave the right to the People.

stop being a troll.
You can parse the Amendment all you want, it doesn't change the fact that the FF gave the right to the People.
Of course it gave the right to the people to form and be part of a well regulated militia, and I would argue, an OBLIGATION…. but not to every person. That’s ignorant. A felon serving time has lost most of his rights. An 8 year old has yet to attain all his rights. Go ahead and openly threaten people of consequence, and you will lose some of yours. It’s idiotic to keep repeating made up shit that reinforces how ignorant gun a holics are.
Foolish, all the other amendments are interpreted using correct English. You're now saying that the 2@ has nothing to do with a well regulated militia even though it begins with the subjective clause “A well regulated militia being necessary ....” ? That’s ignorant.
The Supreme Court agrees with me .. the individual right doesn't rely on a militia.

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