It's Official: Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Name Of Whistleblower

Who ever he is he should be given the highest of honors for coming forward and exposing more unethical, and unpatriotic behavior from this the "so called" President.
Who ever he is he should be given the highest of honors for coming forward and exposing more unethical, and unpatriotic behavior from this the "so called" President.
Really you want to reward this blatantly partisan behavior? You want to encourage what has been going on for the last 3 years be the norm going forward for every President?
Who ever he is he should be given the highest of honors for coming forward and exposing more unethical, and unpatriotic behavior from this the "so called" President.
He is a pathological liar just like his buddy Schiff..
Eric is the kind of little teabag the feminists have been producing for the last 30 years.....

And it's all who we expected. Now it's time to ridicule this anti-American with impunity.

KA BOOM! Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Name Of Whistleblower

What a ball less chicken shit.

Throws out a name with no evidence knowing the guys life will be in danger while he hides behind the secret service.
Oh fuck, boohoo, maybe the proceeds from the new book "anonymous" can fund security?

you are just one more piece of shit that puts party before country.
And it's all who we expected. Now it's time to ridicule this anti-American with impunity.

KA BOOM! Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Name Of Whistleblower admit that harassment is the purpose to exposing the whistleblower's name.

He was accused of being a leaker with no evidence 2 years ago and had to quit his job with the NSC due to death threats.
That is what these pieces of shit are hoping for, that someone will kill this guy so they can all celebrate

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