It's Official: Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Name Of Whistleblower

And it's all who we expected. Now it's time to ridicule this anti-American with impunity.

KA BOOM! Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Name Of Whistleblower

What a ball less chicken shit.

Throws out a name with no evidence knowing the guys life will be in danger while he hides behind the secret service.
Lol his life!? You retarted a all know trump and his family is unfree attack my gov officials lol and you add to it lol

What is an “unfree” attack?

and why do you have Gov officials?
Under attack* and he’s was spies on by gov officials
And it's all who we expected. Now it's time to ridicule this anti-American with impunity.

KA BOOM! Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Name Of Whistleblower

What a ball less chicken shit.

Throws out a name with no evidence knowing the guys life will be in danger while he hides behind the secret service.
Lol his life!? You retarted a all know trump and his family is unfree attack my gov officials lol and you add to it lol

What is an “unfree” attack?

and why do you have Gov officials?
Under attack* and he’s was spies on by gov officials

he was “spies” on? :21::21::21:
Trumpybear has been caught trying to extort a purely partisan political favor from a foreign nation using US aid as leverage.

Can you please provide the link to President Trump's video-taped confession of his doing so?

Here's Biden's:

That was Joe bragging about his effectiveness at carrying out the bipartisan USA foreign policy agenda in the Ukraine. Unlike ol'Trumpybear, who had to try to achieve his nefarious goal through secret back channels away from the foreign service professionals because they would know it was a crime. But like all criminals, he is arrogant and didn't think he could get caught.

Republicans should start asking Trumpybear to resign and then try to regain control of the party it has become. The integrity challenged Trumpublicans.

Riddle me this: If the first prosecutor (Shokin) was fired for not investigating Burisma, even though he was investigating Burisma. Then the second prosecutor, (Lutsenko) closes the investigation without finding any wrongdoing by Burisma, which prosecutor was better?

Was the $83,000 a month paid to Hunter Biden perfectly fine? No corruption here? The Soros organization is not involved in Burisma at all?! Trump committed no crime, looking into obvious corruption, and Biden did a QPQ by getting Shokin fired, and bragging about it on video.

Okay Joker, the only reason to withhold aid and demand a public announcement of an investigation into political rivals for it's release, is to get it as a talking point, into the kangaroo court of public opinion. Bribery is one of the few named impeachable offenses in the Constitution.

He should make a deal with Pence for a pardon, like Nixon got.
Breaking Update!

Drudge Report now has the story up. The Whistleblower can't escape now!


How long till one of you freaks tries to kill him?

You idiots really need to STFU. Here’s a simple solution even a baby like you can understand, maybe. You don’t want to face consequences, don’t participate in a blatant lie designed to attempt to overturn a fair election. Poor baby, if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Who ever he is he should be given the highest of honors for coming forward and exposing more unethical, and unpatriotic behavior from this the "so called" President.
did you say that for Edward Snowden?

Sort of, releasing classified data like that was unethical and unpatriotic of Snowden. Is that what you mean?
The asshole is not a "whistle blower". He is a filthy Democrat dirty tricks operative.
You idiots really need to STFU.

Why? Has ol'Trumpybear declared martial law and suspended the constitution?

You don’t want to face consequences, don’t participate in a blatant lie

Exactly what I would tell all those Trumpybear appointees he has directed to ignore Congressional subpoenas. Lets have the whistle blower and all those subpoenaed witnesses testify.
Okay Joker, the only reason to withhold aid and demand a public announcement of an investigation into political rivals for it's release, is to get it as a talking point, into the kangaroo court of public opinion. Bribery is one of the few named impeachable offenses in the Constitution

There is existing legislation that provides a requirement to ensure nations that will receive military aid from the US is not engaging in activity that is against our national security, such as working with Democrats in 2016 to interfere in and alter our Presidential election...

...but YOU believe that no such assurance needs to be made, that we should give military aid to those who even interfere in our elections and seek to affect/ harm our national security. (That would explain Obama arming, financing, supplying, defending, and aiding terrorists his entire 8 years in office - culminating in pimping out our military to Al Qaeda in Libya...)

I thought you snowflakes were all about protecting our elections and preventing foreign entities from interfering in our affairs....well, except when Barry allowed Putin to do so for 2 years...and when Hillary bought Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a foreign spy working for Comey's FBI...and when Democrats collaborated with corrupt Ukraine officials to get dirt on Trump to help them control the results of the 2016 election....?!

I agree - Bribery IS an Impeachable offense...but you have no evidence President Trump did so while you continue to ignore Biden's video-taped extortion confession.....

Can you provide the link to President TRUMP's video-taped extortion admission?

Exactly what I would tell all those Trumpybear appointees he has directed to ignore Congressional subpoenas. Lets have the whistle blower and all those subpoenaed witnesses testify.
You are seriously tempting to fault individuals for NOT complying with a subpoena demanding they appear a non-transparent, closed-door, DNC-ONLY inquisition in which the accused, his lawyer, and the GOP were not allowed to attend, not allowed to cross-examine, not allowed to call witnesses, and not allowed to face their accuser, run by a proven liar and admitted classified leaker who has been compromised by a Russian-Born arms dealer who did business with corrupt Ukrainian officials?

Sort of, releasing classified data like that was unethical and unpatriotic of Snowden. Is that what you mean?
The same Democrats admittedly leaking like a screen door on a submarine are the same Democrats who wanted Snowden locked in GITMO or put to death for his leaking, are the same Democrats who are taking Roger Stone to trail for possible ties to Wikileaks leaks that revealed embarrassing information about Democrats, and are the same ones who screamed and cried about hacked and leaked DNC e-mails that exposed both racist / sexist / homophobic / anti-Semitic content in their content AND the fact that Democrats rigged their 2016 primaries to ensure Hillary won....

Democrats squeal like stuck pigs when THEY are the target of leaks...but have no problem leaking like sieves to further / bolster their coup attempts.
Hillary will have him suicided and try to frame Trump. THIS will be where lib loons spend their energies for next 6 years.

Dems and parroting snowflakes will no doubt try to paint this as 'treason' despite the Whistle Blower act making it perfectly clear the only protection a REAL 'Whistle Blower' is afforded is protection from being FIRED from their current job, NOT ANONYMITY!
It gets better. Here's the latest of the libs melting down on Twitter.

Media Triggered After Don Jr. Tweets About Alleged 'Whistleblower' Whose Name Has Been Public for Weeks
Who ever he is he should be given the highest of honors for coming forward and exposing more unethical, and unpatriotic behavior from this the "so called" President.
did you say that for Edward Snowden?

Sort of, releasing classified data like that was unethical and unpatriotic of Snowden. Is that what you mean?
classified how? it wasn't classified at all. nothing security risk at all for our country. transcript is available.
Trumpybear has been caught trying to extort a purely partisan political favor from a foreign nation using US aid as leverage.

Can you please provide the link to President Trump's video-taped confession of his doing so?

Here's Biden's:

That was Joe bragging about his effectiveness at carrying out the bipartisan USA foreign policy agenda in the Ukraine. Unlike ol'Trumpybear, who had to try to achieve his nefarious goal through secret back channels away from the foreign service professionals because they would know it was a crime. But like all criminals, he is arrogant and didn't think he could get caught.

Republicans should start asking Trumpybear to resign and then try to regain control of the party it has become. The integrity challenged Trumpublicans.

Riddle me this: If the first prosecutor (Shokin) was fired for not investigating Burisma, even though he was investigating Burisma. Then the second prosecutor, (Lutsenko) closes the investigation without finding any wrongdoing by Burisma, which prosecutor was better?

Was the $83,000 a month paid to Hunter Biden perfectly fine? No corruption here? The Soros organization is not involved in Burisma at all?! Trump committed no crime, looking into obvious corruption, and Biden did a QPQ by getting Shokin fired, and bragging about it on video.

Okay Joker, the only reason to withhold aid and demand a public announcement of an investigation into political rivals for it's release, is to get it as a talking point, into the kangaroo court of public opinion. Bribery is one of the few named impeachable offenses in the Constitution.

He should make a deal with Pence for a pardon, like Nixon got.

I don't think you know how bribery works.
Bribery is like emoluments in that foreign money is given to the president (or VP) of the US to do or not do something, that's a crime.
Foreign Aid by the US is bribery, as defined by Mulvaney, as the strings attached to the money, either environmental, or political, or military, etc. That's not a crime, its politics.
You are seriously tempting to fault individuals for NOT complying with a subpoena demanding they appear a non-transparent, closed-door, DNC-ONLY inquisition

The Congressional investigations into Trumpybear are being held under the same rules that the Republicans used when investigating Obama. Republicans on the committees have a seat at the table and access to the witnesses to ask relevant questions. Trumpybear has no seat at the investigation table. Nixon didn't have a seat or a say in Archibald Cox's investigation, nor did Clinton have a seat or say in Ken Starr's investigation.
Who ever he is he should be given the highest of honors for coming forward and exposing more unethical, and unpatriotic behavior from this the "so called" President.
did you say that for Edward Snowden?

Sort of, releasing classified data like that was unethical and unpatriotic of Snowden. Is that what you mean?
classified how? it wasn't classified at all. nothing security risk at all for our country. transcript is available.

Snowden didn't leak classified data?

This is everything Edward Snowden revealed in one year of unprecedented top-secret leaks

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