It's Official: Legendary American Patriotic Journalist Tucker Carlson Has Just Interviewed Vladimir Putin

Funny watching Conservative responses to every issue

Hunter Biden

Conservatives used to be the party of intellectuals. Now they resort to playground taunts

That's called playing down to the competition.
TheGreatSatan said:
If I had to choose, I'd rather hang out with Russians then Pedocrats.
Democrats = party of pedophiles

DukeU said:
You two can choose not to eat, drink, drive, or partake of American freedoms. You can fantasize about how Dems are all pedos, or whatever other shit is scrambling up your brain cells. All you need do is move to Russia and die an early death of alcohol poisoning … like most other Russian men! The U.S. doesn’t stop anyone from leaving, unlike the Russian government.

Meanwhile, those Russians who appreciate freedom, those with at least two working brain cells … are trying their best to get out and make it to the West, especially if they are conscription age.
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It is not difficult to attack many people and things, but it is impossible to defend Putin. American admiration for this sociopath is like those who admired Hitler in the thirties. It is generous to call it "misguided".

Photos of Trump's closed-door meeting with Russian ...​

CBS News › CBS Evening News

May 11, 2017 — They drew attention because no American press attended and they show Trump meeting Sergey Kislyak -- a key figure in FBI's Russia probe.


Mr. C. should be ashamed of himself for even being in the same room with that individual.

That individual has been butchering tens of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian boys for two years.

Not to mention the suffering of civilians (and animals).

Did Mr. C. actually shake hands with him, too?
Compared to who?

Biden supports Ukraine after they were attacked, and since Biden is a democrat, you (for some strange reason) suddenly like Putin? Thats lame as all get out.

Biden fucking sucks and so does Ukraine.... but Putin fucking sucks too. Youd have to be a person blinded by politics in order to not recognize that Putin is an awful human being and a mortal enemy of the USA. Its a level of weakness i am not going to condone with my fellow conservatives. I hate it when i hear a democrat blast republicans for liking Putin all of a sudden. They are right about that criticism and its embarrassing as fuck.
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Can't wait till the interview airs. I wonder if YouTube will try to censor the interview? This interview will be viewed by millions upon millions to see what Putin has to say about Americans waisting their taxpayer dollars on a Jewish grifter named Volodymyr Zelenskyy.


Makes me think many of these talk show hosts are just phonies. Do they really believe what they preach on the air or is this all just for the money and show business? He jumps from being a conservative talk show host on Fox to the complete opposite. I pretty much lost all respect for him.
Can't wait till the interview airs. I wonder if YouTube will try to censor the interview? This interview will be viewed by millions upon millions to see what Putin has to say about Americans waisting their taxpayer dollars on a Jewish grifter named Volodymyr Zelenskyy.



But Tucker is RACIST!

Tucker is a misogynist homophobic transphobic islamaphobic xenophobic racist!

Who? Oh... yeah... THAT loser... the one who even Fox $hitcanned, right? Yawn....
Canadian, you are going to be shocked, but Tucker is nothing but a shill for Kremlin and #1 Putin appologist.

He enjoys having his mug on Russian TV primitime as one of few high profile usefull American idiots.

Trump isnt Putin’s #1 pal?

They stole 2016 from Hillary.
Why cant Tucker interview Putin, exactly?

You can always not watch the interview if you are afraid you will succumb to Russian propaganda because you are so mentally weak?

I mean, you guys are already Extreme Biden Cult Fucks, so you are very suceptible to lies.

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