It's Official: Legendary American Patriotic Journalist Tucker Carlson Has Just Interviewed Vladimir Putin

Tucker opposed lies and seeks the truth. If the truth happens to side with Russia on a few issues, then maybe we should examine the lies we are being fed, and less on vilifying people or claiming they are “shills for Putin”.
Tucker got fired from Fox because he repeated crazy shit on air that cost Fox nine figures in damages.
Those who ask to be shown a better “journalist” than Tucker Carlson are exactly the same people who say “Show me a better, stronger leader than Donald Trump.”

Tucker is not a journalist at all. He is a paid performer presenting a political “show,” a demagogue and manipulator, and just like Trump he knows his personal success depends entirely on how well he performs and entertains his audience, poisoning their minds and encouraging their paranoia at the same time.

Tucker is much better at what he does than most liberal news presenters. He like Trump plays to his audience perfectly. He is a master of knowing when to attack, mock, and when to just ask “innocent” but really obviously misleading “questions,” when to suggest possible “conspiracies,” and when to provide cover for our tragically weakening Republic’s worst enemies.
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Those who ask to be shown a better “journalist” than Tucker Carlson are exactly the same people who say “Show me a better, stronger leader than Donald Trump.”

Tucker is not a journalist at all. He is a paid performer presenting a political “show,” a demagogue and manipulator, and just like Trump he knows personal (and of course financial) success depends on how well he performs and entertains his audience.

Tucker is much better at what he does than most liberals. He like Trump plays to his audience perfectly. He is a master of knowing when to attack, mock, and when to just ask “innocent” but really obviously misleading “questions,” when to suggest possible “conspiracies,” and when to provide cover for our tragically weakening Republic’s worst enemies.
Tucker has done journalism for many agencies since college, even as an editor.
Putin doesn't put up with homosexuals. I think he shut down homosexual bars a few months ago.
He sees what they have done to democrats.

Now they perform in drag for children and put porn in school libraries.

0 children have received sex changes under Putin. He is far better than any democrat.

I would argue Putin is a better American than the WEF sellouts called democrats today.
Yep. And they've really come out of the closet for dictators. They're not even trying to hide it now.

The amount of shit they have to ignore about Putin is even worse than the amount of shit they have to ignore about Trump.

That's how fucked up their thought processes are right now. That's how manipulated they are.
Look at Putin's defenders in the HOR like Johnson who are ready, willing & able to cut military aid to Ukraine, probably at Trump's urging. Soon they're going to run out of excuses to justify it like they're doing now & that will be it. They'll just cut them off. Trump can't exact his revenge on Zelensky, so he's got Johnson & his other lackeys in the HOR doing it for him.

McCarthy is actually looking good compared to "god lover" Johnson.
Look at Putin's defenders in the HOR like Johnson who are ready, willing & able to cut military aid to Ukraine, probably at Trump's urging. Soon they're going to run out of excuses to justify it like they're doing now & that will be it. They'll just cut them off. Trump can't exact his revenge on Zelensky, so he's got Johnson & his other lackeys in the HOR doing it for him.

McCarthy is actually looking good compared to "god lover" Johnson.
Ukraine is a scam.

Democrats blocked migs from Poland and a peace deal. Both cost 1000s of Ukrainian deaths.

WEF/Democrats don't care about Ukraine. Their aim is to weaken America.
Tucker is not a journalist at all. He is a paid performer presenting a political “show,” a demagogue and manipulator, and just like Trump he knows his personal success depends entirely on how well he performs and entertains his audience, poisoning their minds and encouraging their paranoia at the same time.
Absolutely true. However...

Beginning with the day Limbaugh went national, these people have been manipulated to equate "stuff I agree with", with "the truth". Or facts. I don't think most of them realize that they're only getting one inflated side of the story, with the other side either ignored or flagrantly distorted. They question nothing that people like Carlson say, not even for a moment.

So, in their minds, Carlson is "reporting" the "truth", facts, and therefore "news". Journalism. So is Alex Jones. So is Sean Hannity and the rest. The alternate universe.

This is "the news" to them. The implications aren't just profound, they're playing out right in front of us.
I Don't like Roy Moore.

You like wiener and podesta.

Do you buy pizza by the hour like Podesta the molesta?
John Podesta thing is pure conspiracy theory, and Podesta was never elected, only a staff member or consultant.

Anythony Weiner was disowned by the party as soon as his shit was known.
John Podesta thing is pure conspiracy theory, and Podesta was never elected, only a staff member or consultant.

Anythony Weiner was disowned by the party as soon as his shit was known.
Podesta is the new climate guy. And he buys pizza by the hour... wierd...

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