It's official: Russiagate is this generation's WMD

Who got hurt most in the Mueller investigation?

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The option of 'One can remain a partisan fool, or face the fact of systemic failure' would be apreciated


It's official: Russiagate is this generation's WMD


So what do you think? Who got hurt the most in this Mueller investigation?

President Trump?
President Trump's family?
The Republicans?
The Democrats?
All the people sucked into the investigation?
The Media?
The American people?
None of the above?
Or none of the options fit so I'll explain it in my post:

To answer the questions I pose here, I will say that the Mueller investigation, whether it was right or wrong in the first place, and regardless of the outcome, has been a hurtful process for pretty much everybody. Some by their own doing. And some almost certainly inadvertently and innocently. And the two Americans who may have committed actual crimes, all but one of those crimes have absolutely nothing to do with President Trump and/or his campaign.

And re the one that might possibly involve the president, i.e. alleged illegal use of campaign funds, Michael Cohen is on the record in a highly public congressional hearing, that he did this at his own volition and not at the request or order of the President. And he said this after a very impassioned statement berating the President in very harsh terms and that he owed no loyalty to the President.

Meanwhile, President Trump was harmed grievously by the Mueller investigation via the nonstop dishonest press mischaracterizing, misstating, and extrapolating it into totally dishonest images repeating and Trump haters via talking heads on television, in social media, on message boards repeating that over and over until he was less effective getting his message out and/or getting the truth to the American people. Evenso, he has managed to accomplish a great many good things in his first two years in offfice.

President Trump's family has been maliciously, dishonestly, and hatefully accused in the same way and have managed to retain a good deal off dignity and grace in spite of it. But if you think this has not been destructive and hurtful for them, you have no heart and no common sense.

The Republicans have been hurt, mostly because of their own fecklessness and decisions to not support the damaged President, mostly in the House where principles and integrity were dismissed in favor of misguided political expediency. And I personally believe it was THAT which cost them their majority in the House. It could have happened in the Senate too, but the American people knew how critical it is for the President to have the Senate to get his appointments through.

The Democrats have been hurt by throwing their principles and integrity out the window and showing how politically and personally motivated they really are, and how much they care about power and revenge while caring not at all for the welfare of the country and the American people.

The Americans sucked into the investigation had their names and reputations dragged through the mud, were destroyed financially, and will never have their normal lives back. And with the exception of maybe two, none of them committed any real crime.

The Media that threw journalism, principles, integrity, honesty, and ethics out the window in their zeal to destroy a sitting President of the United States. Maybe the OP is right that they have metaphorically castrated themselves, but alas, some will continue to play to those who don't CARE whether it is fake news so long as it is something they want to believe.

The American people who have been subjected to so much distortion, so many lies, so much dishonesty by the media that so misrepresented the truth of pretty much everything as well as divide the country into warring factions denied so much information about the good that is happening and the what still needs to be done. For this the blame rests squarely on those in the MSM, the left, and social media/message boards that used the Mueller investigation to reinforce their hateful vitriol.

And will everybody now set all this aside and attempt to restore some sense of normalcy, honesty, and integrity to the process?

Apparent not a chance.
Hard for me to believe that the American people are going to sit by and let the Demon-crats go any further with the witch Hunt. I mean you are flat out kidding me right ?

Who authorizes the money to fund such idiocy ??? If they attempt to tap the taxpayers coffers any more, then it should be stopped in it's tracks. Nadler is a political hack with an agenda that shouldn't be allowed to get any traction at all.

Counter investigations in order to get justice for this farce or coup should be the only thing going forward now. Talk about petulant children these Demon-crats are. Good grief.

We the taxpayers fund such idiocy of course. And we the taxpayers voted in a Democrat majority in the House of Representatives who can do pretty much anything they want with 100% impunity. And they elected or re-elected a whole bunch of radicals who, IMO, are more than happy to keep the witch hunt alive and well until a Democrat is returned to the White House.
As I said. Haters are going to hate however vague, obfusicating, malicious, irresponsible, or dishonest they are. Have a great afternoon.

How is calling someone who hasn't been charged with a crime a criminal who should be in jail, not malicious, dishonest or hateful? How about commenting on a woman looks? Was "Who could vote for a face like that?" not malicious or hateful?

And that relates to the OP how?

It was in response to your statement ".. hateful accusation with no proof are wrong. They are evil ...."

Personal insults are not cool and I will not appreciate them in any case regardless of whether they are or are not warranted, but telling an ugly woman that she is ugly is unkind and hurtful, but may not necessarily be untrue.

But that has nothing to do with the OP or anything I have posted. So I would very much appreciate you focusing on the OP and not bringing in a lot of red herrings and straw men. Okay?

I agree personal insults are not cool. I have only responded to what you have posted.

IMO, it is not like the presses response to the call to war by President Bush.

Please read Post #33
It's all over this forum. Democrat partisans admitting that the Russia hysteria was all just payback for bengazi and the Clinton impeachment.
Saddam did not reconstitute his WMD program. Russia did interfere with our election and helped the Trump side. Trumps ties to Russia and his and his campaigns lies about those ties made the investigation warranted.

The GOP are masters of spin. Many times during the many fruitless investigations of Obama, they would release their spin before the facts were known. Nearly always, the spin never matched the facts.

“At this point, what difference does it make?” Does that make you feel better?
It's all over this forum. Democrat partisans admitting that the Russia hysteria was all just payback for bengazi and the Clinton impeachment.

Then why didn't that payback happen during the Bush 43 Administration immediately following the Clinton impeachment?

Right or wrong--I personally think it never should have happened--the Clinton impeachment at least was for real verifiable crimes AFTER THE INVESTIGATION WAS COMPLETED and that was 21 years ago. The Republicans were certainly not indicating any intention to impeach President Clinton before there was absolute evidence of a crime. That hasn't been the case with the Democrats and President Trump.

And Benghazi involved the death of four Americans, serious injuries to three more, and a Secretary of State who flippantly said in her congressional hearing on the subject re why it happened: "What difference at this point does it make?" But given her, the President's, and the U.N. Ambassador's deliberately erroneous statements re the nature of the attack and how they could not have foreseen it because it was triggered by an offensive video--all proved to be lies that they KNEW were lies--an investigation was warranted to determine if the U.S. government was in any way negligent in those deaths and injuries. Republicans, however, were not going before the cameras again and again citing that the President committed impeachable offenses or filing articles of impeachment in Congress as the Democrats have done re President Trump.

Having said that. . .

A lot of those leftists on this forum do belong to the school of payback. The problem is, if Republicans choose to act as badly as they say Democrats act or Democrats choose to behave as badly as they say Republicans act, all we are ever going to have in our elected leaders is bad behavior. And everybody gets hurt, most importantly the American people because everybody is trying to one up or discredit everybody else and nobody is doing the people's business that they were elected to do.

Hate, retaliation, punishment, retribution, and a dishonest, irresponsible, and unethical media all too willing to perpetuate it really is this generation's WMD. And we should ALL be condemning that as much as WMD being in the hands of a crazy dictator intent on doing evil.
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Can't help but think about how the Democrats were calling for harassment against republicans per Maxine Waters in one instance........ Maxine Waters Tells Supporters to Confront Trump ... them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.

This led to situations where for example - Sarah Huccabee and her family were told they would not be served in a restaurant ??

All this hate drummed up off of lies and inuendo that could extend as far back as the "fundemental transformation of the country" or Wright's chickens have come home to roost bullcrap.

Alot of the fuel was coming from groups with a long term agenda or had an axe to grind.
The WMD "scandal" was manufactured by the media with the cooperation of the CIA. Bill Clinton claimed that there were WMD's in Iraq but in the original authorization (which 36% of democrats signed) to use the U.S. Military to enforce U.N. sanctions WMD's were at the bottom of the page. George Bush gave Saddam a year to comply with U.N. sanctions or face military action and after the conflict Iran became a nuclear threat. Do the freaking math. Later on the CIA tried ludicrous tactic of trying to pin the "outing" of socialite Valery Plame on the Bush administration which was a lie that a freaking kid could figure out. The former head of the CIA became a contributor to CNN spouting lies about "collusion" while the FBI was engaged in an attempted political coup. The post sounds like the idiot's guide to politics.

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