It's Official: Trump Backs McCarthy for Speaker, Tells Opponents to Stand Down: ‘I Think He Deserves the Shot’

So much underaged cock.... so little time....

He obviously has his reasons for this. What those reasons are I do not know.

His reasons? Because Trump is a north eastern liberal CINO/RINO, who gonna support other CINO's. This is what us fiscal conservatives have been trying to tell the Trumpbots for 6 years now.

McCarthy's liberty score..... 54%
Heritage Action score....... 59%

No actual conservative would supporting Trump or McCarthy. Only CINO's and RINO's support politicians like those two.
Your "president" is a pedophile.
Maybe... (not)... but at least he has the common sense and sufficient patriotism to step aside gracefully for the good of the Republic when his time was done.

By the way... Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is not "my president"... he was merely the only alternative to a sociopathic budding autocrat... the placeholder was elected.
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Maybe... (not)... but at least he has the common sense and sufficient patriotism to step aside gracefully for the good of the Republic when his time was done.

By the way... Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is not "my president"... he was merely the only alternative to a sociopathic budding autocrat... so a placeholder got elected.
Following the history of Joe, it is not so hard to see what kind of man he is. Insulated and protected his whole career while changing his views and agendas like a deep swamp chameleon. Purposely tanking our economy for power and money while impoverishing and hurting tens of millions of people. However, sex in all ways is becoming the legitimate law of the land.
Following the history of Joe, it is not so hard to see what kind of man he is. Insulated and protected his whole career while changing his views and agendas like a deep swamp chameleon. Purposely tanking our economy for power and money while impoverishing and hurting tens of millions of people. However, sex in all ways is becoming the legitimate law of the land.
I'm not a Joe fan. He was merely a convenient vehicle for getting Rump out of the Oval Office. Rump had to go. He was an unthinking foolhardy nightmare.

Oh, he talked a good game... and his Agenda is far better for America than the Democrat platform at present... it's just the the man himself was simply unfit.

You install somebody else in that Standard Bearer role... in effect, the Rump Agenda without Rump... someone who can actually execute... and you might win.
After your November 2022 "Red Tsunami"

I never had a red tsunami, but conditions certainly made it a possibility. That language was all started by the demtards so that after they stole elections in PA, GA and AZ, they could mock the GOP for "falling short." Then claim it was all Trump's fault.
His reasons? Because Trump is a north eastern liberal CINO/RINO, who gonna support other CINO's. This is what us fiscal conservatives have been trying to tell the Trumpbots for 6 years now.

McCarthy's liberty score..... 54%
Heritage Action score....... 59%

No actual conservative would supporting Trump or McCarthy. Only CINO's and RINO's support politicians like those two.

you forgot who's pulling the strings?
Well that sure settles the question of whether Trump will go for House Speaker or not.
he may see that as a demotion

On the other hand, it is often hard to figure out where Trump is coming from (or going). It's a tricky thing, playing your cards right, when you have this nasty Swamp running the "casino"
Meantime, 92% of Trump's midterm endorsements won.
the liberals think we are as dumb and uneducated as they are. They know this stat you give but think that WE don't... or maybe there are a few nitwits out there who will buy their BS. If there are not enough of those to swing the election.. Hey, there's always stealing ballots/elections!

and if that doesn't work

Hey, there's always importing voters from S. America!


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