It's on you, Trumpettes

He isn't a crappy candidate. He is exactly who I wanted which is why I voted for him in the primary!

You've proven my point. The fact that you supported him in the primary tells me he is a crappy candidate. He represents you
Trump speaks for the working man and woman,he sounds just like an every day American on the street. Not like some monotone typical politician that blows smoke up my ass.
Clinton admits to what she is. Johnson hides behind the libertarian label.

In fairness, Johnson wants to be a libertarian. He tries so hard

If you truly believe in something you shouldn't have to TRY!

Fortunately for him he's up against two of the most awful major party choices in history
Most disliked yes. I don't find Trump an awful choice. He sounds and acts like most Americans and has made it his job to destroy political correctness. He is inspiring unlike Clinton.

Well, that Trump is liked by a National Suppository's a nice thing for you. But it's not so convincing an argument to me
You are in the tiny minority so enjoy that! We have a chance to have someone that speaks for working men and women elected president so.
You've proven my point. The fact that you supported him in the primary tells me he is a crappy candidate. He represents you
Trump speaks for the working man and woman,he sounds just like an every day American on the street. Not like some monotone typical politician that blows smoke up my ass.
In fairness, Johnson wants to be a libertarian. He tries so hard

If you truly believe in something you shouldn't have to TRY!

Fortunately for him he's up against two of the most awful major party choices in history
Most disliked yes. I don't find Trump an awful choice. He sounds and acts like most Americans and has made it his job to destroy political correctness. He is inspiring unlike Clinton.

Well, that Trump is liked by a National Suppository's a nice thing for you. But it's not so convincing an argument to me
You are in the tiny minority so enjoy that! We have a chance to have someone that speaks for working men and women elected president so.

Not sure I'm seeing your Nazis as a big draw either
Trump speaks for the working man and woman,he sounds just like an every day American on the street. Not like some monotone typical politician that blows smoke up my ass.
If you truly believe in something you shouldn't have to TRY!

Fortunately for him he's up against two of the most awful major party choices in history
Most disliked yes. I don't find Trump an awful choice. He sounds and acts like most Americans and has made it his job to destroy political correctness. He is inspiring unlike Clinton.

Well, that Trump is liked by a National Suppository's a nice thing for you. But it's not so convincing an argument to me
You are in the tiny minority so enjoy that! We have a chance to have someone that speaks for working men and women elected president so.

Not sure I'm seeing your Nazis as a big draw either
Lol what "nazis"? I don't expect to take back my country via political means.
I've voted Republican once since 1988. I won't vote for Trump, and it's your fault, not mine. I am a free ... market ... capitalist. The fact that you nominated someone who isn't is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Suck it, bitches
This belongs in the rubber room. Why do you constantly share your butthurtness with others?

Businesses has no power to control foreign restrictions, fees requirements, etc. That can only be accomplished by trade negotiations, which means government. Nothing about free trade means you have to take it in the shorts. Stay home, play with yourself, vote for Jill Stein, whatever but please quit crying to the board that it didn't go your way.
Well, yes being a free trade supporter really does mean that you have to take it in the shorts if other nations can produce for cheaper than you can. One of the reasons that I really do not support free trade policies.

Yeah, it's awful being able to buy things more cheaply and for American companies to be able to compete against foreign competition. Who needs that?
Free trade is not free trade when the nations you are trading with rig the system. Free trade is not free trade when you make demands of companies that operate in our market that you do not make of from companies that import goods.

That is a fact. The simple statements you used do not apply to the real and complicated realities of international trade. There is a debate there of the benefits of free trade.

Free trade is something you do, not something someone else does. No foreign government can force our companies into a deal, your argument is ridiculous.

And even more so the idea that well their government's not letting their companies trade freely so that justifies our government controlling our businesses right to trade freely. Frankly you have no point at all. How does our government restricting the rights of our businesses make sense either economically or in terms of liberty? It doesn't. And they did it first is not a legitimate excuse for that
Sorry but your points are what is 'ridiculous' as you continue to ignore reality while relying on an ideal that does not exist. When the government of one nation delivers slave labor to a company and we outlaw slave labor that market is no longer 'free.' It is influenced by the government of the nation that delivers slave labor to the work force.

This silly ass constant need to demand that 'getting cheaper shit' is the sole effect of trade is asinine in the extreme. That is but one side of the market and ignores the full effects from trading with nations that manipulate currency, allow slave labor and have no regulation when we allow none of that at all.
I've voted Republican once since 1988. I won't vote for Trump, and it's your fault, not mine. I am a free ... market ... capitalist. The fact that you nominated someone who isn't is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Suck it, bitches

He is a place holder...the only one of the 16 who could actually beat the Clinton machine....he is a fighter.........if Hilary gets in what we believe will be over.....she will grant amnesty to illegal immigrants who will vote democrat......making it impossible for free market capitalism to will go single payer.....ruining our healthcare system......the 2nd amendment will be stripped clean to the bone.........and the Supreme Court will be lost forever...since only conservative justices follow legal precedent, the left wing decisions will be obeyed as legal precedent going forward.....

If you don't vote for against Hilary by voting Trump......otherwise being a free market capitalist will mean nothing......

4 years and he is out......if Hilary gets in the country is changed forever...

If Cruz were the candidate it would be over and the Republicans would be looking at picking up seats. That Trump was the "only one" is ridiculous. At least a third of them would have fared better than him
Fairly certain all of them would be doing better...
I've voted Republican once since 1988. I won't vote for Trump, and it's your fault, not mine. I am a free ... market ... capitalist. The fact that you nominated someone who isn't is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Suck it, bitches

Both Bushes, Dole, McCain, and Romney are as much free market capitalists as Trump.

What’s funny is you’re correct to not vote for Trump, but you’re not voting for him for the wrong reasons.


Just fucking wow.
I've voted Republican once since 1988. I won't vote for Trump, and it's your fault, not mine. I am a free ... market ... capitalist. The fact that you nominated someone who isn't is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Suck it, bitches
Sounds more like you're a liberal asshole. Suck on that!
I've voted Republican once since 1988. I won't vote for Trump, and it's your fault, not mine. I am a free ... market ... capitalist. The fact that you nominated someone who isn't is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Suck it, bitches

So who's fault is it for your acting like a regressive and not accepting personal responsibility for you own actions? You want to help the hildabitch, fine, but own it.
This belongs in the rubber room. Why do you constantly share your butthurtness with others?

Businesses has no power to control foreign restrictions, fees requirements, etc. That can only be accomplished by trade negotiations, which means government. Nothing about free trade means you have to take it in the shorts. Stay home, play with yourself, vote for Jill Stein, whatever but please quit crying to the board that it didn't go your way.
Well, yes being a free trade supporter really does mean that you have to take it in the shorts if other nations can produce for cheaper than you can. One of the reasons that I really do not support free trade policies.

Yeah, it's awful being able to buy things more cheaply and for American companies to be able to compete against foreign competition. Who needs that?
Free trade is not free trade when the nations you are trading with rig the system. Free trade is not free trade when you make demands of companies that operate in our market that you do not make of from companies that import goods.

That is a fact. The simple statements you used do not apply to the real and complicated realities of international trade. There is a debate there of the benefits of free trade.

Free trade is something you do, not something someone else does. No foreign government can force our companies into a deal, your argument is ridiculous.

And even more so the idea that well their government's not letting their companies trade freely so that justifies our government controlling our businesses right to trade freely. Frankly you have no point at all. How does our government restricting the rights of our businesses make sense either economically or in terms of liberty? It doesn't. And they did it first is not a legitimate excuse for that
Sorry but your points are what is 'ridiculous' as you continue to ignore reality while relying on an ideal that does not exist. When the government of one nation delivers slave labor to a company and we outlaw slave labor that market is no longer 'free.' It is influenced by the government of the nation that delivers slave labor to the work force.

This silly ass constant need to demand that 'getting cheaper shit' is the sole effect of trade is asinine in the extreme. That is but one side of the market and ignores the full effects from trading with nations that manipulate currency, allow slave labor and have no regulation when we allow none of that at all.

When I (my company, the companies I work for) deal with offshore companies. You're saying, but kaz, stop, what do I get out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You've earned dick out of it. And you had dick to do with it in the first place. Socialists like you show what real greed is. Everything other people do with their own money on their own time, with their own resources, you want a check for it.

The irony is that you are benefiting anyway what I and my clients do because you get lower prices and you get jobs because we can compete better with foreign corporations who are doing what I'm doing. I just do it better because America and American business is the best.

But you're like ... kaz, cheaper prices don't do it. Jobs from more competitive corporations don't do it. You want a check. I want money deposited in my bank account. You're consumed with greed, and that greed drives you to choke the goose (capitalism) that laid the golden egg.

Your greed is your downfall. Look what you're doing to our economy. And your response? You want MORE ...
I've voted Republican once since 1988. I won't vote for Trump, and it's your fault, not mine. I am a free ... market ... capitalist. The fact that you nominated someone who isn't is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Suck it, bitches

He is a place holder...the only one of the 16 who could actually beat the Clinton machine....he is a fighter.........if Hilary gets in what we believe will be over.....she will grant amnesty to illegal immigrants who will vote democrat......making it impossible for free market capitalism to will go single payer.....ruining our healthcare system......the 2nd amendment will be stripped clean to the bone.........and the Supreme Court will be lost forever...since only conservative justices follow legal precedent, the left wing decisions will be obeyed as legal precedent going forward.....

If you don't vote for against Hilary by voting Trump......otherwise being a free market capitalist will mean nothing......

4 years and he is out......if Hilary gets in the country is changed forever...

If Cruz were the candidate it would be over and the Republicans would be looking at picking up seats. That Trump was the "only one" is ridiculous. At least a third of them would have fared better than him
Fairly certain all of them would be doing better...

I don't agree with that. If Jeb, Christie or Huckleberry were the candidates for example, Republicans would be done
I've voted Republican once since 1988. I won't vote for Trump, and it's your fault, not mine. I am a free ... market ... capitalist. The fact that you nominated someone who isn't is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Suck it, bitches

Both Bushes, Dole, McCain, and Romney are as much free market capitalists as Trump.

What’s funny is you’re correct to not vote for Trump, but you’re not voting for him for the wrong reasons.


Just fucking wow.

Clayton is a hilarious blowhard. And with Hillary, he sucks hard
I've voted Republican once since 1988. I won't vote for Trump, and it's your fault, not mine. I am a free ... market ... capitalist. The fact that you nominated someone who isn't is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Suck it, bitches
Sounds more like you're a liberal asshole. Suck on that!

I am a classic liberal if that's what you mean
I've voted Republican once since 1988. I won't vote for Trump, and it's your fault, not mine. I am a free ... market ... capitalist. The fact that you nominated someone who isn't is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Suck it, bitches

So who's fault is it for your acting like a regressive and not accepting personal responsibility for you own actions? You want to help the hildabitch, fine, but own it.

What actions of mine am I "not accepting personal responsibility for?" I don't know what that is supposed to mean. I am a free market capitalist. I am voting for the only free market capitalist left, what are you proposing?
Well, yes being a free trade supporter really does mean that you have to take it in the shorts if other nations can produce for cheaper than you can. One of the reasons that I really do not support free trade policies.

Yeah, it's awful being able to buy things more cheaply and for American companies to be able to compete against foreign competition. Who needs that?
Free trade is not free trade when the nations you are trading with rig the system. Free trade is not free trade when you make demands of companies that operate in our market that you do not make of from companies that import goods.

That is a fact. The simple statements you used do not apply to the real and complicated realities of international trade. There is a debate there of the benefits of free trade.

Free trade is something you do, not something someone else does. No foreign government can force our companies into a deal, your argument is ridiculous.

And even more so the idea that well their government's not letting their companies trade freely so that justifies our government controlling our businesses right to trade freely. Frankly you have no point at all. How does our government restricting the rights of our businesses make sense either economically or in terms of liberty? It doesn't. And they did it first is not a legitimate excuse for that
Sorry but your points are what is 'ridiculous' as you continue to ignore reality while relying on an ideal that does not exist. When the government of one nation delivers slave labor to a company and we outlaw slave labor that market is no longer 'free.' It is influenced by the government of the nation that delivers slave labor to the work force.

This silly ass constant need to demand that 'getting cheaper shit' is the sole effect of trade is asinine in the extreme. That is but one side of the market and ignores the full effects from trading with nations that manipulate currency, allow slave labor and have no regulation when we allow none of that at all.

When I (my company, the companies I work for) deal with offshore companies. You're saying, but kaz, stop, what do I get out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nope, didn't say that at all. That has noting to do with anything I have stated.
You've earned dick out of it. And you had dick to do with it in the first place. Socialists like you show what real greed is. Everything other people do with their own money on their own time, with their own resources,
And this is a continuation of the blatantly incorrect remark you made above.

You calling me a socialist is laughable. Shall I start calling you a republican now? Has that ever helped someone that was making a point with you before?

What is your normal thought when some idiot comes in here and declares that you are a democrat or a republican?
you want a check for it.
Nope. I would prefer you address my statements though rather than connections you have made that have nothing to do with them.
The irony is that you are benefiting anyway what I and my clients do because you get lower prices and you get jobs because we can compete better with foreign corporations who are doing what I'm doing. I just do it better because America and American business is the best.

But you're like ... kaz, cheaper prices don't do it. Jobs from more competitive corporations don't do it. You want a check. I want money deposited in my bank account. You're consumed with greed, and that greed drives you to choke the goose (capitalism) that laid the golden egg.

Your greed is your downfall. Look what you're doing to our economy. And your response? You want MORE ...
And your need to argue against arguments that I have not made is the downfall of your points. Try again.
I've voted Republican once since 1988. I won't vote for Trump, and it's your fault, not mine. I am a free ... market ... capitalist. The fact that you nominated someone who isn't is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Suck it, bitches

He is a place holder...the only one of the 16 who could actually beat the Clinton machine....he is a fighter.........if Hilary gets in what we believe will be over.....she will grant amnesty to illegal immigrants who will vote democrat......making it impossible for free market capitalism to will go single payer.....ruining our healthcare system......the 2nd amendment will be stripped clean to the bone.........and the Supreme Court will be lost forever...since only conservative justices follow legal precedent, the left wing decisions will be obeyed as legal precedent going forward.....

If you don't vote for against Hilary by voting Trump......otherwise being a free market capitalist will mean nothing......

4 years and he is out......if Hilary gets in the country is changed forever...

If Cruz were the candidate it would be over and the Republicans would be looking at picking up seats. That Trump was the "only one" is ridiculous. At least a third of them would have fared better than him
Fairly certain all of them would be doing better...

I don't agree with that. If Jeb, Christie or Huckleberry were the candidates for example, Republicans would be done
Jeb would be doing worse, have to give you that. Cant imagine the right thinking that another Bush was the way to go. i think Christie would be destroying Hillary right now. Huck would have been doing better as well IMHO.
I've voted Republican once since 1988. I won't vote for Trump, and it's your fault, not mine. I am a free ... market ... capitalist. The fact that you nominated someone who isn't is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Suck it, bitches

He is a place holder...the only one of the 16 who could actually beat the Clinton machine....he is a fighter.........if Hilary gets in what we believe will be over.....she will grant amnesty to illegal immigrants who will vote democrat......making it impossible for free market capitalism to will go single payer.....ruining our healthcare system......the 2nd amendment will be stripped clean to the bone.........and the Supreme Court will be lost forever...since only conservative justices follow legal precedent, the left wing decisions will be obeyed as legal precedent going forward.....

If you don't vote for against Hilary by voting Trump......otherwise being a free market capitalist will mean nothing......

4 years and he is out......if Hilary gets in the country is changed forever...

If Cruz were the candidate it would be over and the Republicans would be looking at picking up seats. That Trump was the "only one" is ridiculous. At least a third of them would have fared better than him
Fairly certain all of them would be doing better...

I don't agree with that. If Jeb, Christie or Huckleberry were the candidates for example, Republicans would be done
Jeb would be doing worse, have to give you that. Cant imagine the right thinking that another Bush was the way to go. i think Christie would be destroying Hillary right now. Huck would have been doing better as well IMHO.

They would already have Christie strung up over that traffic thing.....the only one with a chance against the clinton machine is Trump.....

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