Its over


Check your bullshit at the door

And fuck you too obama is a son of bitch

Fuck me?

You're supposed to be a full grown man and you're acting like a child. Grow the fuck up. I didn't see your god damn name on the ballot. So what the hell are you doing to make things better? Not a damn thing beyond what the rest of us are doing.

Take your Billy badass routine and shove it bud.

Whoa slick You do realize we lost more tonight than just an election. You better fucking get god damn mad. Or just roll over and take it up the ass.
Obama won Ohio.

Thanks to all you conservatives for leaving me alone with all the libs tonight. I've taken all your lumps for tonight.

I can't speak for the ones you are accusing, but maybe they felt as I, and were more concerned with that we were watching and listening to, rather than "taking on" anybody." This wasn't the time for message board games as some of us took it very seriously in a way different than others.

Didn't realize that posting on a board would influence the outcome. And I'm quite sure were the results coming in differently that us on the right would have been posting up a storm.

Sorry but that's the reality of it.
bigderp said:
And fuck you too obama is a son of bitch

Fuck me?

You're supposed to be a full grown man and you're acting like a child. Grow the fuck up. I didn't see your god damn name on the ballot. So what the hell are you doing to make things better? Not a damn thing beyond what the rest of us are doing.

Take your Billy badass routine and shove it bud.

herp derp


jesus, derp, act like a man
And fuck you too obama is a son of bitch

Fuck me?

You're supposed to be a full grown man and you're acting like a child. Grow the fuck up. I didn't see your god damn name on the ballot. So what the hell are you doing to make things better? Not a damn thing beyond what the rest of us are doing.

Take your Billy badass routine and shove it bud.

Whoa slick You do realize we lost more tonight than just an election. You better fucking get god damn mad. Or just roll over and take it up the ass.

Aww, do you need a hug? Come here....
And fuck you too obama is a son of bitch

Fuck me?

You're supposed to be a full grown man and you're acting like a child. Grow the fuck up. I didn't see your god damn name on the ballot. So what the hell are you doing to make things better? Not a damn thing beyond what the rest of us are doing.

Take your Billy badass routine and shove it bud.

Whoa slick You do realize we lost more tonight than just an election. You better fucking get god damn mad. Or just roll over and take it up the ass.

I'm not happy. Disgusted in fact but acting like an ass will accomplish what exactly?

I did my part. I voted and contributed money. What the hell else was I supposed to do?

For all the hyperbole we engage in this country will still be here when Obama is gone.

Get a grip dude
Also the fucking polls were right all along. I just can't fucking believe it. Exit pollings latest showed +6 dem.

Shock, utter shock

Yes, a sad time for this country. Freedom and liberty, according to my interpretation of the Constitution, is something I doubt will ever be seen again. Mitt was the last chance for those of us who wanted to see America restored to self-reliance. On to Greece, Spain and France.


Well this explains a lot...
Now the GOP really sounds like 9/11 truthers.

When they didn't get Bush or Cheney's scalp; supposedly the US was becoming a banana republic, the fourth reich, a totalitarian regime, etc...

Very sad indeed.
Obama won Ohio.

Thanks to all you conservatives for leaving me alone with all the libs tonight. I've taken all your lumps for tonight.

I can't speak for the ones you are accusing, but maybe they felt as I, and were more concerned with that we were watching and listening to, rather than "taking on" anybody." This wasn't the time for message board games as some of us took it very seriously in a way different than others.

Didn't realize that posting on a board would influence the outcome. And I'm quite sure were the results coming in differently that us on the right would have been posting up a storm.

Sorry but that's the reality of it.

Sorry, but I thought you were complaining that other conservatives weren't doing the back-n-forths sparring here. Of course it wouldn't influence an election.

I wish you would not compare yourself to others, by predicting behaviors, and especially to me, whom you have addressed.

I have never been one to gloat, or to get into gang bangs here.
Congrats to the President.

This is the first time I have ever disagreed with you, Missourian. But you CAN be proud of your state, as it did come through for smaller government.

Yes, I'm pretty proud of my State.

The President won the is simply good form to congratulate the winner.

Republicans held the House.

If there is one thing I've learned about politics, it's that there are ways and there are WAYS.

I've seen Democrats flee the state, I've seen the Republicans threaten the nuclear option.

I've seen Democrats and Republicans recall and attempt to recall governors.

I've seen Republicans shut down the Government.

Hope is not lost with one lost's just a temporary setback.
I can't speak for the ones you are accusing, but maybe they felt as I, and were more concerned with that we were watching and listening to, rather than "taking on" anybody." This wasn't the time for message board games as some of us took it very seriously in a way different than others.

Didn't realize that posting on a board would influence the outcome. And I'm quite sure were the results coming in differently that us on the right would have been posting up a storm.

Sorry but that's the reality of it.

Sorry, but I thought you were complaining that other conservatives weren't doing the back-n-forths sparring here. Of course it wouldn't influence an election.

I wish you would not compare yourself to others, by predicting behaviors, and especially to me, whom you have addressed.

I have never been one to gloat, or to get into gang bangs here.

My op was not directed at you hun. You rarely post to begin with. My post was directed at all the shit talkers that rile up the left and then bail when the heat was turned on.

Kudos to Conservative for sticking it out but everyone else bailed.
Congrats to the President.

This is the first time I have ever disagreed with you, Missourian. But you CAN be proud of your state, as it did come through for smaller government.

Yes, I'm pretty proud of my State.

The President won the is simply good form to congratulate the winner.

Republicans held the House.

If there is one thing I've learned about politics, it's that there are ways and there are WAYS.

I've seen Democrats flee the state, I've seen the Republicans threaten the nuclear option.

I've seen Democrats and Republicans recall and attempt to recall governors.

I've seen Republicans shut down the Government.

Hope is not lost with one lost's just a temporary setback.

a few points...

Sure, Missouri went red... But we also kept Claire and Jay. So, while our EC points meant nothing, we chose to keep our Dem US Senator, which, keeps the senate in Dem control.

So sure.. I guess we can both be proud of our State.
white trash ... phone freebies lovers .... phew
This is the first time I have ever disagreed with you, Missourian. But you CAN be proud of your state, as it did come through for smaller government.

Yes, I'm pretty proud of my State.

The President won the is simply good form to congratulate the winner.

Republicans held the House.

If there is one thing I've learned about politics, it's that there are ways and there are WAYS.

I've seen Democrats flee the state, I've seen the Republicans threaten the nuclear option.

I've seen Democrats and Republicans recall and attempt to recall governors.

I've seen Republicans shut down the Government.

Hope is not lost with one lost's just a temporary setback.

a few points...

Sure, Missouri went red... But we also kept Claire and Jay. So, while our EC points meant nothing, we chose to keep our Dem US Senator, which, keeps the senate in Dem control.

So sure.. I guess we can both be proud of our State.

I voted for Jay...not Claire tho.

Nothing wrong with us both being proud :thup:
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