It's Over

Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

I saw an interview with Sen Angus King of Maine and he talked about a law professor who used the “but for” criteria of guilt.

“But for” Trumps statements and acts, would the riots have occurred.
If Trump had accepted the results after all his legal challenges were exhausted, would the riots have occurred?
You mean if he caved to obvious fraud. You have had fours years of him. What made people think he would not fight back?
The way to fight back is in court. Not tyranny
He tried the courts. They refused to hear evidence. He is telling the truth and has more credibility than the MSM. And stop the drama. Trump did not do one thing tyrannical.
If the courts refused to hear the evidence then there was a reason for that and Trumps team should have presented better cases. But that’s how our system works. You go through the system, you don’t try and overthrow it when you’re not happy with the results. This is basic shit people. Shouldn’t be complicated to understand

If they were trying to overthrow something they wouldn't have shown up with flags and banners, they would have guns. You commie drama queens are so pathetic. I carry a pocket knife, does that mean I'm armed?

I didn’t say they were armed. Since when does being armed set the bar for what qualifies with insurrection?! Damn your arguments are thin

Your fantastic house managers claimed they were armed. Are you saying they lied?
Did they say armed with guns? I don’t know what quote you’re talking about and I don’t see what it has to do with this discussion

Had you been listening yesterday, you'd know they did.
Ok if they said armed with guns and nobody was armed with guns then they were wrong. I didn’t hear it. What’s your point?

It's really simple, the commies are lying and their slick hollywood production is mostly fiction.

Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

I saw an interview with Sen Angus King of Maine and he talked about a law professor who used the “but for” criteria of guilt.

“But for” Trumps statements and acts, would the riots have occurred.
If Trump had accepted the results after all his legal challenges were exhausted, would the riots have occurred?
Hell no this wouldn’t have occurred. The anger of the mob was built on lies told by Trump and a willingness to fight for him after he asked over and over for them to fight for him. Not fight through the power of their voices or the power of their vote but fight through the power of force to “stop the steal”. Trump called them to come to Washington and to go to the capital and to stop the steal at the same time the votes were being certified. This shit doesn’t get any more obvious and in your face. How do these assholes here deny Trumps culpability with a straight face?

Of course it wouldn't have happened if you commies and the state run media hadn't been denigrating Trump supporters for the last 4+ years either. Don't pretend your hands are clean.
You mean us Nazi commie socialists?! Haha. Denigration between the political loudmouth idiots is one thing. Tyranny is another. You can’t do your whataboutisms with this one.

Well child wait till the defense trots out videos of commiecrats using the exact same language Trump used in the Jan 6th speech. Many while US cities were burning. Oh then you have kneepads harriss raising money to get rioters, looters and child molesters out on bail, so they could return to do more damage. Like I said you commies hands aren't clean.

If commiecrats said anything to inspire an insurrection on our capital then those responsible should be held to account.

OH, so it only counts if it's the capitol? What happened at the capitol pales to the 2 billion in damages and 30 dead across the nation. There were coordinated groups, some going from city to city to incite violence. All the while the commiecrats were egging them on. Kneepads harriss said herself that it wouldn't stop before the election and wouldn't stop after, and it shouldn't. Well guess what, it let up some but it still hasn't stopped. What should be done with her?

Tyranny and insurrection absolutely applies to any forceful effort to overthrow our government which would occur at a public office or event and against elected officials performing our countries business. Get a dictionary man. These are basic definitions

So the folks that occupied the WI legislature for 2 days were insurrectionist? Come on man, be consistent.
Can you send a link to the situation you’re talking about? Did they use force? If so, then yes, that’s exactly what they are

Thanks for the link, I just read it. Don’t see any force or violence. Seems like it is a protest. Are you saying that what happened at the capital is on par with what happened in Wisconsin?

Yeah, they occupied the WI state house for two days, vs 4 hours in DC. They threatened WI lawmakers as well. But that's different, RIGHT???

I think you need to go back and review what palousey, kneepads harriss and others said over the summer.

None of them incited insurrection.

The words are judged by the action they incite, not just the plain meaning of the words.

Ex: "Let's roll" (Todd Beamer)
Are you saying that what happened at the capital is on par with what happened in Wisconsin?

It is on par with what happened in Michigan when Trump supporters attacked and tried to kidnap the Governor.

It was a dry run for Jan 6

More commie bullshit, LE claimed there was a plot, no one actually tried to kidnap the fucked up governor.

Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

I saw an interview with Sen Angus King of Maine and he talked about a law professor who used the “but for” criteria of guilt.

“But for” Trumps statements and acts, would the riots have occurred.
If Trump had accepted the results after all his legal challenges were exhausted, would the riots have occurred?
You mean if he caved to obvious fraud. You have had fours years of him. What made people think he would not fight back?
The way to fight back is in court. Not tyranny
He tried the courts. They refused to hear evidence. He is telling the truth and has more credibility than the MSM. And stop the drama. Trump did not do one thing tyrannical.
If the courts refused to hear the evidence then there was a reason for that and Trumps team should have presented better cases. But that’s how our system works. You go through the system, you don’t try and overthrow it when you’re not happy with the results. This is basic shit people. Shouldn’t be complicated to understand

If they were trying to overthrow something they wouldn't have shown up with flags and banners, they would have guns. You commie drama queens are so pathetic. I carry a pocket knife, does that mean I'm armed?

I didn’t say they were armed. Since when does being armed set the bar for what qualifies with insurrection?! Damn your arguments are thin

Your fantastic house managers claimed they were armed. Are you saying they lied?
Did they say armed with guns? I don’t know what quote you’re talking about and I don’t see what it has to do with this discussion

Had you been listening yesterday, you'd know they did.
Ok if they said armed with guns and nobody was armed with guns then they were wrong. I didn’t hear it. What’s your point?
It's really simple, the commies are lying and their slick hollywood production is mostly fiction.
it’s not that simple. The majority of their presentation consists of videos and actual Trump statements. Can’t lie about that. Whether they called spear a and flags ‘arms’ really makes no difference to the trial.
Since they guy called his brother afterwards and told him he had been pepper sprayed a couple of times, but was ok. I think he probably died from heart disease or other natural cause. The stress of the day probably contributed, but he wasn't murdered in cold blood the way the house managers are portraying it.
Does dead always mean dead?
That's OK. They'll be on record. I never thought most of the spineless Republicans in the Senate would vote to convict anyway.
The video that's been presented the last two days says it all. If Republicans want to not convict, fine by me.
This was the poll taken after just the first day. And it don't look good. :)
Means Trump will be your president in 2024!
Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

I saw an interview with Sen Angus King of Maine and he talked about a law professor who used the “but for” criteria of guilt.

“But for” Trumps statements and acts, would the riots have occurred.
If Trump had accepted the results after all his legal challenges were exhausted, would the riots have occurred?
Hell no this wouldn’t have occurred. The anger of the mob was built on lies told by Trump and a willingness to fight for him after he asked over and over for them to fight for him. Not fight through the power of their voices or the power of their vote but fight through the power of force to “stop the steal”. Trump called them to come to Washington and to go to the capital and to stop the steal at the same time the votes were being certified. This shit doesn’t get any more obvious and in your face. How do these assholes here deny Trumps culpability with a straight face?

Of course it wouldn't have happened if you commies and the state run media hadn't been denigrating Trump supporters for the last 4+ years either. Don't pretend your hands are clean.
You mean us Nazi commie socialists?! Haha. Denigration between the political loudmouth idiots is one thing. Tyranny is another. You can’t do your whataboutisms with this one.

Well child wait till the defense trots out videos of commiecrats using the exact same language Trump used in the Jan 6th speech. Many while US cities were burning. Oh then you have kneepads harriss raising money to get rioters, looters and child molesters out on bail, so they could return to do more damage. Like I said you commies hands aren't clean.

If commiecrats said anything to inspire an insurrection on our capital then those responsible should be held to account.

OH, so it only counts if it's the capitol? What happened at the capitol pales to the 2 billion in damages and 30 dead across the nation. There were coordinated groups, some going from city to city to incite violence. All the while the commiecrats were egging them on. Kneepads harriss said herself that it wouldn't stop before the election and wouldn't stop after, and it shouldn't. Well guess what, it let up some but it still hasn't stopped. What should be done with her?

Tyranny and insurrection absolutely applies to any forceful effort to overthrow our government which would occur at a public office or event and against elected officials performing our countries business. Get a dictionary man. These are basic definitions

So the folks that occupied the WI legislature for 2 days were insurrectionist? Come on man, be consistent.
Can you send a link to the situation you’re talking about? Did they use force? If so, then yes, that’s exactly what they are

Thanks for the link, I just read it. Don’t see any force or violence. Seems like it is a protest. Are you saying that what happened at the capital is on par with what happened in Wisconsin?

Yeah, they occupied the WI state house for two days, vs 4 hours in DC. They threatened WI lawmakers as well. But that's different, RIGHT???
yes!!!! Are you blind?! It’s totally different.

I didn’t see any reference to threats in your article. If anybody said anything more than rhetoric then they should be punished.
While citizens were assaulted, their businesses looted and burned, Nazi Pelosi encouraged more and never said a word about the violence.

So what you’re saying is that Nancy Pelosi did not incite violence. Too bad Trump didn’t do the same.

Also there was nothing Nancy could have done. Donald Trump had the power to call out the National Guard. He refused. His staffers begged him to call out the National Guard. To send assistance to the beleaguered Capitol. Trump did nothing. He waited for the murder of Pence, and the members of the House and Senate.

So now that I’ve dismantled your weak, bullshit argument, you’re moving the goalposts.

Your user name says it all. You filter out all of the facts, common sense, sanity and reason, and give us the pure bullshit.
You haven't dismantled anything but the truth. Carry on.
Are you saying that what happened at the capital is on par with what happened in Wisconsin?

It is on par with what happened in Michigan when Trump supporters attacked and tried to kidnap the Governor.

It was a dry run for Jan 6

More commie bullshit, LE claimed there was a plot, no one actually tried to kidnap the fucked up governor.


They have been indicted.
We will see how good their evidence is
Are you saying that what happened at the capital is on par with what happened in Wisconsin?

It is on par with what happened in Michigan when Trump supporters attacked and tried to kidnap the Governor.

It was a dry run for Jan 6

More commie bullshit, LE claimed there was a plot, no one actually tried to kidnap the fucked up governor.


They have been indicted.
We will see how good their evidence is
Prove it? How about a source?
Yeah, they occupied the WI state house for two days, vs 4 hours in DC. They threatened WI lawmakers as well. But that's different, RIGHT???

Maybe you should tell the whole story, and not some right wing spin.

By February 20, protestors had undertaken a physical occupation of the Capitol building, establishing a fully functioning community within the public spaces of the Wisconsin State Capitol, including an information center, a sleeping area, a medic station staffed by members of the Madison Community Wellness Collective, and food stations with food for protestors supplied by local businesses.

On February 25, following rumors that the Capitol building would be closed and the protesters moved out, the head of the state's largest police union issued a statement urging Governor Walker to keep the Capitol open. Jim Palmer, the executive director of the Wisconsin Professional Police Association, went on to state that his organization stood with the protesters, despite the fact that law enforcement officers were exempt from the budget repair bill's collective bargaining changes. Palmer then called on off-duty officers to sleep in the Capitol that evening. Later that day, the Department of Administration announced that the Capitol building would remain open

March 3, Also that same day, after occupation of the Capitol for more than two weeks, the final group of pro-union protesters left the building peacefully after Dane County Circuit Judge John Albert ordered their removal. The judge ruled that activists could not stay in the building overnight, but he ordered authorities to end the lockdown on the building and restore normal access by March 6.

You compare a sit-in of the public areas of the WI capitol, with the invasion of the restricted areas of the DC Capitol, including the house and senate chambers?

I can just say, WOW.
Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

I saw an interview with Sen Angus King of Maine and he talked about a law professor who used the “but for” criteria of guilt.

“But for” Trumps statements and acts, would the riots have occurred.
If Trump had accepted the results after all his legal challenges were exhausted, would the riots have occurred?
You mean if he caved to obvious fraud. You have had fours years of him. What made people think he would not fight back?
The way to fight back is in court. Not tyranny
He tried the courts. They refused to hear evidence. He is telling the truth and has more credibility than the MSM. And stop the drama. Trump did not do one thing tyrannical.
If the courts refused to hear the evidence then there was a reason for that and Trumps team should have presented better cases. But that’s how our system works. You go through the system, you don’t try and overthrow it when you’re not happy with the results. This is basic shit people. Shouldn’t be complicated to understand

If they were trying to overthrow something they wouldn't have shown up with flags and banners, they would have guns. You commie drama queens are so pathetic. I carry a pocket knife, does that mean I'm armed?

I didn’t say they were armed. Since when does being armed set the bar for what qualifies with insurrection?! Damn your arguments are thin

Your fantastic house managers claimed they were armed. Are you saying they lied?
Did they say armed with guns? I don’t know what quote you’re talking about and I don’t see what it has to do with this discussion

Had you been listening yesterday, you'd know they did.
Ok if they said armed with guns and nobody was armed with guns then they were wrong. I didn’t hear it. What’s your point?
It's really simple, the commies are lying and their slick hollywood production is mostly fiction.
it’s not that simple. The majority of their presentation consists of videos and actual Trump statements. Can’t lie about that. Whether they called spear a and flags ‘arms’ really makes no difference to the trial.

Bullshit, out of context quotes are worthless and are used to build a false narrative.

Since they guy called his brother afterwards and told him he had been pepper sprayed a couple of times, but was ok. I think he probably died from heart disease or other natural cause. The stress of the day probably contributed, but he wasn't murdered in cold blood the way the house managers are portraying it.
Does dead always mean dead?

Last I heard, your point? Are you incapable of addressing the facts.

Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

I saw an interview with Sen Angus King of Maine and he talked about a law professor who used the “but for” criteria of guilt.

“But for” Trumps statements and acts, would the riots have occurred.
If Trump had accepted the results after all his legal challenges were exhausted, would the riots have occurred?
You mean if he caved to obvious fraud. You have had fours years of him. What made people think he would not fight back?
The way to fight back is in court. Not tyranny
He tried the courts. They refused to hear evidence. He is telling the truth and has more credibility than the MSM. And stop the drama. Trump did not do one thing tyrannical.
If the courts refused to hear the evidence then there was a reason for that and Trumps team should have presented better cases. But that’s how our system works. You go through the system, you don’t try and overthrow it when you’re not happy with the results. This is basic shit people. Shouldn’t be complicated to understand

If they were trying to overthrow something they wouldn't have shown up with flags and banners, they would have guns. You commie drama queens are so pathetic. I carry a pocket knife, does that mean I'm armed?

I didn’t say they were armed. Since when does being armed set the bar for what qualifies with insurrection?! Damn your arguments are thin

Your fantastic house managers claimed they were armed. Are you saying they lied?
Did they say armed with guns? I don’t know what quote you’re talking about and I don’t see what it has to do with this discussion

Had you been listening yesterday, you'd know they did.
Ok if they said armed with guns and nobody was armed with guns then they were wrong. I didn’t hear it. What’s your point?
It's really simple, the commies are lying and their slick hollywood production is mostly fiction.
it’s not that simple. The majority of their presentation consists of videos and actual Trump statements. Can’t lie about that. Whether they called spear a and flags ‘arms’ really makes no difference to the trial.

Bullshit, out of context quotes are worthless and are used to build a false narrative.

I’m not seeing false narratives here. I’m seeing tweets and speeches and events laid out pretty clearly. And the only defense I’m hearing from Trumps people is “he’s already out of office, this is unconstitutional” ... so weak
Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

I saw an interview with Sen Angus King of Maine and he talked about a law professor who used the “but for” criteria of guilt.

“But for” Trumps statements and acts, would the riots have occurred.
If Trump had accepted the results after all his legal challenges were exhausted, would the riots have occurred?
Hell no this wouldn’t have occurred. The anger of the mob was built on lies told by Trump and a willingness to fight for him after he asked over and over for them to fight for him. Not fight through the power of their voices or the power of their vote but fight through the power of force to “stop the steal”. Trump called them to come to Washington and to go to the capital and to stop the steal at the same time the votes were being certified. This shit doesn’t get any more obvious and in your face. How do these assholes here deny Trumps culpability with a straight face?

Of course it wouldn't have happened if you commies and the state run media hadn't been denigrating Trump supporters for the last 4+ years either. Don't pretend your hands are clean.
You mean us Nazi commie socialists?! Haha. Denigration between the political loudmouth idiots is one thing. Tyranny is another. You can’t do your whataboutisms with this one.

Well child wait till the defense trots out videos of commiecrats using the exact same language Trump used in the Jan 6th speech. Many while US cities were burning. Oh then you have kneepads harriss raising money to get rioters, looters and child molesters out on bail, so they could return to do more damage. Like I said you commies hands aren't clean.

If commiecrats said anything to inspire an insurrection on our capital then those responsible should be held to account.

OH, so it only counts if it's the capitol? What happened at the capitol pales to the 2 billion in damages and 30 dead across the nation. There were coordinated groups, some going from city to city to incite violence. All the while the commiecrats were egging them on. Kneepads harriss said herself that it wouldn't stop before the election and wouldn't stop after, and it shouldn't. Well guess what, it let up some but it still hasn't stopped. What should be done with her?

Tyranny and insurrection absolutely applies to any forceful effort to overthrow our government which would occur at a public office or event and against elected officials performing our countries business. Get a dictionary man. These are basic definitions

So the folks that occupied the WI legislature for 2 days were insurrectionist? Come on man, be consistent.
Can you send a link to the situation you’re talking about? Did they use force? If so, then yes, that’s exactly what they are

Thanks for the link, I just read it. Don’t see any force or violence. Seems like it is a protest. Are you saying that what happened at the capital is on par with what happened in Wisconsin?

Yeah, they occupied the WI state house for two days, vs 4 hours in DC. They threatened WI lawmakers as well. But that's different, RIGHT???
yes!!!! Are you blind?! It’s totally different.

I didn’t see any reference to threats in your article. If anybody said anything more than rhetoric then they should be punished.

Damn child, I'm not going to all your work for you. I gave you one MSM source, do you really expect the whole truth from the state run media?


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