Its starting ! The seizing of guns.

Good luck, getting your $$$ back from the Trump U. reading "comprehension" correspondence course.
I'm sorry you hate the truth.
Its still the truth.
Copy/paste the specific language of the grants you claim.
Sure Q-NUT.
Why do you think the 10th amendment talks about rights being delegated to the people by the constitution?
Where's the language that supports this?
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Just because you SAY SO?
No. Because of your obvious inability to deliver same and your penchant from tucking your tail and running away.
NO, shit.
YOU claimed there IS a federal limit on the number of guns someone can have.
Glad you agree you are wrong.
No, shit.
And thus, you understand the fact there are not federal regulations granting unlimited numbers of guns" means nothing.
It doesn't, Q-NUT.
The 2nd amendment also doesn't prohibit limits either.
You just agreed the 2nd does not allow for a limit on the number of guns someone can own.
And so - yes, by th efact thios limits are not allowed, it prohibits those limits.

Amendment X​

States' rights
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
So.............the states or municipalities within the state, can set limits.
So long as those limits do not violate the constitution - sure.
I'm sorry you hate the truth.
Its still the truth.
Copy/paste the specific language of the grants you claim.
I just did you fucking, moron.
WHY do you think the document is called..............

Why do you think the 10th amendment talks about rights being delegated to the people by the constitution?
Where's the language that supports this.
FUCK off, back to the ignore list for you, DUMBfuck.
Amendment 1 Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly
Amendment 2 Right to bear arms
Amendment 3 Quartering of soldiers
Amendment 4 Search and arrest
Amendment 5 Rights in criminal cases
Amendment 6 Right to a fair trial
Amendment 7 Rights in civil cases
Amendment 8 Bail, fines, punishment
Amendment 9 Rights retained by the People
Amendment 10 States' rights

SO.................People had ALL these rights, BEFORE 1791?
Yes they did. The War of Independence was fought because the British Colonial Government was abrogating those rights. One through Eight were all things the British were doing. Nine and Ten were catch alls, to stop the government from doing things the founders missed in One through Eight. If the government was obeying Nine and Ten our country would be a lot freer and healthier.
Just because you SAY SO?

NO, shit.

No, shit.

It doesn't, Q-NUT.
The 2nd amendment also doesn't prohibit limits either.

Amendment X​

States' rights

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

So.............the states or municipalities within the state, can set limits.
The constitution was originally only binding on the FEDERAL government. It has subsequently been expanded to be binding on state, county and local governments as well.
Yes they did. The War of Independence was fought because the British Colonial Government was abrogating those rights.
The white people that came from England, had those same rights in England, but not America, in the colonies?
So, in 1492, those same colonists fought for "their rights" 284 years later?
So, who gave them "rights" in 1774-5?
One through Eight were all things the British were doing. Nine and Ten were catch alls, to stop the government from doing things the founders missed in One through Eight. If the government was obeying Nine and Ten our country would be a lot freer and healthier.
One warped opinion of "history".
Trump U. "history" grad?
Grand larceny is a felony.... And felons are not allowed to own guns in the United States. The real question is he did did he really steal that stuff or not. much for that defense of the 2nd Amendment.

Your unmasking as 100% liberal is complete.

Oh no, I am 100% in defense of the 2nd amendment.

But I am also 100% against weak, stupid arguments, which is what that was. Read the thread and you will find plenty of defense of the 2nd from me.

I am not shocked you would support such a stupid, weak argument as that...that is your OP
Oh no, I am 100% in defense of the 2nd amendment.

But I am also 100% against weak, stupid arguments, which is what that was. Read the thread and you will find plenty of defense of the 2nd from me.

I am not shocked you would support such a stupid, weak argument as that...that is your OP
It's a weak argument that unenforceable laws are never going to reduce gun violence?

News to me.
It's a weak argument that unenforceable laws are never going to reduce gun violence?

That was not the argument.

The argument was that if a law does not prevent the crime then it is ineffective, and as such, unnecessary.

The problem is that no law can prevent a crime, which is why it is a weak ass argument.
That was not the argument.

The argument was that if a law does not prevent the crime then it is ineffective, and as such, unnecessary.

The problem is that no law can prevent a crime, which is why it is a weak ass argument.
A law against speeding reduces speeding because police with radar guns are out actively enforcing the law.

Laws against rape reduce rape because the victim reports the rape and the police jail the rapist.

A law against a firearm in someones attic is an unenforceable law...unless by chance the owner is an actual active was the case here.

How many bump stocks were turned in?

How make firearms on Canada's banned list have been turned in?

Unenforceable laws have zero effect on gun crime or gun nothing but performative law making.
Amendment 1 Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly
Amendment 2 Right to bear arms
Amendment 3 Quartering of soldiers
Amendment 4 Search and arrest
Amendment 5 Rights in criminal cases
Amendment 6 Right to a fair trial
Amendment 7 Rights in civil cases
Amendment 8 Bail, fines, punishment
Amendment 9 Rights retained by the People
Amendment 10 States' rights

SO.................People had ALL these rights, BEFORE 1791?
Read them.

What do they say?

I'll help you with the first few.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

You see? No right is granted.

The rights exist independently and predate the laws of man.

The Amendments to the Constitution enshrine the prohibitions of the powers of the government to abridge these natural rights.

The Second Amendment prohibits the Government from impeding the natural right to self protection by infringing on the right to bare arms...

Get it now?

The Bill of Rights doesn't create the defends pre-existing rights from the overreach of the government.
Wow, republicans are dense.
Gun laws do NOT prevent people from doing stupid things, but they help.
Just as driving laws don't prevent accidents or speeding, but they help.

If republicans had their way, the incident, wouldn't have even been newsworthy, UNTIL, the nut job loser. shot up a Walmart, school or his place of employment.
Nope. Driving isn't a Constitutional right firearms are. Any gun law is an infringment on the Constitutional right of law abiding citizens.
Read them.

What do they say?

I'll help you with the first few.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

You see? No right is granted.
ANOTHER.............. Trump U. reading "comprehension' correspondence course graduate?
The 1st amendment granted people freedom of speech, to peacefully assemble, and petition the government, without repercussion from the government.
The rights exist independently and predate the laws of man.
Well then, why did James Madison even bother?
The Amendments to the Constitution enshrine the prohibitions of the powers of the government to abridge these natural rights.
People have no "natural rights".
If they did, every person, in every country on earth would have these rights, AND................They DON'T.
And never did.
The Second Amendment prohibits the Government from impeding the natural right to self protection by infringing on the right to bare arms...
NO, it doesn't............See above.
Get it now?
GOT IT......................Decades ago.
You obviously STILL don't.
The Bill of Rights doesn't create the defends pre-existing rights from the overreach of the government.
SURE, it does.
That's why James Madison, named the document............."The defense of pre-existing rights".

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