Its starting ! The seizing of guns.

Tell you what then.

How about you find a single source, outside of yourself, that claims all 27 amendments are part of the Bill of Rights.

Just one.

Bill of Rights and Later Amendments -​ › documents › amendments

Original Ten Amendments: The Bill of Rights. Passed by Congress September 25, 1789. Ratified December 15, 1791. Amendment I. Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly.

Still part of the constitution, granting rights.
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Bill of Rights and Later Amendments - › documents › amendments

All Amendments to the United States Constitution › all_amendments_usconst

These amendments were ratified December 15, 1791, and form what is known as the "Bill of Rights." AMENDMENT I. Congress shall make no law respecting an ...

STILL part of the bill of rights.

You keep posting links that prove you are wrong. Why do you do that?

I was watching a western called “big jake”
The cowboy was hired to save someone, but he committed so many felonies, one time before they left for the journey, he threw his son off the horse, that’s domestic violence, according to democrats he should have been striped of his right to own a gun, well today big jake would probably be on meth, because of government regulations.
Not to pick nits, but Jake Candless wasn’t hired to save the boy. He was the boy’s grandfather.
SO....................they were the original.
The can't be amended or added to?
The others grant rights also.

The Bill of Rights is a specific thing, the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution. The fact that other amendments were added later does not change what the Bill of Rights is.

Every source you have used proves you are wrong yet you still insist that you are not
So long as those restrictions do not abridge / infringe those rights - yes.

Which of course is the tricky part.

Does requiring a permit to gather in specific locations abridge/infringe on the right to assemble?

Do libel/slander laws abridge/infringe on the right to free speech?
Which of course is the tricky part.
Does requiring a permit to gather in specific locations abridge/infringe on the right to assemble?
Jurisprudence here is pretty clear:
Governments can impose time/place/manner restrictions -- that is, require permits - when the exercise of 1st amendment rights involves the use of public property; these restrictions must be content-neutral.
Do libel/slander laws abridge/infringe on the right to free speech?
"Free speech" does not include the right to wrongfully harm other people.
Jurisprudence here is pretty clear:
Governments can impose time/place/manner restrictions -- that is, require permits - when the exercise of 1st amendment rights involves the use of public property; these restrictions must be content-neutral.

"Free speech" does not include the right to wrongfully harm other people.

I agree with both statements. Others in this thread do not.
The Bill of Rights is a specific thing, the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution. The fact that other amendments were added later does not change what the Bill of Rights is.
No, it doesn't...........yet, they still COULD BE amended.
Every source you have used proves you are wrong yet you still insist that you are not
That's right.
The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. It spells out Americans’ rights in relation to their government. It guarantees civil rights and liberties to the individual—like freedom of speech, press, and religion. It sets rules for due process of law and reserves all powers not delegated to the Federal Government to the people or the States. And it specifies that “the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”
No, it doesn't...........yet, they still COULD BE amended.

Yes the Constitution can be amended but the Bill of Rights will always only be the first 10 Amendments.

That's right.
The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution.

You just spent a day telling me all the Amendments are the Bill of Rights.

Now you see the light. Glad I could educate you.
Yes the Constitution can be amended but the Bill of Rights will always only be the first 10 Amendments.

You just spent a day telling me all the Amendments are the Bill of Rights.
No, I didn't, not ALL, 27 amendments, just some amendments in 11-27 related to the rights of citizens, which I pointed out.

Now you see the light. Glad I could educate you.
No, I didn't, not ALL, 27 amendments, just some amendments in 11-27 related to the rights of citizens, which I pointed out.

Yes they do, but they are not part of the Bill of Rights as you claimed for the last day.
ANOTHER.............. Trump U. reading "comprehension' correspondence course graduate?
The 1st amendment granted people freedom of speech, to peacefully assemble, and petition the government, without repercussion from the government.

Well then, why did James Madison even bother?

People have no "natural rights".
If they did, every person, in every country on earth would have these rights, AND................They DON'T.
And never did.

NO, it doesn't............See above.

GOT IT......................Decades ago.
You obviously STILL don't.

SURE, it does.
That's why James Madison, named the document............."The defense of pre-existing rights".
Read and learn.

The Bill of Rights was specifically written to articulate the pre-existing nature of the natural rights of mankind.

Rights aren't granted. Things that given by government can be removed by government.

Rights exist apart from government.

Even in countries places that governments supress the rights of the people...the rights still exist.

I believe his constitutional rights were violated
The democrats want this.
This is a lie.

Extreme risk protection orders are perfectly Constitutional and afford gunowners comprehensive due process; guns are not being ‘seized.’

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