It's starting.

This is my business. The problem is that democrats want to make voting as easy as possible so it's easier to cheat. Voting needs to be secure.

In 2016 Trump claimed that he didn't win the popular vote because 3-5 million illegals voted. He didn't do anything about it when he was president. Don't be tricked by that orange gas bag.
The first coup in history with no weapons and a tour guide. What's your definition of reality?
That wasn’t the heart of the coup. The heart of the coup was corrupt political and legal maneuvering.
They still don't understand the difference between (a) a theory on what they think "must" have happened, and (b) court-ready evidence of a crime.

You can describe it like you're talking to an eight year old, and they still won't get it.

Stop counting Trump up
Resume counting Trump behind

And there ya go. An absolutely perfect example of my point.

No, that is not evidence. Holy shit, you people don't even know what words mean.

I toss the softball up in the air, they whack it over the fence for me.
And there ya go. An absolutely perfect example of my point.

No, that is not evidence. Holy shit, you people don't even know what words mean.

I toss the softball up in the air, they whack it over the fence for me.
You democrats need to cease with the anger and threats. Run on the issues. Be Americans.
And there ya go. An absolutely perfect example of my point.

No, that is not evidence. Holy shit, you people don't even know what words mean.

I toss the softball up in the air, they whack it over the fence for me.
Very real fact that millions witnessed and none can dispute. Not sure what this circle jerk is that you feel and wish is “proving your point”
The damage has been done, folks. Here we see an example of Americans denying an election that hasn't even occurred yet. Without a shred of can there be?

There are millions of them as well. They will wave the flag as they usher in a new era where only the right person wins elections.

Imagine Biden winning using math while trump disrespects 40% of the Republican voters base. Of course it's easier to blame it on "rigged".

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