It's starting.

That Biden was elected in 2020 indicates millions of Americans are either stupid beyond belief or so brainwashed and/or clueless that it is them who are a threat to our democracy as the Democrats are so fond of saying.
So there was no cheating. Then you dya there was. The conginitive dissonance of cultists lying to themselves out loud.

You and your fellow cultists are harming our country, and you should shut the fuck up immediately.
Whenever a cultist says one word about election fraud, they should be shunned and mocked and laughed at. That's the only way out of this. Make them choose their freakish lies and delusions over getting along in society.
Whenever a cultist says one word about election fraud, they should be shunned and mocked and laughed at. That's the only way out of this. Make them choose their freakish lies and delusions over getting along in society.
There is an old proverb (or there should be) that he who is incapable of arguing by any means other than silly insults is not very smart.
There is an old proverb (or there should be) that he who is incapable of arguing by any means other than silly insults is not very smart.
It’s largely said that those who express themselves in this manner do so because They Can’t express themselves
There is an old proverb (or there should be) that he who is incapable of arguing by any means other than silly insults is not very smart.
Nobody is interested in your whining. And you lying freaks have no arguments or evidence for your claims. Because they don't exist. The arguments are finished. Now you should just be mocked and shunned like the dangerous freaks you are.…no. I’m not a Trumper. I don’t vote. I think the two parties are essentially one. Joe and Don agree on all the big issues. It’s a duopoly, but hard for those in it to see it.

If you bothered to study the history of our elections before posting an OP on elections, you’d know there were many instances of fraud and unusual events.

For example, Lincoln had the army stuff ballot boxes in border states in 1864. FDR demanded those hired by his government work programs during the Great Depression vote for him. There are plenty of other examples, but you‘ll have to do the research. The msm will never inform you.
We've never had millions of Americans ready to call an election fraudulent just because their candidate lost. We've never had millions of Americans willing call an election fraudulent ahead of time just in case their candidate loses. All based on nothing more than the word of one man.

Truly inconceivable.
We've never had millions of Americans ready to call an election fraudulent just because their candidate lost. We've never had millions of Americans willing call an election fraudulent ahead of time just in case their candidate loses. All based on nothing more than the word of one man.

Truly inconceivable.
I suspect you get all your information from the msm. As such, you’re unaware of the many irregularities with the election. Are you aware of the collusion of federal government intelligence agencies and big tech to effect the election?

However it really doesn’t matter, since the two fools differ only slightly on policy.
Trump votes by mail.

I don't have a problem with absentee voting, just universal mail-in voting.

In VA here, I vote in person, but one can request a mail-in ballot, but one must request it, and also provide ID for the first request.


That Biden was elected in 2020 indicates millions of Americans are either stupid beyond belief or so brainwashed and/or clueless that it is them who are a threat to our democracy as the Democrats are so fond of saying. But yes, when the cheat is on, and the evidence of the cheat is destroyed before it can be checked out, anything is possible. Most especially when you have partisan Democrats in control of how the elections will be done in states that could go either way.

So I am not taking bets on who will win in November. But I hope and pray it isn't Biden or whoever the Democrats choose to replace him.

The deep state cannot win if they don't have the consent of the people to do their evil.
You are ready to overthrow our democratic system based on cheating you think happened but can't prove it because you think the evidence is destroyed, but can't prove the evidence has been destroyed.

All based on the word of one man.

That's patriotism for ya!

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