It’s the economy stupid

It helps whenthe gigantic b*******GOP propaganda machine spends all its time talking about how wonderful things are instead of the opposite. When nothing has really changed except the hopes of Wall Street for another bubble we can all pay for, after deregulation again.
LMAO! We had the dem media telling us how great the economy was over the last eight years. It was bullshit as we can now all see and lived through. Trump is hitting numbers in a quarter obie couldn't get in a year and you're blaming media? Are you stupid?
There is no democratic media, those are called journalists. You have Fox Rush Limbaugh Heritage Etc and then you have the rest of the world. Fox Etc aren't even allowed in most of the world, dupe.
So this new found economic growth is just a figment of our televised imaginations. Kind of like the prosperity they said we had during the obie years.
We had better economic growth last year than this year duh. The only difference is Wall Street a little bit better because they think they're going to be deregulated and have another corrupt bubble, Dupe.

You need a reality check there dupe, here's just a bit for your consideration. Try actually educating yourself, dems at this rate will lose their plantation dwellers.

So far under Trump, median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000, according‎ to Sentier Research and based on Census Bureau numbers. These numbers are not broken down by race, but it's a pretty good bet that black incomes have risen with those of other races under Trump.

The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.

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Trump's real record on race may surprise you
you have the con man Trump and bought off X cokehead pundits like Sean and Rush against the rest of the world real journalists around the world and you think we're all lying... Unbelievable

What's unbelievable is all the lies liberals come up with, then 20 minutes later they can't remember.
Give me one lie liberals tell. they're all predictions that didn't come true while you are just lied to endlessly on facts. How is the Hillary prosecution coming? So many scandals that have no reality whatsoever...

Well, would you like to start with Brian Williams, Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Rachel Maddow, Brian Ross, or the lies liberal posters spread.
Any of those or anyone. Brian Williams didn't lie about any news just a stupid story Dan Rather didn't lie somebody gave him some crap documents that told the truth. They also apologized and were punished. If fox or rush or Heritage or any of that right wing propaganda would try that they would never be on the air. They lie endlessly you name it.

So it's not a lie if you've got enough excuses.
Plus those stories were all true. What you don't realize is the this is politics we supposed to talk about politics not stupid gossip about Hillary the liar and Hillary which was all b******* total b******* about the foundation total b******* double talk and Hate... Unbelievable. I don't know what I would do Republicans and their Dukes will do anything to distract from the fact they're screwing up the country and thieving and lie Non-Stop. Lie number one the rich pay too much in taxes. So are infrastructure is falling apart and so is the middle class. Divide and conquer and Pander to the rich... And Democrats don't lie about politics. The Republicans never stop lying about politics.
It helps whenthe gigantic b*******GOP propaganda machine spends all its time talking about how wonderful things are instead of the opposite. When nothing has really changed except the hopes of Wall Street for another bubble we can all pay for, after deregulation again.
LMAO! We had the dem media telling us how great the economy was over the last eight years. It was bullshit as we can now all see and lived through. Trump is hitting numbers in a quarter obie couldn't get in a year and you're blaming media? Are you stupid?
There is no democratic media, those are called journalists. You have Fox Rush Limbaugh Heritage Etc and then you have the rest of the world. Fox Etc aren't even allowed in most of the world, dupe.
So this new found economic growth is just a figment of our televised imaginations. Kind of like the prosperity they said we had during the obie years.
We had better economic growth last year than this year duh. The only difference is Wall Street a little bit better because they think they're going to be deregulated and have another corrupt bubble, Dupe.

You need a reality check there dupe, here's just a bit for your consideration. Try actually educating yourself, dems at this rate will lose their plantation dwellers.

So far under Trump, median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000, according‎ to Sentier Research and based on Census Bureau numbers. These numbers are not broken down by race, but it's a pretty good bet that black incomes have risen with those of other races under Trump.

The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.

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Trump's real record on race may surprise you
Obama brought the economy back from the abyss and wewere the best economy in the world when he left office.
you have the con man Trump and bought off X cokehead pundits like Sean and Rush against the rest of the world real journalists around the world and you think we're all lying... Unbelievable

What's unbelievable is all the lies liberals come up with, then 20 minutes later they can't remember.
Give me one lie liberals tell. they're all predictions that didn't come true while you are just lied to endlessly on facts. How is the Hillary prosecution coming? So many scandals that have no reality whatsoever...

Well, would you like to start with Brian Williams, Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Rachel Maddow, Brian Ross, or the lies liberal posters spread.
Any of those or anyone. Brian Williams didn't lie about any news just a stupid story Dan Rather didn't lie somebody gave him some crap documents that told the truth. They also apologized and were punished. If fox or rush or Heritage or any of that right wing propaganda would try that they would never be on the air. They lie endlessly you name it.

So it's not a lie if you've got enough excuses.
All I want from the news is the truth. And all I care about politicians is their policy. You dupes are so far out in the bushes you don't even know what Democrats want to do or what Republicans are doing you believe a pile of crap propaganda this is horrible
LMAO! We had the dem media telling us how great the economy was over the last eight years. It was bullshit as we can now all see and lived through. Trump is hitting numbers in a quarter obie couldn't get in a year and you're blaming media? Are you stupid?
There is no democratic media, those are called journalists. You have Fox Rush Limbaugh Heritage Etc and then you have the rest of the world. Fox Etc aren't even allowed in most of the world, dupe.
So this new found economic growth is just a figment of our televised imaginations. Kind of like the prosperity they said we had during the obie years.
We had better economic growth last year than this year duh. The only difference is Wall Street a little bit better because they think they're going to be deregulated and have another corrupt bubble, Dupe.

You need a reality check there dupe, here's just a bit for your consideration. Try actually educating yourself, dems at this rate will lose their plantation dwellers.

So far under Trump, median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000, according‎ to Sentier Research and based on Census Bureau numbers. These numbers are not broken down by race, but it's a pretty good bet that black incomes have risen with those of other races under Trump.

The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.

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Trump's real record on race may surprise you
Obama brought the economy back from the abyss and wewere the best economy in the world when he left office.

That ain't say'n much, dupe. Pretty much all the worlds economies were stagnant. When the US is down so goes the world. But hey, feel free to keep lying to yourself, but I ain't buy'n.

It helps whenthe gigantic b*******GOP propaganda machine spends all its time talking about how wonderful things are instead of the opposite. When nothing has really changed except the hopes of Wall Street for another bubble we can all pay for, after deregulation again.
LMAO! We had the dem media telling us how great the economy was over the last eight years. It was bullshit as we can now all see and lived through. Trump is hitting numbers in a quarter obie couldn't get in a year and you're blaming media? Are you stupid?
There is no democratic media, those are called journalists. You have Fox Rush Limbaugh Heritage Etc and then you have the rest of the world. Fox Etc aren't even allowed in most of the world, dupe.
So this new found economic growth is just a figment of our televised imaginations. Kind of like the prosperity they said we had during the obie years.
We had better economic growth last year than this year duh. The only difference is Wall Street a little bit better because they think they're going to be deregulated and have another corrupt bubble, Dupe.

You need a reality check there dupe, here's just a bit for your consideration. Try actually educating yourself, dems at this rate will lose their plantation dwellers.

So far under Trump, median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000, according‎ to Sentier Research and based on Census Bureau numbers. These numbers are not broken down by race, but it's a pretty good bet that black incomes have risen with those of other races under Trump.

The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.

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Trump's real record on race may surprise you
Yes White s have almost full employment as they did under Obama so now blacks are doing better. There is no big boom Going On and there won't be is my thought...
There is no democratic media, those are called journalists. You have Fox Rush Limbaugh Heritage Etc and then you have the rest of the world. Fox Etc aren't even allowed in most of the world, dupe.
So this new found economic growth is just a figment of our televised imaginations. Kind of like the prosperity they said we had during the obie years.
We had better economic growth last year than this year duh. The only difference is Wall Street a little bit better because they think they're going to be deregulated and have another corrupt bubble, Dupe.

You need a reality check there dupe, here's just a bit for your consideration. Try actually educating yourself, dems at this rate will lose their plantation dwellers.

So far under Trump, median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000, according‎ to Sentier Research and based on Census Bureau numbers. These numbers are not broken down by race, but it's a pretty good bet that black incomes have risen with those of other races under Trump.

The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.

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Trump's real record on race may surprise you
Obama brought the economy back from the abyss and wewere the best economy in the world when he left office.

That ain't say'n much, dupe. Pretty much all the worlds economies were stagnant. When the US is down so goes the world. But hey, feel free to keep lying to yourself, but I ain't buy'n.

what misinformation did I purvey, silly dupe? Obama was perfect you don't understand how much that cost.
thank you George W bush and for allowing that corrupt giant bubble and the depression great job. And the stupidest Wars ever and allowing 911 through sheer incompetence.
There is no democratic media, those are called journalists. You have Fox Rush Limbaugh Heritage Etc and then you have the rest of the world. Fox Etc aren't even allowed in most of the world, dupe.
So this new found economic growth is just a figment of our televised imaginations. Kind of like the prosperity they said we had during the obie years.
We had better economic growth last year than this year duh. The only difference is Wall Street a little bit better because they think they're going to be deregulated and have another corrupt bubble, Dupe.

You need a reality check there dupe, here's just a bit for your consideration. Try actually educating yourself, dems at this rate will lose their plantation dwellers.

So far under Trump, median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000, according‎ to Sentier Research and based on Census Bureau numbers. These numbers are not broken down by race, but it's a pretty good bet that black incomes have risen with those of other races under Trump.

The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.

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Trump's real record on race may surprise you
Obama brought the economy back from the abyss and wewere the best economy in the world when he left office.

That ain't say'n much, dupe. Pretty much all the worlds economies were stagnant. When the US is down so goes the world. But hey, feel free to keep lying to yourself, but I ain't buy'n.

If the world were to fall back into depression, one would have to thank the GOP for obstructing all the usual Solutions and impeding the recovery. GOP is a Scourge and a lying horror.
So this new found economic growth is just a figment of our televised imaginations. Kind of like the prosperity they said we had during the obie years.
We had better economic growth last year than this year duh. The only difference is Wall Street a little bit better because they think they're going to be deregulated and have another corrupt bubble, Dupe.

You need a reality check there dupe, here's just a bit for your consideration. Try actually educating yourself, dems at this rate will lose their plantation dwellers.

So far under Trump, median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000, according‎ to Sentier Research and based on Census Bureau numbers. These numbers are not broken down by race, but it's a pretty good bet that black incomes have risen with those of other races under Trump.

The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.

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Trump's real record on race may surprise you
Obama brought the economy back from the abyss and wewere the best economy in the world when he left office.

That ain't say'n much, dupe. Pretty much all the worlds economies were stagnant. When the US is down so goes the world. But hey, feel free to keep lying to yourself, but I ain't buy'n.

If the world were to fall back into depression, one would have to thank the GOP for obstructing all the usual Solutions and impeding the recovery. GOP is a Scourge and a lying horror.

We had better economic growth last year than this year duh. The only difference is Wall Street a little bit better because they think they're going to be deregulated and have another corrupt bubble, Dupe.

You need a reality check there dupe, here's just a bit for your consideration. Try actually educating yourself, dems at this rate will lose their plantation dwellers.

So far under Trump, median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000, according‎ to Sentier Research and based on Census Bureau numbers. These numbers are not broken down by race, but it's a pretty good bet that black incomes have risen with those of other races under Trump.

The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.

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Trump's real record on race may surprise you
Obama brought the economy back from the abyss and wewere the best economy in the world when he left office.

That ain't say'n much, dupe. Pretty much all the worlds economies were stagnant. When the US is down so goes the world. But hey, feel free to keep lying to yourself, but I ain't buy'n.

If the world were to fall back into depression, one would have to thank the GOP for obstructing all the usual Solutions and impeding the recovery. GOP is a Scourge and a lying horror.

The GOP is a lying disaster... Where am I wrong? W bush certainly was a horror and and the GOP obstructed Obama on Solutions typical Solutions normal Solutions in a mess like that. Luckily America's economy is so strong we had seven years straight growth solid growth. Only the GOP can f****** the economy that's how strong it is
So this new found economic growth is just a figment of our televised imaginations. Kind of like the prosperity they said we had during the obie years.
We had better economic growth last year than this year duh. The only difference is Wall Street a little bit better because they think they're going to be deregulated and have another corrupt bubble, Dupe.

You need a reality check there dupe, here's just a bit for your consideration. Try actually educating yourself, dems at this rate will lose their plantation dwellers.

So far under Trump, median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000, according‎ to Sentier Research and based on Census Bureau numbers. These numbers are not broken down by race, but it's a pretty good bet that black incomes have risen with those of other races under Trump.

The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.

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Trump's real record on race may surprise you
Obama brought the economy back from the abyss and wewere the best economy in the world when he left office.

That ain't say'n much, dupe. Pretty much all the worlds economies were stagnant. When the US is down so goes the world. But hey, feel free to keep lying to yourself, but I ain't buy'n.

what misinformation did I purvey, silly dupe? Obama was perfect you don't understand how much that cost.
thank you George W bush and for allowing that corrupt giant bubble and the depression great job. And the stupidest Wars ever and allowing 911 through sheer incompetence.

Yeah, maobama was a prefect lying assed marxist. Bush warned congress about the shell game freddie and fanny were playing with the banks. Barney franks sucker went on national TV saying freddie and fanny were solid, nothing to worry about. It was your commiecrats that allowed the bubble. As usual the commiecrats broke it and then claimed they were the only ones that could fix it. It only cost 10 trillion dollars, about 3 times what was lost in the bubble.

You need a reality check there dupe, here's just a bit for your consideration. Try actually educating yourself, dems at this rate will lose their plantation dwellers.

So far under Trump, median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000, according‎ to Sentier Research and based on Census Bureau numbers. These numbers are not broken down by race, but it's a pretty good bet that black incomes have risen with those of other races under Trump.

The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.

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Trump's real record on race may surprise you
Obama brought the economy back from the abyss and wewere the best economy in the world when he left office.

That ain't say'n much, dupe. Pretty much all the worlds economies were stagnant. When the US is down so goes the world. But hey, feel free to keep lying to yourself, but I ain't buy'n.

If the world were to fall back into depression, one would have to thank the GOP for obstructing all the usual Solutions and impeding the recovery. GOP is a Scourge and a lying horror.

The GOP is a lying disaster... Where am I wrong? W bush certainly was a horror and and the GOP obstructed Obama on Solutions typical Solutions normal Solutions in a mess like that. Luckily America's economy is so strong we had seven years straight growth solid growth. Only the GOP can f****** the economy that's how strong it is

My guess is in your noggin, dupe. :D
We had better economic growth last year than this year duh. The only difference is Wall Street a little bit better because they think they're going to be deregulated and have another corrupt bubble, Dupe.

You need a reality check there dupe, here's just a bit for your consideration. Try actually educating yourself, dems at this rate will lose their plantation dwellers.

So far under Trump, median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000, according‎ to Sentier Research and based on Census Bureau numbers. These numbers are not broken down by race, but it's a pretty good bet that black incomes have risen with those of other races under Trump.

The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.

Read more@

Trump's real record on race may surprise you
Obama brought the economy back from the abyss and wewere the best economy in the world when he left office.

That ain't say'n much, dupe. Pretty much all the worlds economies were stagnant. When the US is down so goes the world. But hey, feel free to keep lying to yourself, but I ain't buy'n.

what misinformation did I purvey, silly dupe? Obama was perfect you don't understand how much that cost.
thank you George W bush and for allowing that corrupt giant bubble and the depression great job. And the stupidest Wars ever and allowing 911 through sheer incompetence.

Yeah, maobama was a prefect lying assed marxist. Bush warned congress about the shell game freddie and fanny were playing with the banks. Barney franks sucker went on national TV saying freddie and fanny were solid, nothing to worry about. It was your commiecrats that allowed the bubble. As usual the commiecrats broke it and then claimed they were the only ones that could fix it. It only cost 10 trillion dollars, about 3 times what was lost in the bubble.

Funny how Fannie and Freddie lost two-thirds of their market share in 2003 and private Lending institutions Pals of the bushes and the bushies took over. But you can be sure the dupes will believe anything... Fannie and Freddie was only one quarter of the bust.
Obama brought the economy back from the abyss and wewere the best economy in the world when he left office.

That ain't say'n much, dupe. Pretty much all the worlds economies were stagnant. When the US is down so goes the world. But hey, feel free to keep lying to yourself, but I ain't buy'n.

If the world were to fall back into depression, one would have to thank the GOP for obstructing all the usual Solutions and impeding the recovery. GOP is a Scourge and a lying horror.

The GOP is a lying disaster... Where am I wrong? W bush certainly was a horror and and the GOP obstructed Obama on Solutions typical Solutions normal Solutions in a mess like that. Luckily America's economy is so strong we had seven years straight growth solid growth. Only the GOP can f****** the economy that's how strong it is

My guess is in your noggin, dupe. :D
My guess is you don't recognize or can't reply to facts
That ain't say'n much, dupe. Pretty much all the worlds economies were stagnant. When the US is down so goes the world. But hey, feel free to keep lying to yourself, but I ain't buy'n.

If the world were to fall back into depression, one would have to thank the GOP for obstructing all the usual Solutions and impeding the recovery. GOP is a Scourge and a lying horror.

The GOP is a lying disaster... Where am I wrong? W bush certainly was a horror and and the GOP obstructed Obama on Solutions typical Solutions normal Solutions in a mess like that. Luckily America's economy is so strong we had seven years straight growth solid growth. Only the GOP can f****** the economy that's how strong it is

My guess is in your noggin, dupe. :D
My guess is you don't recognize or can't reply to facts

What facts? Basically all you're doing is saying Republicans are poopy-heads; Okay, and-? You haven't presented any facts, dupe, most likely because you don't have any.
If the world were to fall back into depression, one would have to thank the GOP for obstructing all the usual Solutions and impeding the recovery. GOP is a Scourge and a lying horror.

The GOP is a lying disaster... Where am I wrong? W bush certainly was a horror and and the GOP obstructed Obama on Solutions typical Solutions normal Solutions in a mess like that. Luckily America's economy is so strong we had seven years straight growth solid growth. Only the GOP can f****** the economy that's how strong it is

My guess is in your noggin, dupe. :D
My guess is you don't recognize or can't reply to facts

What facts? Basically all you're doing is saying Republicans are poopy-heads; Okay, and-? You haven't presented any facts, dupe, most likely because you don't have any.
I'm saying that W bush wrecked the world a total catastrophe and Obama fixed it despite total GOP obstruction on the most basic of solutions. The dupes seem to think it never happened unbelievable. But they blame Fannie and Freddie who lost their entire market share to GOP crony private institutions that totally f***** the world. How many facts do you want to ignore?
The GOP is a lying disaster... Where am I wrong? W bush certainly was a horror and and the GOP obstructed Obama on Solutions typical Solutions normal Solutions in a mess like that. Luckily America's economy is so strong we had seven years straight growth solid growth. Only the GOP can f****** the economy that's how strong it is

My guess is in your noggin, dupe. :D
My guess is you don't recognize or can't reply to facts

What facts? Basically all you're doing is saying Republicans are poopy-heads; Okay, and-? You haven't presented any facts, dupe, most likely because you don't have any.
I'm saying that W bush wrecked the world a total catastrophe and Obama fixed it despite total GOP obstruction on the most basic of solutions. The dupes seem to think it never happened unbelievable. But they blame Fannie and Freddie who lost their entire market share to GOP brownie private institutions that totally f***** the world. How many facts do you want to ignore?

Yes Bush wrecked a lot, but no, Obama didn't fix anything.
The GOP is a lying disaster... Where am I wrong? W bush certainly was a horror and and the GOP obstructed Obama on Solutions typical Solutions normal Solutions in a mess like that. Luckily America's economy is so strong we had seven years straight growth solid growth. Only the GOP can f****** the economy that's how strong it is

My guess is in your noggin, dupe. :D
My guess is you don't recognize or can't reply to facts

What facts? Basically all you're doing is saying Republicans are poopy-heads; Okay, and-? You haven't presented any facts, dupe, most likely because you don't have any.
I'm saying that W bush wrecked the world a total catastrophe and Obama fixed it despite total GOP obstruction on the most basic of solutions. The dupes seem to think it never happened unbelievable. But they blame Fannie and Freddie who lost their entire market share to GOP brownie private institutions that totally f***** the world. How many facts do you want to ignore?

Yes Bush wrecked a lot, but no, Obama didn't fix anything.
Just 7 years of growth despite total obstruction from you chumps
My guess is in your noggin, dupe. :D
My guess is you don't recognize or can't reply to facts

What facts? Basically all you're doing is saying Republicans are poopy-heads; Okay, and-? You haven't presented any facts, dupe, most likely because you don't have any.
I'm saying that W bush wrecked the world a total catastrophe and Obama fixed it despite total GOP obstruction on the most basic of solutions. The dupes seem to think it never happened unbelievable. But they blame Fannie and Freddie who lost their entire market share to GOP brownie private institutions that totally f***** the world. How many facts do you want to ignore?

Yes Bush wrecked a lot, but no, Obama didn't fix anything.
Just 7 years of growth despite total obstruction from you chumps
And ending up with the best economy in the world that's all
My guess is in your noggin, dupe. :D
My guess is you don't recognize or can't reply to facts

What facts? Basically all you're doing is saying Republicans are poopy-heads; Okay, and-? You haven't presented any facts, dupe, most likely because you don't have any.
I'm saying that W bush wrecked the world a total catastrophe and Obama fixed it despite total GOP obstruction on the most basic of solutions. The dupes seem to think it never happened unbelievable. But they blame Fannie and Freddie who lost their entire market share to GOP brownie private institutions that totally f***** the world. How many facts do you want to ignore?

Yes Bush wrecked a lot, but no, Obama didn't fix anything.
Just 7 years of growth despite total obstruction from you chumps

Who is "you chumps", chump? The economy was ready to go, but people were scared to spend any money until Obama was gone and the future looked less bleak.

If Hillary had been elected, a lot of people would have bailed. Another four years down the same path and America would have been just about done. All Donald's done is slow the fail train down for now. We haven't reversed course, yet.

Are you aware of how much more you'd be paying for electricity right now if Obama's planned policies were implemented? That's something that takes money directly out of people's pockets and hurts the economy.
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