It's Time For McCain To Grow-Up Or GIT!!

Are all combat vets heroes? what about the doctors and such that save their lives?

What did McCain do out of the ordinary for his job description to be called a hero?

Granted, he went-thru a lotta shit (like everyone-else, there, with him), after he was shot-down, but.....up to that point, he was a fly-boy (with DRY-FEET), who thought he was invulnerable....more-than-likely 'cause he was turnin'-and-burnin' on Dexedrine.

If people need someone to praise, as 'Nam combat-vets, they need to concentrate on the GROUND-POUNDERS!!!!!!!


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[Why do we need to attack anyone's war record? McCain and Kerry are both war heros

Kerry is no war hero.

The thing you need to realize about Vietnam is officers were notorious for recommending each other for medals when they weren't deserved.

Both McCain and Kerry were heros..

Both were golden boys who could have easily done their service in less vulnerable Navy ships far from the action. McCain chose to strap himself into a fighter jet and dodge surface to air missiles. Taking a hit and ejecting into enemy territory is not something most would volunteer for....neither is spending years of your young life in a POW camp

Kerry was a child of wealth who could have dodged VietNam service or gotten assigned to a cruiser or destroyer that would not involve live combat. Taking a Swift Boat up a non-defended river is not typical Navy duty. Republicans can laugh at his service compared to the year that George Bush spent defending Texas but Kerry saw live action and was awarded for his service
Yes, John McCain served his country honorably and sacrificed for this country. Then he came back and became a Senator and he has gone downhill ever since.

John McCain, after being beaten by George Bush, often worked "across the aisle" and was opposed to just about everything Bush. We thought it was because he was a "Maverick" that could compromise with his political opponents...Then he ran against President Obama and LOST AGAIN. So now McCain has decided to go against anything this President supports.

McCain's "Maverick" title came from anger and bitterness over losing, not from any willingness to serve his constituents or the voters. He has become the Senator from "Get off my lawn".
....And, it isn't like he's in-need o' the ca$h!!!

It's LONG-past the time he (finally) retires!!!!!!!!!

(I'm sure his wife will continue to support him.)​
Yes, John McCain served his country honorably and sacrificed for this country. Then he came back and became a Senator and he has gone downhill ever since.

John McCain, after being beaten by George Bush, often worked "across the aisle" and was opposed to just about everything Bush. We thought it was because he was a "Maverick" that could compromise with his political opponents...Then he ran against President Obama and LOST AGAIN. So now McCain has decided to go against anything this President supports.

McCain's "Maverick" title came from anger and bitterness over losing, not from any willingness to serve his constituents or the voters. He has become the Senator from "Get off my lawn".

The John McCain of today is a mere shell of the John McCain of 2000. That maverick John McCain formed an opinion and was willing to forge alliances across party lines to do what he thought was right

The John McCain of today comes across as a bitter old man. Bitter over the 2008 election, bitter over the way his own party has treated him, bitter at the loss of his legacy. He should be the patriarch of his party and is now just a punch line as he sucks up to Sarah Palin

Its a shame what a once great politician has become
Hell....who really knows....but him?

In the years, past, it would have been extremely politically-incorrect to question his integrity.

For all we know, it's possible he's always been a garden-variety opportunist!!

Are all combat vets heroes? what about the doctors and such that save their lives?

What did McCain do out of the ordinary for his job description to be called a hero?

I do not consider myself a hero, although I did save a few lives and 2 of my men actually named one of their boys after me.
I just tried to do my job even though I sure as hell did not want to be there.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm no big McCain fan but he has certainly done more for his country than this OP and his pissant followers ever will. He only put is life on the line for his country. That's all he did.

I put my life on the line for my country as well.
although some stayed stateside protecting Texas and such from Vietanmese invaders.
I put my life on the line for a war we should never have been in.
Thank gawd for US Rubber.

McCains voters keep putting him back in office.
And even tried to elect him as president.

So where does the problem really lie with McCain or those who vote for him?

WE really need to take some personal responsibility for the screwed up government we have kept electing.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
[Why do we need to attack anyone's war record? McCain and Kerry are both war heros

Kerry is no war hero.

The thing you need to realize about Vietnam is officers were notorious for recommending each other for medals when they weren't deserved.

Both McCain and Kerry were heros..

Both were golden boys who could have easily done their service in less vulnerable Navy ships far from the action. McCain chose to strap himself into a fighter jet and dodge surface to air missiles. Taking a hit and ejecting into enemy territory is not something most would volunteer for....neither is spending years of your young life in a POW camp

Kerry was a child of wealth who could have dodged VietNam service or gotten assigned to a cruiser or destroyer that would not involve live combat. Taking a Swift Boat up a non-defended river is not typical Navy duty. Republicans can laugh at his service compared to the year that George Bush spent defending Texas but Kerry saw live action and was awarded for his service
The difference (between the two) was....Kerry took-on the next challenge (after returning)....not exactly a wise-move (at that time) for someone who was planning for a career-in-politics!!



No the difference is Kerry lied about what was going on for political purposes.
I cannot understand how a jerk like John McCain has a wife and daughter that are so together. They need to do something with him.
This thread is a laugh riot.

the person who post threads as if they are cartoons telling others, TO GROW UP:lol:
When is John Kerry gonna finally figure-out his loose-cannon/military-brat days should've ended, LONG-ago??!!!! :eusa_eh:

Hey, John.....ya' Win some, ya' Lose some.

Grow-the-Hell UP, or RETIRE!!!!!!!


But But, Kerry is a war hero!! Just ask him, he'll tell you!

Just don't ask his friends

Why do we need to attack anyone's war record? McCain and Kerry are both war heros, which has nothing to do with what McCain is doing now.
I do love how the right had to put down kerry, so boy wonder's national guard record wouldn't look so bad.

Kerry.....Is that The John Kerry who served in Vietnam.....The "Reporting for duty"....John Kerry?:lol::lol:

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