It's time for the US to end the sanctions on Iran.

America is the most Prosperous and Most Powerful Nation in World History outside of God's Israel during David's-Solomon's reign.

So despite the Un Godly Democrats, Pagans, Heathens, Satan Worshiping allah following Heatens, and Homosexual-Pedophiles, there are still Godly Servants of God in America.

But when The Rapture of The Church comes, you can pick the bones, because there will be not even one good or moral person after that as millions of Christians will be called home to Heaven in The Twinkling of an Eye.

You'll be here, and if you want to see a Stock Market Crash, wait until Millions of Christians are removed from America's Economy, and elsewhere around The World.
Yeah- and? I don't recall saying differently- can you point it out? While you're at it can you point out where your god tells you the end justifies the means- or the jewish god- whichever is handy.
America is the most Prosperous and Most Powerful Nation in World History outside of God's Israel during David's-Solomon's reign.

So despite the Un Godly Democrats, Pagans, Heathens, Satan Worshiping allah following Heatens, and Homosexual-Pedophiles, there are still Godly Servants of God in America.

But when The Rapture of The Church comes, you can pick the bones, because there will be not even one good or moral person after that as millions of Christians will be called home to Heaven in The Twinkling of an Eye.

You'll be here, and if you want to see a Stock Market Crash, wait until Millions of Christians are removed from America's Economy, and elsewhere around The World.
Yeah- and? I don't recall saying differently- can you point it out? While you're at it can you point out where your god tells you the end justifies the means- or the jewish god- whichever is handy.
Like in The Days of Noah when the whole world was wicked except for one family which God saved from His Wrath, so too is this World filled with "The Spirit of Lawlessness" and therefore must God purge from The Earth, Evil Doers and all manner of wicked men, before establishing His Final Kingdom. No Evil Doer, No Non Believer, No Sinful Person, No Blasphemer, Liar, Adulterer, Fornicator, Murderer, Slanderer can be part of God's Kingdom.
America is the most Prosperous and Most Powerful Nation in World History outside of God's Israel during David's-Solomon's reign.

So despite the Un Godly Democrats, Pagans, Heathens, Satan Worshiping allah following demon possessed Mooslims, and Homosexual-Pedophiles, and Atheists there are still Godly Servants of God in America.

But when The Rapture of The Church comes, you can pick the bones of America because all that will be left is a carcass. There will be not even one good or moral person after that as millions of Christians will be called home to Heaven in The Twinkling of an Eye so that they can watch The Wrath of God, and The Reign of AntiChrist from The Safety of Heaven.

You'll be here on Earth to witness it, and if you want to see a Real Stock Market Crash, wait until Millions of Christians are removed from America's Economy, and elsewhere around The World.
Sanders is a Judas both to Israel and The US, and he is also a Liar, and a Covetous Thief.

I'd like to kick his weary soul straight to Hell where it belongs.
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Again, they did that.

Saddam Husein kicked out the UN weapons inspectors. Saddam did that. We were patient with Saddam for over a decade. We gave them endless chances to simply open up... let UN inspectors have free access, and prove they destroyed their WMDs and dismantled their production facilities.

Saddam refused. Now, you can say Saddam really did dismantle their WMD programs with 20/20 hind sight. Great. But the people at that time, did not have 20/20 hind sight. All we knew was, Saddam was repeatedly denying the UN inspectors access to their military facilities, and then expelled them.

Why would Saddam do that, if he had complied with all the demands?

So we logically, and nearly every intelligence agency around the world agreed... thought that he was still running WMD programs.

So, everything that happened there, is on their hands. Those children that died... their fault. Period.
You want to walk around with your noggin firmly planted
up Uncle Sam's squeaky-clean ass, go for it pal. Believe it all.
I like to dig for actual facts.
Again, they did that.

Saddam Husein kicked out the UN weapons inspectors. Saddam did that. We were patient with Saddam for over a decade. We gave them endless chances to simply open up... let UN inspectors have free access, and prove they destroyed their WMDs and dismantled their production facilities.

Saddam refused. Now, you can say Saddam really did dismantle their WMD programs with 20/20 hind sight. Great. But the people at that time, did not have 20/20 hind sight. All we knew was, Saddam was repeatedly denying the UN inspectors access to their military facilities, and then expelled them.

Why would Saddam do that, if he had complied with all the demands?

So we logically, and nearly every intelligence agency around the world agreed... thought that he was still running WMD programs.

So, everything that happened there, is on their hands. Those children that died... their fault. Period.
You want to walk around with your noggin firmly planted
up Uncle Sam's squeaky-clean ass, go for it pal. Believe it all.
I like to dig for actual facts.
If you're a retarded lib like you sound, you have no clue what a fact is.
It’s fucking disgusting and super racist that we don’t think Iran can handle coronavirus without the USA interfering.

So fucking racist.
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On war, Sanders is certainly consistent. Good war, bad war, necessary war, stupid war -- he’s against 'em all!

As he recently tweeted about Trump’s assassination of Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, raising the prospect of war with Iran: “I was right about Vietnam. I was right about Iraq. I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran. I apologize to no one.”

At this moment in time, 20 years into a war without end in Afghanistan -- unless Trump really does end it in the fourth year of his presidency -- with foreign policy experts constantly demanding military intervention against some faraway tribe, Sanders' anti-war sentiments are a balm to the country's weary soul.
On war, Sanders is certainly consistent. Good war, bad war, necessary war, stupid war -- he’s against 'em all!

As he recently tweeted about Trump’s assassination of Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, raising the prospect of war with Iran: “I was right about Vietnam. I was right about Iraq. I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran. I apologize to no one.”

At this moment in time, 20 years into a war without end in Afghanistan -- unless Trump really does end it in the fourth year of his presidency -- with foreign policy experts constantly demanding military intervention against some faraway tribe, Sanders' anti-war sentiments are a balm to the country's weary soul.
Sanders is a Judas both to Israel and The US, and he is also a Liar, and a Covetous Thief.

I'd like to kick his weary soul straight to Hell where it belongs.
Before we kill another million people over there.

As Coronavirus Spreads, Iranian Doctors Fear the Worst


It's time to show true leadership and do the right thing, before it's too late.

You gotta be a special kind of stupid to want to financially help that nation build bombs and train terrorists.
Fuck Iran, keep them under the financial boot until their citizens finally do something
Before we kill another million people over there.
As Coronavirus Spreads, Iranian Doctors Fear the Worst
It's time to show true leadership and do the right thing, before it's too late.

THAT'S IT! The CIA created the corona virus, Trump dropped it on Iran many weeks back in retaliation for their bullshit, they hooked up with the Chinks getting the usual aid and supplies and spread it there.

Two enemies with one bullet! Brilliant!

But some of it found its way here so now we gotta make a vaccine.

It all makes sense now. :D
THAT'S IT! The CIA created the corona virus, Trump dropped it on Iran many weeks back in retaliation for their bullshit, they hooked up with the Chinks getting the usual aid and supplies and spread it there.

Two enemies with one bullet! Brilliant!

But some of it found its way here so now we gotta make a vaccine.

It all makes sense now. :D
Poppy is in his grave ROTFLHAO I'm sure.

AP FACT CHECK: Pence misleadingly links Iran general to 9/11

VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE, listing some of the “worst atrocities” of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani: Trump “took decisive action and stood up against the leading state sponsor of terror to take out an evil man who was responsible for killing thousands of Americans. ... (Soleimani) assisted in the clandestine travel to Afghanistan of 10 of the 12 terrorists who carried out the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States.” -- tweets Friday.

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