It's Time To Admit, Sidney Powell Let America Down

I would agree that Powell let down America.

She certainly let down Trump, that's for sure.

I've known plenty of people like Powell. The Kraken that never materializes. These people are... obsessed. The landing of the plane is always right around the corner.
Another example of the left behaving as though they lost the freaking election. What does Powell have to do with anything?
Hard to believe that the Republican Party could allow a crazy nut job like Sidney Powell to have access to the President.

Especially when the President is more likely to take the advice of the nut job than his own experts
Democrats elect their crazy nut jobs.
For months and months you folks had your panties moist claiming Sidney Powell was going to release the Kracken -- even tho, I knew then you didn't even believe that bullshit....
It looked like she had her shit together. Only after the fact did we find out she was more interested in fund raising.
I saw some examples of Powell’s legal pleadings and I’d be lying if I didn’t acknowledge that her drafts (as actually submitted to the courts) were anything more than awful. I’m not addressing their substance.

I’m just saying that if you can’t correct even the heading of a brief (having misspelled the word “District” in the title), your pleadings lose immediate credibility.

Unlike Ms. Powell, I wouldn’t accuse any of the judges as being corrupt. They can be wrong without being corrupted.
I saw some examples of Powell’s legal pleadings and I’d be lying if I didn’t acknowledge that her drafts (as actually submitted to the courts) were anything more than awful. I’m not addressing their substance.
Especially when written on behalf of the President of the United States
Especially when written on behalf of the President of the United States
Did you see the 14 pager that Trump wrote to the committee this week? It's just another diatribe full of conspiracy theories, hyperbole, lies, empty claims and platitudes.

The same kind of shit they've been giving to judges all along, since they have nothing else. Anyone who chooses to be his attorney is a FOOL. Now they're stained.
Did you see the 14 pager that Trump wrote to the committee this week? It's just another diatribe full of conspiracy theories, hyperbole, lies, empty claims and platitudes.

Bullshit. It is far more substantive than anything the clown show partisan committee has presented.
I figured Powell for a shyster from the moment I first heard of her.....Then again I think the same of all lawyers within the political orbit and most outside of it.....Professional liars that are only interested in personal gain.
I think this particular lawyer is a yankee from Virginia, but I could be wrong.
Hard to believe that the Republican Party could allow a crazy nut job like Sidney Powell to have access to the President.

Especially when the President is more likely to take the advice of the nut job than his own experts
The establishment Republican Party hates Trump as much as the Democratic Party. Trump is the outsider who messed up the Bush dynasty.

"Powell said in her testimony that Trump had appointed her to special counsel during that December meeting, although Cipollone disputed those claims, saying that in his view, "She hadn't been appointed to anything," and he was "vehemently opposed" to such an appointment. Former Trump White House lawyer Eric Herschmann recalled the tense arguments he had with Sidney Powell -- calling the proposals she made during a December 18, 2020, meeting "nuts." In his testimony, Herschmann said Powell told him that all of the 60-plus judges who threw out her lawsuits challenging the results of the 2020 election were corrupt. The former White House lawyer recalled asking Powell, "Every one? Every single case that you've done in the country you guys lost—every one of them is corrupt? Even the ones we appointed?"

On Tuesday, the House panel revealed new details about the December 18 meeting where some participants allegedly discussed having the military or Justice Department seize voting machines. In another deposition featuring former Attorney General Bill Barr, said that when asked by the former president if the Department of Justice should seize voting machines, he told Trump, "Absolutely not. There's no probable cause."

First of all, let's all admit that Sidney Powell had a chance to save America all by herself by releasing the Kracken and showing all of the evidence of fraud....we gave her a pass and believed that she had the evidence but all of the corrupt judges/courts -- all 60 plus of them -- they all stopped her from presenting evidence....but now we know, Sidney was given a security clearance and appointed as super secret special counsel by Trump himself --and with all of the power he gave her, she still didn't present fraud?
Now, we all know that Trump only hires the best people, but sometimes he has been fooled and tricked into hiring the wrong people, maybe Sidney was one of them...and maybe this Brad Parscale guy is another one...This guy literally claimed that Trump did something wrong that ended up in people losing their lives??WTF? Everyone knows that it was Obama and Pelosi who was behind all of the loss of life and the injuries that happened on that great day when patriots fought for America -- along side of secret Antifa/BLM operatives and FBI agents, who were bad, but storming the Capitol was good, but, it's complicated...
View attachment 669672View attachment 669673

Anyway, it is becoming more and more clear that Trump showed weakness when he should have shown strength...he was weak because he kept asking permission from others to do what needed to be done...why ask Barr to send in the military to seize voting machines? Just do it yourself, sign an E/O and just have the Oath Keepers lock and load and go take the voting machines....if only Trump was not so cowardly and decided to use actual strength; his attempt to remain in power would be, he has left it open for Biden and Harris to do what Trump was too weak to you honestly believe Harris wouldn't overturn the election if she doesn't like the results?? Do you honestly believe Biden wouldn't issue an E/O that gives Antifa and BLM the power to seize voting machines and overthrow Democracy??
So, the republic kraken died at sea?

Or the whole premise of the Squeal?

"Powell said in her testimony that Trump had appointed her to special counsel during that December meeting, although Cipollone disputed those claims, saying that in his view, "She hadn't been appointed to anything," and he was "vehemently opposed" to such an appointment. Former Trump White House lawyer Eric Herschmann recalled the tense arguments he had with Sidney Powell -- calling the proposals she made during a December 18, 2020, meeting "nuts." In his testimony, Herschmann said Powell told him that all of the 60-plus judges who threw out her lawsuits challenging the results of the 2020 election were corrupt. The former White House lawyer recalled asking Powell, "Every one? Every single case that you've done in the country you guys lost—every one of them is corrupt? Even the ones we appointed?"

On Tuesday, the House panel revealed new details about the December 18 meeting where some participants allegedly discussed having the military or Justice Department seize voting machines. In another deposition featuring former Attorney General Bill Barr, said that when asked by the former president if the Department of Justice should seize voting machines, he told Trump, "Absolutely not. There's no probable cause."

First of all, let's all admit that Sidney Powell had a chance to save America all by herself by releasing the Kracken and showing all of the evidence of fraud....we gave her a pass and believed that she had the evidence but all of the corrupt judges/courts -- all 60 plus of them -- they all stopped her from presenting evidence....but now we know, Sidney was given a security clearance and appointed as super secret special counsel by Trump himself --and with all of the power he gave her, she still didn't present fraud?
Now, we all know that Trump only hires the best people, but sometimes he has been fooled and tricked into hiring the wrong people, maybe Sidney was one of them...and maybe this Brad Parscale guy is another one...This guy literally claimed that Trump did something wrong that ended up in people losing their lives??WTF? Everyone knows that it was Obama and Pelosi who was behind all of the loss of life and the injuries that happened on that great day when patriots fought for America -- along side of secret Antifa/BLM operatives and FBI agents, who were bad, but storming the Capitol was good, but, it's complicated...
View attachment 669672View attachment 669673

Anyway, it is becoming more and more clear that Trump showed weakness when he should have shown strength...he was weak because he kept asking permission from others to do what needed to be done...why ask Barr to send in the military to seize voting machines? Just do it yourself, sign an E/O and just have the Oath Keepers lock and load and go take the voting machines....if only Trump was not so cowardly and decided to use actual strength; his attempt to remain in power would be, he has left it open for Biden and Harris to do what Trump was too weak to you honestly believe Harris wouldn't overturn the election if she doesn't like the results?? Do you honestly believe Biden wouldn't issue an E/O that gives Antifa and BLM the power to seize voting machines and overthrow Democracy??
The line between Trump world fantasy and actual satire makes it very difficult to distinguish which of those this post is?

If this is satire, well done. If it's your may need help.
Trump was the best president ever.
Or at least the best since Ronald Reagan. Teddy Roosevelt was pretty good too.


I don’t think Donald Trump is really the second coming of Theodore Roosevelt, but there are similarities. Baseball great Yogi Berra once talked about history’s tendency to repeat as “déjà vu all over again.” Perhaps history doesn’t really ever repeat itself, but it may stutter.

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