It's time to declare a national emergency.

Much like they do with other important issues, our resident nutbags must build their argument atop a pile of lies and misinformation.

When getting what you want requires that you convince uninformed citizens to believe your lies, you won't even enjoy your hollow victories.
When are we going to impeach, try and convict this grifter in the White House? He is a genuine national security threat.

Hurry up Mueller!

By the way, I have no problem with the wall being built, but Dotard said that Mexico would pay for it, and now he wants me to.

With the new trade deal with Mexico we stand to reap billions into the national treasury that we didn't have before Trump replaced NAFTA.....think a little don't just repeat what you hear on TV.....
Just like Mexico is "writing a check" for the wall and tariffs are paying for the wall. Oh wait...
Do you actually believe a rebranding of NAFTA is going to "reap billions into the national treasury" that will pay for a wall?
The deal literally includes no language saying mexico will pay for the "wall."
The new trade deal doesn't even add new tariffs on goods coming from Mexico!
Trade agreements don't have agreements specifying country A pay or transfer funds to country B.
Also, trade benefits go to private citizens, not the government.
Oh, stop it. We already spend billions to combat illegals every year. You clowns don't give a shit about a measly 5 billion dollars - as you watched Obama send billions to terrorist Iraq, and never said a word.
This is all TDS - nothing more.
Great declare a national emergency. Based on Trump's declaration and definition of national emergency, the next president will have a much easier time declaring a national emergency on a true threat: climate change.

Do it, Trump!
BULLSHIT argument of convenience.

There was no emergency for two years and Trukp almost signed the budget....then, last second, Rush and Coulter told him “HEY! Where is the fucking wall pendeho??”. Then all of a sudden it became emergency.

And it’s not as if anyone is even pretending that 5 billion will stop illegals from coming in.
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Great declare a national emergency. Based on Trump's declaration and definition of national emergency, the next president will have a much easier time declaring a national emergency on a true threat: climate change.

Do it, Trump!
The leftist traitors WANT Trump to declare an emergency. That's why they won't negotiate for the safety of U.S. citizens. The leftist traitors believe if Trump declares a national emergency, it will be the final straw for impeachment.
Great declare a national emergency. Based on Trump's declaration and definition of national emergency, the next president will have a much easier time declaring a national emergency on a true threat: climate change.

Do it, Trump!
The leftist traitors WANT Trump to declare an emergency. That's why they won't negotiate for the safety of U.S. citizens. The leftist traitors believe if Trump declares a national emergency, it will be the final straw for impeachment.
Get over yourself. This national emergency is nothing but a charade. There is no crisis on the border. It is all being played up by Trump so that he can get his compliant base hysterical. You are all being played.

As matter of fact, it was only the prodding of professional polemicists like Limbaugh and Coulter that made Trump take a hard stance on the wall to begin with.
Great declare a national emergency. Based on Trump's declaration and definition of national emergency, the next president will have a much easier time declaring a national emergency on a true threat: climate change.

Do it, Trump!
The leftist traitors WANT Trump to declare an emergency. That's why they won't negotiate for the safety of U.S. citizens. The leftist traitors believe if Trump declares a national emergency, it will be the final straw for impeachment.
Get over yourself. This national emergency is nothing but a charade. There is no crisis on the border. It is all being played up by Trump so that he can get his compliant base hysterical. You are all being played.
Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial
A charade?
Great declare a national emergency. Based on Trump's declaration and definition of national emergency, the next president will have a much easier time declaring a national emergency on a true threat: climate change.

Do it, Trump!
The leftist traitors WANT Trump to declare an emergency. That's why they won't negotiate for the safety of U.S. citizens. The leftist traitors believe if Trump declares a national emergency, it will be the final straw for impeachment.
Get over yourself. This national emergency is nothing but a charade. There is no crisis on the border. It is all being played up by Trump so that he can get his compliant base hysterical. You are all being played.
Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial
A charade?
We should have strong border security. There are better ways of handling this than a 20 billion dollar boondoggle. The charade is that this is national crisis. Illegal immigration is down. Why a crisis now?

My previous point was beware of creating precedent. It will come back and bite you on the ass.
Illegal aliens are illegally crossing our southern border and murdering U.S. citizens.

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

That would make these criminal illegal aliens an enemy of the United States.

Democrats are aiding and comforting the enemy by setting up sanctuary cities and obstructing the construction of a barriar.

This is treason. Punishable by dismissal and jail.

This is a national emergency.

Let's get to it.
So you're saying trump is derelict in his duty for not declaring this a national emergency? Is this grounds for impeachment?
He soon will. He won't have a choice.
He had his chance to do so on national television and didn't. So how much time do you give him until you call for his impeachment for being derelict in duty?
He was setting the table, hoping the Dems would come around and protect America citizens. Today, the dems said no. So now is the time.
He’s had 2 years. How much time do you give him before he’s derelict of duty?
There is no emergency beyond Trump trying to please his base
Of course it's time to declare a national emergency.

The choice is between allowing a continuing flood of illegals with no interest in assimilating into American culture (i.e. the Germany plan) or to protect our borders (the Hungary plan). Germany's plan has been a disaster.

I vote for the Hungary plan.
There is



Illegal immigration is lower now than in decades
Great declare a national emergency. Based on Trump's declaration and definition of national emergency, the next president will have a much easier time declaring a national emergency on a true threat: climate change.

Do it, Trump!
The leftist traitors WANT Trump to declare an emergency. That's why they won't negotiate for the safety of U.S. citizens. The leftist traitors believe if Trump declares a national emergency, it will be the final straw for impeachment.
Get over yourself. This national emergency is nothing but a charade. There is no crisis on the border. It is all being played up by Trump so that he can get his compliant base hysterical. You are all being played.

As matter of fact, it was only the prodding of professional polemicists like Limbaugh and Coulter that made Trump take a hard stance on the wall to begin with.
All of those videos of protests under Obama shows a different reality. Holding flags of the old country while burning the American flag kind of sold itself to what is the truth and what you spout.

Just out of curiosity…all of the Native Americans who were killed by European settlers…are they going to be added? After all, we are the original illegal aliens.

Native Americans did not have a sovereign country. .

Fair point. However they were here first and we took over. At the time, there was no international convention on borders, where one nation stopped and the other one started, etc. So my point stands.

What is your point exactly?
Are you asserting that since native Americans had no defined borders we should have a right to sovereignty?


What we call a “nation” today wasn’t what most people called a nation in 1700 and before. Much of the world wasn’t charted. Leo said that there wasn’t a defined nation here and using Western European standards; that’s pretty accurate. However, it is not deniable by anyone other than the village idiot that they were here first so we were the “invader” if you want to use that term. Essentially the same term used by trumpians today except; of course, we actually were invaders with armies, technology, organization, disease, etc…

I get it...but why all the semantics and drama?
The British “invasion” of this nation is the best thing that ever happened to you and this country. Mexico invading this nation is quite possibly the worst thing that has ever happened to it/us. See the difference?
What’s super bizarre is it almost sounds as if you’re bummed that the British conquered this land, that we Declared Independence and sovereignty?....It almost sounds like you’re bummed that we don’t / won’t let others invade us? Do you realize how weird that all sounds to normal, proud Americans?
Just out of curiosity…all of the Native Americans who were killed by European settlers…are they going to be added? After all, we are the original illegal aliens.

Native Americans did not have a sovereign country. .

Fair point. However they were here first and we took over. At the time, there was no international convention on borders, where one nation stopped and the other one started, etc. So my point stands.

What is your point exactly?
Are you asserting that since native Americans had no defined borders we should have a right to sovereignty?


What we call a “nation” today wasn’t what most people called a nation in 1700 and before. Much of the world wasn’t charted. Leo said that there wasn’t a defined nation here and using Western European standards; that’s pretty accurate. However, it is not deniable by anyone other than the village idiot that they were here first so we were the “invader” if you want to use that term. Essentially the same term used by trumpians today except; of course, we actually were invaders with armies, technology, organization, disease, etc…

I get it...but why all the semantics and drama?
The British “invasion” of this nation is the best thing that ever happened to you and this country. Mexico invading this nation is quite possibly the worst thing that has ever happened to it/us. See the difference?
What’s super bizarre is it almost sounds as if you’re bummed that the British conquered this land, that we Declared Independence and sovereignty?....It almost sounds like you’re bummed that we don’t / won’t let others invade us? Do you realize how weird that all sounds to normal, proud Americans?

I knew some dumb ass would make the allegation you just made. I’m not surprised you’re the dumbass who did.
Native Americans did not have a sovereign country. .

Fair point. However they were here first and we took over. At the time, there was no international convention on borders, where one nation stopped and the other one started, etc. So my point stands.

What is your point exactly?
Are you asserting that since native Americans had no defined borders we should have a right to sovereignty?


What we call a “nation” today wasn’t what most people called a nation in 1700 and before. Much of the world wasn’t charted. Leo said that there wasn’t a defined nation here and using Western European standards; that’s pretty accurate. However, it is not deniable by anyone other than the village idiot that they were here first so we were the “invader” if you want to use that term. Essentially the same term used by trumpians today except; of course, we actually were invaders with armies, technology, organization, disease, etc…

I get it...but why all the semantics and drama?
The British “invasion” of this nation is the best thing that ever happened to you and this country. Mexico invading this nation is quite possibly the worst thing that has ever happened to it/us. See the difference?
What’s super bizarre is it almost sounds as if you’re bummed that the British conquered this land, that we Declared Independence and sovereignty?....It almost sounds like you’re bummed that we don’t / won’t let others invade us? Do you realize how weird that all sounds to normal, proud Americans?

I knew some dumb ass would make the allegation you just made. I’m not surprised you’re the dumbass who did.

What “allegation” are you talking about?
You’ve said what you’ve’ve made yourself look like an unAmerican fool...I’ve stood here and watched...that’s all.

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