It's time to declare a national emergency.


explain this?
Illegal aliens are illegally crossing our southern border and murdering U.S. citizens.

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

That would make these criminal illegal aliens an enemy of the United States.

Democrats are aiding and comforting the enemy by setting up sanctuary cities and obstructing the construction of a barriar.

This is treason. Punishable by dismissal and jail.

This is a national emergency.

Let's get to it.
So you're saying trump is derelict in his duty for not declaring this a national emergency? Is this grounds for impeachment?

Well, to add a level of seriousness to a funny OP…doing so would give ample grounds to an “abuse of power” charge should impeachment proceedings be initiated as there is clearly no “national emergency”
Go for it, dumbfuck.
Congress will, you can count on it, fucking moron. Congress is not going to let some renegade tin pot dictator take control of the purse strings, which are constitutionally designated to the Congress.
Illegal aliens are illegally crossing our southern border and murdering U.S. citizens.

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

That would make these criminal illegal aliens an enemy of the United States.

Democrats are aiding and comforting the enemy by setting up sanctuary cities and obstructing the construction of a barrier.

This is treason. Punishable by dismissal and jail.

This is a national emergency.

Let's get to it.
Absolutely it is time to declare a national emergency at apprehending tRump and his fellow antigovernment conspiring GOPer cronies. Its time to consider stop standing idly by at kissing the butt of this maniac and lawless tyrant of a fake so-called president. Is tRump really worth going to hell over?

Is tRump really worth going to hell over? You tell us...dumbass.
He can also take it from Defense, Foreign Aid, or other departments.

and it would barely be missed.
I think the President will declare National Emergency!

And I totally agree! Bless POTUS! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Illegal aliens are illegally crossing our southern border and murdering U.S. citizens.

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

That would make these criminal illegal aliens an enemy of the United States.

Democrats are aiding and comforting the enemy by setting up sanctuary cities and obstructing the construction of a barrier.

This is treason. Punishable by dismissal and jail.

This is a national emergency.

Let's get to it.

Well, first of all they're not illegal aliens until the cross the border, so your first sentence needs to be corrected.

As far as treason, the GOP controlled both house for the last two years... what happened?
He can take it but Congress still has to authorize the money to be spent on a wall.
Illegal aliens are illegally crossing our southern border and murdering U.S. citizens.

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

That would make these criminal illegal aliens an enemy of the United States.

Democrats are aiding and comforting the enemy by setting up sanctuary cities and obstructing the construction of a barriar.

This is treason. Punishable by dismissal and jail.

This is a national emergency.

Let's get to it.
So you're saying trump is derelict in his duty for not declaring this a national emergency? Is this grounds for impeachment?

Well, to add a level of seriousness to a funny OP…doing so would give ample grounds to an “abuse of power” charge should impeachment proceedings be initiated as there is clearly no “national emergency”
Go for it, dumbfuck.

I’m sure that someone in Congress will.
I am sure tRump is working closely with his antigovernment conspiring kissers to make this atrocity a reality with all that winning from a hell hole.

Trump could take billions from disaster areas to fund wall

So, wait, Mexico is NOT paying for the wall?

What happened?
Of course they're not gonna pay for it up front, ya friggin' idiot. But they'll pay for it...and we'll make money on the deal. Just sit there and keep your mouth shut while the Donald shows you morons how it's done.
6 terrorists were discovered flooding in from the southern border.

Thousands were found at airports and the northern border.

The GOP solution is to build a wall at the southern border.

Here is a picture of Trump's most effective prototype:


Damn, someone took a Home Depot saw to it. Now Republicans are angry someone is trying to make Trump and the GOP look stupid. Damn. Who would do that?

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